
Maintainability Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Professional code means something that's going to last the test of time because we have written it in such a way that it's going to be maintainable and easily updated."
"You don't write code for yourself or the client; you write it for the next person who has to maintain it."
"Solid helps our code to be more understandable, easier to maintain, and allows it to be flexible."
"Design patterns are great, they help us build maintainable, extensible, and reusable objects."
"It's much easier to read and maintain than Tailwind because changing complicated Tailwind code can become incredibly difficult."
"The real key here is even if it's not easier to write, it's much easier to read and maintain."
"Type checkers like TypeScript or Flow make developing apps more maintainable."
"Polymorphic systems tend to be easier to maintain, understand, and extend. Those are all properties of things that we really like and we look for."
"Single responsibility principle: Refactor to keep code focused and maintainable."
"Diet just aren't maintainable. It's got to be like a life you can maintain."
"The important thing about programming is writing code that's easy to read and easy to maintain."
"Redux: Better for scalability and maintainability."
"By separating actions and calculations, code becomes more reusable and maintainable."
"...grouping code together, even if the concerns aren't necessarily the same, is very good for the maintainability of software."
"Comment your code, very important from a maintainability standpoint."
"It makes your code a little more elegant and maintainable."
"It's important to understand this design pattern because it offers a lot of bang for your buck, letting you write code that's cleaner, easier to maintain, and easily expandable for little effort."
"Dependency injection allows keeping test code cleanly separated from production code."
"Dependency injection: rewriting classes to be very generic for easy swapping of components."
"Dependency injection: making methods for behaviors and then writing the behaviors."
"How do we use custom properties in a smarter way that leads to more maintainable projects and easier to deal with code bases?"
"It's very useful for writing a backend that's very scalable and easily maintainable because of the small size of the functions that you're writing."
"The open closed principle dictates that the software modules are open for extension but closed for modification."
"A class should only have one reason to change."
"Monolithic was a big pain for us and then we thought what should be the solution and we moved in the era where we thought that we have to make something which has to be highly scalable, easily maintainable, easily testable."
"Parameterization makes the whole test suite more maintainable."
"Adopting a structured approach to widget creation enhances code maintainability and scalability."
"Enums help in making code more understandable and maintainable, especially when working in a team or revisiting the code after some time."
"Concepts simplify the code, they make everything smaller, smarter, cleaner, maintainable, understandable."
"Maintainability is a very important non-functional requirement."
"The clean architecture really brings to the table the ability to have very, very highly maintainable systems."
"If you're building larger systems, the clean architecture really brings to the table the ability to have very, very highly maintainable systems in the long run."
"Patterns that I really like in Vue are elegant when using Pina and they will help you write more maintainable stores."
"Stability, consistency, maintainability - these are the pillars that hold up our decision to migrate."
"A lot of good programming is about robustness, about maintainability, about being explicit about what the program does and how it does that."
"It provides you with code separation, keeps your test and locator separate, and makes your code clean and easier to understand and maintain."
"Maintainability is a big part of that, and we really care about helping you work on a code base that doesn't look scary, that looks fun to work with."
"Testing is a great tool for maintainability."
"Clean code does make your code base more maintainable."
"Build with reusable elements in mind as it will make the editor lighter and make your app easier to maintain."
"It's more modular this way so it's easier to bug fix and easy to extend."
"I want to enable my codebase to be flexible and maintainable."
"We prefer the pure functions because they're easier to develop, they're easier to maintain."
"You want to write code that people can read and understand and you want to write code that can be changed without breaking things."
"Minor maintainability help, potentially huge readability helps."
"Design patterns can help us as software engineers write software that's more flexible, maintainable, and extensible."
"It helps maintainability and readability a tiny bit, makes the code more understandable."
"My code is significantly simpler, I think it resulted in smaller binaries, large maintainability gains, some compile time help, and large readability gains for my case."
"Halide code is easier to maintain, faster to iterate on, and more portable than manually optimizing C++."
"This is easier to read, more maintainable, just a nicer form of code to work with."
"You have to kind of study existing projects to find the valuable things like how do you structure your code, how do you make sure that your code is maintainable."
"How easy is it to maintain? How readable is the code?"
"If you're building something that has a lot of complex business logic and you want to model that in your software in a way that is easy to change and maintain over time, then domain-driven design could be a good approach."
"With this model, you can handle any kind of state in a scalable and maintainable way."
"Pattern matching... pushes you to writing maintainable applications."
"It can give you a better development experience as well, in terms of maintainability of the software you develop, stability, control over the execution platform."
"You write code not for you, you write code for the poor guy who will maintain your code in the future."
"Reasonability means that when you're writing the code and looking at it later, you can easily understand what's going on."
