
Trinity Quotes

There are 453 quotes

"The Holy Spirit is, in my opinion, the most ignored person of the Trinity."
"The church was worshiping in a Trinitarian formula and baptizing in a Trinitarian formula long before the crises of the Trinity provoked in the church the desire to clarify its language."
"The father, the word, and the Holy Ghost... and these three are one."
"Thousands of years ago, Isis, Horus, and Osiris were thought of as a holy trinity."
"We have a triune God... Father, Son, Holy Spirit, who know and love each other."
"The doctrine of Trinity means one God composed of three co-equal persons who are one in essence but distinct in personality."
"God has always had somebody to love... In Him were three persons, and since in Him was three persons, He had good practice in loving because they could love on each other."
"The doctrine of the Trinity says that there are three distinct persons; they are distinct, they're not the same, they're all three different persons, they are all equally God, and yet there's only one God."
"God is the name of the Lord. It's a Trinity."
"Just think what it means: the Father on the throne, the Son at his right hand, and the Holy Spirit in your heart."
"God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit... the first person, the second person, and the third person of the Trinity."
"May the Lord bless you and keep you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
"The Trinity is not beyond understanding. Three can be one, there's nothing irrational in the Trinity. It is quite possible."
"The emergence of the doctrine of the Trinity was gradual, a painful and prolonged attempt truthfully to spell out the stupendous implications of the revelation of God and Jesus Christ."
"God wants me to tell you that he is revealing himself, Jesus is revealing himself, the Holy Spirit is revealing the Father and the Son."
"When matter and antimatter merge you have a new creation, a third energy creating the Trinity within the universal and cosmic frequencies."
"Thank you and may Almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
"Trinity is literally the best support in the entire game."
"The Trinity can be found... through Scripture alone without a church getting together and declaring it at some council."
"Please worship the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
"The Trinity is active in what happened on the cross."
"The traditional offertory is invoking the Trinity, offering to the Trinity. I mean, there's just so much going on theologically."
"Understanding the Trinity: You are a Trinity, three-in-one."
"God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen."
"Almost Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I adore you profoundly."
"The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead."
"The whole Trinity is involved... in our salvation."
"God Himself exists in three parts and still be one God, just as water does not lose its uniqueness just because it's in three containers."
"What is the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?"
"God is Jesus is the Holy Spirit but they are separate entities but there's only one God but all three separate entities are God."
"Jesus is the divine Son of Man, the second person of the Trinity."
"May God bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
"Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, ever shall be, world without end. Amen."
"The goal of the Trinity is not judgment or even removing sin; it is inclusion."
"The love of the father... it's like the Trinity has pulled us inside that glory and said, 'Here, dance with us.'"
"The family is a mirror of the Trinity."
"The Bible says that we have the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Yet they are One."
"Although there is only one God, there are three persons within the godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
"Neo is not the one. Neo cannot act independently of Trinity as the one. Together, they are one."
"The Bible describes him in unique ways. There is only one of him, one existing as three persons: father, son, and Holy Spirit, and he is the creator of all of the Elohim."
"It is time now to give honor to the third member of the Trinity; namely, the Holy Spirit."
"Prayer is joining the symphony of the Trinity."
"The biblical doctrine of the trinity comprises two affirmations: first that there is exactly one god, and second that there are exactly three persons who are properly called god, namely the father, the son, and the holy spirit."
"Jesus could say that the Father was in him, and he in the Father. That's why Paul identifies the Spirit of God with the Spirit of Christ."
"The love between them is so great that from it comes a third person, the Holy Spirit."
"The doctrine of the Trinity is summed up as one essence and three persons."
"...the ultimate revelation of the doctrine of the Trinity is found in the incarnation, ministry, death, burial, and resurrection of the second person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ, the Son of God."
"The very first sentence in the Bible uses a plural noun with a singular verb, implying that God is three in one."
"The Holy Spirit, according to the Bible, is not an ethereal concept but a vital part of the godhead known as the Trinity."
"Before we get into the meat of the issue, which is the trinity boom, trinity."
"And so we see all three members of the trinity actively involved in creation."
"Without these distinctions, there can’t be any distinctions between the persons of the Trinity and if there are no distinctions, there is no Trinity."
