
Wonder Woman Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Wonder Woman from Justice League... she's pretty great."
"Wonder Woman finally proved the DC EU was capable of producing good movies."
"Wonder Woman, it was smart for them to... put her more front and center."
"But that ain't it for all Wonder Woman. As if she needed more damage from this cut, Zach decided that her theme should be encompassed by a ghastly [] yodel every goddamn time she does [] anything."
"Before she was Wonder Woman, she was Diana Princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior."
"The lasso of truth works regardless of who's ensnared inside of it, whether they're from the native reality that Wonder Woman happens to be in or a different reality. It's all the same thing."
"Wonder Woman is successful in lifting the hammer of Thor."
"Wonder Woman 1 is pretty [__] good... it's really good."
"Wonder Woman is launching into theaters and spoiler alert it's wonderful."
"I can’t watch Wonder Woman be one thing to Patty Jenkins, and then be a completely different character in the rest of the DC Universe."
"I think it adds this like mystery to the idea of what this Wonder Woman movie is going to be about."
"I write Wonder Woman as a new kind of propaganda to show the world what a woman could be."
"You're wonder woman, shouldn't need steve to capture max."
"Wonder Woman seemed to have everything going against it, but it grossed over 800 million dollars worldwide."
"The creation of Wonder Woman came by way of Marsten's wife Elizabeth's suggestion of making the hero a woman resonated with both Marston himself and DC Comics."
"Wonder Woman's character was rebooted yet again by writers Jorge Perez, Len Wein, and Greg Potter in the late 1980s."
"Wonder Woman's first origin established her as Princess Diana of Themyscira, encountering US army intelligence pilot Steve Trevor following a plane crash during his search for a Nazi spy."
"This Wonder Woman movie looks [expletive] awesome."
"Oh my god Wonder Woman finally on the screen...they gave us Wonder Woman that looks like the one...from the comics."
"Wonder Woman is regarded as one of the DCEU's best efforts and director Patty Jenkins says there are plenty more stories to tell about Diana's Amazon sisters."
"Diana was created to be as beautiful as Aphrodite, as wise as Athena, and swifter than Hermes."
"Wonder Woman was amazing in the film, just astounding."
"I really do want to see Wonder Woman 84. I'm excited to see it. I think it's gonna be a lot of fun."
"The magic of Wonder Woman is that she stands for something opposite of being violent, which is love true compassion."
"What makes her special isn't that she's strong or confident. It's that Diana can see the good in everybody."
"Wonder Woman is one of my favorite characters of all time."
"Wonder Woman's hell: living in a world where none of her beliefs were real."
"The film was about Wonder Woman fighting in World War II, set in 1943."
"Wonder Woman decides to help the cavemen and builds a giant wall to keep the dinosaurs out of their territory."
"Diana is crowned the Queen of Heaven."
"Wonder Woman's love of ice cream... firmly cemented itself thanks to adaptation and the pop culture media landscape."
"So does Wonder Woman still love ice cream? Depends on who's writing her."
"It's gonna be as profitable as Infinity War."
"Wonder Woman kills him on television because he's doing some evil stuff."
"It's pretty insane how Wonder Woman being a member of DC's Trinity has never gotten her own video game."
"Wonder Woman is not opposed to it."
"There's got to be a reason that this man has kept Wonder Woman, his member must be astonishing to keep that superpowered lady."
"I love the Linda Carter Vibes to her I love that extra Cape that they gave her very classic looking Wonder Woman."
"She's going to be badass Warrior Wonder Woman, but also equipped with um, the weapons of Peace being that of compassion."
"Wonder Woman is a hero who has gone through many phases, some better than others."
"... it's not expected and it needs to be different because Wonder Woman is not a high selling book it's not a very popular series and it will only sell if you know people get on board uh but it's uh it's it's definitely worth checking out um."
"Wonder Woman calls down 'By the honor of Grayskull,' a lightning bolt which rakes the ground and casts Hecate into it."
"Wonder Woman has been taken to The Sovereign using the lasso of Lies."
"What I love about her... when she pitched the first Wonder Woman... she acted out all of the parts and the explosions and all the accents... she's probably the most talented at Foley sounds like the special effects."
"Patty Jenkins says her Wonder Woman journey is over and adds DC Studios isn't interested in doing any Wonder Woman for the time being."
"Wonder Woman is the greatest melee fighter in the world."
"Wonder Woman can lift 2.2 quintillion tons."
"Wonder Woman took several light-speed punches which would equal two billion tons of force."
"Nuclear explosions hardly even face her."
"Wonder Woman's sword was able to chop off Doomsday's arm."
"Wonder Woman, Princess Diana of Themyscira, is one of the world's first superheroes."
"This is the story that forever alters the relationship between Superman and Wonder Woman."
"Few artifacts stand as symbolic and powerful as Wonder Woman's bracelets and lasso."
"Carter's portrayal of Wonder Woman was not just about acting."
"Out of the various versions of the Wonder Woman costume she wore, one in particular held a special place in her heart."
"Linda Carter's embodiment of Wonder Woman in the 1970s is nothing short of iconic."
"If Wonder Woman just totally nails it on HBO Max... then cinema is pretty much dead."
"I thought a wonder woman could be having a lot more heart and a lot more thoughtful than I was expecting."
"...I love Wonder Woman, she's one of my favorite characters like ever."
"So basically, if they got rid of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman today, it would just be the CW because that's basically what CW did."
