
Future-proofing Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"You don't write code for yourself or the client; you write it for the next person who has to maintain it."
"The only real reason to go for DDR5 would be if you want to perhaps buy into a memory technology that you'll be able to carry forward with you to another system more easily."
"If you are building a home or buying new construction, even if you don’t have an electric car right now, ask to have one of these installed in your garage."
"These jobs allow you to have a job in the coming years as well without any concern when it comes to automation."
"This update really looked towards future-proofing."
"For that extra 400, is the upgrade to the M2 MacBook Pro worth it? It depends on your needs and how you want to future proof yourself."
"If you want to play new games and if you're building a new machine today and you want that machine to last three to five years and be able to play any new game that comes out then cores and threads is where it is at."
"Future proofing is what we want to convey with this regarding the memory capacity and the pcie bandwidth afforded by gen 4."
"The AM5 platform will support 24 lanes of PCI 5.0, the most of any consumer desktop platform right now."
"They have made this future proof so I think it's a great option for the smart home with that thread capability and that S1 chip."
"Make sure you have an AI proof career and job and that begins with leveraging AI to the maximum degree in whatever you are doing right now."
"Avengers Campus will age better over time and remain more relevant."
"Writing code is not just about solving the current problem, but also anticipating future changes."
"It's less than 200 us and for that you get more performance now a platform that can be upgraded in the future and ddr5 support which should prove beneficial in many of the upcoming games."
"If you really want to go all out and future-proof your purchase, that's when you should think about getting this bad boy, the series 4."
"Our unpivoted column step was successful in being able to recognize this additional column and unpivot it just like the others because we were a little bit smarter with our approach thinking to the future."
"Nintendo is simply just future proofing things."
"Fly simulator is going to be one of those games where if you can future proof you're probably better off."
"In theory, long term, you're securing your library into the future."
"I feel like is the most bulletproof in terms of future proofing."
"HDMI 2.1 means FUTURE PROOF for your 60 Hertz 8k TV."
"You need to have a plan b because that currency is not going to hold forever."
"The 8700K will no doubt prove to be a significantly better investment down the track."
"Eight cores is where it's at if you want a premium experience, some future proofing, the ability to multitask, and frankly don't want to have to worry about it."
"We have to make sure that the buildings that we're building today... it needs to be built in a way that we don't need to demolish it in the future."
"So there's that part of it and also I think it's like one of the best things to do as far as like in the future to future proof yourself."
"I really love the minimalism and having the screen with the eight cameras around the car just kind of future proofs the car."
"Do you not feel that they are essentially future-proofing themselves by having the network?"
"A lot of people might be considering now to upgrade to full self-driving in order to future-proof their cars."
"16 gig is going to give you more longevity and flexibility than 8 gig of ram over the years."
"By all the CPU you can afford, it will push off whatever future upgrades you need as far into the future as possible."
"You have to be really confident that the format you're making could continue if everything got taken away."
"Writing code is the easy part, but modifying it in the future is the hard part."
"If you want to future-proof yourself, go for the iPhone 10R with Face ID."
"I really feel like this is the one to get, especially if you want to make it future-proof."
"If you're looking for a card to last for the next three years and you want a 1080p card, these are very reasonable choices."
"If you go for next-gen, you are essentially future-proofing the game. You can push the graphics further."
"Upgrades and longitude, you want a new graphics card down the line? No problem."
"This thing is very fast, so let's just put it this way: you don't got to worry about performance for several years to come."
"The Moto G 5G Plus offers strong Orin specs and features, including a bit of 5G future-proofing."
"The PlayStation 5 is going to set you up for so many more years in the future."
"You want to future-proof things a little bit."
"The big advantage of the Ryzen processor is the AM4 platform allowing you the ability to upgrade in the future."
"I wanted to be able to have a home that not only worked for me now but a home that I could grow into."
"If you're asking for my opinion, go with the long-range model, which is a way to future-proof yourself."
"They recruit so well, it's like they're future-proofing themselves for the next 10 years."
"This power supply will definitely support it for the future to come."
"We built this PC for the mindset of upgrading in the future."
"Plenty of wattage for this build and upgrades in the future."
"The goal of this show is to give you the insights, the ideas, and the inspiration to help future-proof your career and your organization."
"If you can justify that price point then you really should spend that extra money because it will future proof your drone for a very long time."
"If you just purely need CPU power, it kind of makes sense to kind of bank on the future upgradeability."
"Build something that's going to suit your purposes for right now and for a little bit in the future."
"This stack packs a bunch of features and I have been using it on all the quadcopters which is why I'm actually putting in this one because this will allow it to be future proof."
"Another nice thing that Tiffin did is on the home entertainment electronics is they kind of made it a little bit more future proof by having an HDMI."
"...the barrels are a future-proof barrel set."
"If you're not future proofing your business with this, the people who do will beat you."
"...if you're going to get a brand new MacBook, you probably want to go for the M3 chip. It's a lot more future-proof."
