
Casualness Quotes

There are 427 quotes

"It's a lot more casual, I won't sound as robotically reading my script. You'll catch a casual side of me, which is always fun to explore."
"Names are like a game of horseshoes for me; close is good enough."
"Intellectual revolution: torching reputations with breathtaking casualness."
"I have no pants on, I have known nothing. It's just what the [ __ ] look."
"I think at this point in my life my own vision is to strive to be more casual goofy imperfect but fun."
"People should write their characters just saying dumb [ __ ] and vibing about it more often."
"It's just for fun. Don't take it too seriously, you know? It's just a video game."
"I'll pay it like I'll pay it cool whatever you know because and you got Slayer yeah that's [ __ ]."
"I mean, I'm in my underwear all the time essentially, like, not actually, but like, I'm just some random freaking guy."
"The tension is released. Oh, I just said, 'Yes, baby,' that's all I said."
"Anyhow, yep, we don't mind me, don't mind me."
"I didn't want to win anyway, it's just Mario Kart."
"I have so much money right now that I'm just throwing around with it. 35 mil I'll take it man I'll take it because I don't have no need for camarader."
"I'm wrong most of the time, and when I'm right, it's cool."
"He's all right for you before you die, so cool, like you're like Bud Lights away."
"Grab your bitch-ass popcorn, your Krispy Kremes, whatever you want and let's enjoy this man."
"Yeah, the audacity of you to walk around in just your undies. It's ridiculous!"
"The Eucharist is sometimes received like a guy grabbing a beer from a vendor at a minor league baseball game."
"But at the end of the day, it's one of these, you know."
"Just go live for like 12 hours, you know what I mean? Like there's no reason I couldn't just leave this thing going."
"Nice one, left easy. Oops, I got a little too close for comfort here. My fault, not that it's a problem though for me."
"Nice! Didn't even mean nothing, dude. That's great."
"Boobs out, totally normal. Yeah, no big deal."
"For me, in the beginning, I thought um live streaming is probably like really easy, you know, it's just you, um sitting here playing some games and just having a normal conversation."
"I kind of want to use the pizza. Let's throw this down. Let's eat this. Let's take a slice."
"So it's just like those fun little Halloweeny elements like hats."
"I'm gonna ruin his painting real quick, don't mind me."
"That was cool, just to let the gun do its own thing."
"Joking with us hanging out with us so chill really cool taking all the pictures we wanted."
"Even if he wasn't, it would be fun, man. Yeah, tournaments in a month, and he's gonna be kicking our ass all week."
"Just open the fucking beer bro, if you could open a beer with a karate chop."
"Like Evenepoel and Van der Poel, Pagacha is just not afraid of going on the attack."
"I wasn't even serious, and I was just kidding around."
"It's not serious, we're just having a good time here."
"I contradict myself all the time but whatever."
"He just clinched world finals off of a reverse king of the hill sweep. Cool, let's go grab lunch man."
"It just it is what it is and like alcohol just makes you more relaxed and like why did you just have a cheese pizza for certain nights like it's gonna be fun."
"Wait, we're doing something today? We're farming spuds."
"We're just four dumbasses on a couch looking fabulous."
"I'm just trying to have some fun here, all right?"
"Maybe we'll just pop them in there." - Casual decision-making about Sims' living arrangements.
"Shift your focus from the problem back to yourself."
"I actually haven't listened all the way through yet. I know, I'm so... it's okay."
"You know, it's casual. I can just casually walk on water."
"The truth is good, great. I will keep sipping my tea. Keep up the good work."
"It's the nice thing about torpedoes, Peter's away."
"It lives up to the hype. Watch Lord of the Rings... naked, clothes doesn't matter."
"I have a fragrance on, okay? And that's a cologne, but it's not like a brand."
"Smart people do say casual things sometimes; casual people rarely say smart things."
"I don't really have expectations, like it's just if it's a vibe, it's a vibe."
