
Series Finale Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"Third season is intended to be the last season with a satisfying ending for Picard's story...with some game-changing Star Trek universe ideas."
"I fell in love with absolutely everything... I know people were frustrated at the ending, I still think about the ending... It was an absolutely magical experience for me."
"As much as the final season had its ups and downs, I honestly don't think there could have been a better conclusion to send off the series."
"The theme playing in the background elevates the hype moments so much because we realize our entire journey with this series is coming to some massive culmination."
"This show may not have gotten the perfect official ending, but it stopped at a place that while feeling pretty satisfying leaving off on Peter's resolving his multi-season character arc left a lot of us clamoring for more."
"An amazing series and an amazing final hardpoint!"
"I love how all the characters come together at the end to form the Guardians of the Multiverse."
"This wasn't just the ending of Stone Ocean, it was the ending of JoJo as we knew it."
"Because if the show ends on a strong point, who's to say that we can't do a reboot or a spin-off series?"
"Kind of the culmination of what all the movies were leading up to."
"It's like we got two extra movies for the finale."
"This one did everything a finale should do: it raised the stakes, it took our characters into new places they hadn't been before literally, we got character arcs, emotional payoffs, and a big countdown reveal."
"Phantom Planet was a finale that tied up the show's main plot points out of obligation."
"The backlash against Pretty Little Liars in its final season was brutal, and I'm talking Game of Thrones, How I Met Your Mother levels of brutal."
"Honestly, I'd be happy if this was the last film in the MCU. It's a fitting ending that rewards your investment based on your level of interacting with the previous movies."
"Another pokedex though while we're really filling the stacks up today we're doing real good with the XP."
"What a full circle bookend moment for the series. Everything coming together."
"You think a show that ran as long as it did... might have been sent off with a little more hurrah."
"The final song of the season, 'I'll Be Watching You' by The Police, perfectly underscores the ominous tone."
"Toy Story 3 is kind of the perfect series finale for Pixar."
"The ending was the perfect mix of ambiguity and embodying the show's main themes."
"Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker is the send-off feature film for the beloved animated series Batman Beyond."
"Season 10 is the last hurrah for Stargate SG-1."
"It's revealed that Stan was the one who saved the day all along, erasing Bill Cipher from existence."
"There's more to the story beyond the series finale, scattered throughout various media, uncovering all the missing pieces."
"The ending of Stone Ocean served as the conclusion to the original JoJo series and the end of the conflict with Dio's legacy."
"Let's keep going. Am I going in the current series has ended."
"What an incredible ending to the character and the show really."
"The ending of Death Note was one of the best and most fitting endings for a character I think I've ever seen personally."
"Season finale kicks so much ass and it proves that the 2012 series was absolute best at making you feel not only empathetic but emotional."
"They really just killed off pops like damn 10 out of the 10. This is how you do an ending."
"It was WTF, it was crazy but it was also done really right."
"One of the best series finales on the channel by far."
"An epic series finale with so much packed into it is I think the best way to end this series."
"The most revered finales remind the audience of the parasocial relationship they developed with the series at the start."
"The last season had some head-scratching moments to say the least..."
"Many diehard fans were upset over the graduation finale."
"Halo 3 was going to be the end of the trilogy, so we knew we had to do it better than we did Halo 2."
"It's a bittersweet ending for me because this series holds a special place in my heart."
"Shrek Forever After is great. What a perfect conclusion to the Shrek trilogy."
"I'm very invested and will probably like binge watch the last five another day."
"The most groundbreaking animated series of the decade came to an end."
"The final scene of the series is everyone singing 'I Lived.'"
"The finale though puts a bow on all these stories weaving together the narrative threads of each one to cap off a season-long arc."
"The true series finale of 'Together Again' being the emotional send-off to Finn and Jake was an ending that absolutely made you cry."
"While I usually talk a lot about shows waiting to the finale to have characters kiss and get together, this one was well worth the wait."
"And there's little doubt that theirs will be the climactic face-off that determines the ending of the series."
"Welcome to the rings of power finale, we made it, we survived!"
"If Season 5 was the ending, I think it would be a worthy send off to the series, leaving it open for more plot, but leaving every character just about where you’d expect them to be."
"What a way to end this season. We've seen a different side to Max this year."
