
Endearment Quotes

There are 1146 quotes

"I usually end conversations with 'I love you.'"
"I just want to say I love you, my little coconuts."
"I love you anyway, you perfect little specimen."
"You were a good one and you held on to the very end."
"I've been saying that forever. It's pretty endearing, isn't it?"
"I love Christopher no Christopher should we give it to Christopher..."
"These kids are so fucking cute and so brave."
"There's just something very endearing about it and that catharticism is another delicious layer to this wholesome experience."
"Sweet creature doesn't have a gender." - Exploring gender-neutral terms of endearment.
"Love you all again, don't forget to keep it Ridgid."
"I love that baby still to this day like it's my niece."
"She's so small cute I actually can't, she's adorable."
"You see people who are very human, very messy, and very lovable."
"Zorro is actually a big softie at heart, and his love for his crew is genuinely very endearing and heartwarming."
"My little sweet pea, there you are, my strong little bear."
"Did you just call me a sweet potato? Yes, is that not a term of endearment?"
"He's got this interesting and introverted like, you know, he's also super endearing."
"She's literally the sweetest cutest little kitty."
"Lockjaw, adorable and joyful character, 100% on board."
"I understand why she can be a little bit annoying, but I think her naiveness and her silly bubbliness is endearing."
"Dogs can bring newspaper inside and hand it over, what a good boy!"
"Hey, probably name that dog Cooper, man. That's a trooper."
"Everything needs a good drink, doesn't it love me?"
"Love you sweetheart, you will always be my baby girl."
"My favorite Singlish word is nuboo, 'cause it's so freaking cute."
"This person thinks you're their person, absolutely thinks you were the end for their Yang."
"My dad's name is Marty, he loves phone calls from his son Marty Jr."
"Oh, Kevin, you're so wholesome. That's so sweet, right?" 💖
"Look how freaking cute you are and you're so sweet!"
"I love my little warrior chicken. She's so brave."
"Who's a good boy? Yes, you are, who's a good boy?"
"Goodbye forever, just kidding, you're right down there, look at you, you're adorable."
"Goodra is the most adorable Pokemon Ash's ever owned, despite rushed development."
"He's so stinking cute, you know what I mean? He's just the cutest."
"And my god she still creeps with the best of him."
"Henry called for Catherine to be by his side, expressing gratefulness that he would die in the arms of so faithful a spouse."
"Love you very much, bye-bye, see you later."
"I love you, baby, you're the best."
"She's like a little kiss from God's lips."
"You've been an absolute treasure, darling."
"They are so cute, I can't stand it."
"It's one of the most endearing standards of the classic rock format."
"She also introduced her big-nosed pig tonkatsu."
"I love you, Christe. I love you too."
"My angel pie is my priority always."
"I love you a lot, and because of that, now he's my little Shrek."
"She's always been my little princess."
"I love you, Pumpkin. I love you, Honey Bunny."
"I like hearing cupcake, it's a cute word already."
"It was great spending a Sunday with you once again. Stay tuned to hit the hay. I love you."
"Love you Jingles, you're one hell of a cat."
"You will always hold a special place in the organ that pumps my blood. I will remember you fondly, my turtle duck."
"Little spark, because you spark something in my heart."
"I love you, teddy bear. I love you so much."
"I love you, teddy bear, and I cherish you."
"Let's go, you little nugget! What a great little car."
"You may be my baby, but that doesn't mean you're not a dumbass teddy bear sometimes."
"He's my everything, guys. Everything about you is so sweet."
"In England, people call each other 'love,' just like a pet name, not even a pet name, people you don't even know will call you 'love'."
"I love you guys to the moon and back."
"I think that you are an absolute little angel."
"They love you to the moon and back, you are their beloved."
"Just cuz you're my teddy bear doesn't mean you can't be my dumbass."
"You're my one and only teddy bear."
"In my heart, in my eyes, there's nothing cuter in the world."
