
Moral Standards Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"Americans should take their exceptionalism seriously and subject the country to an exceptional moral standard."
"I didn't ask for too much. I was just asking for a decent, dignified living wage. What they did was legal, but it was immoral."
"Your yardstick should be Jesus and Jesus alone."
"If God created the heavens and the earth, then He says what is and what isn't, what's true and what's false, what male and female is, what's right and what's wrong."
"Dispose of children? We're not monsters, Lieutenant."
"Just because you have the natural urge to do something does not mean that you should do it."
"If our good men will only trouble themselves as much about the purity of their own sex as they do about ours, it will make one moral code for men and women."
"We need to have a moral standard that transcends time, place, and culture."
"Suffering, whether current, historical, or imagined, can often make people feel exempt from holding themselves to the moral standards they expect of everyone else."
"The ultimate measure of a human being is not where one stands in times of comfort and convenience, but where one stands in times of challenge and controversy."
"Thou shalt not kill. They're all based off the 10 Commandments as a basic standard."
"If you're a moral human being, this is a moral conflict."
"Jesus said, 'If you look at a woman and lust for her, you commit adultery.'"
"I don't think that fighting for justice is this binary thing... you have to have a standard that you can stick to."
"People need to live to a moral standard more so than a societal standard."
"Let's justify our own terrible desires and behaviors. It's really the total abolition of standards when you're aspiring to be ghouls."
"All the mathematics and logic in the world can't help me now. I was such a fool to think that we could handle what was out there. In my final hours, I can only think and reflect on the human mind, how beautifully simple, how I miss being ignorant."
"The resetting of moral standard in culture is 100% necessary."
"I just can't with a good conscience... I just hope that there's gonna be a day when standards will be recognized."
"Ethics is another good thing, if you say you're gonna do something, by gosh, you wanna do it."
"Children are not adults which what may be appropriate for adults is not appropriate for children. That this must be said at all demonstrates that our society is in a state of moral collapse." - Ben Shapiro
"I wouldn't want a friendship with someone who lies in such a vicious manner."
"Evil and immorality have become the status quo of the society we dwell in today."
"Nobody dislikes a bad cop more than good cops."
"It's not an issue of right or left, it's an issue of humanity, of basic decency."
"We should all hold ourselves, our Allied Forces, and even an adversary to a higher standard, especially ourselves, to one of competence at winning War but also the one of Law and Order and empathy."
"Judging people on the basis of characteristics they can't control is wrong. Decent people understand that."
"There wasn't the necessity of eradicating each other for the sake of pleasure or envy."
"Character is built when we uphold our standard at a time when, more than anything in the world, we want to run to someone's door and bang on it until they answer."
"There should be some absolute moral standards about how we treat children."
"It's always the most sanctimonious people who are guilty of the thing that they claim to be so against."
"Moral and ethical codes in society almost always describe the virtues that a society aspires to, rather than accurately describing the virtues the society actually has."
"It's like your morals and standards. Everything you believe in, it's like, it allows you, but you still going in the right direction."
"God expects us to walk towards perfection and live by His standard. We exist for Him, not the other way around."
"Agree with evil lures opinions or not however there is no way anyone should find this type of behavior acceptable..."
"The ultimate test for a society is whether you're willing to protect children."
"And in spite of this, I expect you to do the right thing. And I know you will."
"Whoever cheats us is not one of us... cheating and lying and being deceitful is not part of Islam."
"Maybe we should only applaud those people who were better than their time."
"If you're racking up off the people, then you should be doing for the people. That's scriptural, it's ridiculous."
"I just feel like we always talk about every generation not having morals and ethics."
"So on Judgment Day, if God judges you by those standards, you're going to be innocent or guilty?"
"When a culture eliminates God, standards disappear, and society crumbles."
"The Torah laid a revolutionary foundation for standards beyond human constructs."
"An impartial ruler had to give us the basic standards for what is right and what is wrong."
"The Constitution is built for moral and religious people."
"The ending of abortion will be a litmus test for our time concerning revival."
"We have standards because we appreciate how good God has been to us."
"There is morality, there are values that are not malleable."
"The commanding heights of culture and decency are carried by the same left."
"Sometimes you just gotta stand on your morals and just, yeah, you're right. And she's standing ten toes down."
"We are living in an age where sexual sin has been normalized by the devil, but we must ensure we're never found in this group of people."
