
Market Challenges Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Selling something that is not ten times better than the nearest competitor is very hard."
"We can't compete. We can't surface our products that are new and innovative and truly valuable to consumers because other products that aren't so great are playing this game of review manipulation."
"Trading is hard. It's a very difficult thing to do. It's not something you're set up to succeed in by market makers, by institutions, by the system itself."
"Crypto is a brutal market, and it will eat you alive."
"Trading in the market is not easy, it takes time, skill, and a different mentality."
"I'm going to play real country music, and since I'm playing real country, no one's going to play it anyway."
"It's important to create meaningful relationships... if you go in there and just slashing prices... typically you'll get chewed up and spit out."
"There's no way to really stop these Jordan bootlegs." - Bootleg shoes continue to be manufactured at alarming rates.
"EVs are not there yet—right now, they’re too expensive, too short range, and too slow to charge—but they’re close."
"Metroid is a beloved and iconic series which has struggled to find its place among Nintendo's more popular IP."
"It is very difficult to time the bottom and it's difficult to time the top."
"The new car market this year is getting worse and worse with an increasing number of dealerships and growing piles of unsold vehicles."
"Coke's, they can't change their recipe. So what are they gonna do?"
"Launching Lovelace at a price that makes any sense compared to the used market is going to be brutally hard for NVIDIA."
"I think something to bear in mind is that technology developing technology is really difficult and it's extremely rare for any newcomer to a specific marketplace to actually produce a market leading product on the first go."
"Every time Bitcoin gets challenged, it puts up another shield and gets stronger."
"They're at that point where they're like, 'Yeah, we're heavy in Seattle, and guess what, we can't really make a go of it.'"
"Every recession is different... it's really hard to read the tea leaves in this market."
"It's difficult for me to envision the new gold star having the kind of success that the Interceptor has had."
"No way you can stop me with Saturn games costing a fortune on eBay; backups and reproductions have become essential to the experience of owning the hardware."
"Well-managed companies that focus on meeting the needs of their customers may lose market leadership when new unexpected market disruption arises."
"It's an impressive rebound for a company many worried would be a casualty of the smartphone revolution."
"If you're not your number one fan, you've lost because the market's really good at tearing you down."
"The market is going to challenge your belief systems."
"You just can't release stuff like this now and expect it to be an instant success."
"The only problem that competitive Cod has ever had is that there's just not enough eyes on the product."
"The electric car revolution may be harder to kick start."
"The stock market might be a jungle but the SEC is finally waking up from the coma."
"Intel struggles with comparing their products to competitors' but they're starting to give up."
"Apple's Global business is increasingly being threatened by things they have to do to make sure they stay in China's good graces."
"Imagine that, all the Independent Grocers working with razor-thin margins already are probably just going to call it quits and file for a wave of bankruptcies."
"Lower demand is bad, it’s wreaking havoc on the industry, but it is a potentially surmountable problem."
"In the EV world, trickle-down ownership doesn't work the same."
"This cold is going to flush out weak companies and only the strong will remain."
"Imagine being a vendor at a local market, then having to quickly move all your produce out of the way so that you don't get hit by a train."
"I think the other problem facing the guitar Market this is not specific to these instruments but it does affect guitars like this more and more small mom and pop shops are independent dealers like us are closing."
"I am pumped, am I losing money? Yeah, I'm losing some money now. I think everybody is, you see a lot of tension out there, people are upset."
"The Japanese companies were kicking our asses so hard."
"This market, any market right here, this thing, this beast, this juggernaut of crypto, this is not your friend."
"There are many contributing factors as we sit here in August: high demand for gaming GPUs, cryptocurrency mining, supply shortages, limited wafer allocations at fabs, logistics issues due to the global pandemic, tariffs, and several other reasons."
"Creating new franchises and breaking into the market is harder than ever, and I mean, he pretty much is spot on there."
"Considerations: 'Rolex offers value retention, but supply issues are concerning.'"
"Sony's handheld consoles were always going to be second fiddle to Nintendo's lineup, but things didn't go well for the Vita at all."
