
Drawbacks Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"There are some advantages to religious belief, but there are also some major, major disadvantages."
"In some ways there is a curse to being book smart."
"It's a double-edged sword basically. It's very gratifying but at the same time, it's also like taking."
"Being a selfless person and being a people pleaser isn't necessarily a good thing."
"Technology can sometimes become a crutch, a liability."
"The LAN show, to be very clear, there's pros and cons with both."
"The service is incredible but I also kind of feel like it's a double-edged sword."
"One of the drawbacks to using an integral image is that that computational cost exists when we create the integral image in the first place."
"In terms of negatives, sure we've got some oil leaks."
"Ultimately, it is just wonderful and almost faultless, and its only actual downfall is not necessarily with the car but just with the British roads."
"The main downside to them is the limited throat on one side of the blade."
"She pointed out that while new inventions such as the internet and compact discs make life more interesting and convenient, they also have potential problems."
"The bad things about 3D printing... Number one is it takes forever."
"I think it's a democratizing force and that has its problems but it has an upside as well."
"Plants can have positive aspects but that doesn't mean they don't come without a cost. They can be more harmful than good potentially."
"Direct injection has its significant drawbacks."
"The Alchemist, it's like better than anything else like it in every single way except for its one drawback."
"Being famous... It is the worst. Jeremiah's laughing because I really don't like it. Listen, it's only good for getting a table at a restaurant, getting discounts at hotels..."
"Cons: You're not going to be getting the lowest price. Dropship distributors often charge extra fees and tack these fees onto the quoted wholesale price."
"But there's also like the dark side, the pits of it."
"It definitely has some negative effects."
"Eye drops do work well, but the problem with eye drops are several."
"Everything has a downside to it, okay? Nothing is a magic bullet that fixes all your problems."
"However, the dark side of this popularity soon erupted."
"The benefits of the new motor outweighed the drawbacks of a heavier car."
"The life of a monk has its drawbacks, though, does it not?"
"There's really no downsides besides just not being able to redeem your points exactly where you want them."
"...but this is all about Swift so pretty much those are my main cons really would be the equipment and the pay."
"Cannabis helped more than it hurt. The benefits outweighed the cons."
"Every job has a con even beauty makeup gurus."
"Computers are a curse not a panacea."
"But anyway, let's get on with the bad stuff because obviously the machine is great. There are a few bad things."
"The downfall with those is they're not going to hold fire as long and they're not going to be as efficient typically."
"Get clear on the benefits of change and drawbacks of staying where you are."
"When it works, it's great and when it doesn't work, oh my God, it bites."
"Proceed with caution: while extenders can be game-changers, they come with their own set of drawbacks."
"The composition API addresses some of the limitations and drawbacks of the options API."
"JavaScript is also burdened with a lot of bad parts, which includes everything else that's in the language."
"The number one biggest con is it's expensive."
"This is also really bad for performance."
"So if you're going to use an actor system what are some of the drawbacks so you need to be aware of all right the first one is going to be too many actors right now maybe you can't have too many kittens but you can certainly have too many act right."
"The benefits far outweigh the drawbacks."
"I think the pros definitely outweigh the cons for sure."
"It's a really great looking figure with a couple of drawbacks but nothing unforgivable, just things that kind of confuse me."
"I've found [social media] to be both wildly helpful and wildly intrusive simultaneously."
"...the pros of lever knitting which is really evenly divided work between your two hands, great tension, really good ergonomics really outweigh any of the cons."
"You can point to some really cool benefits. I can point some really cool benefits of any awful thing. But we can also do away with the awful things and still get the benefits."
"It would be too OP if it didn't have a drawback, I guess."
"Every medication has pros and cons."
"It's pretty amazing, but there's a lot of downsides."
"Every paradise has also some downsides to it."
"Individualism is now the biggest form of value, but that also has its pitfalls."
"It's just kind of a downside of being an influencer."
"Technology has some benefits and drawbacks."