"The Holy Spirit is the member of the Trinity most personally, intimately involved in the life of a believer."
"The Father planned our glory, the Son provided our glory, and the Spirit protects our glory."
"I find it hilarious... Webster in 1828 said everybody believes a Trinity that claims to be a Christian."
"Each of the major attributes of God, each of the major works of God, ascribes specifically in scripture to each distinctly, each of the three persons of the Trinity."
"The love between the Father and the Son is so great that proceeding from it is the Holy Spirit."
"The Holy Spirit, the father God, all of that is one."
"Our God is a trinitarian compassionate God—God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit—and he's always been a good God."
"Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity he is God the son the Bible tells us that there is God the father that there is God the son and that there is God the Holy Spirit."
"Elevate Him above all others. He's the only one that has come down. He is the eternal Son of God. He is the Lord of Lords. He is the second member of the Trinity. He is the source of truth."
"The best way to understand the Trinity, first of all, is to start by realizing you'll never fully understand it."
"The Holy Spirit is the most ignored member of the Trinity."
"Worship God as He is—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
"The Holy Spirit is equally God with the Father and the Son."
"The Trinity needs to be done right."
"Look at that! The Trinity, the mystery of the Trinity hidden in the tabernacle, just waiting to be revealed by Christ."
"...seeing the Father, the Son, and the Spirit in a trinitarianly harmonious way accomplishing their self-glorification."
"When have I experienced the Trinity delighting in me, and what does that look like?"
"How do you know God is real? How do we know that God is Trinity?"
"The Trinity who lives within all believers is eager to show His fruit, the fruit of the Spirit."
"God is a dynamic relationship of love, and even the Trinity was just too much for the earlier stage mind."
"We worship Father, Son, and Holy Spirit equally."
"Be compassionate the way your heavenly Father's compassionate, first of all your heavenly Father is not one person it's three, the way the Trinity is compassionate."
"And so when Jesus is praying in John 17 and saying that the father is the one true God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent, he's putting them both, the father and the son, together."
"The Trinity shouldn't be explained with human illustrations like the egg analogy. Let's not try to explain the nature of the Holy Spirit—it's a mystery."
"God the Father Jehovah, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit are one and the same God."
"The Father exists, the Son intellect. The Father decided to create through the intellect, the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the life giver, three in one."
"There's only one God in three persons who are all equal and all fully God."
"The Trinity is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but the Son now is fully God and fully man."
"God is simple. He is simply one-in-three and three-in-one."
"Jesus is God; he is the second person of the Trinity. Jesus Is God, he is the second person in the Trinity."
"I think Trinity can fly and she can also remake the Matrix the way she wants, like it's kind of like a 'we are the one' thing."
"It is obvious to all of us that the Holy Spirit is the member of the Trinity who gets the least attention."
"We would call it a trinity. They just simply say the son of man is not God the father, but he exists with God the father from beginning to end."
"God is eternal. He was always Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
"We are one being with three parts: body, soul, and spirit."
"The Holy Spirit as part of the Trinity is considered as one God in three persons."
"God has never been alone. When he hung on that cross, the Father and the Spirit were with him."
"Clearly, the Holy Spirit is not part of any Trinity. Without it, there can be no Trinity."
"The beauty of God is that he's The Great I Am. The father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not separate Gods; you're praying to one God."
"...God is one God but it's three distinct Divine persons."
"This is one of the reasons why Christianity understands the trinity: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit - three personalities in one Godhead."
"Augustine saw the image of the Trinity within humanity. Father, Son, and Spirit could be represented by three aspects of human consciousness: the mind itself, its knowledge, and love."
"We worship one God in Trinity and the Trinity in unity, neither confusing the persons nor dividing the divine being."
"The Trinity: God exists as a single deity with three separate but permanently connected entities."
"If it's true that this world has been created in the image of a Triune God, then Ultimate Reality is a dance."
"The doctrine of the Trinity is bristling and exploding with life-shaping, wonderful, glorified, glorious implications."
"Praying or praising or worshiping to the Father through the work of the Son as the Holy Spirit works, since that's the normal pattern of prayer."