"Is that Wonder Woman? I think it is. I do believe it is Wonder Woman. Hey, yeah, yeah, it's Wonder Woman, that's her headband, could I be the Wonder Woman?"
"The man couldn't help but respond: 'United States Air Force Colonel Stephen Rockwell Trevor.'"
"This lasso was created by Lord Zeus to bypass the untrustworthy nature of man."
"From Amazon Princess to the World's Greatest Warrior, Wonder Woman is at the height of her power."
"Wonder Woman is literally the god killer."
"...there's wonder limits most clear advantage here in the fight she is insanely fast I mean one moment it's a casual bullet timer..."
"What is it about Wonder Woman that makes her such a beloved character? I truly believe that it's what she stands for, her values, what she symbolizes, and who she is. She's a really pure, beautiful, good-hearted character."
"Have you met Wonder Woman? I've never met her, but she did spend an entire party eyeing me from across the room."
"Wonder Woman has that kind of strength."
"Wonder Woman is tasked with leading this team to end the war."
"Amidst the chaos of war, Wonder Woman finds herself at the forefront of a relentless assault by Nazi soldiers."
"The team stealthily approaches a Nazi Castle, wasting no time, Wonder Woman barges in."
"Wonder Woman must be about three thousand years old."
"The bracelets are impervious to nearly anything, including gunfire, demon lightning, and Kryptonian heat vision."
"She punched Doomsday into literal dust."
"That's when you learn just how dangerous Wonder Woman can really be."
"This Wonder Woman actually looks utterly fantastic."
"Armed with the powers of a god, Wonder Woman is one of Earth's most powerful defenders of peace and equality."
"I'm excited about the fact that like so when I first saw Wonder Woman, I kind of walked out of that of the movie like to see a woman and to see like a woman of color in such a true driving role."
"I'm just really glad that Gal Gadot is sticking around as Wonder Woman for the foreseeable future."
"The vibrancy of the colors harken back to Linda, the original Wonder Woman."
"Wonder Woman also gets a more vital role in the formation of the league."
"I think Wonder Woman is the best movie since Wonder Woman 2017."
"She talks noble, exactly like Diana. She's smart, sophisticated, brave, empowering, just like Diana."
"Very comic book inspired, a very strong, powerful look for Wonder Woman."
"Nubia is a superhero that was introduced in the 1970s; she's the twin sister of Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman."
"In the pantheon of superheroes, few have achieved as lasting an impact as Wonder Woman."
"Linda Carter's portrayal with her charisma and genuine understanding of the character felt authentic."
"I've never heard a theater cheer as loud as it did when Wonder Woman pops up."
"This is my favorite Wonder Woman that I've done."
"This is the one book that I highly recommend to anybody new or old to Wonder Woman."
"Wonder Woman is the literal daughter of Zeus and is one of the physically strongest beings in the DC Universe."
"I loved Wonder Woman. I loved what it did for women. I loved what it said about women."
"Wonder Woman is maybe the most powerful superhero in the DC Universe, more powerful than Superman even."
"Is she the ultimate, the best, the definitive Wonder Woman figure in one-sixth scale by Hot Toys? I think she is, and by a pretty big margin too."
"It looks like Wonder Woman's lasso as it was portrayed in the film, glowing."
"Her abilities include superhuman strength, speed, durability, and longevity, flight, skilled hand-to-hand combatant, a lasso of truth, a shield, indestructible gauntlets."
"You have Wonder Woman, but there was never a Wonder Man to support her."
"I love portraying Wonder Woman; it's so close to and dear to my heart."
"Wonder Woman 84 is nothing like Wonder Woman one."
"We'll have like a slightly rebooted maybe you know actual Wonder Woman who uses her sword and shield like the first movie."
"From comic strips to big screens, few symbols are as instantly recognizable as Wonder Woman's red, white, and blue ensemble."
"I would have to say it would be Wonder Woman."
"The lasso of truth, one of Wonder Woman Diana's artifacts, has the property of being unbreakable, and those who are trapped can only speak the truth."
"It's really Wonder Woman who's the first DC hero."
"Wonder Woman is a strong role model for girls; she's been around since the 40s."
"Wonder Woman is known for being one of the fiercest and strongest fighters amongst the Amazons and in the world of DC."
"Wonder Woman has ascended past godhood and can see all of time and all realities."
"Yara Flor is destined to become the new Wonder Woman."
"My favorite female superhero is Wonder Woman."
"Wonder Woman 72... what a gorgeous piece, absolutely stunning."
"I have a huge fan of Brian Azzarello because he did an amazing Wonder Woman."
"Who doesn't love Wonder Woman? She is amazing."
"Wonder Woman becomes a symbol of agelessness."
"Wonder Woman Diana Prince, the daughter of Zeus."
"The movie ending with Wonder Woman having her belief in humanity affirmed by Power Girl's actions."
"It's good that it's Wonder Woman that's trailblazing."
"Wonder Woman has shown her leadership qualities as well as highlighting her greatest asset, her compassion."
"I love that my Wonder Woman book is Kieron Gillen writing it."
"Wonder Woman is supposed to inspire you."
"Wonder Woman's family, the Amazons... she really does have like the largest family on the planet, raised by an army of Amazonian Warriors."
"Wonder Woman is kind of an immortal character that has led many armies against all kinds of supernatural threats."
"When that moment happened where Diana put away her toy as a child, I related Wonder Woman in a way that I never thought I would relate to Wonder Woman the character."