
Forensic Evidence Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Forensic evidence, phone data, and surveillance footage from their reconnaissance missions led to the arrest and conviction of five men."
"DNA matches the semen samples found at Mary Sullivan's crime scene with a one in 220 billion chance of error."
"The blood contains enzymes of a dying person. The studies prove that no foreign substance was added to the consecrated host."
"His DNA is on the sheath... it's a huge piece of evidence."
"In 1993, the charges against Tool and Sylvia's death were dropped. DNA testing on evidence in the case had proven that Tool was not the source of the DNA found at the crime scene."
"Looking at all this evidence, to me, it seems like he was killed. He was given a karate chop to the neck and then strangled with a cord or something."
"Technology is providing new ways to reveal evidence that would have been lost or unavailable just a few years ago."
"When you have DNA evidence, it's the golden ticket in most cases."
"There's more DNA to tie Terry Hobbs to this crime than there are to tie Damien, Jesse, or Jason to this crime."
"A forensic scientist, though, found Nathan's DNA on Denise's gear shift, which was interesting since Nathan had said during his initial interview that he had not driven her car in over a year."
"The negative findings of lungs as well as the positive findings of the neck were consistent with the manual strangulation."
"His identity was confirmed by fingerprint evidence."
"Examiners profiled the DNA sequence from the blood in the van and from the blood of John Bonds, comparing the markers of the two sequences, they made a match."
"Christopher McCowen's DNA matched the crime scene."
"There was a blood-soaked roll of paper towels near Kathleen's leg and a bloody bathroom towel under her head."
"The most emotional part of the day was when Rick Distaso brought out the autopsy photos, or the remain photos."
"No one else's DNA was found in that car, not Sandy's daughters, not her husband Lewis's, or any other family members, just Sandy's."
"The numbers didn't lie. Williams was arrested. To forensic scientists, the fiber evidence was overwhelming."
"Forensic scientists were able to determine that the carpet fibers found on Jessica's body were consistent with the carpet fibers in James Crowe's apartment and in his automobile."
"But it was the DNA analysis that clinched the case."
"The injuries on Epstein's body were more consistent with those seen in cases of strangulation."
"The facts of the case and the facts are that the coroner just said in the press conference this afternoon that Gabby Petito at 22 years old died of strangulation."
"The carpet fibers weren't just similar, they were identical."
"The pattern of droplets revealed repeated blows to the body."
"Only a DNA test could definitively link Reed to the murder."
"At this point, there's also talk of potential blood spatter on Alex Murdaugh's clothes."
"They were able to find bodily fluid male semen... a match to McCurley."
"Lab examiners compared the fingerprint lifted from the shell casing found at the shooting to Kanzi's fingerprint on file at the INS. They matched."
"Autopsy results revealed otherwise. Of course, the injuries on and around the victim's neck were consistent with her intentionally being choked."
"Jurors like DNA evidence, it's very tangible, concrete. They trust it."
"Dozens of Bucha civilians were killed by metal darts from Russian artillery forensic doctors discover flashes rarely used in modern warfare in bodies found in mass graves."
"But we had fingerprints, so now we have fingerprints, and that was the first time that we as a government and actually got extra fingerprints."
"The DNA matched. It was the connection they needed."
"Examiners were conclusively able to link these portions of tape by matching the torn ends, the fibers, and the glue."
"The only physical evidence... didn't seem to fit."
"The bullet in both of those murders were fired from the same weapon."
"It's as good as having the fingerprint. It really is."
"All it takes is one miniscule piece of evidence to change the entire course of the case."
"After they were matched with those from the crime scene, Robinson was convicted of murder."
"A ski pole that appeared to be sticking out of Mikaelson's skull."
"The bloody palm print left on the grip of the weapon."
"It's not consistent with being created from an individual committing suicide in a room sitting on a sofa. Some other violent altercation took place where blood was shed, with a lot of energy being exerted towards the blood, like a gunshot."
"And these ashes were containing pieces of glass, actually."
"The absence of singe marks... strongly suggested that the gun was pointed directly at him."
"America must get it right. The proof of election fraud in 2020 is overwhelming as a matter of common sense and as a matter of forensic evidence already assembled."