"This is the flag of the nation that accepted the absolute moral truth that slavery is wrong, no matter what riches can be amassed, no matter what power can be gained, no matter the cost - slavery had to be abolished."
"Even that game which you find to be obviously morally reprehensible recognizes the abhorrent taboo of harming or killing children."
"But on Judgment Day, God will judge us by the standard of moral perfection."
"The left is incredible at creating new moral standards and frameworks."
"It's really unloving to lie to that person, you know we don't want to be affirming their sin."
"God's word is truth and the standard of all that is right and wrong."
"If God says it's unholy, you need to get rid of it."
"Protection of the vulnerable... recognition that... sexual attraction to children is wrong."
"Arguments against belief in God will often include some kind of reference to an absolute moral standard."
"In order to have truth, there has to be a truth, there has to be a line of truth that does not move."
"Respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behavior."
"With those words, the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it."
"A real man will never put hands on somebody unless it's self-defense."
"None of this, I don't even give a [ __ ] because I know this guy's a piece of [ __ ], but just seeing Jason sit there and let him lie to him... these people just don't give a [ __ ] about nothing but money from."
"How can I expect God's strength if I do not embrace God's standards?"
"We need moral clarity as a country, we need a set of lines that we all can agree on."
"You may have a code of honor now, but your father doesn't."
"It becomes us as a Christian people... to remove from our midst an institution no less the cause of moral corruption to the master than to the slave." - Elijah Parish Lovejoy
"It's not about Jon Jones necessarily having to be the best of men or the perfect man; it's about Jon Jones doing things the right way."
"The Bible does not explicitly condemn invasion and conquest...took people a while to see it."
"If you're right, it's not a double standard."
"God does not evaluate our goodness by comparing us to other people, he evaluates our goodness by comparing us to himself."
"Being worthy isn't just about being a good person, otherwise a lot of people would have been able to lift the hammer."
"Goodness just is God's nature, so He is the standard for good. If you don't understand how they got there, don't go there with them."
"Christianity has the highest possible moral calling upon its people and also incredible grace and forgiveness."
"A theory that makes profit the exclusive norm and ultimate end of economic activity is morally unacceptable."
"We viewers like to think that we are holding people to a moral standard. But we have two sets of standards."
"If a serial killer only murdered one person this month instead of two I'm not gonna give him a handshake and a slap on the back."
"You cannot be sleeping with that girl or with that guy or doing those things or stealing from the business and call yourself a Christian."
"Yes, Jesus laid down his life to accomplish a high and holy purpose, he did not lay down his life to enable bad behavior to continue."
"Rejecting the idea that the state gets to function on its own moral plane."
"Integrity matters, like the willingness to... and don't tell me that a plea of guilt is not a plea of guilt."
"A society should be judged not by how it treats its outstanding citizens but by how it treats its criminals."
"The church has got to stand for something better than that."
"Until their intentions become pure, they're not going to get access to you."
"This is human decency 101, but it's certainly important if you espouse any kind of collectivist thinking."
"You have to set the standard based on the Word of God, not the culture."
"Be comfortable standing on truth, but that truth has to be a transcendent objective truth."
"These are high standards: turning the other cheek, going the extra mile, loving your enemies."
"That's Tony Morris for you... an example of superior morals."
"Even amid shifting morals, we want to be good people."
"Free will is our capacity to compare proposed actions to ideal standards."
"I feel very strongly that if your values are right, you can do no wrong."
"We respect every human being but we don't respect every action."
"I love when Batman doesn't kill and he has that moral standard and actually following it is just so damn satisfying."
"It's not a matter of opinion, but a matter of morality, the value of human lives."
"A lie does not become true, wrong does not become right, and evil doesn't become good just because it's accepted by a majority."
"The more ethically trained you are and the more we tighten up our social fabric to prevent our most vulnerable from being exploited the less money luxury sex and power will be able to bypass our moral Gatekeepers."
"Your righteousness must be more than the righteousness of the Pharisees."
"How can we not call this absolutely ridiculous and a two-sided double standard?"
"Genocide has to be a red line; if we don't make it a red line, we lose our humanity."
"God calls us to moral excellence, to be above reproach."
"If your dogma leads you to do hideous inhuman and cruel things then the dogma is wrong."
"Easier to avoid hitting zero than to come back from it."
"Whether tyranny should be opposed, whether rules should be upheld and standards of Human Rights, or whether those tyrants should be appeased."
"By whose standard are you good? Your standard don't mean freaking crap."
"There has to be some Universal morality there that says no we we have to protect these lives."