"It’s a solid bookend, and, even if you DON’T continue the series, it’s satisfying."
"Uncharted 4 is the last crusade for Nate in more ways than one here it is refined smoother faster sharper but not to a level I'm sure many had hoped."
"The ending brings the series full circle, transitioning the family back to normal life."
"The end of a story after nine years, we're finally gonna tie up a storyline."
"Korra and Asami hold hands and step into the yellow glow of the spirit portal."
"Everybody gets the happy ending. It's everybody's series wrap."
"Gear fifth is not just a power-up, it is a completion of the concept of the main character and the themes of the series."
"The show stuck the landing emotionally and cathartically."
"Finales for The Walking Dead always pretty much the most exciting premieres finales as oh man it's going to be really crazy it's going to be a lot of fun."
"This series is meant to be a celebration of everything that's come before."
"This was a fitting ending for the show and gave more closure than most other series finales, leaving no unanswered questions and a whole lot of emotion in its wake."
"All of these happy moments had us reaching for the tissues, but Frasier's poignant and thought-provoking farewell speech on his radio show really got us in the feels."
"This wasn't really the end, with spin-offs and the like, this series finale is one that was certainly bittersweet."
"For all its flaws, it still felt like a well-made finale."
"It all culminated in 2011's 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2,' as the eighth and final film in the series saw our heroes take on Voldemort's army in the Battle of Hogwarts."
"That was such a great way to end the series."
"Thank you all for watching the Pit Stop, baby. We'll be back in two weeks for the grand finale of RuPaul's Drag Race Season 14 where we'll be crowning a mother-tucking winner. Until next time."
"Saying that goodbye over and over again got a little hard, but we went out having fun, which I think is what the show is all about."
"I felt like they ended it so well and there were so many like key scenes that really just made it worth the journey."
"It's weird that it's a bittersweet feeling. Like it's the last character there... I mean, no matter what, it's an exciting thing, but it's also the end of a road."
"This is one of those franchises that really does end on a satisfying high note."
"The journey starts tomorrow: beautiful ending to a beautiful series."
"Completing the Mission is such a brilliant and fitting title, it matches up with the format of verbing the noun while also literally being a statement of the series's finality."
"Holy Sister for me is the best. It's rare to see a fantasy series where the ending is the best because a lot of fantasy authors flub their endings."
"Gather up your cluster and toss out those beta-blockers cuz we're about to dive into the amazing world of sense8 one last time."
"Great cinematography, great acting, and just a fantastic ending to a season."
"That's the entire game, and that's it for this entire series."
"Series finales always tell you what the show has really been about the whole time."
"It's the last game in the series that puts the modern day story in focus the way it deserves to have it."
"Probably the best end of series I've ever read."
"Change Your Mind still serves as a satisfying and definitive conclusion."
"This is the moment that decides who wins the entire series."
"Brotherhood's faithfulness: sharing the manga's ending."
"Two early challenges from khalid completely catch monkey off guard and he closes out the series in really impressive fashion."
"Hats off to monkey moon, hats off to khalid, GGs! What a great series to end with."
"We really went all out on this finale for you guys trying to produce as epic a battlefield as we possibly could."
"Game of Thrones is the worst ending I've ever seen of any show and I'm standing on it."
"The silver bullet that pushes this season ahead of season four is, of course, the finale."
"One of the top comments on the last video literally said this: 'I feel like you guys need to have a mode near the end where you kind of tie up all the loose series.'"
"Overall still a fantastic finale to an incredible show."
"They even went back and finished it. A wonderful finale too, absolutely perfect ending."
"It gets hard to be inventive, and I think then that kind of starts to suggest an ending to the series, which is kind of disappointing."
"This is how I would have written the final season of Game of Thrones."
"A bittersweet ending to a powerful season that explains so much about the meaning of numbers."
"By ending it now it's gonna go out as one of the most consistently brilliant TV shows ever made."
"Perhaps it was because Emily Andrus was throwing her Sapphic fairy dust on the show and blessing us all with a happy ending."
"Modern Family's coming to an end. What other TV show should come to an end?"
"That Clone Wars Season Seven finale, like that doesn't bring tears to your eyes, yeah I don't know what will."
"It's a beautiful, thoughtful ending sequence that lines up nicely with the philosophical tone of the show itself."
