
Calorie Intake Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"It's amazing that's good, it's good for athletes because I know athletes need more concentrated calories."
"When people switch from foods that are so concentrated in calories to those that are bulky and diluting calories, dieting weight loss is effortless."
"There's only one way to lose weight: calories in, calories out. Nothing else matters."
"If you're not going out, if you're not walking around, you don't eat that many calories."
"The most common problem we see all the time is underestimation of calories."
"Dairy itself won't make you fatter than other sources that contain the same amount of calories."
"Cheat days won't increase your metabolism enough to make up for all those extra calories."
"It doesn't matter whether you work out fasted or fed as long as you consume the same number of calories throughout the day."
"The biggest mistake I actually think is to cram try and cram all your calories into that single meal."
"When you consume more calories than your body needs to function, those extra calories are stored in these units causing them to expand."
"Food choices can impact how many calories you eat."
"Quitting alcohol will not only help you to stop ingesting empty calories but also make healthier food decisions."
"Avoid eating high-calorie dense foods as much as possible."
"Eating is my biggest barrier... I could eat 4000 calories and still be hungry."
"If you eat 500 calories a day, you're gonna lose weight."
"If you're on a diet and pound for pound you're getting weaker rather than stronger, you're not eating enough calories."
"We don't have a calorie problem on this planet. We have a nutrient problem."
"These two together is 6 000 calories of non-perishable food that will get somebody through three days if need be."
"For me, eating 2500 calories a day is an absolute and utter nightmare of starvation."
"You're supposed to take in calories, and those calories are supposed to be from sugar."
"Before we start any form of God know how many calories are we taking in if you don't you're still going to be fat and you're still going to be unhappy."
"An individual could overeat into a calorie surplus, and they are not going to put on as much body fat as if they were to eat and overeat by the same calorie surplus number but with the majority of those calories coming from fat."
"It's the ultra-processed junk foods... it's our lifestyles, you know, when you are under slept, the next day you're inclined to eat 400 more calories than if you were well slept."
"For dinner I had like 800 and something calories at the Starbucks and I'm already starving."
"So all those other calories I was consuming were doing something else, right?"
"But then again if it reaches 3 p.m and you have two or three meals all the way until 11 p.m and each meal is 2 000 calories and in total that's 6 000 calories you're eating an abundance of food."
"The beauty of doing year-round cardio is you can eat more calories. This is the secret, not bike racing but movement in general."
"I eat about 25 to 2800 calories in a day the amount of people who come to me and are eating that much zero like the majority of people who come to me are eating like 1200 calories."
"One of the main reasons why people often stop eating plant-based is they're not eating enough calories."
"There are some benefits of intermittent fasting health benefits that go beyond what can be accounted for by reduction in calorie intake."
"If you are not losing weight, you are not consuming the right amount of calories to do so."
"Physique, I'm about to eat 10,000 calories a day for 10 straight days."
"At the lowest levels of physical activity, calorie intake is kind of elevated and then once they start exercising goes down but then if they exercise more and more and more it goes kind of up again."
"If you told me to bump calories more while being able to move, I feel like I get to use the fuel for something, not just sit on my ass and feel sorry for myself because I'm in pain."
"I wouldn't cut your calories right now while you're not moving. I would keep them exactly the same. I think your calorie bumps are fine. If you could tolerate bigger bumps, I would do that."
"It's totally okay to know that this is a calorie game."
"No one aside from like an IFBB pro open bodybuilder that's in their offseason should be eating 2,000 calories in a single meal."
"Foods with a high satiety score are expected to spontaneously lower our overall calorie intake."
"If you have a very low calorie diet, you better be eating some high-quality meats or animal product."
"I definitely think that this proves that it is at least a little more difficult to overindulge or overeat the same amount of calories."
"I was able to take her calories from like 12 1400 to almost 3 000 calories."
"So you'll only eat 1,800 calories a day. So actually, you will lose, lose, lose, lose, lose, lose, lose as you are systematically undereating all the way down to your ideal weight."
"When people go vegan, their calorie intake naturally falls because their diet is high in fiber and low in calorie-dense foods."
"There's no way to answer that really it depends on your activity level it depends on your own metabolic rate how much you how much you not eat you know how much you're eating after the fact that you've done that that many calories."