"And to write clean and reusable code."
"In exchange for effort and productivity, you get better quality software that is more maintainable long-term."
"A system must be flexible, maintainable, and scalable."
"If you care about correctness and long-term maintainability of the software codebase, the correct answer to all these problems is always going to be more principled."
"It's cost-effective, maintainable, accessible, and performant."
"Having it in a separate utilities.js file basically means that it's going to be easier for us to make changes to our application later on."
"Using controllers is a much cleaner way to create web API endpoints and because of that, we have much better maintainability in our code base."
"Duplicating XAML will make your application harder to maintain."
"It's not required but it's a good practice to make sure your code is maintainable."
"This is the ultimate in scalable, maintainable development practices."
"We need to be building websites that are scalable and maintainable, right, and organized and clean and efficient."
"Always think this way to make it a little bit more maintainable, easier to read for you as a developer, for the team or something like this, and most importantly is actually to write a better code and a cleaner code."
"Semantic HTML5 helps keep our hundreds and thousands of lines of code organized and easier to maintain."
"Don't repeat yourself. It makes your code much easier to maintain, easier to read."
"Creating, writing code that makes sense and that it's readable and maintainable, is the biggest switch for me."
"Refactoring code is all about making it more readable and maintainable."
"Keep your executable sections really small to avoid spaghetti code."
"Spaghetti code is when you're writing code and writing code and writing code, and you're on line hundred and line 754, and you're typing an end loop, and you don't even remember what loop it is you're ending."
"You shouldn't need to have many comments; it's better to keep your code clear through sensible names and so on."
"The formatting of your code and the complexity of code are still maintainable and supportable."
"Creating code that is well structured as well as maintainable and type safe."
"We can make our program even more robust and more maintainable."
"I like to avoid hard coding, because hard coding makes my code more difficult to reuse and more difficult to maintain."
"The only thing worth worrying about when you look at code is, is it easy to change?"
"One of the true signs of having that clean code is how easy it is to delete it because you want to be able to rip out things that you don't need with ease."
"It makes our code easier to read, update, and extend."
"Efficiency is not only about building apps that behave quicker, it's also about building apps that are maintainable."
"Our second objective here, equally as important, is maintainability... your application is maintainable if making simple changes to it is really easy and making more complex changes is possible."
"The maintainability of the entire test base should be better."
"It's simple and it's super maintainable."
"It matters not just what I program, but how I do it, so that it's easier to maintain and update."
"This methodology also helps you discover these defects early and eventually produce software that remains maintainable over time."
"That's what it's really all about, and that should lead you to robust, maintainable automated tests."
"By refactoring, you get more maintainable codes so the next change is easier to implement."
"Through a lot of logic, you can create programs that are easy to maintain, understand, and augment over time."
"The best code is easy to understand and easy to modify."
"It helps you solve all these complex problems about writing highly maintainable, testable, modular applications that are easy to extend over time."
"If you use proper architecture, your code is more organized, it's easier to maintain and easier to extend."
"The separation of concerns principle is about focusing on one responsibility at a time, making your code more maintainable and your game more scalable."
"System maintainability: a single entry point system like the front controller means that duplicate code is easily avoided."
"You want to make it maintainable so that if there is a weird esoteric defect or just any defect, you want to make sure that somebody is able to open up your code."
"If you can get your reuse components all running through the component file, you've got yourself a pretty robust, maintainable application."
"Our end goal is to create something that can be scalable and maintainable."
"You don't want to write code that is ambiguous, full of mistakes, and of course, maintainability is also very important."
"Using best practices or design patterns from the beginning will make your automation more repeatable and more maintainable."
"One of the key aspects of Kotlin is to write maintainable code."
"Our tests immediately become readable and immediately become maintainable."
"So what I'm going to show is this pattern that we like to use in our team so it's called the page object pattern and it basically helps you write super-large UI tests which are cross-platform and it's great to maintain and super easy to understand."
"Vue.js component is easy to maintain and you can even reuse these components."
"Automated testing is just coding... you got to apply good practices for that code as well if you want to make it maintainable, robust, and not just be a headache."
"Good CSS solutions should also be maintainable, which is also sort of hard to define but a heuristic."
"Reusing test code is one of the key pillars that make tests maintainable."
"The easiest way to keep a code base maintainable is just to keep it small."
"Templates are fantastic for maintainability and far more hygienic than pre-processor macros."
"The pre-processor is derided for hurting maintainability, but it's just so powerful that you can't ignore it."
"MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel, and it is a design pattern which enforces a couple of things in your application architecture to make your application more maintainable."
"Maintainability at core, that's the heart of what a website should be."