"And with that DNA sample, law enforcement might just be able to end this 40-year-old mystery."
"Prosecutors believe Kouri poisoned her husband on the evening of March 4th, 2022, by mixing a lethal dose of fentanyl into a cocktail she made for him before bed."
"But as today's detectives know, it could provide a treasure trove of evidence."
"Think about this: if you're an atheist and now all of a sudden we have evidence that everything it says in the Gospels that was done to Jesus is now supported forensically by the Shroud of Turin, well, that can be very challenging..."
"If you just read through the first eight pages of the Department of Justice report you would know that the wound on Michael Brown's hand could have only come from him reaching for Officer Darren Wilson's gun while he was in the police vehicle."
"The LA Innocence Project may be sitting on a key piece of evidence they've yet to release - DNA tests from a bloody mattress might crack the case wide open."
"Armed with this new forensic evidence, Osmond Bell was arrested and charged by the West Midlands Police in connection with Nova's case."
"Planted evidence is about as good as it gets from a consistency standpoint."
"You have the DNA there, his genetic material everywhere, he got cut with the glass."
"A little piece of fabric turns Andy Rich's investigation 180 degrees."
"It's believed that she was actually suffocated with a pillar that was found next to her."
"Authorities recovered and reported bone fragments."
"We have here is an interchange of materials: the paint from the victim's bicycle was on the suspect's car; the plating from the suspect's car is on the victim's bicycle."
"When you have DNA evidence, it's really the golden ticket in most cases."
"These crimes were so disconnected... except for one thing and that is this particular anesthesiologist having access to the bags of fluid."
"Despite possessing a description and the killer's DNA, police have never been able to identify a suspect, and in the absence of that name, can only expound on the possibilities of a few different theories."
"Is it Dr. Spence, a plausible explanation that the DNA of Jerry Burns found on the dress on the gear shift could have come about by a transfer?"
"The carpet fibers found on the victims traced back to Bobby's car. They had found their killer."
"Lab examiners had finally provided investigators with solid proof that the shootings were related."
"Starting with thumbprint... it's one of yours."
"The crime scene DNA sample corresponded to an individual that was 85% sub-Saharan African and 15% Native American."
"The forensic evidence is crucial in this case."
"The possibility of the DNA found on the gloves and the victims belonging to anyone else was 1 in 170 million."
"Grace's autopsy results determined that she had not died primarily of drowning, but of a terrible beating that caused traumatic injuries on her face and head leading to her death."
"A bomb that is not detonated provides a substantial amount of evidence."
"Of all the bullets fired in the living room, not one hit an officer nor was there any trace of them in the hallway beyond."
"The single most explosive claim made... no forensic or biological evidence has ever existed in this case."
"On Ted's way back to his hotel he met a twelve-year-old girl... and drowned her in his bathtub."
"The autopsy also confirmed that she was killed by two gunshot wounds to the head."
"The forensics on the drugs had finally come back, and it wasn't a match to Kelly. Instead, it was found that the bag had Jill's DNA on it and one of the pills had Kent's fingerprints."
"Having this DNA, having the physical DNA, really gave authorities all the evidence that they needed."
"The small fingernail scraping was all that it took to finally solve this 34-year-old Cold Case once and for all."
"Crimes committed by strangers on strangers are the hardest to solve, but the scratches on the bullet, the fingerprint, and the tire tread bore the traces of the killer's guilt."
"The Canton Police found a broken drinking glass in multiple red splatters in the snow near Jon's body."
"There's blood footprints all over the house."
"With Gene Hansen captured and the incriminating ekg strips police had enough to arrest Boggs as well."
"CCTV footage is often one of the best types of evidence alongside DNA when solving a crime."
"An examiner confirmed that the wood found by Rowdy Foreman was part of the same chair that Dan Short was taped to."
"It turned out that the DNA from the bite mark was from a woman so the theory about two male robbers couldn't be true."
"The blows to the head would be consistent with a mallet."
"David's pacemaker ended up being the key to the entire investigation."
"Dr. Lee found that Japanese underwear may have held transfer DNA from the manufacturing process and proved this by testing an unopened bag of underwear which also had borne DNA on them. The CBS program concluded that the DNA from the crime scene was therefore fallacious."
