
Ancestral Wisdom Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"What is it that our ancestors experienced that they wanted us to know about and what was the wisdom they intended to pass on?"
"Understanding who we are in the present, what's possible for you and me in the present, in the light of our ancestors' wisdom."
"Our ancestors wanted us to know about our power as individuals, our higher cognitive powers."
"So much of this is intuitive and falls in line with what we would have done naturally as humans in the 'wild'."
"Messages from your ancestors: listen, this is not the time to play small."
"This threat is an ancient threat that our ancestors confronted... they tried to warn us."
"Trust yourself, trust your ancestors, ask for support."
"The villages and cities they designed and built were powerful expressions of the innovative spirit of our ancestors."
"Our past is important, and our ancestors have much to teach us, if only we are humble enough to listen."
"Our ancestors were very aware of a balanced diet, believing that good food developed natural defenses to fight diseases."
"Trust yourself, trust your guides, trust your ancestors."
"Fear is what kept my ancestors alive, but I do not need to feel as anxious as fearful."
"Ancestral wisdom, breaking ancestral curses."
"Look to your ancestors' wisdom look to the cultural practices that they retain and maybe those ancestral wisdom will apply to you."
"Keepers of the earth: You are not alone. Ancient ancestors stand behind you."
"Old ways from our grandmothers kept civilization alive for thousands of years."
"The ancestral path and learning journey is never ending."
"I find in the Bible and in ancestral narratives there's a heap of information there designed to prepare people for contact."
"The value of living life naturally like our ancestors did."
"Our ancestors had a profound understanding of them and their behavior."
"Jesus brought nothing new, he reintroduced what the ancestors already been given us."
"The male and the female complementarity, the ancestral relationship, all of that is what gives us this enormous power."
"Your people left you a template to find your way back home."
"Your ancestors are asking you, know who you are."
"You got support from your angels but you also have some type of ancient knowledge that's being passed down from your ancestors."
"Ancestral knowledge... you'll have a lot of support from your ancestors, spiritually they are there bringing you knowledge from the beyond."
"Literally message from heaven, your ancestors, those of your direct lineage, will feed that information. They will guide you to walk through the right door, to open the right book, to find the right information."
"Virtues that would not have been lost on our ancestors."
"Your ancestors knew this because that's the wisdom that they're telling me to share with you."
"You're protected. There's gonna be healing here. You're getting higher knowledge and wisdom. Your ancestors are passing down knowledge and wisdom to you through the dream state, through your intuition, through your DNA."
"We've forgotten the magic that our ancestors talked about all the time."
"Your message is the message that the ancestors wanted to usher in at this particular time."
"Smoke your joint and wear your crown. Relax, you want to know why? Because your ancestors got this."
"The wolf of love is much stronger because our ancestors spent much more time inside their bands than fighting or fleeing from other bands."
"My ancestors knew a lot more than you think they did."
"Beautiful stuff your ancestors knew a lot more than you think they did."
"I think the younger generation should respect some of the morals that our ancestors had."
"Your ancestors, your guides lead. Spirit provides. Ancestors lead. Spirit provides."
"Listen to your ancestors, something bad is coming, run."
"Recovery of historical memory means integrating ancestral wisdom into our understanding of trauma and healing."
"Come on, people. Our ancestors lived like this every day for thousands of years; we can suck it up for a few nights."
"We learn to listen to the voice inside us. An ancestral voice. A voice that shows us the way, if we can only have patience, look, and listen."
"Our continued survival is dependent on restoring the connection to creation that the ancients instinctively understood."
"In the midst of chaos, we found solace in the wisdom of our ancestors."
"We had learned to respect the traditions of others, to listen to the warnings of our elders, and to never take the power of ancient rituals lightly."
"Our ancestors believed that our highest good is to become virtuous and so they tried to exemplify virtue and beauty in everything that they did."
"Their knowledge of the land is as vast as the oceans, the wisdom they inherited from their ancestors remained unbroken and transcended over thousands of years."
"Ancient Spirits are walking with me."
"His message centers around nine core ancestral tenants: sleep, eat, move, shield, connect, cold, sun, fight, and bond."
"Our ancestors were so intelligent that they left prints of those things that you see every day, but you just don't pay attention."
"We take the traits and the teachings and the wisdom that they had, and we combine it with everything that we have now."
"The goal of our ancestors was to give you the proper tools and the universal sciences that you need."
"I feel that to keep this alive, it's very important that our young people realize what our ancestors done and how they done it."
"As Hokulea is guided by the wisdom of our ancestors, Hikianalia also offers contemporary solutions to some of the world's most pressing issues."
"Our ancestors were not only superb navigators, they're great stewards of these islands."
"Bottle trees were used by our ancestors in order to capture and remove negative energies."
"Let the knowledge of the ancestors flow."
"Our ancestors have taught us morality, loyalty, benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, wisdom, and faith."
"I need the sonic world of the ancestors, lullabies said while babies are fed, body songs as the land is soothed for planting."
"It's not like our ancestors are so wicked that they keep the secret away from us; they have seen that it's a stage by stage, so you have to advance according to the state you have reached."
"Ancestral wisdom lays the land; you've heard the call, don't ignore it."
"Your guides or your ancestors want you to know that you're achieving something great."
"Keepers of the Earth, you're not alone; ancient ancestors stand beside you."
"Collaborate, co-create with the Divine, with your angels, with your ancestors."