
Fitness Philosophy Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Our relationship to fitness is broken. Don't look for perfection, look for steady, gradual progress."
"Cal aesthetics is a journey towards a physique using body weight training."
"It's not necessarily about how much weight you lift but how much weight you can lift relative to your own strength."
"Being natural is something I'm very passionate about."
"Abs are not just made in the kitchen, they're also made from hard work."
"You don't get strong while working out, you get strong once you put the weights down."
"Fitness has always been about how do I feel on the inside, how do I preserve this vessel that God has helped me bring my children into the world."
"I couldn't even fully work out for me, I would rather kill it in the gym and have a balanced healthy diet than do something like this."
"Fitness is about much more than weight loss."
"Fitness is not about what you look like. It's about what you can do."
"Aesthetics just sells, but being strong is about more than just looks."
"Working out is the only thing in your life where failing is a good thing failing actually to growth like it failing and doing your best even if you only have 20% energy that day you better give a hundred percent of that 20 percent."
"Strength before size - a time-tested method."
"Fitness for me has always been about adding value to my life."
"You don't grow in the gym, you grow out of the gym."
"If you're a high-volume guy, be a high-volume guy."
"Bigger is not better. Better is when you create more symmetry, more definition, more muscle separation."
"None of them did the same workout, and I think that's what's really important."
"You don't need to have some extreme routine to look fit or healthy."
"A garage gym isn't about the equipment... and in fact, it's not even about the gym."
"I think both [bro science and science] are very important for reaching your genetic max or just making the best gains possible."
"Our mission has always been to shatter the notion that heavy training is the exclusive domain of a privileged few."
"It's not a competition with others, it's about feeling powerful on your own journey."
"Muscle building is an internal meditative experience."
"For me, it's not about lifting heavy. Training is about enjoying, getting a great pump, and pushing intensity."
"Fitness isn't about stepping in the gym and just you know stepping on the scales straight after you've done a workout and worrying about weight loss and everything like that like fitness is for so much more than that."
"Fitness is a journey that everybody should start but nobody should finish."
"Fitness should be about achievements, goals, challenges, challenging yourself."
"Recovery is as big of a part of training as is training hard."
"Reps don't matter, what really matters is how close to failure you're training."
"Most guys would do the exact same thing that Pete Davidson is doing if they had the opportunity to."
"The true test of strength is what you can do with your own body weight. All the other [__] don't mean nothing."
"Best exercise on the planet is pull-ups, bro. If a man can't do pull-ups, then nothing else really matters."
"Strength and conditioning should complement, should supplement, should enhance your sport. It should enhance your ability to be an athlete. You're not a weightlifter."
"Fitness in 100 words: constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity plus a diet of whole, unprocessed foods."
"My physical practices, my training is not focused on the way I look, it's focused on what I can do."
"I'm definitely a believer in more running and slower running."
"Fitness is supposed to feel good and make us feel better."
"You don't need a 21-inch arm to survive, but you do need to continually recover and replace your precious physical resources and reserves."
"Fitness isn't about having a six-pack, being able to run 10 miles, it's just about simply moving your body."
"You don't even have to want to do CrossFit... it's the operating manual to the human genome."
"Fitness is more than just a workout."
"Fitness is less about punishing her body and more about connecting with it."
"It all comes back to your center, to your core."
"I really believe in mind muscle connection. I really think about the muscles that I am working."
"I think like what Barbell Brigade is really about is just having fun with fitness, keeping it fun, lighthearted, but really push yourself."
"This is a fitness that is considered broad, general, and inclusive."
"We're never about shaming, we modify, we push through, we get better with time, and that's how we bring it."
"That's why you never turn your back on calisthenics."
"True strength is not measured in gains, but rather in pursuing antifragile longevity, mental resilience, and a rejection of the soul-destroying hedonism of the modern fitness culture."
"Fitness is timeless; it does not have an end goal and is ongoing throughout your life."
"Embrace simplicity. Many fitness experts are guilty of making training more complicated than it needs to be."
"Evolve is not a quick fix for a flatter stomach or bigger biceps; it's about feeling better and performing effectively in life."
"Remember, quality over quantity, especially when it comes to strength."