
Ambitious Goals Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"Hopefully before 2024, we could see humans on the moon with Dogecoin, and that's what's so crazy about this."
"But let's just say okay we're gonna shoot for the moon and even if you miss you land Among the Stars."
"The future of our civilization may make that old phrase 'Go big or go home' take on an entirely different meaning."
"If this hits 600 bucks, I am buying someone a Tesla."
"Rocket ship to the Moon doesn't stop halfway to take a break."
"It's a ridiculously ambitious goal, but I can't see why it's impossible."
"And it isn't just gonna solve mass shootings, it's gonna solve all the shootings that are going on all over the country."
"Where Skyrim may have aimed for the foothills and hit its target, Daggerfall had its eyes dead-set on the stars."
"My hope is that it creates world peace... it may sound a little bit ridiculous..."
"Our mission is huge. We want to help healthcare professionals live better lives."
"We're talking about changing the universe and changing history."
"It's about doing things that have never been done and creating such an impact that it ripples through society for centuries."
"It's the moonshot mindset looking to the Future and again recursively back propagating."
"We gotta have a base on the moon... getting people to Mars."
"Let's set another high target and let's go for it. Let every company in America that wants to associate itself with the future, show us their visions."
"The goal is to have won at least five Super Bowls, five League MVPs, and have at least 17 winning seasons."
"I feel like Thanos, I'm on my quest for the infinity stones so I can just get back to farming anecdotes."
"Dream with boldness and aim higher; set enormous goals for yourself."
"200 million shots in 100 days. I know it's ambitious twice our original goal but no other country in the world has even come close. Not even close to what we're doing."
"I'm on a mission now. I'm gonna go buy a 2.2 million dollar house and I'm gonna BRR it. You mark my words."
"That's the goal of this ministry, is to put Bart on the moon."
"A devious intellect worthy of helping me on my quest for world domination."
"My mom's goal is to rule the world and become the leader of the free world, to give her two kids the opportunities she didn't have growing up."
"We're going to end the AIDS epidemic within 10 years."
"I wouldn't put it past them to be able to fly a booster 40 times."
"You shouldn't be aiming for the clouds, you should be aiming for like Saturn, you should be aiming for Pluto."
"True original creators have a unique point of view, audacious goals, and are willing to fail spectacularly."
"My plan had three parts and it was simple: in the first term we would attempt to fix the economy, in term two we would restore democracy, and in the final and most important step, in term three we would find aliens and reach for the stars."
"I believe with the right resources and the right team that we can cure this disease by the end of this decade by 2030."
"Our goal is to impact the lives of 100,000 individuals."
"Set a goal you don't know how to achieve initially."
"To succeed in pursuing audacious goals, you need like-minded partners with whom to collaborate."
"Upstart, literally going to the freaking moon."
"Unless I could build an empire and be the greatest chef that ever lived."
"Five years, one billion subscribers, let's do it."
"For me, I've said many times I'm going to sell Hollywood Unlock for 500 million. I remember the first time I said that."
"If you set your goal ridiculously high and it's a failure you will fail above everyone else's success."
"We need to build a bridge to the 13th century."
"I don't want America merely to go back to the days of 2012. I want to go back to 1220."
"You know, just get one Michelin star. You know, they put a man on the moon with no technology. You can put a man on the moon Michelin star."
"SpaceX aims to launch Starship by the end of 2024 or possibly even sooner."
"If you wanna redefine categories, like if you wanna step in, and I talk about to the team all the time, if you wanna change the world, you gotta make bold bets."
"The idea and thought of like oh I'm gonna go out and like have this confidence and swag right it's probably gonna be seem like you're talking about hey let's get from here to Mars."
"I'd like to have a billion users in my system."
"Colonize the entirety of the Western Hemisphere."
"I think it's aggressive but not impossible that we could do 20 million cars in 10 years." - Elon Musk
"Ultimately, in order for life to become multi-planetary, we'll need maybe a thousand ships or something like that."
"It's better to create those big goals and fall short knowing that you put in the big lofty aggressive effort."
"One man, one sword. Very possible same goal."
"Our goal is to shoot seasons two through seven in the next three and a half years."
"Distance is no longer an issue. Think big and think out of the boundaries."
"This game might be an interview to work at NASA or Tesla."
