
Medical Knowledge Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"I've had an interest in vitamin D for a long time. I'm not what might be called a trained expert in vitamin D, but I've acquired a lot of knowledge and experience through my work as a physician."
"Understanding and correcting acid-base imbalances is crucial in the clinical setting to maintain patient health."
"Understand pH, understand respiratory CO2, understand HCO3 bicarb, renal system."
"Understanding the mechanism of action of drugs, their effects, and side effects is crucial to excelling in medical fields and ensuring patient well-being."
"The basilar artery is a beast, alright. So this supplies a good chunk of the brainstem, particularly the pons and the cerebellum."
"A good doctor should never be scared to say I don't know, and in fact, say that the reason that I know this information is 'cause it's based on the best information available to me now, but it may change in the future."
"The Edwin Smith papyrus: contains medical techniques and knowledge about human physiology that are still practical today."
"Patriots, be of strong fortitude at this time and do not be dismayed about this, trust the plan."
"Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving."
"Passive immunity is where you're given the antibodies ready made. It's a well-known principle in immunity."
"The knowledge of germs, that they exist, how they operate, changed everything."
"Understanding the different aspects of liver anatomy and function helps in grasping its complex metabolic processes."
"Still, 21 years of experience also tells Dr. G that an underlying medical condition could have just as easily triggered the fall."
"Doctors don't know hardly anything about preventive health care preventive care they don't know a lot the people that do know about preventative health care are personal trainers and wellness centers."
"You've got to have a differential diagnosis and knowledge is the greatest purifier."
"The main functions of the gastrointestinal tract: ingestion, digestion, absorption, and elimination."
"When it comes to treating diseases, knowledge is power."
"Patients are experts in their own disease, but they're not experts in the disease."
"Medical knowledge should not be the guarded secret of a select few but should be freely shared by everyone."
"I challenge you to get to know your condition better than your care providers know your condition."
"I hope that now in my job as a doctor, I can use my YouTube channel to help bridge that medical knowledge gap between healthcare professionals and non-healthcare professionals."
"Learning this stuff really matters... It tells me how sick the patient is."
"AVPU scale: A is alert, V is response to voice, P is response to pain, U is unresponsive."
"Assess fetal heart tones, and that is the correct answer."
"Remember, things are never really just black and white in the medical world."
"The first heart sound is the first sound heard at the onset of ventricular systole."
"It is an ethical imperative for every doctor and patient to understand the difference between absolute and relative risks."
"Knowing which antibiotics to bring, knowing which conditions you're likely to see, what people are going to be eating, what they're going to be doing."
"Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system regulates blood pressure and volume to prevent tragedy."
"To be riddled with disease is to be in medical school."
"No doctor knows your injury like you do, no doctor knows your past like you do, no psychiatrist psychologist know what you tell them."
"Imagine if you were talking to a surgeon, and you say, 'Listen, buddy. I've had a heart for, like, 40 years now. I think I know a thing or two about aortic valve replacements. I think my opinion is just as valid as yours.'"
"When someone knows what say a laser will do to their skin and what the recovery will look like, they're not as shocked and surprised and disillusioned by it." - Cassandra
"Knowing your functional anatomy will definitely help your manual technique."
"I'm still an MD, I still have all my knowledge. I'm not going to be treating, I'm going to be educating."
"Educate yourself about what to do that your medical doctor is clueless about."
"Half of what we know is in medicine is wrong; we don't know which half."
"Yeah were those doctors idiots no they're just as smart if not smarter than our doctors today."
"We have a great medical expression... high index of suspicion."
"Dentists should understand the link between oral health and systemic diseases."
"It's all about gaining knowledge to get to the core, not just treating symptoms."
"Start downloading medical videos teaching you how to deal with people with severe acute respiratory distress."
"Most single unprovoked seizures do not recur!"
"And just, just for the listeners as well, like nutritional ketosis is very different to the ketoacidosis that leads people into hospitals and we have to give them fluids and all the rest of it. That's more of a diabetic type complication. Yeah."
"Knowing these terms and knowing exactly how they are influencing our overall systolic and diastolic blood pressure is extremely crucial."
"Islamic doctors were acutely aware that Galen and Greek medicine were only one source of medical knowledge."
"That's impossible. They didn't even discover blood types until the 20th century."
"Your support means the world; it helps spread critical medical knowledge."
"I know that in type one you have to have a low pao2 and again that has to be less than 60."
"When patients are sitting or they're leaning forward, particularly, what it does, it brings the diaphragm down, offloads the pressure on the pericardium."