"You have not only the Holy Spirit in you, you have the Father and the Son, you have the Godhead dwelling in you."
"All three members of the Trinity are tied to each of the names of God."
"The Trinity is a word that does not appear in scripture, but it is used to describe the basic and dynamic nature of the God revealed in the Bible as an entity that comprises three distinct Divine beings existing seamlessly in one Godhead."
"Our salvation has been carefully planned by the father, the son, and the holy spirit."
"I believe the Trinity is one God with three parts."
"I've always known and believed that the Trinity is three persons, one God in three persons."
"God is one God but that God has three separate persons or three separate parts and you see them all working together then it makes sense."
"Before the beginning, God in three persons existed."
"Holiness is nothing else than the presence of the trinity in our lives."
"Christian witness is to the world about the Son, from the Father, through the Spirit."
"The Holy Trinity: like, comment, and subscribe."
"God the Father is the owner, God the Son is the architect, and God the Holy Spirit is the builder."
"Christian definitions involve God as the creator, Christ, and the Holy Spirit."
"The Triune God doesn't come across as an irrelevant philosophical headache; here is a God who is love, a father loving his son in The Fellowship of the spirit."
"God has no form, He is infinite, but He is three persons."
"Father, Son, and Spirit work together in perfect harmony."
"But what I'm saying is when Jesus spoke, 'Baptized in the name singular of the Father and Son and the Holy Ghost,' they didn't think of Father Son and Holy Ghost as three different persons."
"If you do not have an eternal Trinity, you have the wrong God."
"Each of the persons in the triune Godhead are not the other. The father is not the son, the son isn't the spirit, but all of them are God."
"When we think about the Holy Spirit, it's what dwells, the part of the Trinity that dwells with us on earth."
"If God is only the Holy Spirit, can the Holy Spirit really be the Holy Spirit without the Father and the Son? No, no."
"No one of those can subsist without the other two."
"God is one but let me show you my threefold nature."
"God the Father speaks the word that will become Jesus... and the Spirit of God moves."
"If you try to understand the Trinity, you're in danger of losing your mind, but if you try to deny the Trinity, you're in danger of losing your soul."
"333 is also mind, body, and soul. Exactly that Trinity, that shrine, that trifecta is who and what we are."
"I just spontaneous believed in the Trinity. That's exactly what happened to me, just like that. I just believed it, you know? It wasn't like I reasoned and came to it, just in that moment, it just became real to me."
"In Hinduism, we know of the trinity as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva."
"Christ is the fullness of Godhead, and God is one God and three persons."
"At the end of the day, effectively it's that God is all parts of the Trinity. He is the Holy Spirit that dwells in us personally. He is the creator and ruler of the universe, and he is also the provider and the direct... intermediary for man."
"It's not Jesus going away as I heard several times over this ascension tide. It's not we are in Jesus and we tumble in together into the center of the Trinity."
"The analogy of three species of the same genera: three persons that share an essence."
"Three separate and distinct persons who are all three God because they share an essence."
"Neither was the Son ever wanting to the Father nor the Spirit to the Son, but without variation and without change, the same Trinity abides ever."
"In the beginning, there was a father, a son, and the Holy Spirit. It was covenant."
"God is a community. He is one being and yet he is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three distinct personalities united as one."
"When you notice 333 repeating, it may signify that it's time to honor the Holy Trinity of mind, body, and spirit."
"God's very essence is to exist. He's eternally Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
"You can't know the father unless Jesus reveals him to us in the power of the Holy Spirit."
"The Lord and the Holy Spirit are the same person."
"Let us worship the triune God, the Lord."
"God is one god in three, but those three are one."
"We worship Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
"Who is Jesus? God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, three persons of the Trinity."
"God is Jesus. God is the Father. God is the Holy Spirit."
"God from eternity doesn't clutch the Divinity to himself but communicates it such that he begets a consubstantial son begotten not made, one in being with the father because the father gives his divinity away to the son."
"The Bible teaches the biblical doctrine of one God in three, but those three are one."
"According to the dictionary, a triune god is one god in three persons but the fact that he's three persons that are separate does not make him three different gods. It makes him still one god who was able to manifest himself in three persons."
"The Bible teaches one god in three persons and these three are one, and those three can manifest themselves in three separate persons."