"It is not okay, it is not kingdom, that is the world."
"It's sad that being decent actually elevates you."
"Hypocrisy is when you think that there's a standard that applies to everybody else but not you. Hypocrisy is when you say it's bad for everybody else to commit adultery but for me, right? That's hypocrisy."
"Ram is considered the perfect role model for mankind."
"The fact remains that any vaccine available today involves using murdered children before they could even be born. I renew my pledge: I will not extend my life by using murdered children. This is evil. Wake up."
"Wanting to adhere to God's moral standards and getting angry when you see Christians publicly promote immoral standards, that is not being a Pharisee."
"A good person doesn't do that. A good partner doesn't do that."
"If there's going to be a standard, let's raise it for everyone."
"Honesty is the way that you get into the church of perfection."
"The character of a nation is regulated by the principles of that nation."
"If your standard is going to be the man or your standard is going to be the principle, now your principles may differ from mine."
"So, I think it's very important that we build third-party movements and we challenge and we stand fast for these moral imperatives."
"It's critical to have ethical standards with regard to sexuality."
"There are two standards for people... Good people who got into a little bit of trouble... but there are actual... evil people out there..."
"Do not be a useful idiot. Do not violate your own moral standards and your own moral rules for the sake of the greater good. There is no greater good than your own moral standards."
"Have moral standards and values that you could stand on."
"We've got to act like human beings. We've got to live up to the best that's in us, not the worst."
"Except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven."
"But Jesus Christ does set the standard for us."
"The moral conventions of the community encourage lovers to vie for affections by bettering themselves and committing to deeds."
"You know when the apologist wants to say to you, 'You have no moral standards, you borrow from us,' just say to them, 'My friend, you borrow from the Greco-Romans. It's okay. We borrow from each other. What do you frickin' do anyway?'"
"I'm not [ __ ] cool with that. That is beyond the lines of what I consider to be acceptable."
"Desires should be moral, ethical. There should be a certain floor of absolute decency and morality."
"If Jesus could hold people accountable for their sins after extending forgiveness and mercy towards them, it is clear then that forgiveness does not mean tolerating sin."
"The KKK and Dr Martin Luther King, they cannot both be right."
"He's an inspiring example of someone who succeeded in behaving ethically in a time and a place where standards of moral conduct were shockingly low."
"The standard is kindness, the standard is taking care of people, the standard is treating people the way you would want to be treated."
"The modern American man is a moral man."
"Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity."
"Love is the highest ethic and highest standard."
"He would never ever speak anything even as a joke that could be construed even as a white lie."
"He lived by the most moral of standards."
"Showing the love of Christ does not mean not having a standard or taking a stand."
"We've reached the bottom of the barrel when a government like Iran and Afghanistan can actually take the moral high ground and shame us as a nation."
"In conclusion, while movies remain a powerful medium with a profound impact on culture, let us be guided by our faith and our commitment to God's divine standard of holiness."
"By good gatekeeping, I mean like truly reprehensible moral positions or potentially dangerous misinformation."
"There can't be shortcuts when it comes to ethics."
"We hold to an unchanging eternal public standard that they all know."
"Commitment to our highest priority to love and serve God requires that we look to His law for our standard of behavior."
"I consider the legal world the floor, the minimum... and I consider the moral world hopefully somewhere higher than that."
"Integrity was everything, moral rectitude and independence of character were the standards by which he wanted to be judged and to judge himself."
"If your answer is well it's not illegal, that's the lowest bar of your moral compass."
"I won't cross lines as a lawyer. I will do everything I can to morally and ethically represent my client to bring about the best result that's morally and ethically possible."
"Standards are good. It's good to have standards moral standards by which we hold ourselves to."
"An overseer as God's steward must be above reproach, not a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined."
"The moral law is often perceived solely as a sexual standard that is antiquated and restrictive, but to the Christian Scientist, it means so much more than that."
"If he's got morals, he's got standards, and he's doing what he's got to do on God's plan, that is good for me."
"These stories always contradict the Joker's viewpoint by showing people, everyone from the heroes we admire to just everyday people, choosing not to commit acts of violence, choosing not to lower their standards to the villain's level."
"The measure of a society is how they treat their children."
"The moral high ground that I thought we maintained was a bluff."
"We should have levels of atrocity that are intolerable."
"A true Christian would never let this happen to their child."
"Man-made moral standards are not personal dislikes; they are products of moral consensus."