
Conception Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"Life, and all that lives, is conceived in the mist and not in the crystal."
"Every human being has value, and that doesn't matter the circumstance of your conception."
"Life begins in the womb at conception, and our personhood, our rights, should not be based on having to be human plus something else."
"The science of embryology shows that human beings begin life at conception."
"The odds were against you before you got here, and when you won at a cellular level, you out swam the rest. That's how you got here."
"At the moment of conception, whatever you call it, at that moment is a complete soul, a complete being, a human being without a body."
"Life begins at conception; it does not end there."
"Life begins at conception; God says that life begins at conception."
"There's nothing at all; it's a baby from the second that sperm hits the egg."
"All life is valuable. All life is valuable the moment of conception is value."
"A child is a person as of the moment of conception."
"Everything that it takes to be a human being is there at the moment of conception."
"Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception."
"Sex is not assigned at Birth, sex is established at conception."
"Preparing for conception: the greatest gift you can give to your future child."
"A major creative birthing of some kind, a conception of birth, rebirth, or something like that."
"If you have sex and get pregnant, it doesn't mean something went tragically wrong. It actually means something went beautifully right."
"When does the clump of cells become a child or is accorded personhood as a legal concept? It's from the moment of conception."
"One could rationally argue that the protection of the law is required from the moment of conception."
"Everything starts with someone conceiving it and then taking the first action."
"The moment conception occurs, a life form has germinated."
"Life begins at conception; it's a first principle, an objective truth."
"A typical product's life cycle starts with conception of the product and goes until its withdrawal from the market."
"From the moment of conception, the unborn are human beings."
"Everything is conceived and starts from the mind."
"'Cause they kept changing my due date, and I was going by the ovulation calculator to keep from getting pregnant, and I messed up the days and that's when I got pregnant."
"Everyone's journey with conception is so different."
"Very good time for those who are trying to conceive."
"The words we use determine what we're even capable of conceiving."
"At the point of conception, God breathed out of His mouth the spirit which is you or me into the very mother's womb that was to carry us until we were to be born."
"The fact that one sperm met one egg and made you is pretty amazing."
"How cool is that? An indomitable sperm met with an almighty egg after your mother and father had performed nature's life-giving dance."
"I think most people's conception of God is some type of agent that has a personality, that has some type of like it's a player."
"Economists tend to have a very strong conception that there is one economically rational behavior."
"A good proper diagnosis and to know when you really are fertile and make sure that you're having intercourse during your fertile days."
"Vision is the conception of your preferred future."
"I truly, truly, truly believe this is the reason why we conceived."
"Mary's being depicted as the new dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, of the power of the Most High who has come upon her and overshadowed her in the conception of Jesus."
"Your imagination is where you conceive things."
"You have to conceive a miracle, you have to conceive a vision, and it's conceived in your mind."
"Your body is fatal you can easily conceive the days before your ovulation day so if you are trying for a baby boy you want to avoid having sex the days leading up to your ovulation day."
"Not only did Jesus have a miraculous conception, he had a miraculous birth."
"Life begins at conception. They appeal. Some people are too good for this world and God gives them a pass."
"He's right. There's so much we don't know. There's never been a conception like this before."
"It's gonna be perhaps the children as they grow up you know just think about finding out that you know somebody was paid 125 dollars to masturbate and that's your conception story."
"There may be foods that you eat or you avoid that improve your odds of getting pregnant."
"Life begins from conception and ends at death."
"Jesus Christ was conceived as the total opposite of a child by harlotry."
"You don't just think about it and then have sex and get pregnant. It just typically does not work that way."
"If you're here just looking for some advice on how to conceive and looking for, I guess, a relatable vlog trying to conceive, then this is the video for you. Hope you enjoy it."
"It's a baby conceiver right here. Forget panty droppers, baby conception. Marriage consummators right here."
"We need to broaden and widen our conception of how things are and of how things should be."
"If you have no fertility issues and you're just looking for something to increase your chances of conceiving a baby boy, then pay attention to everything I'm gonna say today."
"Do you remember your daughter's conception?"
"Each human person is created his soul and his body at conception, doesn't come from a previous existence."
"In terms of science, it's clear that life does begin at conception."
"Relaxing is literally one of my top recommendations. Your body knows when you are stressed, and you can't be stressed if you're trying to have a baby."
"But you are basically four weeks, so any November babies out there, just know your parents made you most likely on Valentine's Day, November, yeah, could have been."
"The Enlightenment conception of individual knowers and agents retain a spark of divinity."
"Jesus is the greatest man who's ever lived, and he was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Lifestyle and diet are essential on your natural path to conceive."
"Faith is the ability to conceive God's Word."
