
Software Design Quotes

There are 547 quotes

"A class should have one and only one reason to change."
"You should be able to extend a class behavior without modifying it."
"Derived classes must be substitutable for their base class."
"Clients should not be forced to depend on methods they do not use."
"High level objects should not depend on the low level implementations or high level modules should not depend on low level modules."
"This course culminates in final projects which ultimately will be your opportunity to design your very own piece of software."
"And this just refers to a separation of concerns. Your logic goes in this file. And your aesthetics and formatting go in this other file."
"The software is trying to strip back the power of any one individual app to demand your attention and therefore control your life, and I'm all for that."
"Error prevention is important for trust-building because when warned of unsafe behavior, we learn to trust the software and know that it's got our best interest in mind."
"The way that SwiftUI does this is amazingly simple. It's one of the more elegant things in all of SwiftUI."
"Modules support clean code, minimizes dependencies."
"The Combinator pattern is an awesome design pattern."
"Now you can see the power of the Combinator pattern."
"Interfaces are better than classes abstract classes."
"But I really think that compositional and modular software you know and being able to reason compositionally about software is the way to get us to you know programming sort of in the large."
"Now we completely understand the big picture, how to work with the constructors in classes, and what are the best practices that you should go ahead and implement."
"Now, if I was one day to go ahead and create more kinds of items, and from them to call the apply discount method, that's also going to work."
"Multiple inheritance in Python and in other languages is something that's frequently argued whether it's good enough or sane or insane."
"Feedback is simply informing the user that their actions were received and that the software is now busy performing the task."
"If software waits longer than 0.1 seconds to show a response to a user's action, users will assume they missed and try again."
"We can then proceed to move on to the personalization tab found here on the right-hand side."
"Consider your client interface and how their interactions impact your app's structure."
"Separation of concerns: HTML for content, JavaScript for behavior."
"Cohesion principle suggests that related functionalities should be part of one unit, like a class."
"The customization elements are basic for now, but it's a really nice simple experience."
"A better design would always be to use a const."
"Let what the user actually fix it if it's his mistake then you should fix it."
"This sign-in button should probably go away once we sign in, or it should show us kind of our user's name or our user's email."
"No locks, no conditioned variables, no callbacks - it's really the syntax and the structure that Go gives you that makes this possible."
"Flying controls are awkward; clearly made for mobile then ported to PC."
"Method overloading allows multiple methods with the same name to be defined in the same class."
"So the Cardona network stack you are using today was highly influenced over concepts that we learned from RENA."
"Switch statement in your code base is usually a clear sign that polymorphism is begging to be there."
"Apple's software is polished, with a simple grid of icons and excellent app support."
"Pixel 3 has the most simple and minimalistic software."
"You can design multiple forms based on the same table... giving access to a specific individual to just utilize that form."
"Objects and methods: the foundation of creating complex systems in Python."
"Abstract classes are used when you don't require all methods to be implemented."
"This lets me segregate out my data from my design."
"Everything's being defined in a declarative manner."
"Constraints are your friend, constraints are what allow you to do really great things in fusion 360."
"Our goal now is to have the sparkvue take up all of the height remaining in the screen once all the other widgets are placed."
"Valve has done a great job hiding sort of the guts of Linux from the average person... it really is just a system you fire up."
"I think with Windows on this council it just it looks nice it's very appealing to the eye the colors are not too exuberant but they aren't too like faded out and grainy they're just that right balance"
"In Xamarin.Forms, we use XAML to define the visual appearance of our app and code-behind to implement how the user interface behaves."
"It's easier to understand, easier to use, easier to balance."
"MVC is really a design pattern; it's not a language."
"Volley abstracts away the underlying network transport."
"Abstract as early as possible, that is the craziest statement I've ever read."
"Proper dependency injection, proper structure, and way more manageable."
"It's just significantly more manageable approach."
"Data-oriented design promotes domain knowledge."
