
Software Architecture Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules; both should depend upon abstractions."
"Clean architecture formally has gone by other names...onion architecture, hexagonal architecture or ports and adapters...it's a domain-centric approach to organizing the dependencies in your application."
"MVVM helps us to create reusable behind code."
"A good software architecture is a bit like a tourist map of a system. It shows you enough to find your way around without going into too much detail."
"If you're going to sort of go that next step and get into bigger projects, SAS can help with the architecture of your projects."
"In short, 'Controller' is for MVC web applications and 'ControllerBase' is for MVC Web APIs."
"A real-world application is essentially a collection of hundreds or thousands of functions working together."
"Components are the building blocks of React applications."
"With this setup, both front-end applications share the same backend, meaning they're always synchronized."
"Always let the business domain drive your software architecture."
"Separate the objects out into the objects that do the business logic and the objects that do construction. Move your if statement from being inline inside of your code to the factory."
"It is very simple but it's pretty flexible and you can build really nice architecture and some really, really nice workflows for working in your team, working with your artists and designers."
"Tailwind's changing a lot of things in how we architect our applications."
"Dependency Injection takes it that next step where it says I don't want my class to know which one it's constructing."
"Angular has the concept of services, which increase modularity and reusability."
"Microservices enable loose coupling, allowing for easier and quicker changes without breaking other components."
"The horizontal scalability is like the key thing here."
"For us privacy advocates, this is great for separating not so great apps with your main core apps because they're going to be sandboxed from each other in a very clean way."
"Rather than adding the state in this movie list, we can separate that logic and information by creating a context component."
"If you have to lift state up, because multiple widgets need it, Provider is a great way of doing it."
"Provider is a really solid, good choice to make, which will hold you in good step as your app grows in complexity."
"Learn about design patterns and architecture to work on large systems and real code you'll actually see in a production environment."
"Angular uses an MVC pattern, making front-end structuring similar to back-end."
"Domain-driven design is an architectural design strategy."
"Having a full stack application with Angular on the front-end and Nest.js on the backend I think is a really good idea and very powerful."
"Server components don't run on client; they're not a client-side problem. Server components actually take something that we've kind of unintentionally forced to be a client-side problem and get it out of the client."
"It's actually the easiest way and the most effective way to decouple applications."
"Changes happen instantly in single-page applications."
"The overall idea and purpose of Redux is pretty simple... you get application level state as a one-way data flow."
"It vastly increases productivity, enables loosely coupled teams and systems, and restores separation of concerns."
"Microservices are small, singly focused, independently deployable bounded contexts."
"From the client perspective you wouldn't know if you have like 100 micro services or just some monolithic web API."
"For real security, you have to store your data on a server outside your app and architect your project around these constraints."
"Facebook's ordered queuing service: decoupling and scaling microservices."
"A state machine is a programming pattern where some structure you create is used to select between individual and finite states."
"This course will teach you the best practices on how to structure your applications and how to connect your backend to a MySQL database."
"Structure, modularity, native TypeScript support, a lot of functionality out of the box."
"Breaking down a monolithic application into smaller services is key to transitioning to a serverless architecture."
"An entity should depend upon abstractions not concretions."
"If you want to streamline your internal processes, scale effectively, and create a robust foundation for both the present and future growth of your organization, you absolutely need to prioritize software architecture documentation."
"The C4 model simplifies understanding of complex software systems by breaking them down into more manageable communicable components."
"Independently deployable is the defining characteristic of microservices."
"Don't do microservices unless you have a really good reason to do it because monoliths can be good too especially if they're a good fit for your project."
"Microservice architecture is the best."
"And whenever we have performed the concatenation as seen here we have matched that with this concatenation with this original architecture to the line of code which we have written here."
"Many companies are stuck with using Redux, and they probably enjoy it. It's not that bad."
"Well-designed software architecture is important."
"...this is why we need Dynamic dispatch."
"Microservices were promised to move faster by decoupling our services."