"There is physical proof that the bullet had to have gone through Kennedy's body before hitting Connally. The evidence debunks the 'magic bullet' theory."
"It's almost certain Linda White's arm was taken by a person."
"The rifle also had a palm print on it and the palm print was identified as that of Lee Harvey Oswald."
"You almost always submit that for DNA testing. Okay, and that's what we're not seeing is a lab report."
"The medical examiner confirmed the victim was in fact Susan Galloway. Pieces of green glass from a 16-ounce soda bottle were found embedded in her skull and neck."
"Now around this same time finally Paul's DNA was being submitted and tested for the Scarborough rapist case, his DNA was positively identified as the man responsible for these attacks."
"Knowing that these hairs belonged to Amy, investigators concluded that she'd likely been killed and then wrapped in them before her body was dumped."
"...Chris's bones contained phosphates which are used in chemical bleaching procedures."
"How fibers from William's house and cars ended up on murder victims."
"The condition of Veronica's clothing indicates that the rape was not a random act of violence."
"The examination of the clothing would be crucial to determine whether or not that clothing was on that particular part of that body at that moment in time."
"The forensic evidence could pick apart his web of deception."
"We had a lot of forensic evidence and we wanted to carefully put all that evidence together."
"The Grim Sleeper's pizza: Lonnie Franklin Jr.'s DNA left on a slice of pizza helped convict him of his crimes."
"Coleman continued to insist he hadn't been in any of the places where the murders happened, but the forensic evidence collected over the past seven weeks proved otherwise."
"So in this little fanny pack that they found that belonged to the suspect, in the forensic testing, they found some residue of powder that came from a printing processing plant."
"An examination was made of the lower abdomen or pelvis and we found the presence of a uterus and ovaries."
"Ken's DNA sample had linked him to the sexual assault and the murder."
"Other murders were definitely linked to him during the trial and the task force closed the books on 27 murder cases between 1978 and 1981 connecting them to Will Williams on the same fiber evidence."
"A chilling photo of what looked like a blood stain on the awning below the couple's balcony."
"...every piece of that DNA was from either Shanti, Jackson, who lived in the home, or the defendant. Nobody else, no mystery person, just the people that lived in the home."
"You saw the scratch on the defendant's finger next to his wedding ring that the medical examiner said would be consistent with something that could cause the deep laceration seen on the victim's face."
"Um, so, you got fingerprint samples and samples that could be used in DNA, yes?"
"Two murders, seemingly unrelated, but unmistakably connected by a series of microscopic clues."
"The prosecution realized that putting Sheila Bola's character on trial wouldn't get her convicted they needed some forensic facts."
"To their surprise, the DNA from the children confirmed that their father was the source of the cell found during Patricia's autopsy."
"You shot her. The evidence was the bullets in her feet, the five shell casings on the ground where the shooting actually took place, the blood all over the ground."
"People lie, witnesses lie, families lie, suspects lie... forensic evidence does not lie."
"In forensics, we need physical, hardcore evidence."
"It's quite possible that some sort of cord or ligature was applied around the throat to strangle this individual."
"So Molly Tibbetts' blood is inside the trunk, apparently."
"The average person doesn't realize that their footprints in fact are inherent to that particular person; they are as individualistic as fingerprints are."
"Stippling indicates an effect of gun powder on skin."
"If this DNA is indeed that of the killer, they are going to find him."
"Finally, DNA can answer the question: Did Kenny Waters murder Katarina Brown?"
"The DNA profile from item 36.1.3 matched that obtained from the reference sample of Tyler Ryan."
"It's 2 billion 528 million times more likely that Lori Vallow is the mother of the deceased individual as opposed to another randomly selected woman from the population."
"The fact that we have nothing forensically or scientifically or whatever to back up Darren Nicholls' version of events tells me that there are other possibilities here."
"It was the bruising of the right eye and scratches on the forearm."
"When the body burns, there is a typical pattern to the damage that occurs to the bones."
"If there is a match in the number of multiple STRs, then that is how you know you have matched the DNA to the right person."