
Market Movement Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"What we have seen over the last 24 hours is remarkable, truly an inspirational time for everyone to be investing."
"Each currency pair has a different amount that it's going to move per candle."
"Even if we're around the same range we're at, Ethereum whales are moving money around getting ready for this."
"Bitcoin rejected sharply from 40k, it's 30k retest coming."
"Spicy meatball... this is a monster move... to the upside."
"It's pretty exhausting to just regularly mention that riot and marathon are just trending down."
"Algorand being listed on Hobby and it went up."
"This was an incredible move from $2 to $14 in one day."
"The market's going to move because it's going to move."
"Bitcoin is pumping up close to 54,000 so that's pretty good."
"You break a level, you flip it to support, you move on."
"Bitcoin print's biggest hourly candle in history."
"Bitcoin's heading towards 51k. Love to see it."
"ADA finally getting listed on Coinbase in March, now this could actually be why you saw ADA pumping a little bit today while everything else was down."
"It's the short squeeze people. It's coming up."
"To have almost a linear move three hundred dollars is impressive."
"Uniswap moved into the top 10 at rank 8, passing Litecoin."
"You gotta be patient. It seems counterintuitive, but even when these prizes move as quickly as they do, it's better to be patient."
"Options figured prominently in that example because a small Cadre of users on this Reddit sub Channel Wall Street bets decided that the hedge fund managers that were shorting the stock needed to be punished."
"If you get a Doge mention during the show or better yet if you get a Doge announcement, I think we break through a buck easy."
"Wintermute is not moving their optimism tokens to Binance for safety, no, they're moving them to ditch them."
"Bitcoin is sitting at forty four thousand three hundred and fifty dollars rallying up from forty two thousand dollars last night."
"Bitcoin jumped above 42k on Biden's order, Bitcoin has risen ten percent first and perhaps biggest reason their last two weeks, 39K developed into support."
"Bitcoin is literally going, man. Alright, that's gorgeous."
"I think after this event, we're gonna see an avalanche of companies come in and declare that they are buying bitcoin."
"Bitcoin broke 44,000 dollars because Elon Musk has bought 1.5 billion dollars worth of bitcoin."
"Here's your case for a 65% move to the upside."
"Why is the XRP price going up when 12% has been tampered down?"
"Diversification is pointless because everything is moving in the same direction."
"As soon as prices break above the trend line, expect acceleration to the upside for Bitcoin."
"Ethereum was able to break bullish in a massive way."
"Tesla looks like it might be making a serious move soon, it looks like it's coiling for something."
"Eth pumped massively on the biggest volume we've seen on the eth Bitcoin pair here on binance."
"I'm going to try my darnest to beat my own record."
"Big institutions move slowly. It takes time for a big institution to say, 'Oh we want to buy a billion dollars worth of Bitcoin.'"
"With Cardano, every time we've seen one of these hard forks, we have seen the price move significantly."
"You're loading a spring. When you load that spring up, if you follow through with volume, you get a violent move."
"Trading is not about picking exact lows and tops, it's about catching the meat of a move."
"I think we're going to see major and I mean like really ridiculous price movements for Cardano."
"Bitcoin pumped 52 in the first 50 days of 2023."
"Corrective bounces can trade up very easily to 50 cents if things get a little bit more crazy."
"Bitcoin puts in its first attempt at a major massive bottom."
"That's a pretty dramatic move right there for BTC."
"Believe it or not we might be able to slice through this 200-day moving average like butter unless you have some serious whales out there that are just trying to keep the price down to accumulate as much as possible."
"Sideways motion and a flash dip down to 55,000."
"Silver woke up in the summer of 2020 and shortly after that, it went up to 30 within about six weeks."
"We're going to be having all coins moving up shortly as well."
"The uptrend in precious metals is confirmed, and this looks like a big move."
"Any move down from this point forward is more likely just a reaction until we start to see some confluence and changes of trend."
"The length of the consolidation allowed enough energy to build up, increasing the likelihood of significant follow-through in a substantial directional move."
"But again I think the range of this candle, how it's pushed. If you're not in already you're going to be waiting for a pullback retest double bottom breakout tray to look for a continuation of this move."
"Movement across the ladder is necessarily going to influence the trade that you're on."
"You want to trade trends, whether sideways or reversals."
"I think the real money in the market was made by not trying to jump in and catch every single move, but try to catch the key move."
"The concept of imbalance is what moves markets, and without understanding this concept, you cannot truly become a consistent trader."
"What moves market prices always is unfilled orders."
"A rising slope would indicate potentially a rising trend is in play."
"There's very little stress when the markets move and explode in that manner; they're over and done with quickly, and you can get on with other things in your day."
"Trading is amazing when the Market's moving; you can make tons of money."
"As the market goes in my favor, that stop will follow it."
"We are trading people. Stocks only move because of human emotion."
"Strong follow-through indicates a higher likeliness of more momentum in that same direction."
"You're not going to catch the whole entire move, but you can try to catch the meat of the move."
"Consolidation is actually preparation for the next move up."
"The size of the next move is equal to the size of the consolidation."
"Bitcoin passing forty thousand dollars again even after JP Morgan saying it may never happen again."
"If something breaks out from a long base, the move will be explosive."
"The big money's made on the big move, and the best way to figure out what the big move is going to be is fundamentals."
"Look for that VWAP hold; if we fail VWAP and also fail this 8520 area where we had some toop and turn, then that might be a bit more of a move to the downside."
"We saw a nice rally here in the beginning of the year."
"Large moves come out of consolidated markets."
"Ripple up 3%, Dogecoin up 32%, and Cardano up 88.9%."
"The market cannot move in a straight line; it moves in waves."
"This is a visual display of computer algorithms moving the market."
"The undercut and rally did not just produce a short rally, it would actually lead to a big high velocity move to the upside."
"Break above the neckline of the W formation, creating obviously a big move up."
"Price do not move in straight lines but rather a zigzag fashion."
"This market is coiling for an explosive move, you only have one option, and that's the trend trade."
"This small cap market can make a big move on Monday."
"Breakouts will do at least a 16 percent move upwards in 76 percent of the cases."
"Part of trading is recognizing that there's going to be moves that work out and that you're not in."
"The last time the MACD popped out two little green candles, we had a massive move on BTC."
"Cyclical companies should have higher betas than non-cyclical companies because beta measures how you move with the market."
"Liquidity is like fuel for the market; the market needs fuel for it to be able to move."
"You don't want to stand in the way of a green Bitcoin candle."
"We could have a massive move coming here."
"Buy yourself something nice, BFT big-time mover for you guys."
"The rising tide will lift all ships."
"Wow, I have no words except wow, this is a massive move here."
"Trade what's moving, guys, not every day you get moves in the market like we're seeing today."
"It's essentially called fading the extreme where every single time we move up you want to short the pops and every single time we move down you want to buy those dips."
"A trend should move in a push and an ease, a push and an ease."