
Personal Trait Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"You can see through people. You've got that, it's almost like your eyes are like human x-ray machines."
"I'm a very sensitive person. Deep down to my core, I'm very empathetic and sensitive."
"I always have strategies. I think I'm a very strategic person."
"I am notorious for forgetting the plot the second a book ends, no matter how much I loved it."
"It's in your nature to assume responsibility."
"He's a genius first, he's obviously a genius."
"I love sitting here with people that are competitive. I'm one of the most competitive people you'll meet."
"Innovation is my biggest, most important quality."
"I think being open is like, honestly the biggest thing."
"I just don't quit. I've always been like this, and it's all pretty much worked out for me."
"Confidence, it just comes right off the bat."
"I don't hold still well, I need something to do."
"I'm pretty much a free speaker, I have thick skin."
"Glad to have you around, beardless by the way."
"Chaos, you know what I love in these scenarios and these events. I'm a man who loves chaos, absolutely. I thrive on it."
"You're very creative, you have a fire in you, and you're very creative."
"Confidence in a poker player is actually the most important thing."
"Maybe it's just me, but I like to know everything about everything before I make a decision about it."
"Water can flow, yeah, it can crash, yeah, and I'm a Pisces so I'll leave strongly about you."
"Attunement to energy: Highly vibrational individuals are sensitive to energy."
"I'm blessed or cursed depending on how you look at it with having more or less a photographic memory for pretty much anything that I've been a part of."
"Her unwavering determination kept her going."
"Despite all his troubles, Charles still sometimes makes fun of himself."
"I'm a very expressive person... I feel like it helps."
"I'm the type of person, man, I just question everything."
"Every man that succeeds in life has self-control."
"The fact that you can keep a secret is your biggest secret."
"He was committed to playing coy about his military career."
"I'm a naturally calm person. I find it to be a problem when people are overreacting because things are out of our control."
"He obviously performs well under pressure, and I do have a knack for creating it."
"I love the fact that you always find a way to laugh."
"It's the kernel of his character, never give up."
"I try to be the most positive person that I possibly can be."
"He had a complete fascination with Machinery."
"It's a beautiful rainy day, and I'm a pluviophile, which means someone who finds peace and happiness when it's raining. That is literally me."
"It's a pattern I keep of me. I always do a little extra."
"People feel you're unpredictable. You guys are very good at whatever it is that you do."
"I love chaos, and if there isn't chaos, I create it."
"He has an amazing memory. It's scary what he remembers."
"She's got that pessimistic sense of humor that you just have to love."
"It seems like you at least have a sense of humor still, and I love that on you, my friend."
"I'm sorry if I was a bit outspoken, that's just me."
"You are somebody that has such a passion for creativity."
"Authenticity is the most important trait... I 100 do."
"I'm very calm. Things barely move me, you know."
"I remember everything forever and ever, never forget a goddamn thing."
"You win for hair, you're the hair of God, for sure."
"He's played like that right from the off here." - "He's played like that right from the off here."
"My optimism is never misplaced. It's great to be optimistic."
"I'm a no filter kinda girl. I tell it as it is."
"I am the kind of person who naturally attracts lottery wins."
"Wear a Smile. Elle is always nice and friendly."
"Jamie Dimon always seemed to have this supreme confidence, and sometimes comes off as cocky."
"I never sweat eating. You're right, yeah, this is very strange."
"Patience: it's like a superpower tattooed on me."
"The desire to see the good in the world and the good in most people is a really great thing to have"
"Anyone with a mustache is very trustworthy and reliable."
"What is something you would never change about yourself... my resilience."
"People make fun of my big nose but I can sniff out balloons."
"It's not that I'm a coward, it's just I'm very indecisive sometimes."
"Jesse really does have a way with his words."
"The John wick switch... burgos have that switch."
"It really is that authenticity I think that so many people are drawn to."
"I'm not going out without a fight, that's just how I'm wired."
"I've refused to give up, that's just the kind of person that I am."
"Laughing at yourself is a very important quality."
"Literally, your posture. It's very upright and you have a certain amount of dignity associated with you."
"I think I'm still alive because I'm such a goofball."
"I'm kind of a perfectionist, it's really annoying, you guys know I have to do it, I'm sorry."
"Your intelligence is like your biggest strength."
"I'm a guy who's gonna say what he thinks at all times regardless of who's in the room."
"Yuki had the self-indulgence that her fellow special grades had the self-indulgence of the strongest but in her case it was simply paradoxical and this trait of Yuki is what I liked most about her."
"Don't ever turn off your competitive fire. It's one of the things I like most about you."
"You know how to laugh at your mistakes or have a sense of humor about life."
"Why are we even surprised? I'm always surprised because I am a maybe foolish optimist."
"You've always got to be a little bit inwardly humble."
"I consider myself a rationalist and always try to look for a rational and logical explanation to things."
"I tend to be a little bit of a paranoid individual in general. Only the paranoid survive."
"He's just one of them... he'd never give up."
"I don't think I've ever shied away from controversy."
"I've always been somebody that tries to be as open-minded as possible."
"This stick-to-itiveness, yeah, it's freaking amazing."
"Child-like wonder is something I'm never gonna apologize for."
"I'm more of a Storyteller than a people pleaser."
"Imagination is one of the most magical things in the world and if you have a good one then you are truly gifted."
"One thing you can say for Jerry he's got unbelievable endurance unbelievable endurance."
"I've kind of just always had a smile on my face."
"I like giving gifts, I really do, I'm like a nut about giving gifts."
"I've always been the kind of person that is nice to everyone regardless."
"You're a big thinker, and that's a blessing."
"I'm still gonna be snarky as all hell about it. It's kinda my thing."
