
Political Figures Quotes

There are 392 quotes

"Putin will go down as the great international criminal of the 21st century...and Zelensky will go down as the hero of it."
"Jack Smith is not hesitating and just filed a motion to compel the testimony of former Vice President Mike Pence."
"Special Counsel Jack Smith is far more interested as well in the financial crimes that Donald Trump committed."
"The fact that Ivanka, Mike Pence, and Jared are being dragged kicking and screaming into grand juries means that we're at the beginning of the end of the prosecutions."
"Joe Biden's empathy is genuine. You can feel it."
"If President Obama, who aspired to be Nelson Mandela, were tweeting out the sort of stuff... I'd be a lot more angry than with Donald Trump, who aspires to be in the WWE Hall of Fame."
"The guy's a criminal... he's the worst person imaginable to be put in any position of public trust, let alone the presidency of the United States."
"Margaret Thatcher was a unique and towering figure. I disagree with much of what she did, but I respect what her death means to the many, many people who admired her and I honor her personal achievements."
"Nikki Haley, like you, I don't agree with so much of what she stands for, but she does believe in democracy, the Constitution, and the United States of America."
"Sanders has successfully escaped prosecution by his contemporaries as well as the condemnation of history."
"I have tremendous respect for Bernie... he's done some incredible things."
"My father was impressed with Huey P. Long even though at the time in the South, blacks couldn't vote."
"George Santos made more in 48 hours on Cameo than he did his entire time in Congress."
"Joe Biden, Joe Manchin, and Kirsten Sinema, these are the people who are saying, dude, this is bigger than us; we need to bring our nation together."
"No man in this country, nor even the former president, is so high that he is above the law."
"The lights on the arrest of Donald J. Trump cannot come soon enough."
"Donald Trump used 641 hand gestures in 17 minutes. That's impressive, my friends, that's impressive."
"I think that john bolton is an honest person okay I've met ambassador bolton several times uh. I do not think he is a liar."
"It's only ever about him. He's the demagogue, he's the carnival barker. That's all he is."
"Trump says off-the-wall shit don't get me wrong he says like good stuff and he makes weird quips but I don't ever look at Trump and think like his brain is not functioning correctly."
"This goes to show Trump is not above the law."
"For internet commentators it seemed like nothing could stop Yevgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner mercenaries."
"No one in this country has been a victim of unfair media coverage more than President Donald Trump."
"Ron DeSantis knows what normal people care about."
"I think it's going to be Jeremy Corbyn, you don't see a Ken Clarke or a Keir Starmer-style figure coming through the middle of this."
"Biden's latest numbers are worse than Donald Trump's were at this time four years ago..."
"I wouldn't be surprised if these individuals end up in a situation where Giuliani claims to have some kind of mental health issue."
"Every juror or grand juror that's ever taken a look at anything involving Donald Trump has voted against him."
"An indictment of Donald Trump for criminal election interference can come any day now."
"Kerry Lake is presidential, I really do mean it."
"Every time we want to do something for ourselves, they send us Stacy Abrams or a Warnock or Kamala or an Obama to come down here and say yes we can do it for ourselves."
"Dr. Fauci stands next to Joe Biden as true American heroes."
"Let's talk about the gag order imposed on Donald Trump."
"If you're a white evangelical in America in 2021, you're no longer represented by Jesus. You're represented by the MyPillow guy."
"He's like the authoritarian sidekick right like he looks up to Kim Jong-un right he looks up to Vladimir Putin he looks up to Victor Orban he looks up to president X in China and how do I know that because he says that he says that in his speech."
"John of Gaunt was one of the most remarkable figures in the history of medieval England."
"The presumed powerful are not untouchable. Donald J. Trump is not above the law."
"Donald Trump is the antithesis of what Jesus and the Bible tell us to be."
"She had just this incredible impact beyond measure, yes on dignitaries, on politicians, but also with the people."
"Florida is the new Bastion of the Republican Party... Ron DeSantis The Chosen One the savior of fascism."
"Win or lose, Donald Trump didn't have the numbers. He betrayed the trust of the American people."
"For the first time in 270 years, a former president stands trial for crimes and election interference."
"I think so many Americans feel similarly... they actually like Trump's energy... he is a breath of fresh air."
"Even people who don't agree with him policy wise... will usually acknowledge [his charisma] is a good thing."
"There's nothing ordinary about Donald Trump."
"They spend more time demonizing figures like Jordan Peterson than the actual white nationalists."