"Even more strikingly, overall people end up eating fewer calories."
"If patients decrease their caloric intake by 500 to a thousand calories a day they can lose weight."
"Instructing people to limit carb grams leads to a spontaneous reduction in caloric intake without explicitly limiting calories."
"If you're going to work harder you are going to need some more calories."
"For me, I can easily eat like 5,000 calories a day, but when I'm on a diet, I'm only, you know, taking in like 2,700, 2,800."
"You can get ripped eating pure table sugar. Theoretically, you can get ripped eating nothing but ice cream as long as your daily total calorie intake is below your maintenance needed calories."
"You can lift weights all day long but if you're not giving your body enough calories to build muscle it's going to have a really hard time putting any muscle."
"Just calories. You can go a glass of whole milk with every meal and there's like 300 calories right there."
"People that have a big dip in blood sugar versus a small dip in blood sugar have about a 300 calorie difference in their energy intake, which is huge."
"People that tend to eat their meals quickly consume about 200 calories more a day than those that consume their foods more slowly."
"Tip number two: try to figure out ahead of time how many calories you'll need to eat per day to sustain your body's hiking pace and hiker hunger when out on trail."
"Stop counting calories, stop starving yourself, and start eating as much high nutrient food as you possibly can."
"For most people, you cannot achieve permanent weight loss by simply decreasing the number of calories that you take in."
"If you're feeling like, 'Oh my God, that's way too many calories, I can't eat that many calories,' yes you can. You need to adjust the expectation for how quickly you're going to lose."
"That is more or less what I eat in a day, guys, I try to stick to 1,500 calories and hit like 110-120 grams of protein."
"When we achieve micronutrient excellence, then we desire less calories instinctually."
"You only absorb about 70% of the calories of whole nuts that you actually pop into your mouth and chew yourself."
"While I increase calories, I also increase steps, so it's a slower, more gradual gain on the scale."
"Wouldn't it be great to lose whatever amount of weight goal you have and still eat like 2,800 calories a day?"
"Consume calories at a slower rate than you burn them."
"You can have regular good portions; the biggest problem is people eat too many calories."
"Fiber fills you up but fiber doesn't have calories."
"I think it's important to kind of have an idea of how many calories that your body requires just in regular life."
"If you're just staying the same week by week and let's say you're trying to lose body fat, then you are not eating in a deficit, you're eating at a maintenance calorie level."
"I am getting between 900 and 1200 calories, and I make sure no matter what, I get at least 60 to 70 grams of protein per day."
"I fast all day long, and then around 8 o'clock, I eat 4,000 calories."
"Metabolic rate is eighteen hundred and seven calories per day, so that's what I need literally just to exist."
"Eating the right number of calories consistently is absolutely the way to lose weight."
"Eat the right number of calories every single day."
"If you're eating less than what you are overall burning calorie-wise in a day, you will drop weight."
"The most important factor by far when it comes to developing any type of dietary protocol is by far how many calories you're consuming."
"Eating more protein tends to result in more satiety, so you tend to eat less calories."
"So hopefully you found this video helpful, giving you an idea of how many calories to eat, breaking down the different macronutrients that you want to generally get, and giving you some different ideas on how you could divide up your nutrition for lean bulking."
"In the wild, birds burn a lot of calories... so obviously their calorie consumption is going to go way down where they're going to gain a bunch of weight and have other health problems."
"If she eats 1500 calories a day, she basically can lose up to four pounds in a week."
"If you're overeating by 400 calories a day... that almost becomes 2,800 calories a week."
"If somebody eats more food, consumes more calories of food than one breaks down, they will still gain weight."
"The caloric content of broccoli is quite low, allowing generous consumption without caloric overload."
"Losing weight isn't all that difficult; one only needs to consume fewer calories than one burns in a given amount of time."
"Eating 400 calories a meal isn't bad; it just depends on how many meals you have a day."
"If you sleep five and a half hours a night compared to seven and a half hours, on average, you will consume 22% more calories the following day."
"You'll be able to tell when you need to increase the calories."
"All she has to do is literally just eat like 300 calories less and it will make a huge difference."
"If you do reduce your calorie intake and you take in fewer calories than you burn off, generally speaking, you're going to lose weight."