
Economic Benefit Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"We know that increasing enforcement of tax collection raises revenue and benefits our economy, and Americans overwhelmingly support these measures."
"A key national goal is a strong labor market, a benefit for all Americans."
"Our historic regulatory relief is providing the average American household an extra three thousand one hundred dollars every single year."
"At the end of the day, college degree earners do earn on average about a million dollars more than those with only high school diplomas over their entire lifetime."
"Electing for yourself a good leader is practically putting money in your pocket, practically bringing security to your doorstep."
"The parks are going to pay for themselves. They increase property values and tax base."
"It’s not often that we get an emerging piece of tech that actually makes serious strides toward decarbonization, saves you a significant amount of money, has very few drawbacks … and is already on the market."
"This historic legislation doubles the standard deduction."
"Abundant safe power is something that we need badly and that would benefit us in a thousand economic sectors."
"Elon says it's sort of like having a money printing machine on your roof."
"All the way to the bank just imagine having a superstar working for you that is literally making you money hand over fist compared to a competitor."
"Charging at home is going to be way cheaper than gas."
"The boomers of this country are the ones ironically, the boomers who have benefited the most from the New Deal."
"The important thing is a good game will last a long time, then everyone makes money overall in the long term."
"Ding technology helped to make the heating in Sonia centers more efficient with almost 30% Energy savings."
"So instead of having to go and sell it as a used car or a certified pre-owned vehicle, it is now going to just be out there making money. It's not going to be sitting on a lot."
"The big career win that you are scoring at the end of the month is having a regenerating effect upon your financial life."
"PvP back then was profitable, you could have fun and make a lot of money."
"We're gonna have a lot left over so we will have pretty soon over a hundred billion dollars in money paid into the United States Treasury by a country that never gave us ten cents."
"One of the best deals I've ever heard: free resources."
"China has this really cool ability and it's really worth highlighting because you can get a lot of early gold fast."
"25-ish percent saving on a nearly 40-mile journey. That's significant."
"Shopping second hand is not only good for your wallet, but also really good for the planet."
"It's healthier, absolutely. It's healthier for the climate, it creates more jobs here, it keeps more money in people's pocket."
"If I were able to get those schematics for an iPhone like this I would be able to keep hundreds more devices out of a landfill and keep consumers from having to spend thousands of dollars new devices."
"This exciting tourist destination attracts tourists to your city to visit the top of your mega tower and profits from tourists that visit the crown."
"The benefits of cutting climate pollution would also be three times greater."
"It's a dividend on our shared economic progress and it makes us more free to pursue the kind of work that we want to do every day."
"They'll definitely pay for themselves in big scale fights."
"The printing press had a big hand in reproducing knowledge largely lost in the west at the same time making a new industry of printers a ton of cash."
"We'll cut your taxes and taxes for middle-class families at a level never seen before."
"Lower cost of ownership: the cost of servicing a Cybertruck is much lower than other trucks."
"It's such a good deal that you'll wish the quarantine lasted longer."
"Every state that has decriminalized marijuana and gone to regulating it instead has made a bunch of money and has actually dropped the crime rate."
"Design-build contracts on large projects often end up moving faster and being less expensive."
"Let's give everybody free Wi-Fi, tourists bring in money, they're an industry in themselves."
"Thor: Ragnarok revamped the character and injected a fresh dose of humor into the franchise."
"Their biggest bonus, which defines the civilization the most, is that their farms cost 33% less."
"We make it possible to have this great success tick tock's a tremendous success but a big portion of it's in this country from the sale directly it would come from the sale."
"Immigration is a blessing to be channeled to our economic advantage."
"Services back to the grid, which effectively reduces the price to the customer and reduces the prices for the grid."
"The most rewarding part about tiny living is that I can afford to live on my own...despite living in a place that has a pretty high cost of living."
"Third stimulus is still paying out and viewers on average are getting forty-five thousand dollars a week from third stimulus."
