
Dosage Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"It's the frequency and dose that defines the poison."
"The difference between a medicine and a poison is the dose."
"Alpha arbutin gets converted after it gets absorbed through your skin, so depending on your body surface area and how much you're using, the logical answer is probably not enough to be dangerous."
"An average sized adult or child needs at least one ounce of sunscreen protection to cover their entire body."
"The difference between a pill and a poison is the dosage."
"Children sometimes need larger doses of medicine."
"The important concept is that dose makes the poison."
"You don't have to give a combination of high dosages of a lot of things."
"Once you go above 200 and up to say 400 then you're usually talking about a transcendent or a mystical or a unity experience."
"500 milligrams of curcumin c3 complex is more than sufficient to keep c-reactive protein levels homocysteine levels and the overall systemic inflammation as low as possible."
"100,000 IU given now can help a person stay in the normal range for up to 70 days."
"Lower your dosages. Do you know how much safer it is? Less is more."
"Less than 500 milligrams per day of Resveratrol actually lowered insulin the most."
"So if a drug is necessary, aim to be on the lowest necessary dose and then pay attention to what is the symptom that is being treated."
"500 milligrams with rose helps taking stuff out of the trash pile."
"The best dose is the one you will be the most consistent with."
"We do see it, it's like I said commensurate with the high levels that we see in medications."
"All medicines are poisons... the difference is in the dose."
"I think going above 60 nanograms per milliliter is probably still okay."
"A very wise approach to anything in medicine is to take the dose that works that's the lowest dose... and if it's an appropriate dose why take more because more isn't better."
"Regulation makes it very hard to realize how controlled or not a dose is."
"We need an up-to-date weight for us to be able to give the correct dose."
"The main point here is higher doses are not always better, the dose and timing need to be carefully adjusted to each person."
"In phase one trials, determining maximum tolerated dose is crucial."
"You know you've got to have at least a half a milligram going in for it to work."
"Exercise is the greatest drug, but it is a proper dose effect."
"Try to utilize the lowest effective dose that you can get away with."
"You want to limit how long you're using it, you want to limit the doses you're using."
"Short-term use of melatonin is safe even when taken in high doses."
"I'm not gonna underdose. I'm not going to overdose. It's going to be the right dose. That's what you deserve from a caring doctor."
"That's why many individuals that are on medications that stimulate or simulate your dopamine and your adrenaline or noradrenaline require higher and higher doses."
"The only mistake you can make is using too little, in my humble, humble opinion."
"Anything given in high enough doses can become toxic, including nutrients."
"Micro dosing is what it is. It's a really small dose, just to do it. I'm a really big fan of it, I think it's amazing."
"If you say you have a headache and you take a milligram of aspirin, you would conclude that aspirin doesn't work. But in fact, it's the dose and the intensity of the treatment that matters."
"The median effective dose of creatine is five grams a day."
"The average individual needs approximately 3,000 international units per day."
"For most people... there is a dose typically somewhere between 25 and 100 milligrams before bed that produces remarkable sleep."
"I was disappointed but took the remaining pills home with me. There were nine or 450 milligrams."
"While when we start out with the diagnosis of thyroid cancer we tend to replace thyroid hormone at 2.1 micrograms per kilogram of body weight by the time we're you know even 6070 we can require less than that for to continue to suppress the TSH."
"Oh my God, is that when my ears are bleeding? How many doses have you taken?"
"The most bang for the buck with statins is with the baby dose, and yeah, if you need a little bit more, and in the early 80s and 90s, we had nothing else but statins, that's what you had to do."
"So do be aware that how long it takes is sort of a product of your body and how long you've been on your dose and what dose you've been on."
"If food is a drug, then what dose do you prescribe it? What are the ingredients of that drug?"
"The best way to start using these is to start with a low dose and gradually increase."
"Once you find the right dose, you will get the same symptom improvement regardless of which thiamine you use or which administration you use."
"We wanna start low, go slow, but we don't wanna stop and usually we can get to near younger adult regular doses for treatment."
"The drug combination will be a single pill, taken twice a day."
"...using that slow upward titration to get the effect you're looking for without you know grogginess in the morning."
"If I take 250 milligrams, I'm not making anybody's weight if I."
"If you experience any of these playing around with your dose and simply dropping it is usually sufficient to resolve your symptoms."
"...so these are important concepts whenever clearance is decreased, modify your maintenance dose, change your dosing interval maybe to be less frequent."
"Remember the number 3.58 milligrams per kilo of body weight. Let's compare this with what Dr James Kirkland has been using in his studies to kill senescent cells in humans: 20 milligrams per kilo of body weight. This is a factor of 6."
"The lesser the better. 25 grays in 10 fractions causes less neurotoxicity than higher dose 36 grays when you give whole brain radiation."
"...I've taken 750 milligrams before and I was high for like a day but I was chilling."
"CBD's not going to harm you in reasonable doses."
"The therapeutic dose for that patient."
"Dosage calculations are really, really important to get right every time."
"Anything can be a poison. It all depends on the dose."
"Aspirin is shown to have some benefit at 325 milligrams... so I may use it in some population."
"It is very clear that there is this prime boost response that is happening. So after the first dose of mRNA 1273, you get about 10 to the four endpoint tighter for S-specific binding antibodies. That is increased by a log after the second dose of the vaccine."