"Confidence in you, certainty is the number one most attractive and attracting trait."
"One of the biggest flaws I have is I want to see the good in people."
"You being a natural, naturally healing person."
"Confidence is obviously a big thing for you."
"Competitiveness has always been something that I enjoy."
"That's as cool, calm, and collected as it gets."
"Overall, he is really one of the most calming people ever."
"My empathy is what I like most about myself."
"I'm not anti-social, just anxious in big crowds."
"I love that Gizelle always seems to keep her composure."
"I'm a very, very good listener. I would rather listen to learn."
"I don't get distracted very often from anything."
"I love spicy food, like I said. You guys are gonna figure that out in this video."
"Motivation was key, more highly motivated than a lot of people on this Earth."
"Self-sufficient people don't go around advertising their self-sufficiency; they just are."
"I'm very passionate about something, I can get fired up."
"There's definitely something about you being very innovative and unique."
"That's just my neck with anything I do."
"...I'm just one of those kinds of people that doesn't get sweaty hands or get oily hands."
"One thing about me is I'm never gonna lie."
"There's no better personal trait that you as an individual can have than reliability."
"Her secret to success is her authenticity."
"People liked how I was super open."
"His brother's confidence seemed unshakable."
"...his dedication that really stands out to me..."
"I hate confrontation. I hate arguing."
"I've never been told I was too loud."
"I'm one of those people who have lists for my lists."
"I like doing things for the first time under a little bit of pressure, so that's just me."
"I like big projects I like big complicated projects that's just who I am."
"Your humor is one thing about you which I love the most."
"I like people; I've always liked people."
"I'm a competitive person by nature."
"I'm the person who stays calm in crisis."
"Future oriented is very true; I do not like to dwell on the past."
"You're known for your passion as well."
"I'm a person that likes to do research."
"I feel like I'm put on this Earth to drink iced coffee."
"I'm someone who stays really calm under pressure."
"I'm the type of person who works very well under pressure."
"I've always been very hypersensitive to sound."
"Creativity is not the sole vestige of museum paintings and formal design; it's an attribute we all possess."
"If you know one thing about me, you probably know that I love color."
"I've always been a very disciplined and regimented person."
"I'm a perfectionist. That's my worst but it's also my strength."
"Patience is the key trait through heartbreak and despair."
"I do believe my strongest trait is my attention to detail, this trait has helped me tremendously in this field of work."
"I like to think I'm a very sensitive person."
"What's one thing you find irresistible in someone?"
"I'm such a doer. I like to be busy."
"He's someone capable of forgiving himself, which is something that makes people different."
"The distinguishing trait between me and my peers is my ability to stay disciplined in any circumstance."
"I'm the type of person that always sees the good things."
"You love the honesty of Anna Bright."
"I have a big heart and I tend to love people very strongly."
"Everybody has to have a sense of humor."
"I always need a nap, that's one thing about me."
"One thing about me is I love food."
"My dad, you always say, 'Man, he's so stubborn.' Yeah, I'm stubborn, but my stubbornness, that's what got me here."
"I love puzzles, fun fact about me."
"That's an extremely rare trait. So you're special, Ruby."
"I love diversity. I'm the most pluralistic person you've ever met."
"I think I kind of thrive in chaos."
"Punctuality is such a huge deal to me."
"...I do not like conflict. I dislike it intensely."
"I think the best trait a man can have is to be reliable."
"Having a quirk is sort of like having a muscle."
"I have a good memory, I don't forget."
"I always try to be helpful to people."
"When I speak, I speak with a lot of Rhythm."
"I'm a sensitive person, and that's a quality to have."
"Nate's laugh is the best when he gets really tickled."
"Eye contact is just super attractive to me."
"A sense of humor is so important, finds me funny and also makes me laugh."
"I'm an ambitious person and I don't think there's anything wrong with that."
"I'm just a really creative person."
"I am a happy and positive person and others have said I am very good to be around."
"Joy must be a part of me. I must have been born with it."
"I'm incredibly disciplined, of course I am."
"I'm an alliteration fan without realizing it."
"I don't let my phone die, that's just not me, it's not in my DNA."
"For as long as I can remember, I've been a fast walker."
"I was born without collarbones. That's why I can do that weird shoulder trick."
"I'm a little bit of a perfectionist."
"I'm just like a competitive person, you know?"
"Seeing things visually... is definitely what I'm about. I'm definitely a visual person."
"I'm always cold, ice in my veins."
"One thing my mother would always say to me, 'Eric, you got one bad quality. It's that loyalty. You're too loyal. People are not as loyal as you.'"
"I'm just honest. I don't know why people always get mad at me; I'm honest."
"I'm very competitive. I think it came from my childhood."
"Communication is the biggest thing with me."
"I don't like arguments. I think it's because really ordinary arguments can get really dramatic really quickly."
"My heat tolerance is like really high for my taste buds."
"I'm just going to be completely honest, and I've just always been that."
"99.9% of my humor came from my dad."
"Organization is very important for me."
"Thank goodness that even today I am a light sleeper, and I wake up to almost anything."
"The odd thing about ambition is this: you can acquire it like a fever, but it is not easily shed."
"I'm prompt, you don't notice, right?"
"I was a long distance runner, and I think that's where I get my tenacity."
"Patience is something that you have to have long term. It needs to be in your DNA."
"I walk really fast because I hate slow walkers so much."
"You were talking about being tall, that sometimes it's useful."
"You could say I've got a competitive streak."
"I really love that aspect about him very much."
"I've never ever been able to deal with negativity ever, it's just something the way I'm wired."
"What is a trait that you absolutely love and admire about yourself?"
"I love detail because I'm a detailed junkie."
"I've always been a good Gift Giver."