"He prefers the chaos, he loves having Marjorie Taylor Green there and Lauren Bobbert. This is all his own doing and it has backfired in one of the most humiliating ways."
"The standard is the same for everyone, not even a former president of the United States is above the law."
"The special counsel is also still investigating Trump on January 6."
"That's the only way to put an end to the Donald Trumps, the Ron DeSantis's, the Josh Hawley's, you know, the Marjorie Taylor Greens of the world."
"It's a fact that Trump was right or at the very least Trump called something out and he held himself to it."
"Playing for keeps. George Soros spends every waking moment advancing his vision."
"The Supreme Court overturned the lower court ruling, which was a victory for Trump."
"The media love themselves some Beto. They see a white kid who grew up extraordinarily privileged, but they love to think he's the cool, considerate guy they want to be."
"The judge concluded that former President Donald Trump and John Eastman likely violated two criminal statutes."
"I think one narrative that does make sense to me at least at this stage was it was a clear repudiation of Trump but not Trumpism."
"If you're rooting for a better American discourse, you want less AOC and more Pelosi."
"Imagine a charismatic Mike Pence, like, imagine somebody like that."
"Everything that Gavin Newsom touches, he destroys; everything that Justin Trudeau touches, he destroys."
"Bernie Sanders just dominated when it comes to health care."
"This is not the same as the situation we saw with Donald Trump."
"Bernie is a true believer and I prefer honesty."
"We don't need to try and hang people on misspeaking. It wasn't a gaffe, Joe Biden."
"Donald Trump is probably currently the most polarizing figure in the entire world."
"Jerry, I thought you were just some politician. You are a genuine leader. Thank you, Chef."
"A Trump-DeSantis ticket would absolutely crush."
"It's not good to associate Jesus with Donald Trump any more than it's good to associate Jesus with Joe Biden."
"Trump was one of the funniest and most effective tweeters of all time."
"Donald Trump didn't invent racism, but he sure has promoted it."
"The biggest loser of the raid at Toronto was undoubtedly Mussolini himself as the strength of the Italian Navy in terms of its capital ships were hard overnight."
"We know he's criminally investigating Donald Trump we know that he's brought in someone named Matthew Colangelo who's a top prosecutor."
"Judge Deary has painted Trump's lawyers into a corner."
"We are here today because Maga Republicans would do anything to protect Donald Trump, their savior." - Hank Johnson
"He's the most Trump-like figure in public life besides Trump."
"Apparently, the pick is going to be this Omi Omi Amy Comey."
"Why is the corporate media showering Elizabeth Warren with attention?"
"Melania Trump and Kellyanne Conway are two of the most impressive women in the country."
"One of them has decency, compassion, generosity, and caring for other people. The other one doesn't."
"This perpetually online culture war bully (beeps) that's Trump, man. He did this, he broke Ted Cruz."
"The anger, animosity, and hopelessness that led them to vote for Donald Trump was not created by Trump."
"I hope we get a chance to interview him, or at least Donald Trump Jr."
"Trump is a genuine wild card, you have no idea, and the irony is, Trump doesn't care, he doesn't care about anything."
"I got really turned off by the democratic establishment after 2016. That was hard to watch what they did to Bernie Sanders."
"Congratulations, you got one. Trump's got no filter."
"Donald Trump is broke and begging for money."
"Obama is cool whether you agree with him or not."
"Covid kind of made Abbott and DeSantis look like rock stars."
"Joe Biden is a good, decent man." - Hakeem Jeffries
"Kellyanne Conway: campaign manager and advisor, creator of the phrase 'alternative facts.'"
"Rudy Giuliani: presidential lawyer and shirt-tucking champion of the Western world."
"The Alpha's definitely Putin for obvious reasons."
"Until someone else comes along who can properly carry the torch, and I only see one person who could potentially do it, and it isn't Ron DeSantis right now."
"Henry Kissinger is one of the most fascinating figures in history."
"Someone like Kissinger is unthinkable as a powerful figure in the United States 30 or 40 years earlier."
"Trump actually seems so panicked about DeSantis."
"Fox News is spreading Ron DeSantis propaganda."
"Donald Trump has gotten treated differently by the law than average citizens like Michael Cohen."
"Amin lived out the remainder of his life in Saudi Arabia without trying to intervene again in Uganda."
"That's who these people really are, and I think with or without Trump, Trump exposed the worst of them."
"Yang is the last one I want to hit. I think the guy is a decent guy. I think UBI is kind of interesting, not really my thing."