"That is called the external polymorphism design pattern."
"The cool thing about this 'C4 model' is that it allows you to define different diagrams for your software architecture with different views and different details that you can present and share with different stakeholders depending on how much information they need to have."
"Two ways to manage inter-service transactions are API composition and command query responsibility segregation."
"The anti-corruption layer is about loose coupling because we limit the coupling to the outer rings of this application usually on the adapter level."
"The clean architecture really brings to the table the ability to have very, very highly maintainable systems."
"It is slightly more complicated, but because of the benefits it brings to the table, it really is a fantastic architecture."
"If you're building larger systems, the clean architecture really brings to the table the ability to have very, very highly maintainable systems in the long run."
"It's a slightly more complicated architecture, but it does because of the benefits it brings to the table, it really is a fantastic architecture."
"UML provides us a common set of communication tools for presenting and discussing aspects of the architecture and design of software systems."
"Microservices are highly scalable because they are small and often stateless."
"Microservices can make the creation of larger applications a bit simpler."
"Dependency injection is built into .NET and Maui, which is really, really cool."
"Naming conventions for controllers."
"There is no one architecture to rule them all, no best architecture outside of context."
"A good architecture exists best as a moving snapshot of our current understanding of the system."
"A job in good architecture is to make change easy."
"Designing systems that are easy to change is always the job of the software architect."
"Runtime sharing is a big architectural win for consistent user experiences."
"...a full application that's multi-tenant from the front all the way to the back."
"What Nest does is it really provides a level of abstraction above these frameworks and it gives you a really great way of organizing and separating your concerns."
"This is essentially what we called a modular monolith."
"Software architecture discipline is centered on the idea of reducing complexity through abstraction and separation of concerns."
"The ugly truth though is in software architecture, there's no silver bullet to solve everything."
"Wayland has a simpler model because on Wayland, you don't have a server; the compositor is the server itself."
"Anything beyond that, I would actually recommend that you break down your application into smaller applications."
"The main benefits of these architectures is to create a layer that wraps your business logic and protects it from changes from external sources."
"Every function is actually truly scoped in the same way that the controller or a minimal API would be scoped."
"The microkernel also serves as a socket for plugging in these extensions and coordinating their collaboration."
"Software architecture... will absolutely increase your value as a software professional."
"Passing data between view controllers seems like it's harder when working with coordinators, but in practice, it's actually a great way to make sure we aren't creating hard links between our view controllers."
"Protocols allow us to swap out coordinators whenever we want, in particular, protocol composition means we can describe the behavior we want rather than the specific type we want, which is much more flexible."
"High-level components should not depend on low-level components; they should depend on abstractions."
"3 tier apps are a very common pattern because they allow you to decouple the presentation, logic, and data tiers."
"Business logic resides on the server in a client-server application."
"Microservices are smaller independent services that have their own database and they can communicate with each other using an event bus."
"Good software architecture is all about normalizing the cost of changes across the piece of software."
"The main principles in domain-driven design are bounded contexts, ubiquitous language, and focusing on the domain model."
"A bounded context is a scope in which some particular domain model is consistent."
"As your application scales, this architecture makes your code much easier to reason about."
"We're going to take you on a journey today from monoliths to microservices to event-driven microservices."
"When we add an event consumer, no changes need to be made to any producer, thus making extensibility a lot easier."
"MVC provides separation of components that allows the reuse of applications across several platforms."
"MVC is a software architectural pattern that divides an application into three major components: Model, View, and Controller."
"Clean architecture is that the inner layers define interfaces."
"Microservices are independent modules that are very small and they're small enough to take a very single action."
"Using events in this way is a very flexible way not only to make it so that your model is more testable but also to allow your system to scale."
"When you use a task queue, you get a degree of architectural flexibility."
"It supports message patterns such as event-driven state machines, sagas, message consumers, as well as distributed transactions."
"Microservices are an increasingly popular software architecture style that structures applications as a collection of highly maintainable, loosely coupled, and independent services."
