
Monetary System Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"If the entire world adopts the same money, then you've got growth pegged to the productivity of civilization."
"Bitcoin's the most efficient monetary system we've yet to implement successfully."
"For centuries, the mechanics of the monetary system have remained hidden from the prying eyes of the populace, yet its impact both on a national and international level is perhaps unsurpassed."
"As democratic citizens, we have the right to demand a monetary system which is both stable and beneficial to society."
"The current monetary system allows the banking sector to extract wealth from the economy whilst providing nothing productive in return."
"We're in a very, very special age where a new money system can be born."
"Anyone who says that we shouldn't have bailed out the banks doesn't quite understand the nature of our monetary system."
"Gold is money everything else is credit is backed by debt so it the center of every monetary system is gold every Central Bank owns gold at the base and then they print Fiat on top of it."
"This one-time creative destruction event will wipe the slate clean in order for us to build a new and honest monetary system."
"Central bank digital currencies are the ultimate power grab by the central planners to control the monetary system."
"Ultimately, gold is going to play a role in the global monetary system."
"You need to have that emotional stability to tell yourself that when it goes down in times when it doesn't make sense to you or anybody with any modicum of knowledge of the monetary system for real."
"China's growing international use of the REMB reflects a shift in the global monetary system."
"China has promoted the shift towards a more Diversified international monetary system."
"Money is a system of effectively societal memory."
"This is the endgame of the regime of irredeemable fiat currency ultimately the whole monetary system you know dies."
"Bitcoin: a system of money and payments that isn't controlled by boomers."
"Bitcoin is a well-engineered monetary system."
"Bitcoin was created twelve years ago after the global financial crisis as a solution to the financial problems that exist in our economy and to eliminate entirely the abuse people can have on our monetary system."
"Whether the Fed starts tapering or not, we've got a whole lot of money in the system."
"We are on the brink of a dramatic change... we're about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting."
"Our entire monetary system is nothing but a form of legalized theft."
"It's a giant attack on the current monetary system."
"Bitcoin is the first engineered monetary system."
"That's how money is created, you have to borrow it into existence."
"The natural end state for money is that you are a maximalist."
"I do believe that a financial crisis of unprecedented magnitude is coming I do believe there will be significant changes in the international monetary system."
"We're going to see a reset in the global monetary system sometime soon."
"Money is a fiat and it depends on confidence."
"There is no power stronger in modern society than the power to create and issue money."
"Long-term renewable energy will actually be the cheapest form of energy."
"It's best to think of money as an information system, primarily for labor allocation."
"Bitcoin is a rules-based monetary system, the first global one ever."
"Silver and gold will have a huge role, like having real money to track."
"Money is edging closer towards its biggest reinvention in centuries."
"Bitcoin is a greater instrument of freedom than the U.S Constitution." - Robert Breedlove
"The internet is gonna break the Fed because the Fed is dependent on at least fifty percent of Americans not understanding how money works."
"Bitcoin is the first true perfected monetary energy system that we managed to create."
"Bitcoin is the only currency there is, and the only one that's truly decentralized."
"Money is a technology for resolving obligations between individuals who do not know or trust each other."
"The writing is on the wall, it is a broken system of currency."
"The Federal Reserve doesn't hold reserve it creates reserves so by definition it's always in it, yeah it's always in a position able to provide reserves."
"Bitcoin is the first perfected money and the first truly open, fair, decentralized monetary network in the history of the world."
"In a sound monetary system, it is nearly impossible to generate increasing inflation while government debt to GDP ratios are at increasingly dangerous levels."
"I think the bricks are making some headlines lately, but it's not as if they just woke up last year and said, 'let's do something significant in the monetary system.' They've been working on this for over 15 years."
"It's not a gradual change where we still have cars and horses running around all the time, or we drive a car five days a week and then we go back to our horse for two days a week; it's just all cars now. So that's an example of Bitcoin being a step function change in money."
"That's why for thousands of years, the monetary system was based on commodities, not necessarily gold, also silver."
"It just strikes me how difficult it is for people to forecast the future of the monetary system... it's just so hard to forecast."
"A world in which gold was the money again would be a superior world to the status quo."
"All the problems that we see today in the monetary system are a direct result of the decision made in August 15, 1971, to abandon a fixed link back to gold."
"Bitcoin is a new form of money that's replacing all other forms of money."
"The monetary system is used to enslave you until you learn how to live in abundance. It's not going anywhere until you learn."
"The monetary system is like a glue that keeps the financial, economic, and commercial systems together."
"We have the real resources to employ. We can achieve full employment without sparking inflation."
"The thing that's holding us back is our failure to understand how the monetary system works."
"The complete chaos of the breakdown and rearrangement of the monetary system, which means the precious metals won't just experience some astronomical bull market, it'll be somewhere between astronomical and infinity."
"One of the things I'll speak about is building Bitcoin to be money for a thousand years."
"Because we have this offshore, bank-centered monetary system, it’s not up to anybody to kick anybody out of it."
"Bitcoin is a solution to that broken monetary system that is just a recurring theme throughout the history of Civilization."
"Gold and silver emerged as commodity money because they operated very well as money."
"People tend to think in linear terms... but the monetary system doesn't really work this way."
"The currency itself gets its value from the fact that the government demands that we all make payments to government in a currency that they and only they can create."
"The blockchain... holds the power to transform not only our monetary system but the whole way we operate in society today."
"Bitcoin is an ideally designed monetary network with a lot of rational incentives."
"The monetary system is undergoing a significant change."
"Money came in to solve some of these problems with the barter system."
"We've had a permanent boost in terms of how much money is in the system."
"It was established as a new international monetary system for creating an efficient foreign exchange system, preventing competitive devaluations of currencies, and promoting international economic growth."
"Bitcoin... it's producing the most brilliantly engineered monetary system that's ever been invented."
"This is about who controls the monetary system for the next 200 years."