
Relationship Status Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Learning how to be happy in your own company, not feeling like you're missing out or anything, or you're lonely or any of that, just because you're not in a romantic relationship."
"Your existence is not validated solely by your relationship status, and you are not defined by your relationship status."
"How do you tie your apron bow? The position of your bow actually tells people about your relationship status."
"I'm okay with being single for a little while."
"Most people that by the time they get to couples therapy are sort of on the way out."
"I don't even have time for a boyfriend right now like the last thing on my mind is a man."
"I'm not single, I'm 10 out of 10 not single."
"I don't know if this is the update you hoped for or if you are all rooting for boyfriend to get dumped hard, but please know I'm genuinely happy with my outcome."
"Bet on the fans and bet on good music and you'll be alright in the streaming era."
"Fully off the market. I am in a committed relationship."
"I'm single now ladies, let's not get that Twisted."
"They've not left on bottoms, you guys, but they have broken up. It is over between these guys."
"We became a fake couple based on a misunderstanding but now we're the real deal."
"If you woke up single right now, just continuously sleeping." - Shahrukh Khan
"Did we split up? No, did we take a break? Yes."
"Words are things, words are powerful. What you say you are, you become."
"I don't have a partner because I do have Christian."
"The most popular reality show couple on TV say their marriage is over."
"They're not even married, oh my gosh, Amethyst, oh my gosh."
"I am single. That doesn't mean that I'm hopeless."
"In order to be married I had to be single at some point."
"Don't judge your life based on your relationship status. Whether you're single or whether you're in a relationship, there's no reason or no need to do that."
"I promise you, you're not in a relationship. I promise you that."
"If you have to ask what you are, you are not in a relationship with him."
"You're gonna remain single or become single."
"Neither of us are prioritizing a wedding because we feel so married already."
"I want to be happy, fulfilled, peaceful, living a purposeful life whether I'm single or in a relationship."
"A happy single person is just as healthy as a happily married person."
"There is real love there for you, whether you're in a relationship or single."
"I got 99 problems and wanting a man ain't one."
"You're single, you're like it's like you're choosing to be independent and on your own because you don't want a reconciliation."
"Many of these girls got finer girlfriends than you right there."
"You're not exclusive, you're not in a relationship."
"No commitment here... wow how interesting though."
"I'm only gonna get married to one, but also I'm not in a place right now to like go and get married."
"I am who I am, whether I'm married or single."
"I'm not in a relationship but I'm in love with life."
"I'm single until I'm proven otherwise, period."
"No, they're broken up. They're lost on it, they're like jelly beans, come on."
"Everyone is like, 'Why are you single? Like you're so great and amazing.'"
"Marriage doesn't define or make or break a woman. Period!"
"I personally don't think dating is important right now. It's a vagina like what do you."
"TV shows hit different when you're single and when you're watching it with someone."
"You have everything but love, but you're okay with that."
"Happy with where we're at in our love life, whether that's with someone or while we're single."
"People say that money doesn't buy happiness, but I can guarantee it'd be better to be single and wealthy than single and poor."
"People want to know if you're single or not."
"I've always wanted to be married, never wanted to be single."
"I'm single somebody like I'm single."
"I'm single and I'm ready to mingle."
"That's what a lot of people are thinking when you walk in the room. Like, 'Is today the day? Is today the day that Pile Two's off the market? Is today the day that Pile Two's person is off the market?'"
"So whatever this is, whenever you show up, if people, like, don't know all the details, they're, like, thinking, like, 'Are they together? Do they get together? Did I finally lose that chance on my chance on Pile Two or their person?' Like, that's it, that's right."
"And now we are a real official couple."
"They view you as someone who's either enjoying your singlehood or you're a catch, pretty much that's how they view you."
"And finally, Sydney and Dre make it official. Thank goodness, about damn time."
"I'm digging you for sure like what's up like you you got like you got a husband like a boyfriend or no."
"I accepted his request. I'm officially his girlfriend."
"DiCaprio is currently single and is not in a serious relationship with anyone."
"You may be publicly telling people about a change of relationship status."
"Just to let everyone know out there, I'm single. Very much so."
"I'm single now that I need to work more on my finances."
"If those are my only two options, which they're not, I'll take single, please."
"Martel and Belinda are indeed serious, sweetheart. They just purchased land together."
"You're still wearing a wedding band. Oh three years, hi three, four. You're divorced. Come on, move on."
"When your crush asks if you're single."
"As for her ex-husband, we broke up."
"If you're not in a relationship, then you're single. Period."
"...being single is just so I love it, I'm getting to know myself, getting to know what I like, what I don't like, who I want to be, what I want in a relationship, I just feel like this time around single is a blessing not a curse."
"...this time around single is a blessing not a curse."
"...being single is a blessing not a curse."
"We're not together. We're certainly not apart either."
"...if she's not ready if any viewers looking or whoever i am still single and hey"
"That's probably the easiest way to tell a guy that you are taken and just being dragged around by your immature best friend."
"I'm single for that reason. I would like to get past that."
"I've been single for a minute now."
"If you're gonna be doing all this stuff with me, where do you see us going?"
"Majority of my confidence came about when I was single."
"The wedding has been canceled and I've also ended my engagement with Braden. Good news, right?"
"We're strangers. We're not getting married."
"I cannot believe that a woman like you isn't taken."
"I never been single as long as I've been single which is like 10 months."
"Pete's single. How does it matter?"
"I'm Mina's boyfriend, Ryoya Hojo. It's nice to meet you."
"He's physically and mentally healthy, a handsome and intelligent young man and still single."
"It's sad for me because everyone thinks I'm not single, so yes, that's why I'm single. Drop, yeah."
"When is it my turn to be happy? Was it our turn? Okay, does this mean we're boyfriends?"
"If you're not married, you're single. Exactly."
"What's your relationship status? Do you have any kids?"
"I don't have to be in a relationship to make me feel complete."
"The message is loud and clear: marry your girlfriend. In my defense, neither of us have ever thought about it. We're happy and we've always seen each other as each other's family."
"You're single until married, in my opinion."
"I'm not single; I'm waiting for somebody."
"There's nothing wrong with saying that you're single, there's nothing wrong with saying that you're looking for love."
"You're single until they made things official."
"People are either together or they're not together."
"I'm single and I'm okay. I don't think I need to be in a relationship."
"I'm officially no longer single, which is kind of epic."
"She's my girlfriend, no, not a girl that's a friend, my girlfriend."
"I'm not looking for another relationship right now."
"It is either you are happily single or happily married."
"If your love life could be described in eggs, what kind of eggs would they be?"
"Are we together? Yes or no, that is it."
"It's Facebook official: Brody McKinnon is in a relationship with Natalie Davies."
"I've been single for decades. Do you think you're happily single? No, I think I could be happier."
"If you're not married, you're single. Let's be very clear."
"I'm of course 100% single, but it's complicated."
"He's my boyfriend," she said with such confidence I almost laughed. "He's a very lucky guy."
"When women thought a man was single, 59 found him attractive, but when they thought he was in a committed relationship, ninety percent found him attractive."
"Yesterday I had my whole life mapped out in front of me, today I've got no job, no girlfriend, one less mate."
"It does feel like you guys are already in a relationship, and if you're not, it feels like you guys have known each other for a long time."
"I am currently single but engaged."
"They have finally become an A-ranked couple."
"Official, we're a couple, we're in a relationship, right?"
"If I'm single, I'm happy to be single; if I'm in a relationship, I'm happy in a relationship."