"Tulsi Gabbard should have been there. She's actually a Democrat, that's a little more of an old-school Blue Dog Democrat."
"What he's done in Florida is truly remarkable."
"Nobody took Trump seriously when he ran for president. Nobody took much of what Trump said seriously."
"Prosecutor Leticia James from New York is now demanding that Trump and his sons... be fined ten thousand dollars each."
"Nixon didn't get indicted... but we know that he obstructed justice."
"Once Donald Trump Satan is gone, then the sun breaks through the clouds." - Ben Shapiro
"Just because Mueller wasn't examining or prosecuting Donald Trump for the crime of obstruction doesn't mean he wasn't obstructing."
"That's what's amazing. That orange. It's like with Castro whenever we go up against Castro."
"Peace is very important, negotiations need to start as soon as possible." - Oleg Deripaska
"Assets are assets and Gaddafi has the most of any known person thus far this century by a huge margin."
"The evidence gathered did not establish that the president was involved in the underlying crime."
"She [Tulsi Gabbard] has an independent streak, and that independent streak matters in politics. It's very rare that you see that kind of thing, someone who's willing to stand up to their own party."
"Judge concluded that both former president Donald Trump and John Eastman likely violated two Federal Criminal statutes."
"The committee believes that more than sufficient evidence exists for a criminal referral of former president Trump."
"Not only did none of the attackers kill Putin, none of them even managed to injure him."
"Politics for so long, it was you wanted the perfect candidate...and then you just had Trump who owned it."
"Trump was the first president to fight the corruption. He doesn't deserve all the blame."
"Donald Trump relied on John Eastman and Giuliani and other lawyers who told him that this was not a crime."
"Joe Biden cannot give the unity speech. Killer Mike could give the unity speech. I could give the unity speech. You guys could give the unity speech."
"If we lose that system, it means people like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Bobert and Matt Gates and Donald Trump and Jim Jordan and James Comer, they don't like you."
"Isn't it incredible... Vladimir Putin warrants issued by the international criminal court and we're preparing for the indictment of Donald Trump in the United States."
"That's the bastardization of due process, that's what they do in third world republics."
"I think Donald Trump is probably the shrewdest negotiator when it comes to guys like that."
"Peterson's primary goal is to neutralize the political right."
"Moon held a coronation ceremony in an office building of the U.S Senate in which he was crowned king of peace."
"Alex Jones is absolutely positively a hypocrite. Yes, I never said he wasn't critical of Trump. He's very critical of Trump and guess what? He still supports Trump."
"Trump coming back to Twitter is an interesting thing."
"In a very real sense Trump is a witness against himself. Trump knows what he did."
"I actually don't want to see Donald Trump incarcerated in a federal correctional institution. I don't and the reason I don't is not because I don't think it would make for great headlines or he doesn't deserve it, he does deserve it."
"There will come a time when Mr. Trump will not be here anymore, if it’s six years from now or two years for now --"
"Bernie and AOC did a good job of getting people to stop trusting politicians."
"We are on the path to that and that path looks a lot like AOC, Ayanna Presley, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Jamal Bowman, Corey Bush..."
"To say that Putin is not messing around would be an understatement."
"Why do black men keep popping up with their unsolicited opinions about Kamala Harris?"
"The more you attack Trump, the stronger he gets."
"Bernie Sanders is of course imperfect but pretty damn near close to perfect in the grand scheme of things with respect to the time and place."
"Nothing gets Democratic voters out like Trump."
"President Trump believes setting oral argument in January 2023 or later is appropriate."
"He says this thing about wind power and he goes you know I love wind power nobody knows more about wind power than me I've studied wind power my whole life."
"You knew who you were voting for; you're voting for Barrett, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch."
"Probably Trump just because DeSantis is doing things and Trump just opens his stupid ass mouth."
"Each time a man or a woman stands up for an ideal, strikes out against Injustice or acts to improve the lot of others he or she sends forth a tiny Ripple of Hope." - Senator Robert Kennedy
"The Monroe Doctrine takes its name from the president who first articulated it, but the idea was nearly all John Quincy Adams's."
"Putin must be brought to a court of law and end his days in prison."
"If Donald Trump's shamelessness is his superpower, then Joe Biden's empathy is his superpower."
"There's a lot of people who like him the next highest favorability is Trump at 68 and 29 and the next person after that is Mike Pence."
"Father, we pray for the salvation of Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer."
"Life and Liberty being at stake, you have an indictment that comes down against the former president of the United States which criminalizes Free Speech."