"I want to actually turn Manchester United back into Manchester United again or get sacked trying."
"Our long-term mission is to make humanity multi-planetary."
"I wanted to make this as special and as epic as possible."
"Dream the impossible dream: sometimes it's all too real."
"I'm very excited by the fact that NASA and SpaceX are using their two big monster American rockets to fulfill this promise of putting people back on the moon."
"To any young people that dream of accomplishing their goals, I would tell you to dream big and definitely do bigger."
"We are aiming for divine production in 2024."
"Can we get to a million points before this ends? A million points, that doesn't even seem fair guys, does that seem fair?"
"No power on Earth can stop India from becoming a $35 trillion economy."
"Elevate yourself, achieving lofty goals and embracing changes."
"It's something that we feel is bold um and was called that certainly at the time uh and we're working overtime to help to achieve it try to achieve it..."
"These Atlanta Falcons didn't want to make the decades-long slog toward respectability that most new teams settled for. They wanted to win a Super Bowl. Now."
"Focus on what you really want to achieve regardless of whether it feels so far outside the box that the established order may reject it."
"If I set my goals high, I'm gonna hit something. If I go aim for the moon, I'm at least hitting the [__] stars."
"It really lit a fire under my ass to go for the big stuff."
"If your dreams don't scare you, they are not big enough."
"You might as well play the most magnificent game you can."
"America First is rising again and we are going to reconquer America."
"Games aims to create a living world that's not simply open but deeper, more interactive, and detailed than ever."
"He would probably attempt to take down one of the yonkos himself."
"Teaches you to dream and think bigger about your life to be unstoppable in your quest for amazing help amazing relationships having an amazing career."
"If we can change the game at Amazon, then literally anything is possible."
"We have to win the league. I'm putting it out there, I'm putting a goal out there."
"Great Society programs was an ambitious series of policy initiatives."
"My plan is to use the money to get humanity to Mars and preserve the light of consciousness."
"If we can go to the moon, we can make this happen. We must make this happen."
"The Starship fleet is designed to achieve over a thousand times more payload to orbit than all other rockets on Earth combined."
"That's often the difference between great people and people who just live long lives: great people strive to achieve something that seems almost unachievable."
"She's a remarkable character who does what every talented ambitious person wants to do... changes the world for the better."
"Building a hundred starships a year gets to a thousand in ten years."
"He's ambitious, so absolutely you should be doing everything you can to stop them."
"I invested right back in, I'ma turn that 450 to a billion."
"I'm really lucky to have this help and I want to keep doing it, I want to be able to because by getting more help on board, I'd like to push to greater, bigger, and better things."
"What we're set to achieve in a matter of days should reduce deaths by roughly 85 percent in the next six weeks."
"I'm certain that success is one of the possible outcomes for establishing a self-sustaining Mars colony."
"For Bege, the One Piece could mean becoming the mafia dawn of the entire world."
"Dare to dream, this is about thinking bigger, this is about seeing the bigger picture."
"To celebrate, I'm gonna do a deed so great that I'm gonna go down in history as one of the legends of the season."
"The team that dares to dream biggest at Worlds has largely prospered."
"10x means you're going to be 10 times better at whatever you're doing."
"It's a long shot but you just gotta go for it."
"Incremental vs. exponential: aim for 10x, not just 10%."
"Diamond, we need diamond. I will not settle. Time to world tour."
"He wants Chelsea to be the best unfortunately what you've got is if you have a Formula One team you build the car and then you get Lewis Hamilton or Max Verstappen to drive it. Todd Bowley wants to drive the car."
"Shoot for the moon, Michael, but that one wasn't gonna work."
"The goal is to become world champion younger than those guys."
"We want to do an ambitious entertainment because this is what our audience is."
"Celebrate every day like it's your birthday, cause we're going to the moon."
"We are going to try and get nine. We can do nine."
"My goals are of course very very hard 1 million subscribers by the end of this year and to build one of the best tech communities that there is."
"I just want us to dream a little bit bigger than reform yeah that's that's all i'm wanting from from us."
"The stuff that people are working on, the stuff that people are going towards, it's not just 50% better or 100% better. They're shooting for 100 times bigger and more capable."