"...microdosing could potentially help with a lot of these critical safety factors."
"Highly recommend that you start on the low end and work your way up."
"Lowering the dose of anti-VEGF agents may increase profusion in tumors, benefiting more patients."
"Be prepared to adjust the dose because there's a lot of individual variation in response and in individual variation and side effects."
"...the minimal effective percentage dosage is 40%."
"When you're doing stress imaging you'll tend to decrease your dose."
"One way to determine your vitamin level is to take some vitamins see if you feel better raise the dose see if you feel better still raise the dose see if you still feel better and if you don't or if you feel worse go back to the dose that got you the most results."
"If you're not careful with how much resveratrol you take, you may achieve a completely different benefit or result from the one that you intended."
"Different tissues in our bodies accumulate resveratrol in different concentrations. Using high dose in the upper range will make sure I'll get an anti-cancer effect within all possible tissues."
"When [__] was talking about people oh dear on fentanyl a lot of people thinking like you just snorted a [__] mountain of some [__] and it's just a little bit, yes."
"Low-dose Resveratrol is better for longevity."
"Tolerance occurs when a person begins to require a higher dosage of a medication to produce the same effects."
"Therapeutic index is basically a ratio of the dose that helps you i.e the therapeutic effect over the dose that kills you i.e the toxic effect."
"These are some of the usual doses and if you go online you're going to find a ton about this."
"The more ground coffee you start with, the more caffeine is going to end up in the beverage that you drink."
"...want to use the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration."
"...ideally, we want to use the lowest effective dose for the shortest amount of time possible to reduce that risk."
"Try to taper the doses rather than the timing. Decrease the dose rather than lengthening the duration between each dose."
"Dosage is a difficult thing to measure when you're picking things from the wild to make your own tinctures or teas or remedies."
"If you maintain a dose it's okay to do occasional bolus doses."
"It's okay to have like a general idea, but you know if you had a 300 IU cartridge and you gave yourself 150 one night and 150 the next night, there still might be some medication, you know, 50 to 100 IUs in that cartridge that you're going to want to use."
"So I can actually double you every eight hours and get you a high dose. That's to me better than choosing lisinopril ten."
"So what's really important to know about this, again, is that it's a very small dose that creates relief. Really really small dose."
"If you're taking five different prescription medications, you need 500 milligrams a day of CoQ10."
"Every medicine can become a poison in a large dosage."
"The dose makes the poison, but also the subject matters as well."
"When people take THC in the presence of CBD, they can handle higher doses and they get less side effects."
"The General Medical consensus is that in the treatment of Androgen deficiency, injectable exogenous testosterone will range anywhere between 25 milligrams to 200 milligrams per week."
"I'm on 180 milligrams of gear a week."
"Methylene blue is really unique because it has stimulatory beneficial effects at these low doses, but if we push really high doses, actually methylene blue can be very harmful to the cell."
"If there's a significant response, find the lowest dose and consider how to cure your patient."
"We're getting closer and closer to being able to titrate the dosage to optimize it for one's health."
"The nature of a poison isn't so much the substance itself; it's the dosage."
"Solid dosage forms have actually longer shelf life in comparison to the liquid dosage form or any other kind of dosage form and are actually available as a unit dose so patient knows exactly how much medication to take."
"It's not one size fits all; it's not unlimited doses versus no doses; it can be something in between, it can be lower doses. We need to maximize efficacy, minimize harm; that's the rule of biomedicine."
"Everything in pediatrics is weight-based."
"That's what people need to realize: the right dose is the minimal effective dose."
"This makes it simple for you, and that's because it's pre-dosed."
"The mean lethal dose is the dose that delivers on average one lethal event per target."
"It's the dose and the timing that make the poison."
"Highly toxic chemicals can be life-saving when given at appropriate doses."
"The therapeutic index is the relationship between the median effective dose and the median lethal dose."
"All substances are poisons; there are none that are not poison. The right dose differentiates the poison from a remedy."
"Start with the low dose and gradually build it up."
"Potency is basically the lowest dose of a drug needed to begin to show its effects."
"It's the dose that makes the poison, the quantity that counts."
"The particular concentration established for a given OEL is based on adverse health response given a particular dose."
"Therapeutic threshold is the level or amount of drug in the blood necessary to achieve the desired response."
"A performance dosage of caffeine is about three to six milligrams per kilogram of body weight."
"All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dose alone makes a thing not poison."
"This drug-loaded nanoparticle can release the higher dose of drug for a prolonged period of time and which will completely inhibit the growth of cells."
"More dose generally means more ionization in a tumor and therefore more damage."
"The difference between medicine and poison can often be dose."
"Everything is a poison, nothing is a poison; it all depends on the dosage."
"You only need about the size of a grain of rice would be a dose when you do the FICO, very potent."
"The dose of a drug is actually the quantitative amount administered or taken by a patient for the intended medicinal effect or for therapeutic purposes."
"Only a dose will turn medicine into poison, and poison into medicine."
"There's no need to load creatine; just take five grams a day."
"You're gonna be totally fine just taking five to ten grams per day on an ongoing basis."
"Body surface area is important to know for the calculation of your drugs."
"A safe drug is one in which the concentration at which it causes toxic effects is much higher than the concentration at which it causes good effects."