"I just want to Future proof it to make sure... it stays fun for me."
"We want to make our application really easy to change, not just now but in 10 years or even 20 years from now."
"How do we set the agency up both to succeed in the future and to secure the future?"
"The idea is to future proof it a bit so that you know this might kind of get to here but the evo can just go through the roof."
"Free local AI upscaling is great, future-proof free local AI upscaling is even better."
"You're also positioning yourself with AI coming up to have a skill set."
"The other thing about future proofing is I think that there's so much change happening in the world, there's so much weird weather happening that this is going to Future proof you for that as well."
"Spend time considering your model changes to avoid future problems."
"There's a lot of people out there who like the idea of future proofing their home."
"We're focused on future-proofing the site."
"Overall, I think I'm just most excited that this is a way to sort of future-proof your house."
"The door is open for smart load control and bi-directional EV charging in the future."
"I don't think Mitsubishi has just improved on the old model, I think they've future proofed it."
"This thing's getting future proofed, so hopefully I will not need to upgrade for well over five years."
"If you get an LT today, you're gonna be future proof for a lot of years to come."
"Try to look a little bit down the line and purchase something that you're going to be able to grow into."
"By upgrading to Spring 6, you're really preparing yourself for following the system feature releases."
"A baseline full-frame camera will allow you the space and the latitude to be able to figure out exactly which further future camera you would want to go for."
"We're trying to make this as future-proof as possible."
"If you're looking for one of the highest quality analog goggles that'll be future-proof and capable of digital FPV, I would definitely consider these."
"...but then what about cat7 shouldn't i just future-proof my building with cat7 or cat eight let's talk about that now..."
"...but this is where the confusion comes in as people start saying why not just run everything cat8..."
"I love how if you wanted to upgrade to an interface and use the XLR at some point in the future, then you already have a microphone to do that with. You don't need to buy a different microphone for that."
"What I really wish is they had preamp outputs digital outputs so that when somebody outgrows this or they save up more money and they want a better amplifier or anything else a new Dack they would still will be able to use this device."
"A good quality system has almost future-proofing."
"It's better to go one rung down and then future-proof it."
"But not having that future proofing where I would like know that it's going to be strong enough to carry me through my workflow for the next few years, I had trouble really committing to that."
"Paying 650 pounds, 800 for a scanner of this sort or this type, is going to be a lot more beneficial in the long run."
"This approach is going to be good for years to come."
"It just needs to be something that's set and forget, future-proof."
"And so it really begs the question, what do we need to do? How can we prepare ourselves to future-proof our careers?"
"Automated continuous testing to make sure that it keeps working tomorrow and into the future."
"So we've basically future-proofed our touring with this car."
"As a conservator, it's not only my responsibility to deal with the problems that we see right now, it's also my responsibility to think about the painting's future and to think about the problems that it will encounter."
"The whole point of this architecture is so you can easily swap out or exchange these different modules in the future."
"When you buy the best of something, it lasts a lot longer and is a lot more future-proof."
"We didn't want to define a specification that would only last a couple of years; we needed to define something that would scale to the future."
"It's the simplest thing to start, and at the same time, it will allow us to implement new requirements in the future easily."
"It's a future-proof enterprise solution that enables modern telecoms to design, manage, and operate the next generation telecommunication network with unlimited possibilities."
"Trying to future-proof yourself? Start designing the way your team works with no-code tools, automation, and AI."
"We're trying to future-proof what we love to do, and what we love to do is go on epic adventures, travel, explore."
"It's future-proofing me where I can support this as it goes forward."
"We want to future-proof the product. We want it to still be desirable and attractive in years to come."
"Good architecture is really about reducing the cost of future change."
"If you take your multimedia seriously, this is probably going to be the best future-proofing option."
"Write correct tests, readable tests, tests that are correct by inspection to your reader which may be you in the future."
"Starting a YouTube channel can future proof your business and your personal brand."
"You're really going to enjoy the performance and you're going to kind of future proof yourself going with a box like this."
"Either go for the 329 iPad if you're on a budget or go straight to the 800 M1 iPad Pro if you're willing to invest the extra cash to make sure that it's future-proof."
"We want to get security done so we don't have to deal with this problem five more years down the road."
"IPv6 is the future, and ideally what we want is we don't want to have this same problem a few years down the line where we run out again."
"The cryptographic mechanisms that are being considered, are they future proof or quantum proof?"
"What is better for your business now, and what is better for your business in the future?"
"I'm effectively just building a future-proofed fleet."
"We should do vaccine research that will make a vaccine that not only protects against what's around now but whatever is going to come in the future."
"The future is technical, and so if you want to have a secure place in the future, then you should have technical knowledge and programming is a great choice."
"It's future-proofing and you get the added bonus of easy firmware updates."
"You write code not for you, you write code for the poor guy who will maintain your code in the future."
"By authoring good HTML, you're helping to make the document future proof."