"I want you to know that you are my very favourite little girl in this entire solar system."
"Sana makes the cutest sleeping face and noise, warming up everyone's hearts."
"It's beautiful. Oh, that's my queen."
"Henry referred to her as his 'pearl in the world'."
"I love you, puppy. I love you so much."
"Oh, aren't you a little cutie patootie?"
"The fart was endearing. I want to see the real them."
"It's just a term of endearment, you know? It's something for a woman to feel empowered."
"You're such a doof as well, you are certainly loved."
"As a partner, I want my partner to call me something a little more intimate, baby."
"And her nickname's bunny. He said, hi, bun. And there was so much love in that word."
"Hero. Oh, he did the same thing. That's so cute."
"Wow, my little freshness is so amazing."
"He will naturally recognize that Ye Sihan is daddy."
"She was literally just swatting at flies and I just missed it. So cute."
"You are my sunshine, my happiness."
"I love you so much Bliss... I do."
"For most of us, being licked by a dog is enough to make our heart melt."
"Your grades are beautiful, sweetheart."
"My beautiful Maggie, don't forget that I love you very, very much."
"Fanny, did you get that? Baby girl is so inspirational."
"They're losers but like it's so wholesome, it's like how can you not possibly love this?"
"She's the light of my life. Look at this face, the moon of my world."
"Oh my gosh, come here little hobby."
"I love you guys, and remember above all else, Dasom possums."
"[ __ ] is a term of endearment please don't take offense to it."
"Crown or no crown, you'll always be my princess."
"Oh my god, those are the words, like she would always call me princess."
"You're so cute though, you're so cute."
"Big Bird's personality had fully developed, making him more endearing than his initial appearance."
"I love you guys to the Moon back."
"We're gonna call her Primrose, like your daddy's favorite flower. Promise me you're gonna protect her no matter what, baby kiss."
"I love your little lily, I love that."
"I turned a corner and there he was. He's a cranky pig creamer. Do we love him? Yes, we do."
"Years before this time, the nickname 'Spruce Goose' had become a universal term of endearment."
"Isn't that the most adorable that is so cute."
"She's my little miracle baby angel."
"I love you, Milady. You are the only sunbeam in this dark world."
"You're my favorite every single day."
"I love all those crazy minodeersh."
"Sweet little Rhys has a piece of my heart."
"So, won't you be my fairy tale love, spark plug?"
"A life devoted to public service that has endeared her to people both here, across the wider Commonwealth, and indeed the world."
"That's very mature for someone his age, I have to say, that's adorable."
"You are the cutest person in the whole world. I love you."
"I love you, bunny. You make my heart race like nobody else."
"Everybody loves a baby and it might as well be you, pretty baby."
"He's just a lovely lovely kid, love and adore him."
"I am so in love with this little guy."
"You're my baby. You're my woman. You are my heart."
"Oh, she's using them as a blanket, I love that so much."
"Happy birthday my sugar cookie, I love."
"I love you, my beautiful star. I love you so very much."
"You're my dumbass, don't you dare forget it."
"I love you so freaking much, bunny."
"That is so precious oh my goodness."
"I'm still gonna wake up at 7:30 in the morning and be like, 'Yo, Queen.'"
"she's just a precious little pumpkin in her little burt's bee's outfit."
"There's something lovable about you."
"Yes, I love you too. I love you more than anything in the world, irie."
"Pictures don't do them justice, ah, they're just too cute for a mere grandpa to chastise."
"You're my moonlight, you're my shining star, you're my everything."
"I hope you don't mind me calling you Aunt Jane," Joyce said, "I don't know why I do it."
"I am so proud of you, you weird bird worm. I love you."
"Love is in your eyes, oh Suzanne."
"And not forgetting the lovely times we've had for your lovely wife Beryl, otherwise known as the Queen Mother."