"Yeah buddy, Richard, you put the buns, the pieces of bread, oh you, that don't matter."
"This is full salt. All right, let's start off here with our first kissy heart one. How are you? Not too bad."
"She tells them that they are just going to hang out and not do anything else."
"get this on the ground quickly and that's double-a who casually picks it up and says I'm not doing anything with this."
"I don't see if I got some other [ __ ] in here that's how you do it you just walk around with the whole yeah"
"No biggie is a way to say no big deal, meaning that it's not that important."
"I invited him for lunch, just you know, by the way, we met for the first time like three weeks ago."
"Oh, they're hanging out, they're chilling."
"Unedited Vlogs are like a voice memo to your friend. So we're going to hang out but..."
"Virtually anything they did who casually mentioned the end of the world as a non sequitur."
"Probably going to go to Chick-fil-A."
"Hey y'all, so I finished decorating already. I was feeling real hungry so we just came to cover to get some lunch."
"I'm just going to toss these around."
"she looked like someone's grandma basically just hanging out with us"
"Happy New Year you idiots," he gave me a casual Psyduck first and then ruffled Daniel's fluffy head of hair.
"it kind of feels like you're just like hanging out with a friend"
"She was like, she was like, 'Don't you look like you're comfortable?' But everyone looks like you just got out of bed, and I go, 'I did.'"
"I mean, he wasn't wrong. Sure, I'll see you in a bit," I shrugged, acknowledging Jeremy's observation about me being an indoor kid.
"He looks like he looked in preseason, like it's just a stroll in the park for him, just casual."
"Sorry for not even really getting dressed on this day."
"How can he just dismiss their shared history so casually?"
"I was walking back from the pool in a robe, just you know, it was a mess."
"It's my senior B with y'all and we're late like usual, but it's okay cuz we're going to get there at least."
"He's coming back to the Earth and we tend to think if you listen to our conversations it's almost like when he arrives we go oh it's nice to see you pull up a chair"
"Losers after this [ __ ], we gotta go pick up like a six-pack or something."
"This guy's being dude, forget this cake."
"It's kind of cool, we'll stick it in the cart."
"I'm just chilling. I was with my friend, and then apparently, my friend wasn't paying attention."
"Nothing, nothing. Okay, cool. Guys, see you tomorrow, or the next day."
"Can you imagine just seeing a guy in flip-flops just like, 'Oh hey guys, what's up? You want some wine? There you go!'"
"I know I look so cute right now but I have basketball shorts and purple socks on don't let it deceive you all right."
"What's the crack today? We could catch a bit of everything, couldn't we?"
"The playing hard to get thing, I'm good I'm chilling."
"You don't have to overthink the support, you can just show and be like, 'What'd you have for dinner last night?'"
"It's been so much fun like it's it's so crazy that we're just sitting here in your house with like a beautiful kitchen behind us and like it's just like."
"It’s all rather exciting but we’re having bacon sandwiches so that’s OK."
"It's like, you don't have to give us all the details, just be like, 'Oh yeah, I was going to go to the Ravenclaw match this weekend.' It's like, why wait on that for Harry? Just see what's happening. No big deal, I'm just interested."
"The tall woman threw out the information as if saying she had just walked down the corridor to purchase a snack."
"Let's go inside, take off our pants, and crack a beer."
"Just another normal kind of day, you guys."
"It was one of those 'I figured you'd do it' kind of things but it was no big drama since we could just brush our teeth and help ourselves to sketchy mints the owners had left for us."
"Hey guys, how you doing? Hey guys, how you doing? What's up, everybody?"
"But anyway, your girl's gonna go ahead and head up out of here."
"We're not dating, we're just hanging out."
"Okay, also a coke BTW again same reason as what calories I'm going to handle this stuff and then catch you when I'm probably still sat in this chair just doing nothing on a plane."
