
Action Sequences Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"It is a heartbreaking moment and it also boosts the emotional impact of the bigger Spider-Man action sequences later on because we feel just how massive of a toll it takes for Peter to fulfill his responsibilities."
"The psychological impact and the choreography of the fight were beautiful."
"This fight's phenomenal both as an action set piece and as a vehicle for educating us more about the characters."
"It's got great action, it's got a great Bond, and it's just a well-rounded film."
"Vader thank goodness. Jedi should be doing stuff like this far more often."
"The dogs are brutal. Halle Berry's dogs, Sophia's dogs in this movie, they're helping out in the fights. They're like biting dudes on their legs, on their arms and stuff. Insane, like, these dogs are crazy, but they're also lovable dogs."
"It was gory, it was cool to look at, there was some awesome stylish choreography throughout."
"The action sequences in Man of Steel are some of the most awe-inspiring fight scenes in all of comic book movies."
"Mission Impossible 2 received generally positive reviews with critics praising the action scenes, stunts, and overall fast pace."
"When they made 'Terminator 3,' they essentially tried to do all the same stunt pieces."
"This is a badass shot that the movie will forget when it comes to the action."
"Fenna Pirate Princess does a great many things right it is a stunningly gorgeous anime with consistently impressive action and fantastic music."
"It's a nice innocent moment. It's a good break in terms of pace from the action we've been dealing with non-stop for about 45 minutes at this point."
"Watching title character Beatrix take on former co-workers and goons in wildly different ways made each confrontation surprising and exciting."
"Since these awe-inspiring sequences feature great cinematography and less cuts than normal, it feels like you're in the middle of every fray."
"There's no anime that can be both compelling action-packed and well-directed like Attack on Titan."
"These chapters are filled with wonderful action of numerous varieties within which I finally felt as though I was starting to understand Kishimoto's rhythm as a layout artist."
"The John Wick series' signature of long, close-up action takes is only possible because Keanu Reeves is a performer who is willing to dedicate countless hours to mastering any skill that the script demands."
"The action was just top-notch, you know, it's incredible."
"Particle density in Far Cry 6 enhances chaotic action, with sparks flying and explosions everywhere."
"The game cheaply sets up insane swarms that make for exciting action."
"This street chase is some of the best action filmmaking I have seen."
"Let's go, those full-screen rolling cutters!"
"This film is actually famous for not using wires or CGI for the fight sequences."
"The kaiju sections are also back, more explosive and chaotic this go around too."
"I also feel the game has some solid pacing they break up the action and really nice waves giving you these nice set pieces to walk through between action scenes."
"Who doesn't want to see beautiful women with guns, hordes of undead getting shot, fantastic action sequences?"
"God of War 3: 'It has some great action, awesome set pieces, and of course, the glue that holds everything together is the quick time events.'"
"Indiana Jones is the quintessential adventure... an example of how to have exciting action sequences."
"Sharon throwing a knife, yeah, through that guy's arm... how big is your arm gonna be for one knife to be able to go in and stick it, you know?"
"The film combines action-packed sequences with heartwarming family moments, creating an enjoyable viewing experience for fans old and new."
"Kong manages to storm Skull Island's Gates and goes totally sick house."
"It was a consistent story, and man, those action sequences were terrific."
"Unicron's presence is felt throughout the movie, especially in those action sequences."
"It's the best action movie since 2015's Mad Max Fury Road, telling its story and high-octane sequences through perfected visual cinematography."
"Every boss fight, chase through the city, and post-apocalyptic backdrop presented high octane fun."
"He's also gonna be part of a lady fight where all the women team up to fight the female antagonist."
"The subway chase is fast and violent and sensationalist but it's very well thought out and dynamically directed..."
"While the two conflicting terminators in T2 are so iconic for their physical differences, unique fighting styles, and contrasting personas."
"The action for the most part is well staged and executed."
"They do a really good job with what they have, like there's a lot of cool stuff in this movie and cool sequence of the action is great."
"Setpiece after setpiece and these wild moments of the Spider-Man interacting with each other with characters."
"I love the way they choreographed that whole sequence because you think okay there's two heart there's three there's the book oh there's a lot more."
"Demon Slayer's action scenes are peppered with flashy effects, adding character to their sword techniques."
"The shots of the X-wings strafing the shield gator are so sick."
"There's even more over-the-top sequences... not to mention just another really kick-ass soundtrack."
"There are some really good action sequences."
"The action sequences were awesome. It was super badass to see these characters interact and fight together."
