
Financial Savvy Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Ultimately, financial freedom in the world we live in today comes down to choices, hard work, and a little bit of financial savvy."
"She's smart you know get her money and go you got to literally pay me to mind my own business."
"Buying luxury items pre-owned is financially smarter and healthier for your wallet."
"I had my aha moment when I brought home 60 bars for like 30 cents."
"Disney pros never pay more than they have to; they always get those discounts."
"So guys, he was able to make a $3,000 purchase, I got it for free, for free yeah, by buying things he was already gonna buy, anything where are you gonna buy, that's the beauty."
"Oh my god, am I adopting these? They're like $300 jeans, they're 30 bucks!"
"And that, my friends, is how you move markets."
"Abdullah the Butcher was always noted in the wrestling business as a guy that got every penny that was coming to him and every penny."
"What I love is that they're asking the right question. Savings in any way is a good thing."
"Buying a used car is definitely the fire thing to do."
"Know efficiency, understand a bargain when you see it."
"She had a better grasp of business and financial affairs than most men."
"If I would have worked at McDonald's the way I work and the way I saved my money, I would have been rich."
"There's no Gucci, there's no Louie. This is how a person really acts when they earn over a million dollars a year: they're really financially savvy."
"On the positive side of this number, this is going to be somebody who is very well off. This is going to be somebody who is good with money and usually has a lot of resources."
"Sometimes guys, don't be scared to look for those deals. They're out there."
"It's just about knowing people and being smart with your money and making the right moves."
"Being able to buy on-brand items without worrying about burning a hole in your wallet."
"Cash is always king so when you can go to cash get your you know I don't mean literal cash you put the money in the bank but when you have the money in the bank you can take advantage of deals."
"My husband and I make really good money and had a 5k wedding with 10 guests, and I have a $1,000 ring, and we bought a $1 million home with the money we saved."
"Don't feel guilty about getting free; sometimes it's what you need to do to spend less money."
"Options traders are more active and more savvy."
"She is a very loving woman, very smart woman, smart on the money especially."
"Spending money on stuff is not a big deal as long as it helps you make more money or makes your life easier in the long run."
"Spending smart can get you the most out of your money, keep you from getting taken advantage of, and stay out of excessive amounts of debt."
"I wasn't stupid with the money, and I actually ended up saving it."
"I do hedge against inflation by pre-buying my groceries."
"I'm always trying to get creative to find new ways to help you get the most bang for your budget."
"That is an amazing deal, especially in this economy."
"It's not about just making more money, it's about keeping the money that you work so hard to make."
"You have to be smart with our money, all of us as a collective, especially us being young."
"I've been working since high school and I've always been super frugal, super financially savvy."
"Let's outsmart these extra expenses together."
"I like to save my money, I like to invest my money, make smart decisions with my money."
"With this information, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to make a good purchase and not burn your money."
"How to save money... the rich simply have money ready for when opportunities present themselves."
"I wanted to travel when I was still young, able-bodied, and relatively financially savvy."
"How well you're able to save your money and how wise you are with your finances."
"It's not cool to overspend; it's cool to get a great deal."
"Keep your eyes on the prize and spend wisely."
"It gives me all those same warm and fuzzies without putting a massive dent in the old pocketbook."
"I learned early on how to save my money."
"Homes are expensive to maintain, better to rent."
"Your ability to play within the rules while still lowering your tax burden is key to preserving and maximizing your wealth."
"All my life I have had a good financial education. I don't know where I got it from, but I have always saved and I have never wasted."
"Comparing credit cards to find the right rewards is a finance secret that nobody ever takes advantage of."
"I'm a saver, if I make a dollar, I save 50 cents."
"Deals that are out there, just gotta go find them."
"Go check out how to shop for lower cost car insurance when you get that ugly renewal notice and go shop the market and get a better deal."
"Most people know how to make money once; I know how to make money twice."
"I managed to get a really good deal on it because I got 10% off through buying gift vouchers through a scheme at work."
"All my friends know how to make that money."
"I'm very smart when it comes to managing my money."
"For me, it's all about discipline, being savvy when I spend, preparing and sticking to a budget."
"At this point, you're saving money because you're starting to understand how much being emotionally balanced brings in more money."