"I'm sort of liking this free form, just having a conversation and then we just carry on as if it doesn't happen, you know? Forget it. I think we'll do this today, and that's that's how it just intros."
"I'm going to wrap the video up there and stand very far away because I'm in my pajamas with no makeup on and everything ready to go to bed."
"Sometimes I just want to be chill, you know?"
"I'm in the alleyway with no shirt."
"Just par for the course, like people are just casually throw away people that they've had connections with because that's just what people do, not bothered."
"Thanks, I had a good time wasting my time with you."
"that was casual I'm surprised at how much I can climb still."
"I love that, like I said, it's 4 30 so I don't really have too much to go on for the rest of the day."
"Okay, okay, let's go. Oh, it's also to be mentioned today is the first day of the year wearing shorts. It's gonna be 73 today."
"We were just being a bunch of lads."
"Looks like we're Netflixing and chilling now."
"Life is too short, till next time, holler at you later, peace."
"I'm just doing good. What's wrong with you?"
"No, you just go like, 'Hey man, nice to meet you.' What, my hand is full trail mix."
"Just casual trauma dumping, casual."
"She's down to be with whoever this [ __ ] ain't even special."
"So what's the deal for the day, honey?"
"You know how I said he was pretty chilled out? Having a cup of tea, having a chat, and a couple of sandwiches."
"I'm just going to like hang out, eat some dinner."
"Oh, seconds, you just dropped it in there, doesn't it?"
"We're like a married couple, let's go grab some Chinese food on a Tuesday night."
"I never feel bad, you know that. No, no. I'll just be like, 'You in the bathroom?'"
"It just seems more like, 'Oh hey, you just broke up with someone, pizza's available.'"
"'What's up, dudes?' to the team and feel like I'm actually like on a, you know, TV show. What's up, Larry? Go give me a call."
"It's funny because they must think that it's like a production because I'm just like, 'Hey,' like so-and-so gave me your number, I wanted to just see if you're available for this date, but I didn't give any details."
"You literally just show up, talk, shoot the s**t for a couple hours, and then go home."
"I just throw them on the...you know what [__] you know walking around doing this."
"'This is some Dorothy type [ __ ] isn't it,' Dash said, greeting as well."
"Welcome to camp boys, y'all dudes, that's so dirty, some people would be a little bougie because there's bunk beds, Harrison if you see, we just kinda scroll it on and we're like hey."
"It's just another day in the office, baby."
"I'm looking to meet people. I'm looking to have a good time. I'm not really a relationship kind of guy."
"Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm just chilling."
"Let me go eat something cuz I'm hungry bye."
"Absolutely nothing um we're out here eating some pizza."
"No storms coming out peace out [ __ ]."
"No shoes required. No wonder you wanted to come."
"I'll give it to you for free because you know that's how I roll."
"Also, I just wanted to get on with my day."
"So, what the [__]? Everybody took a Plan B before."
"What's up guys, how's it going man out here at South Padre Island SPI Jetties, LeBlanca Park?"
"You know me, All Might, I've been chilling."
"He just sits here ordering some sausages."
"My gun just floats around. You got feet?"
"He's cool. That's why I have some few questions for you."
"I was like yeah we're trying to order food."
"...it just seems kind of weird the timing of it is just very very bizarre yeah for sure anyway thanks for watching Everybody uh coming up here on the channel in just a couple hours..."
"When we were speaking earlier, we were just talking about football."
"We're just gonna do this. I feel like we should have watched Dalmatians as friends."
"No joke aside yeah it's been um a very non-action day whatsoever."
"I'm going to be like sitting on this counter."
"We're going commando on the toes tonight."
"Hope you enjoyed it! Have a good day or don't! See you later losers! Bye bye!"
"Okay so ignore the state of my room right now."
"I just want to feel good about myself every single day, so chill, what's up, dog?"
"That's a much more gambly way of saying, yeah."
"We out here eating some rocky road you feel me."