"With data-oriented design, things look simpler."
"Separate your front end and your back end so if at any point in time you want to create a different kind of representation of your data on the front end, you can just use the same API."
"Strucks are going to provide us with a way for us to define our own data type."
"REST provides us with guidelines on how these APIs should be constructed."
"There is only one copy of a static member in memory, no matter how many objects you create."
"Apps operate slightly differently and being that iOS is only run on a handful of devices it's often easier to design it for those devices so a lot of times iOS apps are a little bit more robust in my opinion and they have some better features."
"The theming looks perfect, it looks like a native KDE plasma application."
"Lubuntu has put a lot of effort into theming and making a really polished product."
"Notability has a simpler and easier-to-use interface."
"If you want to change something out, we don't have to go to that specific class and start altering the class."
"There's polish all the way from the boot screen, where you enter your password, the login screen, the wallpaper... Everything has been touched by the System76 engineers."
"Clippy was universally hated and deemed way too distracting."
"The Messages app looks a lot more like iOS and iPad OS now."
"With records, making copies with changes is simple."
"You can inherit with records...what if I want to inherit from one record to another, can I do that? Absolutely."
"If you have any kind of mutation of your object or any part of your object, then records are not for you."
"Now you're prepared to know when and how to use records."
"We don't want to be able to move past that border which is in the middle of the screen."
"I want them to have to actually press it each time."
"UI is clean, functional, and quick, giving rapid access to all necessary information."
"The operating system is just something that mostly gets out of my way."
"Built on Google's Material Design: High-quality experiences guaranteed."
"There's a lot more we can do with theming, we can nest themes, we can add on different types of styling."
"By building a more modular and decoupled system allows for a lot of iteration by designers."
"Express uses the MVC design pattern: controllers direct traffic, models work with databases, and views display the user interface."
"A two page design suddenly becomes something that's legitimate and maintainable."
"We want our program to greet the user as the very first thing."
"Set up a user interface that works across any number of levels."
"Writing code is not just about solving the current problem, but also anticipating future changes."
"Design your code with scalability in mind from the beginning."
"We want to make things flexible, scalable, and well-organized."
"The beauty of the validation failure handler system is that they are fired before any damage is done."
"The new GUI in there is just so intuitive I can't get enough of it."
"We weren't trying to design a better C++ or even a better C; it was to be a better language."
"Every program that is created must have a purpose. If it does not, it is deleted."
"A good user story is accurate enough to capture the goal and vague enough to allow lots of different ways to achieve the goal."
"Rather than seeing Clippy as this warm, welcoming, helpful addition to the Windows experience many people just found him very annoying, distracting and felt that he complicated things even further than before."
"Test-driven development brings design front and center into the process of software development."
"If you want to move around the different sections, it's really easy, it's actually just drag-and-drop."
"Usually what we want to do when we pass in properties is make that into a state."
"Django follows the MVT design pattern: Model View Template."
"Good software is made by first acknowledging these communication difficulties and adding in steps to bridge the gaps."
"Handling state is great, but you don't want to have a giant, big, single state class with tons of complex state in there."
"If you have to lift state up, because multiple widgets need it, Provider is a great way of doing it."
"Know when to make new components...anytime anything's functionality becomes unwieldy or it represents its own thing..."
"Everything on this version of Windows is entirely modern which is great for those who are interested in consistent user interfaces and all of that good stuff."
"This is a great step in making tedious tasks more fluid and I love it."
"The solution is whenever people want multiple constructors you should give it to them, and don't decide on one over the other. The technique for doing that would be to provide an alternative constructor via class method."
"Python APIs are clean and beautiful. They don't have getters and setters everywhere. In fact, if you find yourself dividing, assigning a getter and setter, you're probably doing it wrong."
"I really do like the design, I like the look and feel of it a lot more than I did the previous IDE."
"Have your methods, your classes focus on one job and do it well."
"Angular uses an MVC pattern, making front-end structuring similar to back-end."
