
Market Change Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"Globalism is a sweeping force that has changed our markets and lives."
"The market is never done deciding... iPhone 1 at one point was the number one thing in the market, well, it's not anymore."
"I'm just happy to see NFTs being phased out completely"
"Rather than it going to waste, we put it to good use."
"I think if they developed a large system that catered to the friendly gamer, it would drastically change the industry."
"NFTs are showing us that this is possible right so I think something is changing."
"The effect of these Tesla price cuts has been huge."
"If you orange build a significant percentage of boomers and they started going to the financial advisors and their pension funds... that's when the existing finance industry has to start taking this seriously."
"I ordered one... it was going to be 400 500 no 250 maybe... no they introduced this thing at eighty dollars eighty bucks."
"The need for co-working space is rapidly fading away."
"This right here is going to revolutionize that space, that blog and industry, and it's going to change how people participate in the space."
"The pandemic brought with it an influx of casual gamers that hadn't been seen since the heyday of Wii Bowling."
"I think once we get that crypto clarity I think a lot of this is going to change."
"Used game sales or a thing of the past, wonderful! That means we can make more money on our games." - TotalBiscuit
"Uniswap is about to become way more attractive."
"The car business is about to change in the next ten years."
"Eth Maxis that have hated Saul for the last three years are now seeing the value of it."
"I remember watching this happen before when Ethereum was $100 and $200 and $300 and how eth went to $3 and $4 thousand dollars."
"Bonds now look much much more appealing than they were 12 months ago."
"Bonds are more attractive now than they were a year ago."
"This isn't about a bull market. This changes things forever."
"I hope that as the like mainstream regular ass person video calling thing it just completely destroys Skype."
"I think we're going to see more change in the next year in market structure than we've seen since 1975."
"The era of boring crossovers is coming to an end, and one sign at Ford is that they're finally canceling the edge."
"This would fundamentally change the App Store, destroying tens of thousands of free apps in the process."
"This is about unfettered competition so we can change the odds."
"Gas prices bringing down more than a dollar and 30 cents a gallon."
"Star Wars films are no longer guaranteed to make money. Good luck with that, boys."
"The landscape has changed... they now make killer flagships."
"It's exciting that we're actually going to get affordable electric vehicles that are decent products instead of continuing to get dirt from the old guard."
"Gas prices are down and they're down quite significantly... it is indeed a 53% decline."
"Once they go physical, they've never gone back to synthetic."
"Vinyl is making a huge comeback... crude oil prices plummeted... making the profit margin in vinyl much higher."
"Bitcoin went from 19,000 on March 13th to nearly twenty-eight thousand."
"The results for Trolls World Tour have exceeded our expectations and demonstrated the viability of PVOD."
"I think it's going to happen a lot faster as soon as gasoline gets to the real price."
"The real question we should be asking here is why are banks and mortgage companies losing money on loan originations now when they were making so much money not that long ago."
"Avocado, they're too expensive and going extinct."
"What we're seeing in the last two and a half weeks, Mario, is a revolution in the silver market."
"We are in a moment where gold was $200 an ounce, it's now over two thousand dollars an ounce."
"Beef jerky has really picked up... used to distract things basically."
"We're fundamentally changing the nature of the healthcare marketplace."
"Kyle's expose on Fry's Electronics inventory sparks discussions. Farewell, Fry's, and hello to new possibilities."
"Amazon has changed the retail industry forever."
"Market wise, changing the whole perspective."
"The age of getting great deals on cars is dead due to the internet."
"The p365 undeniably changed the role of the micro compact in the US concealed carry market."
"The drop on these 160 fibers is considerable."
"We are literally on the eve of the biggest change in the history of cryptocurrency."
"Suddenly when charges start rising you're like wait, well now I gotta pay less for these tech stocks."
"People today, they don't buy books and music, they buy you."
"Years later and if anybody had stood up there in 2000 and said there's this thing called a digital camera which by the way Kodak invented, yeah so it's not like they didn't know what was coming right?"
"I think a big part of the outrage is this unsettling realization that we are no longer the target demographic for these products."
"Rarely do you actually go to a convention and see a product where you're like, 'You've actually changed.'"
"The largest 30-day price cut we've seen since the end of the shortages in 2022."
"The sanctions have led to an imminent shortage of high-performance chips pushing up the price."
"If only the internet wasn't just about to take over and revolutionize the market entirely, leaving all those thousands of stores pretty much obsolete."
"Everything Quest and Meta and honestly the entirety of the VR Market just changed in the past day."
"It makes me sad that there are only three manual sedan rear-wheel drive sedans left in the market but at the same time as a way to send it off this is a pretty damn good car."
"Don't you wish you could mine some bitcoin at one thousand dollars a coin because there were less miners mining it you'd be getting a bigger chunk and now it's 50x that price. Let's think about that."
"I'm pretty sure that so much Tech consolidation has happened that it's like what are you gonna put the toothpaste back in the tube."
"Nothing like the App Store existed before, and it has fundamentally changed the world."
"I don't know why she got him anyway. Everyone's going to charge fancy prices now."
"It's the biggest one-year change in expected return on stocks that I've tracked from 1960 to 2022. It's the biggest one-year change in expected return because you got a double whammy last year."