"The hexagonal architecture is an architectural pattern that we can use when designing our application that aims to decouple application components."
"Loose coupling... can decouple the interactions between your systems."
"We try and push as much stuff to be as decoupled as possible by moving it to being event-based, event-driven architecture."
"Software architects are usually responsible for creation, maintenance, and updates of software."
"Accept interfaces and return structs."
"This is a clear event-driven architecture, and this is the right way to build amazon.com."
"Project for the web is based on the more modern architecture."
"Each of these services shares similar dependencies, such as the network client which executes requests."
"Thanks to the Elm architecture, it provides a very nice pattern that we can follow, a very simple API, and just like a very nice way of thinking about our UIs in general."
"When we create a struct or a class that has dependencies, instead of referencing the dependencies from within the class or within the struct themselves, we're going to actually inject the dependencies into the struct through the initializer."
"This is the beauty of the thing, right? Because the grocery services class will expose these methods but... doesn't care about the implementation of this code."
"When you deal with microservices, you already apply divide and conquer."
"A good way to reach loose coupling is asynchronous messaging."
"The role of the view model in MVVM is different from the view model in an MVC application."
"It's very, very important to talk about the architecture... this is even more important than actually building the app."
"A good software architecture is to structure the system to be soft while solving the domain problem."
"Well-organized architecture makes it go faster, tests are easy to create and maintain, and they run fast."
"We need to start componentize our application to split it into the set of components."
"Your microservices should be loosely coupled and they should have high cohesion."
"This became the Bible of self-styled software architects everywhere."
"It's an event-driven architecture; it's a pub-sub and it's a queue, all at once."
"The package that contains your domain types should also very clearly define the interfaces between those domain types and the rest of the world."
"The new V2 plugin system is now fully self-contained."
"The Cast extension takes advantage of the player interface of the ExoPlayer library."
"Containment refers to the fact that some components don't know their children ahead of time."
"Microservices is where you divide your monolithic application into multiple small services."
"Everything depends on a database, the clean architecture... shows how it all comes together."
"gRPC is designed for modern apps, particularly microservices."
"This once again became a rich domain model and that's really a vital part of what clean architecture means."
"Clean architecture means making the distinction between a layer that handles application business logic and the layer that handles enterprise or business rules."
"DTOs provide a wrapper between the entity or the database model and what is being exposed from the API."
"Here we just depend on an abstraction, on an interface that is defined in the domain layer."
"All these classes will be placed here because they belong to the core domain of the part of the world that we are actually trying to model in the application that we are building."
"The domain layer is actually the layer where we have all our core business logic."
"Channels are essentially a way to route messages with event by event to different handlers throughout your application via this thing called topics."
"If you would like to later extend this API, you can easily reorganize the structure of the application by splitting the single .py files and moving the resulting parts around according to your needs."
"The MVVM pattern is going to allow us to split up our user interface and our data."
"If we do some architecture upfront, the development will be faster and more maintainable, so our future costs will be reduced."
"If you want to keep the state of the object across request for the lifetime of an application, you use singleton."
"The main purpose of the hexagon architecture is to isolate the business logic or the core logic of our application from implementation details or external concerns."
"State design pattern would be the best solution here to keep the code simple, modular, and organized when swapping between different player states."
"Modules are very useful to make your code a lot more modular."
"Secured by design means you actually bake security into your architecture and your software design from the very beginning."
"The key idea here is to bind together the data and the functions that operate on that data as a single thing."
"Software architecture is not about folders and files... it's about the connections between these components."
"The View is the display layer... what we use to actually show whatever information we have to our user."
"In MVVM, the ViewModel has no idea, doesn't have any references to Views... it implements an observable pattern."
"The ViewModel doesn't care who subscribes to its event; it simply provides that as some data source that a View or multiple Views can connect to."
"Create a data API, a data access layer."
"MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel."
"It's the T3 stack which means it's Next.js, Vercel with lambdas, Tailwind, Prisma, and PlanetScale."
