
Cultural Resilience Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I think culture gets tested when times are rough."
"The only peoples who escaped this cultural intermission were the Armenians and the Jews. At this point, the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs could directly strike the Middle East, and the Armenians and the Jews would still be around afterwards."
"I'm not scared of these extremists, these ideologues. You think I'm scared of being canceled? Never gonna happen."
"Voodoo provided a sense of strength even in those extraordinarily difficult contexts."
"It's not about war unbattled, it's about living in Finland art Winters, lots of suffering in The Finnish history, and the whole nation has held it together and maybe sisu is the explanation for that."
"Sanatana Dharma survived much bigger challenges for a millennium; it will survive this phase."
"I hope that the differences are important enough, significant enough, that that's what prevents it from happening here."
"They still retain the sense of humor which is absolutely incredible."
"We're not slaves no more. We don't have that slave mentality like y'all think we have."
"The Métis had been forged by adversity into a nation, and their life scratching a living from the prairies made them one of the most adaptable peoples on the planet."
"What we were seeing was cultural resilience. It's New York City at its finest."
"Battered by changing times and changing tastes Superman always seems to emerge stronger than ever."
"As long as one Palestinian remains alive, their cause will never die."
"Joe Rogan and everybody else targeted by the cancel mob, you could take a lesson from Stacey Abrams and really any democrat. They don't apologize."
"The temple was always rebuilt each time stronger and more beautiful than before, adorned with a hundred kilos of gold."
"Foreign invaders mobilize divisions and send them to destroy this temple but the stone is so hard that they could only inflict minor damages over a long period of time eventually the destroyers just gave up."
"The Basques remain a vital culture, providing a vivid look at the resilience of Europe's smaller ethnic groups."
"The story of jazz is the story of great musicians overcoming adversity only to face more."
"The culture goes everywhere, it's not gonna ever get lost."
"Black people are not a trend... we will not allow our will to resist or our lives to be snuffed out."
"I don't give a [ __ ] if people try to cancel me."
"It's almost as if the people of Mexico kind of laugh at the face of destruction."
"We're very adaptable. You can put a Lebanese person anywhere, they'll make the best out of their situation."
"It could not overcome a 2000 year Vietnamese history of resistance."
"There's just something about Hispanic fighters, guys from Mexico especially, that they just don't quit."
"The story of the Mori is one of perseverance."
"even without a black panther, black people, we gonna be all right"
"When it comes to pop culture created by black folks, it's not dissolvable, it's not dismissible in the same way that mainstream pop culture is."
"The mighty Inca Empire dispatched an emissary to the Chachapoyas to ask them to submit peacefully or face war."
"But with what we have, with this Yoruba spirit itself, we will overcome all this nonsense, and insecurity will come to an end one day."
"The fried Feast before them symbolized not just sustenance but resilience."
"Hip-hop is not over, okay? Our culture is deeper than that."
"I think it's quite apt for the time we're in. New York is that Kendrick Lamar song: 'We gonna be alright.' We gonna be alright."
"Every low and slow step along the way, police, lawmakers, and the media tried to stop low riders in their tracks, and every time it only made the lowriders more determined to stick around."
"The hood girls get up however the hood girls get up. This system may set up for us to get up the way white girls get up."
"We don't need their program; we have already saved because of the spirituality within us."
"Finding light in darkness is a very American thing to do."
"Even when our drum was taken, we had shout ring shouts and church stomping on the floor and hand clapping. None of it could be taken from our hearts."
"Though life could be difficult, the challenges they faced simply to survive in this environment made their people strong, proud and resilient, able to greatly influence events across Westeros when united in common cause."
"We have always been here, and we will never be erased."
"If we face that great comet explosion that they faced there in that period... our culture would eliminate it."
"Reports of the death of the American church, like that of Mark Twain, have been greatly exaggerated."
"Nigeria is a weapon fashioned against us, and I think there is a prayer, a kind of a counter that is, you know, counter statement that says no weapon fashioned against us shall prosper."
"Chong Kneas, a floating village on the outskirts of Siem Reap, provides a glimpse into the resilience and adaptability of the Cham people."
"Liverpool's growth fueled by trade, engineering achievements, and cultural resilience."
"I think the Irish and the Italians, we've suffered as well."
"Cuban food is about flexibility and resilience."
"It's about developing strategies for cultural resilience and moving this community forward."
"The African for example did not have these monolithic religions where you would go like the Arab or the European Christians when they distorted Christianity, would go and say in the name of such and such I'm going to wipe you out."
"Storytelling is a way of feeding our fires, and fire will not be confined by colonial imposition."
"Every dance step and rhythm in Sinulog tells a story, reflecting the intricate mix of indigenous resilience and colonial impact."
"African languages and literature are not dead, have never really died."