"Former Michigan Governor Rick Snyder was charged Wednesday with two counts of willful neglect of duty."
"Prosecutor will just do everything leave no stone unturned and follow the evidence wherever it will lead and if it leads to the indictment of Donald Trump, so be it."
"One of the kindest, nicest, most gentle people in politics."
"Above all, he was one of the kindest, nicest, most gentle people in politics."
"The praise is toward the Mao, but the Mao also relied on his wife Jiang Qing and Gang of Four to carry out this massive propaganda."
"Trump is a symptom of the cultural change, not the cause of it."
"The truth is... the two candidates who... were most true to themselves... were Bernie Sanders and... Joe Biden..."
"Hillary Clinton had a built-in narrative about her."
"Nobody is above the law. Not the President of the United States and not the Attorney General."
"It is shocking that the more bad things they say about him, the more people embrace him."
"Putin will be remembered as one of the most important global leaders."
"Judge Brett Kavanaugh crush Dianne Feinstein's assault on gun ban arguments."
"Donald Trump sells newspapers, say whatever he will about the guy, he moves product."
"There's a reason why figures like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama... are way more popular than their politics."
"Tim Scott might not be exciting, but he is interesting."
"Eventually, he's either going to be indicted by this Department of Justice for one of the things we've already talked about or he's not."
"Imagine a debate between Larry Elder, fact machine, who's got a good sense of humor and is a good man and fun and smiley and happy, against evil American psycho Gavin Newsom."
"Personally, I plan to follow the example of six current cabinet members, Vice President Pence, and President Trump himself and vote by mail."
"It's bad, it's not good folks. Didn't he call Trump like the great man, like a king or something?"
"He is incredibly intelligent, he is such a smart world leader, I admire him for his intelligence."
"If Donald Trump wins the presidency again, you will have a president who calls more than half the country thugs, pedophiles, communists, Marxists, anti-Americans, traitors."
"If there's one thing that I would love to see and that I would put aside whatever I was doing to watch it it is the inevitable debate between Vivek ramaswamy and Donald J Trump."
"Trump is toast... these are very, very serious charges."
"Joe Biden's not a bad man. He's a good man but he's 81 years old."
"Donald Trump is more popular than he has ever been in his entire life."
"Donald Trump is already risking potentially at least short-term imprisonment because he can't shut his GD mouth."
"Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is one of the biggest names in politics today."
"Chisholm challenged countless norms and shattered innumerable barriers."
"I never asked about Joe Biden, I was told about Joe Biden."
"Men like Trump and PewDiePie, and anyone else who has the balls to stand up to them and fight back, are now deemed the evil tyrannical populists."
"It's not worth selling your own soul, especially for someone like Donald Trump."
"Good things take time, yes, and only the best for our former president. Why rush greatness?"
"If you want to see the socialist Biden-Harris future for our country, just take a look at California, Gavin Newsom."
"President Trump has been a central figure in the QAnon conspiracy."
"Trump's name was cleared tonight... court documents completely exonerated his name."
"This guy spent his entire life savings on two weirdly proportioned statues of the former president, which he built in Mexico in the hopes of selling them for a profit, possibly to Trump himself, despite not really liking Trump all that much."
"Trump looks like an orthodox priest with his hand movement and Biden looks like an evangelical with his hand movement."
"Americans know who Uncle Joe is, quirks and all."
"Michelle Obama has always been a very popular figure in Democratic circles."
"I admire Nick Fuentes in some ways and disagree with him in a lot of others."
"Finding someone around here who doesn't like Ed Meese is like trying to find a four-year-old who doesn't like Santa Claus."
"I mean you're rooting for the guy right, because he just seems like such a good guy. Nobody ever has a bad word to say about Tim Scott." - Megan Kelly
"I think that he was absolutely there for politics."
"The most honest person on the stage was my boy Andrew Yang."
"How many people in Trump's position would die? Because I'm starting to think that the number is so close to zero that we should just forget about it."
"There is a non-zero chance that Trump's number one critic could be susceptible to this."
"The president's physician has given us the most recent snapshot, saying that the president is making progress but making clear he still faces serious risk."
"For those of us who follow him in Florida, we've never seen Ron DeSantis make these facial expressions before."
"Look at that treatment versus the treatment of Assange."
"This has been happening to Lula... to Rafael Correa."
"She might see old friends from her days in the galactic Republic, competent policy makers like Elvira."
"News of the death of Jones Amin the former head of the Chinese Communist party has now come out."