"The service layer is primarily responsible for performing business logic."
"Inversion control is one of the biggest factors that differentiate a library and a framework."
"Go kit should provide these best practices, idioms, examples, patterns for how you should do microservice services, how you should do circuit breaking, how you should do distributed systems programming."
"Instead of handling all the business logic in the control layer, we can actually create a service."
"The service layer is a layer that can communicate between the controller and the repository layer."
"With clean architecture, the domain and application layers are at the center of the design."
"Using the hexagon architecture and a screenplay pattern... fit together really well to allow us to make that happen."
"The command query responsibility segregation pattern says that we split our reads up from our writes."
"Contracts allow for tiers of abstraction."
"Bounded context is a defined part of software where particular terms, definitions, and rules apply in a consistent way."
"Domain events usually used to represent the intent that something has happened in the domain."
"The unit of work is a solution for that issue because we no longer have that same method as part of the repository."
"The JavaScript interface is so important that this is the basis on which we build our next generation of React Native interactions."
"The object graph construction and lookup and the responsibility of the business logic, those two pieces are really separate."
"It's a much more lightweight architecture."
"With software architecture, everything is a trade-off."
"Flux is a new application architecture for React that utilizes a unidirectional data flow."
"This is a good separation strategy, a good architecture strategy to get that business logic away from your markup, away from your user interface."
"Microservices are supposed to encapsulate the data that they manage as well."
"Execute the app as a stateless process."
"Let's talk about the microservices concepts."
"We're going to have a main game engine class... we're going to have scenes which have some systems."
"Viper is pretty much a template; it's guidelines on how to organize your application into those logical layers."
"We're going to be sticking with a little bit of Model View ViewModel and Model View Controller in our project."
"By having public methods and private properties, we can create some rules in our architecture of our objects."
"The MVC pattern is particularly significant because of how it applies to basically any program."
"It's not just MVC these days, we've now got things like Redux and other members of the flux family that are bidding for our attention."
"Clean architecture with Model-View-ViewModel pattern is essential in multi-module application."
"With dependency injection, your dependencies are obvious and they're part of your API."
"We're going to use the Uber dinner application, this is a project that's built following clean architecture and domain driven design."
"Coupling is the degree to which a component is connected to other components and the external world."
"Component diagrams show more complex and varied connections than most class diagrams can."
"In our clean architecture structured solution, we want each layer to be in charge of its own dependencies."
"Structuring different components of your applications as separate services provides you a microservice architecture."
"Data access should not be in your user interface."
"Software architecture is how the defining components of a software system are organized and assembled, how they communicate with each other, and the constraints the whole system is ruled by."
"The whole point of the outbox is we are doing our action transactionally and we're adding an entry into the outbox."
"Taking this NavigationStore approach, where this acts as a mediator that facilitates communication between our ViewModels, is a very powerful approach."
"Object-oriented systems are great when you're trying to model systems that consist of a large number of units that interact in very specific ways."
"The whole idea about micro frontend is all about building an app for feature A, another app for feature B, and bringing all of them together to form one application."
"The discipline imposed by modules will prevent all of us from accidentally recreating a monolith."
"React components... any data or any state is completely isolated to each individual component."
"It's all using domain-driven design."
"The advantages of a hexagonal architecture is we can begin to write our tests cleanly against this control boundary."
"The key part for any architecture is that you can separate the different components of your application from one another so you can test them independently."
"The key to building a large Web app is to not construct a large Web app; it is to break it up into small libraries and small parts."
"A REST API adheres to the REST rules."
"Eventually, your application will be a distributed and scalable combination of code and services, which adds resiliency, improves maintainability, and ultimately results in a better application."
"This approach has a lot of benefits because it helps you create parts of the software that are really small, really focused, and autonomous."
"Instead of just dumping everything they do into logs, they need to start architecting their applications so that they have metric endpoints."
"The domain layer is the heart of your application, addressing enterprise-level concerns."