"The only good thing about the finale which I think is the best thing about the whole season is the reveal of why Vicky Vil is the way she is."
"The finale aired this week and I hope it's going to be available to people to actually watch at some point."
"This scene one of the final scenes of yugioh 5ds is the most romantic moment that we have had in all of yugioh."
"It's finally over. The anime has finally come to an end. I'm gonna miss this series. I really am."
"Season 5 will be the end of Stranger Things. For a while, I was worried they were going to string us along for too many seasons."
"What a beautiful way to end this series" - S tier
"It was a predictable quality end to a predictable quality show."
"Close Enough is coming to an end. We are so proud of the series and grateful to the Creator JG Quintel and our partners at Cartoon Network Studios." - HBO Max
"Sometimes it's okay to end a show. You don't need to go seven seasons." - John Campia
"We might be finding ourselves with a far more satisfying game to cap off the series."
"Terrific, you'd be unwise to miss the final race of this series."
"When Naruto's ending happened it's almost as if everybody forgot all the good things that happened before it. That makes it kind of... that makes sense."
"I definitely appreciated the way that the series ended."
"When would attack on Titan end, and how would attack on Titan end?"
"This is like the conclusion to Game of Thrones or something."
"The birds spend this entire series trying to get out of the world of crime only to fully embrace it at the end."
"It's very seldom that a TV show can stick the landing, but I feel like they did an amazing job with this series finale."
"Wow what an ending I'm still processing but I like it makes sense that bran is the king with the council truly running the land and for John to go back to the one place he was happy young the wall and bran finally got his damn castle."
"I think the ending was so well done, so final, and so heartbreaking that it elicited a pretending it's not over denial response immediately."
"Most shows don't get it right, Mr. Robot had a perfect ending."
"Breaking Bad definitely had a perfect ending."
"It's a beautiful send-off for a show that really broke some new ground."
"Dream decided he would end his series at its peak."
"The show had a story to tell, and it stopped talking when the story was over."
"It was a nice slow burn and it made the ending just well worth it."
"Sunrises are often symbolic of Hope, rebirth, and even Resurrection, which all play a role in this finale."
"When it comes to the end of time it's important to remember just how much it needed to wrap up."
"I must say they do a really good job with this finale."
"Finishing up this game this time felt a lot like when you spend all week binge-watching a show you really like."
"The finale half of season four is phenomenal no joke this [__] is on par with Avatar at its best."
"The thing about Gravity Falls, Alex Hirsch knew EXACTLY when to end it."
"Let's talk about Attack on Titan, the ending."
"The Spurs managed to close out the series in seven games and win their third title in seven years."
"But I do need to feel some sense of there being a point. That the story we've been with for eight seasons led to something real and conclusive."
"Countdown to Destruction: a top tier finale, breaking their own rules to allow growth."
"Thank you all for watching the series. The support on it has been amazing."
"Game of Thrones is notorious for how it ended, but at least with WandaVision, you had comics to base your theories off of."
"For a series that started off with such light-hearted themes, I can't tell you what it felt like to encounter this finale as a child."
"Dragon Ball super ending it ends on March 25th that fateful Sunday morning over in Japan of course it'll be Saturday night for me and then whatever it might be for you wherever you are in this world but Dragon Ball super is ending guys"
"I really love the last shot here and it's one of the most hopeful endings of a Gundam show."
"I love this show and seeing it go away is the hardest thing."
"I feel like everybody probably felt the same way I did. That this was a very good finale, it was very satisfying."
"A perfect end to the career, a perfect end to the series."
"Now that's how you end a series well."
"This is the third part of my three-part dual axis series, it is the finale and it is my favorite by far."
"In spite of the last season's flaws, I do think it's a mostly really good conclusion for the series."
"This is exactly how I wanted to experience this PC and exactly how I wanted to end the series."
"The Millennium items are sealed away marking the end of an era and the series as well."
"And that final line at the end, where he says to Mob that this is only the beginning, is just so important in establishing the hopeful tone that the end of the series has."
"But you think about it this way, characters usually only get those kinds of real happy endings at the very end of the series finale."
"Now, you might be thinking, who is Yusuke going to fight if not Yomi? But there's another character who in the manga is revealed to be antagonistic that would be powerful and fitting enough to be the final and the grandest antagonist of the series, and that is King Enma."
