
Early Retirement Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"This portfolio is generating over $500 a month in income and this is so important for anyone that is pursuing financial independence with the goal of retiring early by living off of your portfolios."
"The idea is that by following a very aggressive saving and investing strategy, people can get to a point where they are effectively retired at a very young age, sometimes younger than 30."
"For the sake of financial independence and retiring early, you must do what you can to save more money."
"Your original FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) videos inspired me to talk about the topic too."
"Retired at the age of 24 obviously due to a lot of reasons."
"Most realistically you could live off of two million starting at a young age if you are given two million dollars at 20 years old you could make that last the rest of your life."
"This six-figure portfolio allowed me to retire in my early 30s, invested in the same high-quality dividend growth stocks that I make videos on."
"We want to flip that. What if we only worked for 20 years and we got to enjoy retirement for a lot longer?"
"This is making me some decent money... I can actually just retire."
"The principles for building wealth and retiring early are the same, regardless of income."
"I'm retiring at 49 and I'm really happy about this."
"Retiring at age 26 sounds weird, but all it really meant was having $12,000 a month residual income."
"Retirement isn't Bound by age with the right attitude it's something you can relish early on. I'm taking charge of my youth."
"Early retirement for me isn't about just not working, it's about freedom."
"Why would I wait 'til 30, 40 to quit? That's boring. I wanna be over it."
"I was burned out in my career and decided to try retirement at the ripe old age of 38."
"We think we will be here for the foreseeable future; we do have some big plans kind of early retirement plans eventually to go spend a couple decades sailing around the world."
"...I’m just a high school drop out who learned how to save, invest in businesses, and eventually retire from a day job at 35yrs old, 7 years ago."
"Yes, sex is great, but have you ever tried retiring at 45?"
"I retired at one point, financially free at 27, that lived for three years and then I got bored because I was so young and still had energy."
"The OG channel for retiring early."
"I became financially independent and able to retire at the age of 38."
"Financial Independence, retire early."
"The fire movement as it likes to call itself can trace its origins back to a book written in 1992."
"If you want to retire early, get out of debt as soon as you can."
"There's this whole subculture that exists where a lot of these folks, they're highly educated, they have they make good money, but a lot of them have either retired in their 30s or are working remotely part-time."
"Are we trying to retire early because we want complete control over our freedom or over our time?"
"Your investment portfolio is the key to retiring early."
"If you can save more than 10 to 15 percent, then the math just makes sense; you can retire early."
"I self-educated in investing and along that journey, it went from just saving for traditional retirement to a genuine desire to leave the workforce early."
"Retiring early doesn't mean just sitting on the beach doing nothing; it means being financially independent to pursue other passions."
"Early retirement or FIRE is a financial strategy that involves drastically reducing your spending, saving a large percentage of your income, and then investing the savings so that you can afford to retire early."
"If you're being intentional with your retirement savings, it's entirely possible to retire in your 40s, 50s, or 60s."
"At the age of 21, I decided that I wanted to retire by the age of 30 because I wanted to spend my life trying to improve the lives of others."
"You know you're good at something if you're retiring at 24."
"Do this job for a couple years, work really, really, really hard, save your money, so that way you can actually retire early and live the life that you've really want to live and do the things that you really want to do."
"Financial success gives you the freedom to take your family and retire if you want to, even at an early age, we all agree with that, right?"
"Financial independence and retiring early."
"If you're gonna retire early, you have to save a lot of money."
"The way the math works out is that you could have quite a low salary and not a very hardcore frugality lifestyle at all and still be retired by 40."
"I'm semi-retired at 34, basically am."
"You don't have to wait till you're 65-67 to retire; you can retire early."
"What makes you happy and why retire early? If you have a day job that you absolutely love and it gives you so much joy, it's an important consideration."
"I will retire to the Sultan Sea at the age of 23, for I'm starting to learn I may never be free."
"It's called the FIRE movement, which stands for Financial Independence Retire Early."
"The life cycle of like an Olympic Athlete is pretty young, it's pretty short, right, like you guys retire young."
"For every thousand dollars that you get in Social Security benefits, if you take it early at age 62 you only get 750, but if you wait till 70 you get 1320."
"I'm gonna work hard right now so I can enjoy my life. Why do I have to wait till 65?"
"Financial Freedom earlier in life."
"Probably doing the job I did, which allowed me to retire nearly 10 years ago, that's one of the best decisions I've ever made."
"Financial independence, retiring early is amazing. It's you choosing to live the life that you want to live."
"I retired from my job from working for somebody else at 27."
"So this is the story of the time I retired at 23."
"At the age of 24 they already have the possibility of retiring without working because they will see real estate income replace the income from hard work."
"You can retire at age 18 and spend the rest of your days living like royalty."