
Legal Procedure Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"They're going to do this by the book on this one."
"You don't find the label to fit the deed and then gather evidence after the fact. You can't start with 'It's definitely charity fraud' and then go hunting for evidence."
"Listen to my questions. Your job is to listen to my questions and answer your questions under oath."
"If we discover evidence of criminal activity, we will consider referring that to the Justice Department."
"Your verdict must be unanimous. The first thing you should do when you go back to the jury room is to select a presiding juror."
"In essence, denying his right to speak does run the risk of the sentence being reversed by the Appellate Court."
"Perhaps it would be best if we added this to the witness's testimony. Would you please tell us what you recalled, Miss Sky?"
"With the federal warrant outlining evidence sought in connection with the murder, agents could conduct an additional search of the Verdi home and seize any related items."
"It would probably just be like a, you know, can you submit an affidavit that, you know, that I wasn't in cahoots with the jury for some reason?"
"Smith moves on there's a sidebar and we get a lot more sidebars here's another sidebar and here's let's we'll go on a little bit more says Smith is now eliciting that she interviewed Bertino."
"It's like a mini trial. The judge presides over it, swears in the witnesses, witnesses take the stand, they're examined if you will by the side that has called them, they are cross-examined by the side that is opposed to them, and people testify."
"We don't want to inconvenience people unnecessarily so that's why we actually brought our technician with us here because it is obviously we obviously want to take your DNA with the least effort possible so that's why we're using the swabs."
"We didn't get any toxicology information in this press conference."
"The defense has the option of whether or not it chooses to give its opening statement first."
"Is this guilty plea freely and voluntarily given with a full knowledge of the charges against you? Yes."
"Let the defense conduct a cross-examination of the witnesses."
"It is not up to the family to say they want it or they don't want it. This is a case in which the coroner definitely should have done an autopsy."
"Will the judge gag him based on a request by the Department of Justice in which they're also seeking an anonymous jury for their own protection?"
"When judge Canon set a revised scheduling order but did not set a sea Section five hearing which is when the criminal defendant discloses information."
"It felt underhanded because the judge said pretrial I'm predisposed not to allow this."
"As long as an officer's subjective intentions cannot be considered when determining if an individual's rights were violated, encounters like this one will continue to occur."
"The judge's hands are tied, it is a minimum mandatory life sentence for the six murder counts he was convicted of."
"This is the court of law and the witness will remain calm."
"The defense has a witness who has a story to tell. The prosecution will also have their own expert witness who will do their own forensic review of the data."
"No judge likes to get appealed, so they never want someone to put a magnifying glass on their decision."
"G-wax must establish disclosed information to defendants that actually qualifies as intellectual property."
"There’s nothing inherently nefarious about notifying an Attorney General. It would only be, of course, improper if he or she did something to thwart or undermine the case."
"If they had this info on him and he was actually doing these activities, he'd be charged right there and then, bro."
"Hunter Biden is not special. He was given a subpoena, he should have appeared, he chose not to."
"Attorney general Merrick Garland confirmed in a press conference that indeed, he did have personal supervision over the search warrant that was executed over the former president's estate at Mar-a-Lago."
"Good on Deputy Reed for telling Stephen B Timmer... that there was no signed court paperwork."
"The way this is supposed to work is... an indictment is unsealed when the defendant is arraigned."
"That's the proper procedure laid out in order 16 to get information such as this, not to file a discovery request."
"Opening statements will be limited to 30 minutes each."
"Start with the text, then the burden shifts to the government."
"I did not execute that search warrant myself, so I couldn't tell you the number that they did, okay."
"Judges can certainly do certain things procedurally to change a verdict but never in a criminal case. It's a one-way street."
"I'm here to document and file a FOIA with this department, after that, I'll be good to go."
"The resolution management conference is a non-evidentiary hearing in front of a judge to talk about the case."
"We want you to call the person who made the out-of-court statement, so they can be subject to cross-examination and speak for themselves from their own personal knowledge."
"The police obtained a search warrant to go into Joseph James DeAngelo’s home and arrest him."
"If a business is about to go bankrupt, they may file for Chapter 11."
"Remember that your job as a jury is to determine if the state has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Ashley McArthur committed the crime of first-degree premeditated murder with a firearm."
"The reason for this rule is to ensure that the jury understands the entire context of statements elicited by the state."
"The claim is that the agency did not have the authority to do what it did because it didn't follow the procedures under the APA."
"The moment that the complaint includes the prayer for relief aside from payment of the sum of money or when the action is coupled with provisional remedies, the case will not be governed by the rule on small claims."
"Why did the prosecutor want to pull the 911 call from the record?"
"We got a warrant based off of that."
"If you were the DA and said, 'By the way, I'd like to take the blood sample myself in my pocket and bring it to OJ's house,' you would have told them, 'Don't.'"
"There's no question that Van Adder committed perjury in what could have been a capital case."
"You have the right to remain silent. You don't have to make any statements about your case."
"You have the right to hire a lawyer to represent you."
"If the defendant fails to appear in court, it is a prosecutable offense."
"I'm not sure what the defense is asking for these witnesses to do. I think at this point the suggestion is we see if it's hearsay, we see if what the person's talking about is their personal Facebook post or is this something they read."
"Just bringing witnesses in to say they looked at Facebook and unrelated to... the defendants... is an objection that's going to be sustained. Those are two very different things."
"This case must be decided only upon the evidence that you have heard."
"...there's actually a statute on point in this case it's ocga 1611 62 2a and that's statutory law specifically provides for the recording of jail calls...so we would argue that consent also applies here so there's no fourth amendment issue here for the court."
"In order for you to convict the defendant of what she's charged, the state must prove to you beyond a reasonable doubt each of the elements of those crimes."
"Appropriate dismissal of a case for a pre-trial Discovery violation is an extreme and unjustifiable remedy."
"...the basic rule is when the defendant takes the stand he waves his Fifth Amendment privilege as to matters to which she testifies on direct and relevant matters subject to cross-examination."
"For an amendment to go into the Constitution, it has to be both proposed and ratified."
"Listen carefully to the question... let the attorney finish."
"If you realize you made a mistake on the record, it's usually best to try to clarify that while you're there having your deposition taken."
"Raise your right hands, do you swear and affirm that the information here is true and correct, and no impediment exists and you hereby apply for a license to marry?"
"The statement recorded under section 164 CRPC for a witness can be admitted in evidence for the purpose of corroboration."
"So if you're a registered solicitor, when we instigate notice of change, we will look you up on the organization lookup."
"We cannot hold someone in custody after a judge signs an order for us to release them."
"You swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" "I do."
"Your silence must not be considered by the jury in any manner in reaching their verdict."
"The hearing officer asked us all to raise our right hand and swear to tell the truth at the hearing."
"Once those attachments are filed and opposing counsel is made aware of those documents, your procedural defect is cured."
"The decision to grant a motion for summary judgment is a drastic remedy which is available only when there are no material facts genuinely in dispute."
"You ask your questions for criminal liability according to this sequence."
"Once you get up on the witness stand and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth, you've got to answer the questions."
"Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear the testimony you're about to give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"