"Dinner is actually in the oven. I threw some aluminum foil on it."
"I feel like my day is just like... Oh yeah, I gotta try on my clothes that I just got."
"A little puff of weed maybe too huh."
"Let me clean up my room and yeah I'm just wearing this orange crop top and these Gallery department joggers they that don't match each other but it's fine like I really don't care."
"When I got there, he wasn't there, he had Teddy was there, me and him was just kicking it."
"He's responding in a way to where yeah but she's just asked the kids. Sure oh well then definitely he keeping on a roster just to have that one on the side that he could hit when he ain't got nothing I'm just trying to that means that's how I do it I'm just saying it."
"Oh my God guys like, I was just walking through this neighborhood."
"It's sad because the LA dating scene is so like it's a cesspool of just like casualness and uh disregarding each other's emotions."
"...I've never had to do none of that [asking out] to get a woman in the bed or to get her be in my face..."
"We just stay there and like eat chips and butt stuff."
"I'm about to smoke, are you for real?"
"I kind of just jacked these from the living room."
"We live in an age of casualness... but the human heart strives for solemnity."
"Nice, cool. You want to pump up your tires, little things here and there."
"I could cut down an old tree that way," said Obelix casually.
"I thought it was kind of a cool move to be like, 'I'm just going to take a little, like, this is fun, but like, I do have to... pee.'"
"Why you saying all that? I thought we were just kicking and having fun."
"It's okay to like some basuda sometimes."
"Listen y'all it's okay to like some basuda sometimes all right."
"Asterix just dusted off his hands and went on his way whistling."
"I love this this is so fun I don't want anything serious right now so it really it's like it's different it's different phases."
"You can hold touch every shoe, I do not care, damn, 10 bands, yeah."
"Let's just fart on the couch. It'll get mad."
"He said, like, he just walked into the store, bought it, and left. Kind of like... But now, but now it's not like he has just one pair, but it's like two, at least."
"Once in a while, me spending money on you is not that deep."
"I dropped the biggest knowledge bomb possible as casually as mentioning the weather on the rainy day."
"I mean, don't get me wrong, I'll smash some Cheez-Its, but bro."
"Who brought the damn pickles, bro?"
"Well, hell bud, why didn't you say so?"
"Why do I have hairs all over me? 'Cause we're on the bed."
"You want to give the appearance of not being overly put together, overly prepared."
"I'm going to be drinking this throughout the show, everyone. So don't be alarmed if I suddenly seem fun."
"Y'all have a great day, love you bye bye."
"I mean, we've talked about for so long, just like, ketchup on hot dogs. I feel like we can do it, we can discuss almost anything."
"He just seems like a cool guy. Like, he's not trying to be, no, but my plan is like, I'm not saying that he is, but I can see he's just a cool guy."
"Just go figure out where you gotta get a hamburger and get it. I'm Peyton Manning, I guarantee wherever you're going there's a cheeseburger nearby. Figure it out, rook."
"Thanks so much for watching, guys. I hope you have a lovely day. We'll see y'all soon and bye for now, I guess I'm going to go barbecue. Jim says bye for now too, bye guys."
"It's very relaxed, come as you are."
"Yes, some nachos, okay, let's do some nachos."
"Life is Scooby-Doo. Now welcome to it, bro."
"He's a little more casual always choosy mom's choosing moms choose Jif."
"'Nothing,' Peter said, raking burnt bits out of his hair."
"It's okay to have a little wander around, say okay, thank you."
"Let's not just say au revoir, let's say bye bye."
"He just slowly and very casually turned to his left and began to walk into the forest."
"I wasn't trying to do this that seriously; I just really wanted to scratch that itch."
"With the same casualness as if handing over junk mail from a shop, David handed me the divorce papers."
"Look at us with our feet up, our digital selves are back."
"Well, you shouldn't. We're just goofing around, having fun, trying to have fun."