
Environmental Challenges Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"We all appreciate our environment, particularly when it's trying to kill us."
"In an environment you cannot avoid, armor up more with dhikr, guarding your senses, and armoring your heart."
"We can't recycle our way out of this problem."
"Competing with the scents of an environment is arguably the toughest thing about dog training."
"I like the idea that the snowstorm itself becomes the major issue at hand."
"It's really an answer to one of the big challenges we've got."
"What makes the level design feel oppressive? Well, every time you're in Dark Aether, your health will steadily drain."
"Climbing the radio tower stops being a formatted chore and returns to more simply and concretely being an environmental puzzle."
"From poison gas to giant lava tower, Armored Core challenges you with diverse environments and enemies."
"The flooded world is our oyster. Let's polish this plastic into beautiful, beautiful pearls."
"Their culture has adapted a way of life to survive and even thrive in the harsh conditions of the planet."
"One storm will not fix a problem that's been a hundred years in the making but it certainly won't hurt."
"Access to clean drinking water is one of our world's greatest challenges."
"No matter the challenge, life can always find a way."
"I give her a B-tier because one, she's living in a harsh environment." - Ygritte
"As the world burns, not just to survive, but to thrive."
"Transitioning everything that currently runs on fossil fuels to electricity would require huge additional power generation and massively upgraded infrastructure."
"The gradual destruction of their island hasn't destroyed their will to live here."
"This is definitely going to be a very difficult reckoning for the oceanography community."
"The natural environment serving as an antagonist."
"So remember that when you're in a dungeon, have stuff in the way, have piles of rubble or have... even traps."
"A monumental failure: how a flagship of the American idea was unable to overcome nature and culture."
"Whether it is water regulation or power generation, it has encountered more severe challenges than in previous years."
"Israel has overcome the droughts that have plagued this region of the world for millennia."
"My hope is that we can make this ship the base for a huge adventure, to showcase the huge challenges that our planet faces."
"The problem of not having enough natural resources."
"By 2040, nothing on Earth can be natural. Every human being must be modified. They want to do this because of the hostile environment and because of this Aquarius stuff that they believe in."
"A triumph of human ingenuity over a hostile environment."
"Of all agricultural land in the world, two-thirds is what we call marginal, meaning you cannot grow crops there."
"There are tons of areas in the world where the main thing preventing agriculture is temperature."
"We live on land that honestly, in my fencing I did this past week, if we dig two foot deep in the ground, the hole fills up with water."
"Perseverance will define you in this environment."
"If we collectively face the oncoming storm head-on with unyielding courage, determination, and fortitude, we can yet make a difference for the better."
"To face the elements is to be sure no light matter."
"Super impressed that inside of these forests with a lot of vegetation it doesn't drop because I remember seeing some older GPUs dropping by a lot trying to render all of these vegetations."
"The problem we face is very different... better able to mitigate the damage."
"We have found ourselves in a system that just can't survive under the conditions that are approaching."
"One of the reasons why science is so important is because our species will be challenged by changes in our environment." - Dr. James Gates
"People in this region may well be the strongest ones I've ever met; they love Chukotka with all their hearts in spite of its harsh environment, both in terms of weather and social conditions."
"America is the only country in the world that has every single natural disaster oh [ __ ] we have hurricanes and tsunamis and earthquakes and yes snowstorms it's crazy."
"This level goes hard on the environmental hazards... It's a puzzle that I have to figure out."
"Science can still be done even in the event of environmental... collapse."
"It feels to me like we're being manipulated, and the environment we're in is simply impossible for a large majority of people to properly awaken and shift into a fourth density environment."
"There is no longer a win-win when it comes to finding clean water to drink or cook with or bathe with or anything."
"Even amidst challenges, nature finds a way to adapt."
"All we have is human conversation with which to orient ourselves collectively."
"Drought is something that's unsurvivable for plants and for farming, it's very difficult obviously."
"You really have to think on your feet, literally, because there is environmental context for some of the attacks you have to avoid."
"The challenge: Building the dam and mitigating environmental impacts."
"Sometimes droughts and sand storms can come hand in hand so if there's a giant sandstorm... it's probably likely caused by a recent drought so it'll hit you twice."
"Yes, this game does have a swamp area that poisons you. So we finally get to see the FromSoft we know and love starting to take shape."
"Energy predicaments can't be solved by politicians trying to solve problems."
"Let's not let the environment dictate our success."
"If we were suddenly cut off from lithium batteries, that would change our ability to respond to climate change in a substantial way."
"I don’t think we’re going to see one solution to fix our plastic problem."
"The current prolonged high and low temperatures, higher winds, droughts, and consumer demand are stretching those systems well beyond the blueprint of their maximum capacity design."
"The Marine realm, a crucible of life, is undergoing challenges; pollution, warming seas, and other environmental issues threaten many of these oceanic species."
"Plants are really at the basis of some of the most important challenges facing the planet today."
"The slowly baking Earth was like velcro making an already physical stage now torturously tough going."
"Even if we change over all our internal combustion engine cars to electric vehicles, we're still going to have air quality problems."
"...how to feed the world without devouring the planet is possibly the greatest predicament we face."
"The mutuality of dependence involved in an environment which is inherently hostile would necessitate an internal social coherence."
"The barn has turned into a muddy mess, and it's finally dried out just a little bit."
"Through the fire and Canadian ice storms, the biosphere of Montreal remains a sturdy and beautiful example of geodesic architecture."
"The biggest challenges that we're going to have is our environment."
"The blankets of hope bring a ray of optimism, a symbol of human ingenuity and determination in the face of environmental challenges."
"Dartmoor is notorious for its ever-changing conditions and physically harsh environments."
"Clean energy does not solve climate change."
"The sun's gonna be our enemy for a couple of minutes and then it's gonna be our best friend."
"In search of the king of fish, the salmon, possibly the most persecuted fish in the world, it still survives."
"The history of New York's Gowanus Canal is a microcosm of challenges, transformations, and hopes for the future."
"Once viewed as a symbol of human dominance over nature, the Panama Canal now embodies the unpredictability and potency of nature."
"We must separate fact from fiction about the environmental challenges we all face and come together as a community to tackle them."
"Climate change is one of the central challenges of the 21st century."
"Earth Day is all about getting as many people as possible talking about our amazing planet and the challenges that it's facing."
"Coral reefs worldwide continue to have challenges ranging from warm ocean waters, higher acidity levels, and poor water quality from canals, sounds, bays, and tributaries."
"Every one of these levels is important for biodiversity. Every one of these levels has a different kind of set of challenges and different sets of solutions to help deal with it."
"Eco anxiety is an emotional response to all these environmental challenges that we face."