"Carol learns to dodge it as it comes from behind, making her more like that badass she wasn't in game when Thor summoned Stormbreaker past her head."
"I thought the animation, the action was done better here and it had almost everything about Dragon Ball Z that I liked in it."
"The chase segments especially, these moments are always blood-pumping."
"Epic Transformers battles will not only take place there though because part of the story also plays out in Machu Picchu in Peru."
"That car scene through Rome... that scene was great."
"Season one finds that sweet spot of balancing slow burn mystery and the addition of action through separate plot lines."
"The tension followed by the action is tantalizing."
"Kudos kudos to the filmmakers on just that whole scene. It was really neat."
"I like the feeling of hitting an enemy dodging real quick...doing the stomp...being able to chain a combo off another feels so satisfying."
"The cinematography is extremely over-the-top, exploding with dramatic slowdown, intense camerawork, and more stylized action."
"It is without a doubt among the best superhero films ever made, inventive storytelling, fantastic action sequences." - Eric Davis
"Charlie Cox holy [ __ ] he picks up right where he left off and he kills it as Matt Murdock just kicking ass."
"The Mission Impossible movies rely on real filmmaking craft and classic physical action."
"Close-knit bonds between friends and awesome action sequences that display a mastery of animation by all those involved."
"Especially fight sequences between robot Kane and the OG RoboCop, they were actually great."
"Every action sequence, every fight, just even the sequence of scenes and how the characters are blocked out for our viewing pleasure, it's all leagues and leagues ahead of anything we've seen before in the show."
"I thought the action set pieces were awesome."
"Flashbacks to tomorrow never dies again and I love that film and I love this whole action sequence craig is badass as anything and there are so many moments."
"It has a lot of fighting sequences, and it's very well done."
"They're not just going to throw [action] in this movie. It's going to be huge action but it's not going to detract from the story that needs to be told."
"Just wanted to make sure, but it's like there'll be a lot of slow moments, but then once the action starts and like the boss fights or battles hit, I mean, the orchestra, the music kicks in, it's so well done."
"Action in movies without narrative purpose is just visual noise."
"The hero vs. hero showdown managed to showcase everything from high-flying armored heroes to the acrobatic shield agents in one kinetic set-piece that raised the bar for superhero fights."
"It's a really cool feeling that makes you feel even more awesome when you follow up a fast reload with a satisfying kill."
"Pacific Rim's modern Kaiju action appeals to a wide audience."
"People scramble around, they fall when gunshots go off, screaming in terror, they freak out when their friends near them are gunned down as they sprint away from fights."
"I like his use of gadgets in this and I like how he's like, they... Joel Schumacher was like, 'You know, we could do way more with some of the action sequences and actually have some of the choreography.'"
"The Avengers assemble! Boom, bang, pow, beat up all the aliens!"
"The action sequences in this film are so good, dude. So good."
"The action sequences in this movie are incredible."
"Action sequences in movies: what makes them meaningful and engaging versus low stakes and boring?"
"The three main action sequences all kind of stand out... memorable action sequences."
"I like the way that this movie is directed there's some great action"
"The action sequences I think are [ __ ] really cool to watch."
"The action sequences in this movie are fantastic, amazing, and unlike anything that has ever been done in any Spider-Man movie, frankly."
"The majority of the film was just fight scenes, fight sequences. That was the majority, and you got like a bit in between to kind of string it along. You know, and I just, oh my God, it was beautiful."
"Sonic and Eggman aren't playing around this time. Sonic's usual 'hit it a couple times and let it blow up on its own' mentality completely gets ignored here. This time, he's ripping chunks off of the Egg Dragoon, smashing up parts, and even lays down a punch on Eggman."
"What Godzilla minus one lacks in a sensical plot it makes up for in heart and amazing action sequences."
"Every single shot of action has so much thought and effort behind it."
"Certainly the master of suspense, some crazy action sequences. I think Roland is incredible in this genre."
"The action sequences were some of the best."
"I miss those slower, more methodical action sequences that allowed attention to build."
"The authenticity of his martial arts techniques resonated with audiences, making his action sequences stand out with realism and finesse."
"The action sequences, holy crap, were they choreographed so well with a lot of elements and moving parts."
"The perfect combination of every action thing together to make some of the best action sequences I think I've ever seen."
"...seamless action sequences, amazing story."
"I thought 'Fallout' was good. I had a good time with it. The set pieces were fantastic, the action stuff was really solid."
"Zack Snyder's gifting when it comes to action."
"The action in Children of Dune is far more cohesive and engaging."