"What's the dead giveaway? The protein urea that you're going to notice for nephrotic syndrome will be greater than or equal to how much?"
"Remember, 85% of strokes are ischemic and the other 15% are hemorrhagic strokes."
"So if you see 'in situ,' you know that whatever carcinoma it's talking about, if it's that, it's not yet through the basement membrane."
"A big part of that is just because, yeah, you know, one thing you have to understand is that when you think about, you know, cancer tumor development, I mean, a big part of, of, of this is mitosis, alright? And what I like to call mitosis gone wrong."
"When you're dealing with rare disease, there's a really, really good chance that your medical professional will not know a lot about that disease because it is so rare."
"The gastrointestinal tract consists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and then the intestines."
"The universal donor blood type would be O-."
"We often lament the fact that even with all our modern medical knowledge, we still don't have a cure for the common cold."
"The pain that you're feeling does not mean that you're causing irreversible damage to the nerve either."
"Just because you don't have the medical knowledge to carry it doesn't mean you shouldn't. There's always somebody who can use it."
"...medical knowledge doubles every 73 days."
"She's educated. She went to college for something we don't know what, but if there's a medical procedure that's got to be done, she's going to google it until she knows that, that's right."
"So if somebody has Gleason 6 prostate cancer, that's Gleason 3+3, Gleason 6 prostate cancer is the least aggressive type of prostate cancer."
"Can I confidently say that estrogen doesn't cause breast cancer? No. I don't think we know the answer to that."
"When we talk about air embolism, it should really be suspected when patients have sudden respiratory distress or if they are experiencing a neurological event."
"If we're making an infra-inguinal incision or we're in the gi tract then we have to start thinking about gram-negative species like klebsiella or and of course if we're in the genital tract or the colon or the pharynx then we have to think about anaerobes."
"Know how to memorize the categories but then understand the difference in cystic fibrosis."
"For most people with chronic pain I learned that they don't have an actual structural abnormality to account for that chronic pain."
"If you ain't breaking, you ain't doing it right."
"Posterior hip dislocations are the most common type, accounting for almost 90 percent of all hip dislocations."
"Remember the association between Von Hippel-Lindau disease and hemangioblastoma."
"The idea that a Mesopotamian should look at their inherited medical knowledge and construct from scratch a whole new or part and skeleton on which to hinge everything is very remarkable."
"When you increase the space between the vertebrae, that increases the height of the foramen, which gives more room for the nerve root."
"Folate and B12 are required substrates for the maturation of blood cells."
"All it took was learning what your brain is not once they were able to explain to us what your brain is not doing when you're in that state and the manner in which it shake it slammed up against the walls of your head and skull and what it's doing to reset everyone was like oh."
"Obesity is a primary cause of type 2 diabetes."
"I never really heard much about type one and a half diabetes until you start talking about it. Maybe a year and ten years ago, well probably longer since I've been taking care of patients at the clinic. I never heard it when I was in nursing school."
"I always go with anatomy. I know this is gonna bore some people but it's super crucial to understanding this disease and what happens."
"If we don't understand how to diagnose this, if we don't understand how to treat it, we're going to be leaving so many people in the lurch suffering needlessly."
"Science does change, but we see that all the time when you're talking about medical stuff."
"For thousands of years humans have known at least one incontrovertible medical fact that an apple a day keeps the doctor away."
"Are we now entering an era where an apple will actually make you more likely to see the doctor?"
"From the sensation or press coverage you would think that this would be saving more lives than penicillin is this true?"
"So, if I see a patient who has this plus this plus this, I don't have any questions. This is virtually completely 100% diagnostic of a brain injury."
"Another 5 to 15 over the next 23 hours and then the three exceptions are going to be an ischemic stroke inter-cerebral hemorrhage and aortic dissection so those are the things that I feel like you need to know there's not too much with emergency and urgency."
"At what blood pressure reading is stage one hypertension defined blood pressure readings stage 1 hypertension that is going to be 130 to 139 systolic and or a diastolic of 80 to 89."
"Acetylcholine is the one we most commonly use, and that can actually provoke the coronary artery vasospasm."
"An inferior wall MI will be seen on what leads on an EKG? It's going to be 2, 3, and aVF. Remember that one."
"Sleepwalking is a disease not much known about."
"I have a dream that all of the medical knowledge in the world to be accessible at our fingertips."
"I always refer to hyperkalemia as the great imitator or the syphilis of electrocardiography, because it can imitate everything..."
"This is the pressure in the blood vessels when the heart is Contracting."
"74% of doctors do not know how to diagnose pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, let alone know how to deal with it."