"This simply means that you probably just have to buy this juicer once and you’ll never have to worry about buying another juicer again."
"Having legal immigrants means they get paid better and pay more taxes."
"Converting the U.S fiat currency back to an equity-based currency could offer several potential benefits."
"So this would be a great way for you to make a little bit of extra money."
"It's been a great financial decision for me."
"Now you're going to benefit from lower prices going forward."
"Join me in this great purge of excess items, it's gonna help the economy."
"To be the first adopter is to benefit disproportionately in anticipation of later adopters."
"Appreciation is when the value of the home goes up due to certain amenities. It's a good thing!"
"We will do the right thing, continue to fight climate change, and make sure that Albertans have more money in their pockets."
"Your fuel costs go to zero and then actually end up going negatively."
"We better not kill the Golden Goose that has laid an egg here that has provided a pretty darn good life for all of us who live here."
"Unlike any other livestock animal, rabbits you can sell as pets."
"That's right, the more GPUs you buy, the more money you save."
"Common sense tells you something ain't right."
"Best of all, because it's part of Microsoft Game Pass, it's actually cheap or near free to try it out on your system."
"And billions of dollars is now flowing into our treasury."
"Our lovely people are going to absolutely love it, enjoy it, and give us lots of cash to continue building our city."
"The war in Afghanistan was not a failure, it was a huge win for the greedy defense contractors and their shareholders."
"Most wars, everybody loses. Except the people who started it and made a lot of money."
"Solar power: the cheapest form of electricity in history."
"Germany has a lower corporate income tax rate which benefits investors and companies."
"Bitcoin is helping us gain wealth, which is purchasing power of stuff that we want."
"To me, the Child Tax Credit is paying for the work of being a parent, which is work that benefits us all."
"Shop secondhand... It's good for your wallet, it's good for the environment, everyone wins."
"This will actually save the average driver in America money in the long run."
"Homes with solar panels sold for a 4.1 percent premium over comparable homes."
"The good news is it's a lot cheaper than... taking medication."
"Colonization is profitable because of the sales of intellectual property."
"It seems like P was kind of very Visionary in terms of filling those spaces and making sure whatever courses or programs they know are going to have that economic benefit is something that they're going to get involved in."
"...the affordability here is going to be a huge Pro."
"So basically for every dollar you spend on extra research and development, you do somewhere between $16 and $21 of good in the world."
"Through Airbnb, we have been able to rescue some of that revenue that these foreigners have been raking in."
"Lower prices benefit everybody, consumers and businesses alike."
"The ease of movement for labor and capital has increased, benefiting individuals and businesses."
"More efficient cattle produce more pounds of beef on less grain, that means more money in your pocket."
"For every ton of CO2 that you don't emit, you also don't emit those dangerous pollutants, so that the health benefit for every ton of CO2 that you avoid emitting is $200."
"For every dollar invested in mental health care, there will be a four-dollar return on investment."
"Trade benefits everybody; trade increases world production."
"Higher interest rates are more beneficial because those wages grow much faster."
"An asset is anything that provides a current, future, or potential economic benefit."
"You will save yourself a huge amount of money."
"For each additional year of education, we have a 5.9 percent increase in wages."
"This agreement can start bringing benefit to the people of Northern Ireland as quickly as possible."
"Craftsmanship is something that really pays."
"Eight out of 10 of them do better with the price on pollution and the Canada carbon rebate than they would without it."
"The fantastic fuel economy is one big thing about this car that's really great."
"I strongly believe that the construction of Bolton Mall is a suitable suggestion for residents as they will achieve social, mental, and economical values."
"Actually makes the average person richer."
"Family incomes have received a triple boost: food prices are lower, fuel bills are lower, and taxes are lower because of the independence dividend."
"Increased commerce between the United States and India can be and will be a win-win proposition for both nations."
"The brain drain migration can be seen in a positive light, as there is obviously a benefit to the migrating individuals in terms of career progression, quality of life, and earning power."