"...there has been an underlying shift in the economic fundamentals of the market."
"It's a really cool idea that I think is going to change the multi-tool market."
"They're gonna change the motorcycling market, and you can either adapt or you can die."
"Wall Street is basically buying houses, and it's changed the residential market a lot."
"The previous condition where there was underperformance in the equity market is actually changing."
"Eventually, the tide will turn again, and we want to be able to make the most of it when it does."
"We're going to have a third real competitor that's broad-based, widely distributed to Visa and MasterCard, that will bring down interchange fees."
"The reason that I have a major investment in Amazon is I think that this is going to change."
"It's really becoming crystal clear that Hollywood's dependence on China as a major contributor to box office grosses is coming to an end."
"One day, Furch guitars came along and completely changed the parameters of what I realized an acoustic guitar ships online."
"Hey America is for sale because all of a sudden like $200,000 houses were for sale for $40,000."
"I surrender, I give up, I capitulate; I'm no longer a bear, I'm a bull to the Moon."
"Market is changing again; it's changing every few years. Everything is changing, and you have to adapt."
"The landscape has quite changed over the years, and most recently, a lot of the proxy services that people tend to use nowadays have very similar fee structures and places that they're able to purchase from."
"The surprise success of the steam deck as well as the GPU shortage of 2020 through 2022 were events that the game industry wasn't expecting and seems unwilling to adapt to."
"The Suzuki Hayabusa changed the motorcycle market in 1999."
"This is maybe the first high-end brand to recognize that the market is changing."
"They really changed what you can get at this price point."
"For me now, I think the market's changing from fossil fuel cars to EVs, electric vehicles."
"We cannot afford to be Blockbuster in a Hulu world."
"More recently, we have started to see prices fall back down as cryptocurrency mining cools off."
"The word 'imports' doesn't mean the same thing to customers now."
"There's a lot of really, really good opportunities because the market is shifting towards a place where people ultimately need to find better ways of doing things."
"Digital art just really wasn't a market three years ago, and now it's becoming one."
"We're only like a decade away from a lot of those big monopolies completely dying and the consumer is getting wiser about how they make their purchases."
"We want to send a market signal; we want to make veganism sensible."
"Some Western food companies left Russia, reducing product variety on shelves and causing prices to go up."
"Only 12% of the original Fortune 500 still exists today."
"The small stores were just destined to disappear, at least in the numbers they once existed, because the whole thing is driven by the customers who are free to choose where to shop."
"It has replaced profits with vision and growth."
"They're shaking up the market, they're disrupting the market with something new, something fresh that's changing with the times."
"There is something called 'The Flippening' happening."
"The whole market is changing in how they treat people in terms of life and work balance."
"We can't usually afford to buy a house in Fountain Square anymore because it's become such a desirable alternative to downtown, and property values have just exploded."
"They brought to the market something that was so simple and inexpensive that a whole new population of people now had the money and the skill to afford and use this product."
"It's a shame that ATV USA is gone; they had a very positive impact on the electronic drum market."
"We're not seeing people paying over appraised value for a home anymore."
"This break of Market structure already shows us a change in Market sentiment."
"Think iPod, think Crocs, think George Foreman's award-winning grill."
"Why is pork shoulder and oxtail so expensive? It literally used to be the parts nobody wanted."
"The golf ball market has been flipped on its head with direct-to-consumer golf balls."
"The criminalization of prostitution in Sweden resulted in the shrinking of the prostitution market and the decline of human trafficking inflows."
"A change in supply occurs when the entire supply of a good shifts either inwards or outwards."
"The marketplace is changing, and if we just get stuck and keep doing the things that were successful in the past, the chances are those same activities won't make us successful in the future."
"Largest office building in St. Louis is sold for 3.5 million but in 2006 it sold for 205 million."
"The market is certainly changing, and those that are wanting these cars, I love these stories."
"An increase in demand shifts the demand curve to the right, that increased price, and it increased the quantity demanded."
"The iPhone came out and what happened?"
"Tables have turned, guys. It is more of a buyer's market than it's been in the last two years."
"Tomorrow the new supply of Bitcoin that comes onto the market will be cut in half."
"This used to sell for 1,400 dollars, and sold well, now you can buy it from 500€."
"Interest rates are skyrocketing, and that has made opportunities for investors."
"Trend transitions when you have a market that begins to die out and then it begins to sell off fairly hard."
"The comic book industry, the direct market, has been forever changed."
"With today's historic action, we are fundamentally changing the nature of the healthcare marketplace."
"It's really a change in the market, it kind of signals that we're starting to mature and really getting the big players interested."
"The age of insane bidding wars and desperate deal-making is coming to an end."
"A technology disruption is when new technologies make it possible for companies and entrepreneurs to create new products that open up new markets and also either destroy or radically transform existing ones."
"Jeep recently lowered the price on the Gladiator across the board."
"They're doing what these bigger brands won't do."
"Disruptions happen because people look at it and they're like, 'Ah, it's only one or two percent of the market,' and then boom, it's 80% of the market in no time."
"The Tesla Semi will be able to change the market, creating a lot of attention and significant revenue sources for Tesla."