"Remember that a Hawkins sign is a positive prognostic indicator. It's a subchondral lucency on the mortise or AP x-ray typically seen at six to eight weeks post-injury."
"when you we pull fifty thousand primary care physicians what percentage do you think of them are even aware of these recommendations? two six percent of all these physicians are aware that these recommendations exist."
"Understanding blood typing means knowing the mechanism, not just memorizing."
"The most difficult concept with the spine to understand is that only half your spine has feeling."
"He prioritizes saving everyone. I love that he knows enough about like first aid to at least stabilize like a patient before leaving it to the actual professional medical corps."
"Accurate knowledge or accurate assessment of the gestational age is useful for obstetrical management decisions, for the assessment of fetal growth, for scheduling and interpretation of a number of prenatal tests."
"My original feelings of inadequacy have been replaced with the excitement of one day entering a hospital room with the medical knowledge to bring physical healing to patients."
"Integral to understanding spondyloarthritis is to understand the concept of HLA B27."
"The neurologic exam can tell us a lot, so making sure you have a good understanding of it and then being able to localize your lesion is really important."
"These are uncommon headache disorders, but they're important for the doctor to know about because they cause severe suffering."
"A comprehensive knowledge of the septum is key."
"Understanding anatomy is a base for all structural intervention."
"In order to be good at assessing wrist radiographs, you really need to understand what normal looks like."
"As a coding specialist, you must understand the disease process."
"Medical knowledge was actually quite advanced in ancient Egypt."
"He believed that successful surgery would only be possible if doctors had a proper understanding of human anatomy."
"So the first challenge here is to take the vast literature of medicine that's growing by leaps and bounds every day and distill that down into the core rules, alerts, and infobuttons and order sets that make sense for modern American medicine."
"Understanding what is going on is important because if you do so, you're able to understand why you see what you see on the EKG."
"If you want to be a good respiratory therapist, then you want to know your patient's plateau pressures."
"It's good to know your anatomy because someone comes in with right upper quadrant pain, then you want to think of the gallbladder, not the ovaries."
"Understanding the fluid compartments of the body and the fluid that you give, how that's distributed, as well as the electrolytes, is something as surgeons that we need to know how to do every day."
"We can have aneurysms in the veins as well, but typically the pressure in the arteries is higher."
"You have to know your anatomy, you have to be confident with your team."
"As a physician, you do need to know everything you possibly can."
"The state of the art in terms of management of hyperkalemia has not changed in that time frame."
"When we think of cardiac infections, we should think of the layers of the heart."
"Do you understand the principles of ulcerative colitis?"
"Develop a rapport with your patients and families through increased knowledge of pulmonary diseases."
"The more we learn about the human body, the more we recognize we don't know."
"The common AV canal... it's going to have a lot of different murmurs, but if you see a Trisomy 21 patient with a murmur, this is definitely the go-to."
"You really have to have a good foundation of the skeleton and also the other organs and systems in the body because in x-ray, we look at all types of body parts."
"One of the most important things that you can do is learn the top disease processes that are landing patients in a neuro ICU."
"It's just knowledge and experience; it's just crazy the difference between doctors."
"It's very important to know the tumor subtypes in breast cancer because really your prognosis depends on that."
"If you know those two concepts between knowing your ABCs, which is airway, breathing, circulation, and then if you know Maslow's, if you combine the two, you will be able to answer a majority of your questions."
"If you remember this article, you will save lives."
"At least half of these deaths and major complications are avoidable with knowledge that already exists."
"We can differentiate between acute and chronic dehydration really quickly. Albumin is the big ticker there."
"The worst headache of life means subarachnoid hemorrhage to you when you're taking a test."
"All cancers display eight fundamental changes in cell physiology, these are called hallmarks of cancer."
"Every physician needs to know about disease reversal; it's possible, and this is where healing begins."
"The alveolar septum is the wall of an alveolus, and this is pretty much all that you need to know for the basics of the histology of an alveolus."
"That's the way that our body tries to compensate for high blood pressure."
"Understanding the anatomy and the physiology is crucial."
"I really wanted to make sure that I understood the concepts and asked myself why, so that later in the future when I'm using this knowledge in clinical practice or when I'm learning further details, it makes sense instead of just being purely memorization focused."
"While researchers continue to unpack how all of it works, we know quite a bit of actionable information about how to keep Type 2 diabetes in check."
"By using what we know about a pneumothorax as well as the process of elimination, you know that the correct answer has to be B left-sided pneumothorax."
"The more the doctors know about your lung function, the better they can determine the best treatment for you."