"I couldn't conceive a God that would see that as a job well done."
"The character was actually first conceived all the way back in 2008."
"Conception and birth is a secret, invisible process to the physical eye."
"We found out we were pregnant on the same exact day, probably conceived on the same day, definitely did."
"I love the idea that that's the way you plan for a child, imagine telling them they were conceived because the condom split,"
"A baby is a baby regardless of how it was conceived."
"Miracles are conceived and then you give birth to them."
"The ghost conception is the corollary of the idea of an afterlife of another world."
"I knew I ovulated that month and then I waited my two weeks and I was pregnant."
"Once sin, once lust has been conceived, it brings forth sin."
"A new conception of humans and their role in the universe."
"Dear future wifey, did you know that you defeated the odds of one to 100 million the very second you were conceived?"
"Your imagination is one of the most powerful things. It is your spiritual womb. It's where you conceive things."
"Sin is conceived in strong emotions."
"The first phase of project management is conception and initiation."
"We're saying how they came to be is not morally right, but the child conceived is not bad. The child conceived is a good."
"...if you include the miscarriage it took around six months for us to fall pregnant."
"Father, like Sarah, I receive faith to conceive any idea you have given me."
"True conceptions are only secured by spiritual insight."
"The menstrual age is actually conceptual age plus two weeks."
"We're not trying to conceive, but we're not preventing either."
"Consciousness is inconceivable, unimaginable; the inconceivable makes concepts possible, the unimaginable makes imagination possible."
"For me, this win was achieved the moment it was conceived."
"There must be a hint, expressed with seriousness and portentousness, of that most terrible conception of the human brain."
"The only non-arbitrary place to say that life begins is when life actually begins, which is at conception."
"Your imagination is how you conceive things."
"It was conceived by William Crone, who was one of the original Fellows of the Royal Society."
"Your imagination is your conception; it's where you conceive things."
"We are conceptualizing time metaphorically and that metaphorical conception is not out there in the world."
"Adam knew Eve, and she conceived. Knowing is intimate."
"The spiritual world is where things are manufactured, where things are conceived and produced."
"The biggest miracle in Jesus’ birth was not the birth itself, it was his conception that was supernatural."
"Form your conception of perfect health and get into the way of thinking about perfect health until it begins to have a definite meaning to you."
"If you want a miracle, conceive it."
"By faith, even Sarah herself received ability to conceive, even beyond the proper time of life."
"Your imagination is like your spiritual womb; it's where you conceive things good or bad."
"Your imagination is actually your spiritual womb; it's where you conceive things."
"God loves you from the moment of conception, and He's loved you with an everlasting love."
"Instead of saying 'trying to get pregnant,' you should say 'preparing to get pregnant.'"
"Every human being has been stamped from the moment of conception with the image of God."
"After nearly seven years of trying to conceive, we got the shock of a lifetime when we found out that we fell pregnant naturally for the very first time."
"God is not like any object the human mind can conceive."
"This conception of things being matriarchal."
"Faith is the ability to conceive what God has promised."
"How we conceive ourselves as a human community... is very important."
"At fertilization, you have a unique combination of information different to any other human being on Earth."
"I think saying that you're trying to conceive is a very simple and common thing to say."
"There is simply nothing in the Quran or the Hadith that suggests that conception is only religiously sanctioned if it takes place in the usual biological way."
"The egg and sperm are God's creation, and how they come together is not of fundamental religious significance."
"The Holy Spirit overshadowing Mary and the power of the Most High."
"Edward and Isabella promptly conceived their first son, who would later become King Edward III."
"If you're a man or a person assigned male at birth and you have sex even a few days before your partner ovulates, there's a chance they may get pregnant."
"When a couple plan to conceive, it's a really important time in their lives, and they find it both rewarding emotionally and it can be very meaningful."
"It's the most emotional thing that you could ever go through ever, to see that you have just started to make a baby."
"In sin did my mother conceive me."
"The soul is complete at the moment of conception; it's a whole soul."
"We were hoping to conceive a baby in Thailand, which is another reason he wants to be completely relaxed."
"It is an absolute miracle that we went through all of them rounds and had a natural conception."
"Fecundability is just a probability, and it's the probability of achieving pregnancy per cycle."
"Infertility is defined as the inability to achieve conception after twelve months of regular unprotected intercourse if she's under 35, or after six months if she's over 35."
"It's one thing to have the idea that this thing could exist, but to go and make a puzzle like that... it's just sublime."
"What is conceived in her is by the Holy Spirit."
"You gotta imagine being able to see it in your head; that's kind of what it's all about."
"He has loved you from the moment of conception, He has loved you with an everlasting love."
"This idea has been living in my mind for a long time."