"Even if the technical apparatus leaves you in the future, the ideas will remain."
"Two M.2 slots gives you a lot better future proofing and upgradeability."
"With IP, it gives us that flexibility of being able to change for whatever comes next."
"The way to really future-proof yourself is to create agility in terms of your ability to be more flexible and more curious."
"Learn skills that will be more and more valuable into the future rather than skills that'll be less and less valuable."
"By leaving double the amount of string or line in there, you always have a line that you can leave in the conduit for running future wires."
"Keeping things in plain text, in Markdown, in Obsidian is a great way of future-proofing your knowledge, your work, and just keeping it simple."
"Our strategy, UCL 2034, was designed to protect us into the future and to give us a clear set of guidelines by which we could conduct our academic activity."
"WordPress continues to evolve, so by taking the block theme approach serves as a great strategy for future-proofing your website."
"Be kind to everyone or you're not going to be relevant in two years."
"Rec 2020 is probably the best setting to leave it on if you want to future-proof your footage."
"If I had to pick one, I would pick the AnyTone because it's more future-proof."
"That hardware is going to be good even five years in the future, ten years in the future."
"The reason we write these tests is not just to make sure our code is working today, but to make sure our code is always working in the future."
"I have a way to build every weapon that's come with but also future-proof myself against any extra sprues and stuff that they're going to come out with in the future."
"The M3 chip will also likely be supported longer with macOS updates."
"We compute the entire n by n matrix and then mask out words in the future."
"We're not just designing a website, but you're future-proofing your client's brand."
"It future proofs you with the latest HDMI standard and the latest copy protection."
"I'd love to get your thoughts on future proofing of sites."
"We don't break things intentionally, and so the intention is that five years down the road, code that you've written today should still be able to work with a future version of the language and a future version of the tools."
"You need to consider what you're going to do in the future when it comes to building something that you've actually got full control over."
"The importance of PQC in the era of quantum computing cannot be overstated."
"Guru Ji made it indexable; it's future-proof."
"Writing tests is not necessarily just to make sure that it's working right now but it's making sure that it always works in the future."
"We shouldn't be in the moment all the time; planning is useful, future proofing is useful, reflecting on the past is useful and fun."
"Maintainability is all about the future, about being able to look after and fix and extend your code."
"The code that you're writing today should work in ten years from now."
"One of the main reasons why I bought this thing is that this in the future can actually support 4K at 120 frames per second."
"I personally just wanted to get this just to future-proof myself."
"It means that software projects do not need to worry about their code being broken in the future."
"They did an 8K scan so something that would stand up through numerous future High Definition formats quite easily."
"Having that broader compatibility gives you flexibility not only today but also down the road with whatever you want to do with your smart home."
"You don't need oodles of bandwidth and bus width to access more vram, so putting more vram on these cards definitely will make them more usable in the future."
"Make sure it's future-proof so in about a year's time, you're not wanting to upgrade it to something else."
"Make sure you safeguard your future by learning as much as you can."
"You can always move your site somewhere else if your needs ever change in the future."
"If the Wi-Fi is important to you, if you can use that in what you're doing now or maybe what you might be doing in the future, that's just a great benefit."
"If your budget can stretch to it, I always say where possible future proof yourself."
"All of these features can help you improve your return on investment on Salesforce and help you future-proof your Salesforce skills."
"If you're trying to make a site that's not just good looking the day you launch but also planning for the future, creating layouts might also think about applying some kind of design framework."
"Making your game easier to build on isn't just about the present; it's about setting the stage for future development and expansion."
"By applying service design methodology, it also helps to be more agile and future-ready."
"It's not only future-proof but you also get all the benefits of working with higher resolutions without the massive data rates that could be possible with 8 or 12K."
"We can really save this out in so many different formats and really keep this kind of future proof."
"I like to make anything that I make serviceable for people in the future."
"For those of you guys who are worried about future-proofing your devices, Lenovo has answered that by giving you a Type C."
"This camera is just a way of future-proofing myself."
"You would like to upgrade your cryptography and start using post-quantum crypto as soon as possible."
"The purpose of design is to allow you to do design later, and its primary goal is to reduce the cost of change."
"We're kind of building it in future-proofing for the next five years to make sure this is an amazing financial product."
"Everything that we're going to be demonstrating as far as building this language, this will be something that's not going to go obsolete once the new GUI system is out."
"This is a great temporary solution and when we do get our cellar fixed, these shelves will move down there."
"You're going to communicate to somebody they will never meet; that's the goal of literate programming."
"I wanted to upload things into PyPI, I wanted to be able to wrap my software and actually enable it to be installed by my future self."
"We're going to be ready for devices that don't exist yet."
"Developing on Chrome OS could future-proof you from devices that haven't been invented yet."
"It is a bad idea to purchase a new internal combustion engine vehicle."
"The real problem with these types of definitions is that they pretend that the data set in front of you is the only data that is ever going to exist now or forever in the world."