"The characters were simple, the plots were convoluted, but it was also endearing that even when I knew every plot twist and punchline, I could re-watch them again and again."
"He's very cute, are you enjoying that pumpkin my little pumpkin?"
"You are so dear to me. Very sweet and oh so kind."
"This movie has no business being this sweet and endearing."
"She was the apple of her daddy's eye."
"I love you, you beautiful magical mother piece of paper."
"She's the sweetest, most precious baby."
"I like to think Oh baby Gus is kind of timeless."
"Adorable little heart that is super cute."
"I love you my little aliens, I'm sending you love, light, and everything nice."
"That's my [ __ ] husband right there."
"I love you too, sweetheart. That is fantastic. I love that so much. It's so good."
"Can Georgina and Harold be my grandma and grandpa?"
"Be kind, be safe, be compassionate, until next week. Love you lots, mwah."
"I thought I would introduce you to my little Goldy girl."
"From Aang to Zuko to a sky bison, this show endears you to its cast."
"I love you to death and the moon and back."
"I think the Dynamics within the movie, as well as the lessons learned from characters, really did a lot to endear me to the overall final product."
"Jimmy's like a cherub, Jimmy's like hello."
"You're the coolest old Grammy in the whole world."
"Mommy, auntie, big sister, it's an endearment and that is such an honor."
"Make sure you have a good one sweetie you too all right."
"You just want to pinch his cheeks and give him a hard candy."
"...they know the words they use, you have to be baby, I like you, baby baby."
"Look at how beautiful she is, I'm holding like a little baby."
"You really were America's sweetheart, like in a hardcore big bad way."
"I love you, you idiot. You simple idiot."
"They'll March their way right into your heart."
"I mean come on who doesn't love these little guys"
"Our little angel, our youngest, our cotton ball princess."
"The only sweetness we need is you baby."
"Dude, you're the cutest thing in the whole world."
"Everyone always wants to hug D. They give good hugs."
"He is super shy and blushes quite easily, which is very endearing."
"I want to crunch wrap you in my arms."
"I always say that Mia is still my baby and she's my biggest one."
"This is so adorable, I can't take it."
"You're a cutie though, you're a cutie."
"Anyways Gotta go give me kiss peace. I love you."
"I love the name baby, yeah it's cool. I might grow up a little bit and be toddler spice."
"I love you baby, look at those brown puppy eyes."
"Gee, is my queen. You are my queen."
"Oh, look at all these cuties, and this little tiny kitten, how are you baby?"
"I love Barry Oh my God he is a doll."
"I just love her so much. Like, that's my little pumpkin."
"Love you guys to the moon and back."
"Baby girl, apple of my eye, my pride and joy."
"This is so cute, oh my God, I'm dying."
"He's such a little turd, but I love him."
"You Are My Sunshine on a rainy day."
"That's my baby, that's my heart, that's my life."
"So cute, I can't look at you cry. No, you're going to die, it's so..."
"You're my best birthday present ever, Potato."
"The cutest thing you've ever seen in your life."
"You will be the Divine Duchess if I have anything to say about it," Will assured her with complete confidence.
"First of all, siblings not hating each other, and second of all, I feel like this was so real and it was like so endearing."
"I love your snuggly potato. Thanks chip, thank you!"
"You're my favorite princess ever!"
"I love you, pumpkin. I love you, honey bunny. Honey, honey, darling."
"Ain't nothing falling in your hair, sweet Mama."
"He is really honestly such a sweet little baby."
"Who am I? And do I get to call you my baby?"
"My love, you are iconic. Like, me you are."
"Hey how about you, how's it been being my baby shark my little pebble my everything and the one on my arm right now?"
"You're my baby shark, the shiniest pebble of them all."
"I love you my star. I love you so very much and I will protect you from here on out."
"No star can ever come close to shining as bright as you, mi estrella."
"Thank you, my dearest, my beloved."
"You're the whole world to me, pebble."