"Python is designed to be fast to develop in and excels in that regard."
"You can add as many commands as you like because we've designed it in a way that just makes it really easy to do."
"Tabs at the bottom, click around to different pages."
"It was purely tile-based, not only was it tile-based, but all the tables for how the entire thing looked were hand-coded."
"All of these services could just be one monolithic service. It would save us memory and resources."
"It really cleans up your props and, in general, makes the code that you're working with much easier and cleaner in my opinion."
"This pattern of having a stateful parent that renders stateless children is essential in React."
"There's a lot of familiarity and simplification going on here."
"The setup Wizard and the workflow are super beginner friendly."
"Spring Boot: eliminating the need for extensive configurations."
"The start menu is completely redesigned. It looks really great. At the top, you have a search. You can also obviously click the search bar down here and search. Actually seems really cohesive now."
"This just might be the most thoughtful Android version we've used ever."
"The software you use should help support what makes you successful, not force you to change to fit to rigid rules."
"Is this a load screen or an asking the loading screen very, very poorly."
"You can't normally put os2 on this thing... but not with ARCA OS because it is designed with newer Hardware in mind."
"The UI is incredibly, insanely simple, straightforward. You cannot find a UI like this in Illustrator."
"Unity came from an idea when everyone was going to widescreen."
"Rust promotes side effect free patterns and functional and reactive programming."
"Singletons are a source of religious warfare among programmers."
"I think that domain driven design is the best book on software design it's certainly the best that i've ever read."
"So what is the command design pattern? Well, the basic definition is the command design pattern is a behavioral design pattern in which an object is used to represent and encapsulate all the information needed to call a method at a later time."
"Understanding the distinction between actions and calculations is fundamental in functional programming."
"Being user-friendly means offering users tours of the user interface."
"HTC Sense 5, the latest version, offers a cleaner overall design."
"There's some really nice tooltips that go along with us."
"When we made it frozen, we wanted to be immutable so you can't write to it or delete an attribute. This is fantastic."
"This component doesn't know if it's talking to an API, local storage, index DB, or just memory. Instead, it's just calling a function."
"Overall I am happier with this code. There's not like index DB code sprinkled everywhere."
"Design is the choices that we all make every day when we write good code."
"Redux forces some constraints, but constraints turn out to be just as important as features."
"Represent your data in a way that's robust, testable, maintainable, and easier to reason about."
"Everything just launches as is; once you click X over here, it's gone for good."
"Inversion of Control is a more flexible way to manage object dependencies and its lifecycle through dependency injection."
"It allows components to communicate asynchronously, promoting loose coupling."
"We inherited the state and functionality which a vehicle has, and we inherited that in our car vehicle and in our plane vehicle."
"The main benefit of using the dependency inversion principle is that dependencies can be swapped out without having to modify the class that uses them."
"When you start to extract and extract and extract, you find the true object-oriented structure of the system that you're trying to design."
"The main reason you choose a Singleton is because you need that uniqueness."
"A microservice is defined by these properties: small, focused on one task, aligned with a bounded context, autonomous, independently deployable, and loosely coupled."
"Dependency injection is a design pattern in which a class or object has its dependent classes injected, rather than creating them directly."
"Now that you have some examples on how to apply the solid principles in C++, I hope you will go forward and design or refactor your systems to be as agile as you claim your company processes to be."
"In domain driven design, factories encapsulate complex logic for creating instances without exposing implementation details."
"And maybe what services are gonna act on that event and how are we then gonna define our bounded contexts."
"Software design is an exercise in human relationships."
"The very act of writing the test first forces you to decouple things that you never thought to decouple before."
"Design your classes so that they have only one reason to change."
"A class should be open for extension but closed for modification."
"You should be able to change what a class does without changing any of the source code of the class."
"Every framework author wants you to couple to their code because somewhere in the back of their mind they know that once you've done that, you can never get away."