"Let's reach for the stars, go for it. Drake, if you see this, Drake, the boy, we gotta get the boy on a beat, let's do it."
"When Jupiter is in this part of your life, you have to go for the Big Kahuna."
"Our goal is not to make the best electric tractor. It's not to make the best autonomous tractor. It's to make the best tractor, full stop."
"I want a pump, right now! Strap up, we're going to the moon!"
"The sniper school is going to be the biggest crypto and biggest school in the world."
"Maybe we'll be the first YouTuber to hit a billion subscribers. If you guys subscribe today, it might happen."
"Just set your goals high, like stupidly high, and even if you fail, you might set PBs or records in the process."
"Have a goal for your sabbatical... treat it as you're about to win the million dollar lottery if you do it right."
"I want to be a guy that...was able to accomplish the impossible."
"Currently there's nothing on the table that is as big as that and our team kind of coalesced around having a ginormous dragon to slay."
"You want to be ambitious in your goals, you wanna go for what maybe even seems to be impossible."
"Our goal is to put the first woman... on the moon."
"I want to try and create a hundred videos for the YouTube channel this calendar year."
"This is really gonna kickstart our amazing journey into the wonderful world of being able to crush everyone with just our bare hands."
"They intend to have a permanent manned presence on the moon in just five years. It seems impossible, but... I would bet on them succeeding."
"Becoming the center of the mafia of the whole cryptoverse, that's our goal."
"We want to have interceptors into the 1,000 most polluting rivers in the next five years."
"If you can reach for the stars without trying to step on people, that's the big thing."
"Tesla's positioning from the very beginning has been ambitious; while appearing to sell electric vehicles on the surface, the company is actually laying the groundwork for a global AI reach."
"Be ambitious. In a decade, let's make that 20%."
"How about we cure cancer and we cure HIV AIDS, how about we start there first?"
"These are challenging goals and a bold endeavor."
"I'm gonna be on Mars with a Neuralink in my head and a Cybertruck in 10 years or 15 years."
"On the shoulders of giants, it's time we become giants!"
"Dreams such as reaching the moon... require mental energies of millions to come together."
"Shoot for the moon. Laying on the stars type of, for real though."
"I made a promise that I'd gather a powerful crew of friends, find the greatest treasure in the world, and become king of the Pirates someday. We should all keep our promises."
"We need to control the rain, we need to control the water."
"This is only the beginning - we haven't even reached space yet."
"Go big this time around. Reach much higher and go much bigger because when you go really big energetically, it's going to work."
"Our mission when we launched the show was to reach 100 million lives weekly to help them improve the quality of their life as we build and innovate and evolve."
"This is one of those insane high-end goals that I figure I wanted to work towards."
"Ideally, I'd like to do more than just the clone army, but it's gonna take time."
"This coming 2020 year of the rat is the time for you to show everyone that truth and you're going to do that by being the leader they don't know they need yet."
"You can take $1,000 turn it to a million plus."
"Now can we go full crazy? I'm dreaming about the Champions League."
"That's a big number, Buzz, but I know we can do it one day."
"We might end up curing all disease, all aging, and untangling all genetics."
"You guys are going to be doing big, big things."
"Before a man sets out to conquer the world, he must first conquer himself."
"This is the year where you pull it out of the hat."
"Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work." - Brian Tracy
"They just want to make the best live service game ever made."
"Can we do this in one calendar year? Okay, can we just be bananas for one calendar year?"
"Depending on how much fuel we find now, we might actually be able to make it to the moon."
"I wanted the systems to be out of this world."
"By 2030, we will put a sketch comedy troop on Mars."
"Our goal in these lectures is no less ambitious than to identify, define, and trace the development of all these significant cultural ideas and principles."
"Sustainable Harvest wants to plant 1 billion trees and regenerate 8 million acres of land."
"We're going to do 10 500k guaranteed tournaments this year."
"The president believes that the risk is not in going too small, but in not going big enough."
"I'm gonna feel so amazing, push your next like main hit goal that after our hunter, hmm, my next is all right now it's 500, a half a mil."
"You deserve somebody who will ride or die with you, and then you deserve to dream big and go get it."
"Empower ourselves, set goals for yourself that are way beyond your wildest dreams."
"I cannot wait to work with you and to really build something big together."
"You're headed towards big goals and visions and dreams."