"Desperation at Nissan and other automakers as they realize their cars are not selling."
"The hard work for EVs has only just begun. Tesla's position as a cost leader and innovator is crucial."
"No plan survives contact with the enemy. The enemy is the market."
"Discoverability is a concern. You may not even realize what games are available."
"The automotive market needs a lot of help and needs a lot of things to be fixed."
"Don't let the price beat you down. Stay true to yourself, stay true to convictions."
"Anything that doesn't kill bitcoin makes it stronger."
"Plenty of opportunity right now, but you need to stay focused. It's war, a currency war."
"The real story here is much more complicated, and it's better to think about this as a sequence of events."
"Every Trader loses money, every Trader does it wrong."
"Competition is going to become more and more fierce, and if you don't have good user experience, chances are you're gonna get left behind."
"Being screwed over is definitely the best way to learn in these markets."
"Companies like Visa are having a hard time competing with that."
"Ultimately, it's the debt problem as well. It could be risks in the markets. It's really hard to find out what works."
"Competition breeds innovation, right? So innovate or fail at the hands of incompetence."
"A market regime not supportive, yet still competing."
"Netflix executives said that they couldn't exactly specify what affected the new net new subscribers but it could have been due to 'covid overhang' and a marginal impact from competition."
"Japanese automakers looked like they're already left behind and incapable of taking a lead position."
"McCarthy says if the Chinese Communist Party cannot sort out the property markets it is a one-way train to hard times for the Chinese economy."
"Stadia will continue to struggle... their business model does not make much sense."
"There's an awful lot of pain which the markets and the economy are going to face."
"There's a lot of things that are going to be dragging on the markets going forward."
"Under Armour is struggling to keep up with Nike and Adidas."
"There's no one place you can go to buy a graphics card."
"You're in a commodity business, you have to create a differentiator."
"You're competing with the scalpers, you're competing with the miners, you're competing with supply and demand."
"More problems in the market mean more entrepreneurs are born."
"Corsair Gaming in the long term still intact, short term is just a complete disaster."
"The Fed can tighten but they can't normalize."
"If you're not willing to adapt in the certain market environment, you're going to get destroyed at some point. That is what happens."
"Trading in a bear market is like trying to ski up the mountain instead of down it."
"People out there are struggling, people are getting scalped on eBay."
"What's really challenging, especially in the time that we are in right now with the market where trucks are scarce... Do not let them get you for a truck like this for 90 or 100 thousand dollars, it just doesn't make sense."
"If anything can take down Florida's housing market right now, I believe it is homeowners insurance because this is the biggest wild card that people are facing right now when it comes to owning a home."
"The whole point of having a game is to make it competitive and fun. But if you're a small market owner like the A's owner, then therein lies the problem."
"I know how scary it is to purchase a home when it seems like so much is working against you."
"Housing has put homeownership beyond the reach for many."
"How do you have the conviction to put capital to work when the markets are really scary?"
"You can't relocate a big market franchise to London, but the fact that the Jaguars struggle to fill up their own building compared to most other teams gives every reason to support a relocation."
"We're going to have big problems in both the real economy in America over the next six months as well as all the asset markets."
"Substantially higher mortgage rates are now the housing market's primary constraint."
"The market makes the odds, and the odds are pretty hard to make money in the market."
"It's tough being a flagship this year, considering how much good competition there is."
"Our ability to persevere in every market condition."
"The market is never easy, just when you think you have this thing figured out, it always has a way of humbling you."
"Individuals from different backgrounds across the world are about to trade in one of the most difficult bear market conditions in years."
"Spotify is facing an uphill battle against increasing competition."
"If this market wants to be brutal like this, fine, we put in the hours, we work harder, and we get it done."
"Harley-Davidson was getting their ass whooped by the Japanese market."
"I'm hoping one day I'll be able to buy a house, but in this market, I mean..."
"We have a lot to be thankful for, Danny, and although the market confounds us, our gratitude does not."