"God uses the term Godhead three times to show us hey guess what he's one god and three. So there's some lies out there."
"He is one god, he's still the same god but he can divide himself into three different places or three different persons at one person's I call it three different manifestations of god he can manifest himself in three different ways at once."
"There is a community of three persons within that one being."
"It's Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, and the Father. The fullness of the godhead bodily has come to dwell, and the resting place of the Lord is in each one of us."
"The law of Trinity: osmosis, metamorphosis, child."
"The Trinity is the eternal equal loving conversation of the father and the son which is the Holy Spirit."
"We will reflect the Trinity: you, me, and God."
"When we pray, we're calling down not budget from our treasurer, but where the budget of the Trinity is available to us. The entire power of the Trinity is available to us, ready for us to access through prayer, especially when it comes to advancing the Kingdom of God forward."
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. Trinitarian thinking, natural, easy."
"The Father because He gave me of His fullness, and the Son because I was in the world and made flesh my tabernacle and dwelt among the sons of men."
"The Holy Spirit is a divine being, part of the triune God, the Trinity."
"We've been called to reflect the total self-donation in the Trinity."
"The Holy Spirit is not a force, a thing, or an it. The Holy Spirit is God in one of His three persons."
"The names we use to refer to the three members of the Trinity can add to the confusion about the Holy Spirit's personhood."
"Most Christians hold a distorted, inaccurate, or incomplete view of the third member of the trinity."
"May the love of God the Father and the joy of God the Son and the peace of God the Holy Spirit be with you always and forevermore. Amen."
"Jesus is the perfect son of man. He is like any human being that has a body, a soul, and a spirit."
"Praise him here below, praise father, praise the son, praise the Holy Ghost."
"Growing in our knowledge of the Trinity is at the heart of growth as a Christian."
"Father, what a love! Lord Jesus Christ, what a Savior! Holy Spirit, what a Friend and Counselor!"
"Jesus comes as prophet to speak the word of God to us, as priest to bear the punishment of God for us, and as king to subdue all of our rebellion and to reign over our lives."
"It is this paradoxical set of affirmations that eventually led to a doctrine of the Trinity."
"Glory to the Father, glory to the Son, glory to the Holy Spirit, His will be done."
"The radio, the record shops, and of course the clubs, you know, that was the Trinity, that was the Holy Trinity."
"We believe that there is one God, that this one God eternally exists as three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
"God Alone is the object of worship and honor, Father, Son, and Spirit are certainly included in that."
"God is one; you are one, but you are represented in three things: mind, flesh, and spirit."
"Three is the force that unites the one and the two, that resolves their conflict."
"The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are equal in nature."
"To speak the name of Jesus Christ is to say Father, Holy Spirit, creation are not separated but bound together in relationship."
"The Trinity is sort of like a necessary aspect and can be explained by the fact that maybe it's the perfect way for God to fully understand himself."
"Glory be to the Father and to the Son and Holy Spirit."
"The word of the Father is the Son, and the word of the Son is the Spirit."
"Prayer is the dialogue between the Father and the Son and the communion of the Holy Trinity, and we are invited into that."
"There is one God and there are three persons in God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
"This Trinity, this triune state beyond being, is the Godhead, the guardian of divine wisdom."
"Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
"I am a Christian, so I believe that there's God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit; they're all one Trinity."
"Our salvation rests on the sovereign authority of God the Father, our salvation rests on the finished work of God the Son, and our salvation rests on the indwelling power of God the Holy Spirit."
"God bless and keep you always, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
"The grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit will be with you always."
"The absolutely holy perfections of the Trinity give to us a perfect demonstration of the utter absence of any self-seeking whatsoever."
"In Christ there stands a personal union together with a trinity of substances and a duality of natures."
"It's God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit."
"He is regarded in many parts of India as an incarnation of all three of the trinity: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva."
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God our Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest upon and remain with each one who believes, now and forevermore. Amen."
"God has visited your home in His trinity."
"You're not hosting three girls; you're hosting God in His trinity."
"Let us make a home and a dwelling place for the one who is the Lord God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
"Baptism is to be done in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
"The Trinity is a Biblical doctrine forced upon us by the Bible."