"So potentially you could have your own WPF control that does select and it hooks in the pro select button so when your user clicks here and they come over to the map they're just using the select button."
"Dependency Inversion Principle: The most flexible systems refer only to abstractions, not to concretions."
"Depend on abstractions, whether abstract classes or concepts, instead of concrete types."
"A class should only have one reason to change."
"Prefer cohesive software entities. Everything that does not strictly belong together should be separated. That ultimately is the single responsibility principle."
"Software artifacts should be open for extension but closed for modification."
"What is cooperative multiple inheritance? Cooperative multiple inheritance is where you design a tree of classes where everybody is cooperating."
"...but more importantly i'll tell you the lessons that you can learn from the design of these features in the standard for the design of your own software when you build it."
"Algorithms are a building block. Little algorithms are used in big algorithms that are used in even bigger algorithms. That's good software design."
"The solid principles of software design: S stands for single responsibility principle, O stands for open close principle, L stands for list scores substitute principle, I stands for interface segregation principle, and D stands for dependency inversion principle."
"You don't put models into your dependency injection."
"Object pool design pattern helps us to better manage automatic memory allocation and garbage collection processes."
"It's a design pattern in test automation that creates an object repository for storing all the elements."
"Design patterns always help reduce dependencies and provide abstraction."
"Secure by design means that you bake security into your software design from the beginning."
"Spring state machine is useful, particularly in these long-lived distributed transactions or distributed worker scenarios."
"...it makes total sense to ask about features first and then derive the architectures from those features..."
"...but it's a good idea to have a good understanding or at least an idea of how systems like this are designed in reality..."
"Encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism: the four pillars."
"So, my recommendation if you want to try these concepts is to isolate part of your system, something you know tiny in your system and reimplement it, maybe with a clean architecture, something that doesn't affect the rest of the architecture."
"Netmiko was designed specifically with networking in mind."
"Open-Closed Principle: Design your code to be open for extension, closed for modification."
"Use Dependency Injection in Nest.js to enforce the Open-Closed Principle."
"Liskov Substitution Principle: Subclasses can be substituted for base classes without affecting correctness."
"Interface Segregation Principle: Define fine-grained interfaces tailored to specific needs."
"Single Responsibility Principle: Each module should be responsible for a single task."
"Don't violate the Single Responsibility Principle by mixing tasks."
"Split interfaces into smaller ones to avoid unnecessary methods."
"Dependency Inversion Principle: Depend on abstractions rather than concrete implementations."
"Svelt has built-in this whole store concept where you can subscribe to values when they get changed you can update them and they'll get updated everywhere in the app and you don't require an external library like view x does with vue.js."
"The most important principle of functional programming is composition."
"Dependency injection is a pattern to implement inversion of control."
"It's really very important that if I define a new class, I can make an old type like int an instance of it."
"The domain events pattern is a fantastic way for us to ensure that whenever we make certain changes in our domain, an event is then published."
"The separation of concerns is very, very clean, and the way that it's structured is very neat, and that's one of the things that makes this very testable."
"Refactoring is a way to hone our software design skills."
"We're looking for a... form of less tight coupling or loose coupling."
"Singleton essentially says, 'Hey, if you've created it once and you want to get it again later, then go ahead and retrieve that same instance.'"
"Repository pattern abstracts the data layer, making it easier to switch databases in the future without rewriting application logic."
"Always keep in mind clean software design."
"The repository pattern is essential for minimizing duplicate data's logic across our service and decoupling application logic from the data layer."
"Designing systems that are easy to change is always the job of the software architect."
"It is very forgiving, in that if you make a mistake, you can always go back and change it."
"Software architecture is best defined by representing the stuff that we wish we had got right."
"I think there's a lot of power in having strongly typed decorators that can operate on the arguments of a particular function."
"We are implementing a singleton pattern to ensure only one instance of each delegate object can be created."
"Using delegates allows us to decouple validation from any particular form."