"Hank dead, the family's torn apart, Flynn knows, and Walt took Holly. And now there's going to be a manhunt on him. This is how the series ends."
"It's nice to leave people wanting more. I want the series to end and then be angry that it's over."
"An exciting finale to help complete the experience of the series."
"After watching one of the most baffling and underwhelming series finales of all time, it seems only fair that this strange mess of a show has to be re-evaluated given new evidence that has come to light."
"What if Al gets shot and dies? I think that's my series-end prediction."
"It's gonna happen. We're going to cap off the Norse series with it."
"It's an incredible story and it does a great job setting up the series 2 finale."
"And what an emotional moment that was. It affected me. I was depressed that the series was over."
"This would have made a brilliant series finale."
"I'm relieved they brought the story of Dexter Morgan to a definitive end."
"At the end of the day, this is one of the most superb series finales I've ever seen."
"Even with the plot holes, this was still an epic ending to the series."
"Welcome everyone back to another boldcast reaction. I'm Carson, I'm Lindsay, and this is the finale of One Piece live-action season 1."
"A book you'll never forget... When you get to the last book and you see the Sanderson Avalanche or whatever people call it."
"Well, guys, that was the season one finale of The Umbrella Academy. I think we all agree that we really enjoyed it."
"I don't think so I agree with you miles I mean the way it ended that the last couple seasons are a little uh rough to get through and even if you were to get Steve Carell back it's still like you said it's forcing it it's forcing it."
"I love that show I wish it kept going but it's kind of cool that they stopped it, it's kind of cool that they were like nope we're going out on a high note, we're moving on doing something else I think it's great."
"He would like to thank each and every person who's followed the series up to the conclusion in hopes that you enjoy this epic finale."
"It had a very good strong ending that everyone agrees is a perfect send-off to the series."
"That was an awesome way to finish up the series."
"Season three has just taken it to another level and I am I'm just sad it's ending man."
"The anime is finally heading towards its finale."
"Wrath for me is the best ending to series I've ever read."
"...there has been no better ending to a series of all time in my opinion as the crippled God it just made me feel so complete and so such a positive feeling..."
"You know when you watch a series and you don't have any worries about how it's going to end."
"It's a pretty great way to close out the series and kind of have this culminating beer."
"The Cheers premiere in 1982 was ranked almost last in ratings. Its finale, eleven years later, brought in 80.4 million viewers."
"We are late to the party, and we've reached the end of The Boys season three."
"I hope you have a rocking day today, folks, and that you will try all this rocking food that I've showed you in this series."
"If you love the type of foreshadowing, planning, and how everything came together in the final book... I think you will really like 'The Riyria Revelations'."
"It's the closest we've had to a happy ending in this series."
"I definitely get where all the fuss is about, and you know this sort of feeling you get at the end of a really good series."
"Steven Universe Future is a limited series described as tying up loose ends."
"This is the culmination of the four series that have come before us."
"I was happy with the way that the show ended for my character."
"We walked away strong and happy because we were so pleased with how the end of the show and it was such a great finale."
"I really loved part one, it was great, it was up in this whole arc like the ending of this series, it ended so well."
"The Great Discovery is a fantastic finale to the 12 model seasons of Thomas."
"What a great celebration of a truly brilliant series."
"No matter how satisfying your ending is, it's still hard to say goodbye to characters you've been watching for years."
"The SpongeBob SquarePants movie was originally supposed to be the finale for the entire series."
"...should Naruto stays sealed away for a long period of time and release in the final Arc of the series or should Naruto just be killed off inside the dimension he's sent to..."
"As the series comes to a close, Utrid, the new Lord of Bebenberg, is finally at peace in his family home."
"It's the finale of 'Don't Hug Me I'm Scared', a series that has been the biggest, longest, craziest roller coaster I have ever been on."
"It's called Six Feet Under. It's an old TV show now, but it is widely considered to have the best series finale of any TV show."
"Thank you all so much for supporting this series to the very end."
"Honestly, this is the perfect end to the Lacerta series."
"That is how you conclude a series."
"The finale of season two has answered some questions while having us ask about a dozen more."
"It's an ending so brilliantly flabbergasting that the series has basically been trying to one-up it ever since."