"God's own pure essence substituted for what would normally have been a human male seed."
"God must be that which nothing greater can be conceived."
"Existence is certainly a positive characteristic and something which must be possessed by something which is greater than anything else that can be conceived."
"The randomness of a lot of other different eggs and the millions of sperm that might have met to create you, it's a miracle."
"At the moment of conception, you were one in millions that made it through."
"The soul comes into the creation at the moment of conception with the complete blueprint for the existence of us."
"It is not inherited from you, you did not cause it, but it does happen at conception."
"The one hope of producing better work is through conception, not the material."
"The value of human persons rests in the kind of thing that they are at conception."
"Human life begins at conception and is sacred right to the last moments of natural life."
"Thinking is intercourse; it's mating a preconception with a realization leading to a conception."
"Two things come together producing a third; a preconception meets a realization and out of their intercourse comes a third thing, a conception."
"It cannot be experienced, it cannot be conceived, you see, or understood through thought."
"We all know when human life begins; it actually begins and we've already proven as a scientific fact, begins at the moment of conception."
"This is such an extraordinary conception."
"Eighty percent of couples will conceive within a year, given certain conditions."
"Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and his name shall be called Jesus."
"God is so much more massive, so much more immense, so much more powerful than anything we can conceive."
"The physical body... is primarily formulated by the mother and the father at the moment of conception."
"The optimal way to get pregnant is around day 14, 15, 16, 17."
"We want multiple cycles together in a row where we can confirm ovulation, we can confirm you had sex in a proper time to give you a really good shot at conception."
"Your knowledge of when your fertile window is means that you will be able to plan better to maximize your fertile window to enable you to conceive."
"It's the most beautiful, beautiful conception."
"You cannot conceive of the mental and physical effort involved."
"It is scientifically proven that the gender of the baby is decided from the moment when the sperm meets the egg and fertilizes it."
"That which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost."
"If you are prayerfully at peace with going in this direction, know that if you conceive that as a gift and a miracle of God."
"I truly do believe that any conception of God which a rational atheist could not conceive existing most certainly does not exist."
"It's possible for a woman to conceive a child without necessarily having a relationship with a man."
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were conceived as heroes."
"Females provide the egg, while the male provides the sperm to then create the child."
"The answer is yes, we are trying to conceive."
"Emotions aren't a byproduct of things; emotions are where everything that happens in your life is conceived."
"Parenting is about a relationship with your child and that begins at the moment of conception."
"The universe does not exist out of logical necessity because we can easily conceive of it having different laws, different fundamental particles."
"For many puzzles, I start with an idea, a challenge, a concept."
"That's a really neat idea and a very pretty conception with this ring of cages around the grid."
"Only the child possesses genuine rights: the right to be the fruit of the specific act of the conjugal love of his parents, and the right to be respected as a person from the moment of his conception."
"The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and impregnated her through Supernatural means."
"You got to let God define you, not those things that you had no choice over after your conception."
"Children should be conceived out of love."
"We all begin life as a single cell at conception."
"Die Hard is an absolute classic and just an all-together brilliantly conceived movie."
"The only place where she can get pregnant is where the sperm unites with the egg as the egg is being slowly pushed through the fallopian tube."
"You conceive these miracles in your imagination."
"That dignity is given to you from your conception."
"The ability to conceive of something not being in a place seems to be a unique thing that no other animal could do."
"If you can conceive of it, it makes it possible."
"The Creator has unique attributes which far surpass what we as human beings can conceive."
"The most inconceivable thing about the universe is the fact that the universe is in fact conceivable."
"God supernaturally revealed through a man or a woman that which their minds cannot conceive."
"We were at peace with us not having children, and when we stopped stressing about conceiving, it happened naturally."
"A woman can't have a baby without a man... so to continue to have this conversation and put all of the blame on women as if though we are not contributing to this problem, yeah, I don't agree with that at all."
"Laughter helps you conceive; that's very beautifully put."
"Something beautiful is happening, this is the conception of a new life or the birth of a new life."
"You're pregnant with something, with an idea or something like that, this is a spiritual baby that you're holding."
"The fact that you can conceive of something means we can have a discussion about it."
"The universe could be necessary, it's certainly conceivable."
"There is no conception of a child apart from God allowing it."
"You could just be pregnant with a new idea that could be very successful."
"It's the thrill of thrills to sit down and conceive a thing."
"Intelligence is a much richer conception than it was."
"You must conceive it in your heart and in your mind before you can receive it."
"The first piece of sperm that touches that egg, that finds that egg, that's it, you're done, you're definitely done."
"It's like the universe impregnated you with this idea, and you are carrying this idea to fruition."
"Nothing is impossible for man to achieve if he can first conceive it."