"Chinese medicine absolutely follows the scientific method in the way it gathered knowledge and in the way it applies knowledge."
"A comprehensive understanding of the anatomy of the fistula of your particular patient is what's going to be critical to successfully treating it and most importantly to treat it safely."
"The P wave represents atrial depolarization."
"The QRS complex is where our ventricles are depolarizing, our ventricle is contracting."
"The T wave represents your ventricle relaxing."
"Welcome back to Citizen Surgeon where we help you learn all the surgical knowledge that you're gonna need to do well on the floor, in the ICU, in the operating room, and of course to crush your exams."
"The left anterior descending artery runs on the surface of the heart in the interventricular groove from cranial to caudal direction."
"The white line of Frankel is what you need to remember."
"Remember, the pH is 7.35 to 7.45; that's your range."
"You're going to be tested on your ability to recognize how the display reflects what is happening in the body."
"Always learn your second line just in case you had a question where there was an allergy or intolerance to a penicillin."
"Half of what you learn in medical school will turn out to be either outdated or dead wrong within five years of your graduation."
"When you deflate it, your arteries release something called TPA, which is an enzyme that actually breaks apart clots."
"I learned how tumors are formed... and a huge weight was lifted."
"Educate the patient and their family and make sure they understand which type of cardiac amyloid they have because the prognosis is so different."
"The symptoms for heart attacks don't change, they're textbook."
"From now on, forever and ever, it's gonna be two brains: platelets on this side, coagulation factor dysfunction on that side."
"Without knowing the anatomy of the lateral wall, you won't be able to proceed either with the surgeries or to get a correct clinical diagnosis."
"If you understand the role of hepcidin, you can understand the difference between these different disease states."
"The sternal angle is a really important feature for you to know medically."
"If you can understand the pathophysiology, you can understand the causes."
"The amount of free medical education material that's out there is absolutely astronomical."
"The knowledge that has been learned in caring for these patients was extremely rapid."
"The best judges really know inside and out the medical records of the people that appear in front of them."
"Knowing the difference between colonization and infection is really important."
"A good doctor must know how to differentiate between a true seizure and pseudo seizure."
"She was the most knowledgeable of us, even in medicine."
"Being savvy enough to recognize common medical conditions can help you work with clients more effectively and safely."
"If a pathogen lives intracellularly, it's our cytotoxic T cells that take care of them; however, if a pathogen lives extracellularly, it's our B cells that take care of them."
"If you understand the anatomy well, then you can explain to the parents what's happened."
"Tell your doctor to get educated because unfortunately that's not the way to diagnose CKD."
"It's important that people are informed and understand the complexities of such medical conditions."
"This requires knowledge of a wide range of specialties within medicine, which was personally a big attraction towards general practice."
"We are recognizing that ovarian cancer... has so many different entities to it."
"This green ring represents the knowledge level on each one of these arrows of a final year medical student and this is where you want to achieve in order to do really well in your final exams."
"Even if you are the most qualified doctor today here in the UK, you are still in need of this knowledge that is going to help you maneuver and navigate around temptations."
"You must know anatomy; it's so important for your success as a surgeon."
"You need to have a good firm handhold on those four big sections: cardiac, respiratory, neuro, and general medical."
"The nice thing is that nerves come out of them, which is a large nerve that is divided into three sections."
"Fully understanding the pathophysiology is the foundation for critical thinking through hyperkalemia."
"A sound knowledge of pathophysiology will allow us to conduct safe anesthesia."
"Recognizing bleeding and understanding how it affects the body is an important skill."
"Nurses have the added benefit of really understanding anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, and pharmacology."
"The function of the trigeminal nerve is both sensation to the face and motor innervation predominantly to the muscles of mastication."
"A working knowledge of anatomy is important; it helps to communicate correct information to other medical professionals and to others who may not understand medical terms."
"Just know your indications for hemodialysis: AEIOU - Acidosis, Electrolytes, Intoxication, Fluid overload, Uremia."
"Our understanding of this disease is rapidly evolving."
"In the early 21st century, we have a fantastic knowledge of the human body and how it functions."
"Having a good appreciation of that anatomy can help you better treat your patients and see them with different physical exams and imaging modalities."
"I learned so much about communicating with patients, disease processes, management of disease processes."
"The atrial kick is about 20 to 30% of filling of the ventricle that occurs with the atrial contraction itself."
"Cardiac conduction is the system that the heart uses to communicate with itself, and by communicating with itself, it's able to coordinate the actions of the myocardium so that the chambers contract in an organized fashion."