
Light-heartedness Quotes

There are 1493 quotes

"I actually laughed as I rolled down the window."
"Our primary purpose is to entertain and amuse. In other words, don't take this shit too seriously."
"Until next time, we'll take it easy lemon squeezy."
"Don't be so serious, don't think too hard about things, don't overanalyze."
"Don't take things too serious... now I just come in and have fun."
"Drama can be kind of fun and entertaining if done light-heartedly and in the right way."
"I tried to catch some fog earlier. I missed."
"What did the green grape say to the purple grape? Breathe, you idiot."
"I love how just fun and clever and light-hearted it's been."
"I definitely am not here to grill you by any means. I'm here to air fry you, you little chicken tender."
"If you can't laugh at a fart joke, what can you laugh at?"
"Yo I want some angel food cake that sounds yummy."
"The craziest thing I ever did in high school? Probably bringing a Vanilla Coke to the cafeteria - total goofball move!"
"The story is enjoyable to follow and completely silly."
"Don't take yourself so serious, enjoy yourself."
"Let's all just have fun and also like, you know, let's have fun."
"Like the nougaty inside of a scrumdiddlyumptious bar."
"Don't take everything so serious and be afraid of everything you see."
"She's loving and happy and fun and makes me smile. She's such a light."
"Find the joy in your work... even if that means not taking yourself seriously at all."
"Life is short, don't take it too seriously, have a bit of fun."
"We're just here to have some fun, poke a little bit of fun at the system."
"Or you can blow me a kiss, and that'll do just fine."
"A lot of these stories are pretty lighthearted."
"Sometimes there's nothing wrong with being silly."
"It was a light-hearted and good-spirited time."
"When you're able and willing to not necessarily be so serious about everything in your life."
"Getting there is pretty simple now. We've learned the way."
"Boing, boing, I'm bouncing around right now."
"Ah, the heartwarming camaraderie of friends turning a serious moment into a playful intervention."
"It's just for fun. Don't take it too seriously, you know? It's just a video game."
"Life is more playful when you don't take things too seriously."
"Everybody just needs to lighten up, just let it be. Who cares?"
"I know it's funny, so I'm just gonna lean towards it."
"In this alternate world, when you die, you float. Just like that."
"See you later, that's what I'm talking about."
"I know it's nonsense, but there's no way I'm not putting this in the house somewhere, you know?"
"Have fun with it, don't take it too seriously."
"If your PCs are feeling hey, zero consequences, everything's groovy, it's all shenanigans."
"Don't take things too seriously, baby. Find the joy even in serious times."
"Don't take it so seriously. This life is a game."
"Girls, relax! But Heather, it does look like you're the one that left this heart for me."
"The plushies and I will, you know, everyone can just we can all just accept it."
"Don't take yourself so seriously. You need to laugh about things."
"It doesn't look that bad, does it? I kind of feel like laser beam out here."
"We're gonna be talking about that's a good one. Let's have some fun. What kissing?"
"I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready for spaghetti."
"Enjoying yourself more, not taking things too seriously."
"It knows that it's meant to be dumb fun and it fully embraces that."
"Marshmallow fluff on a plate, if you want something soft, sweet, and wholesome, here you go."
"I thought poop was funny... What's your stance on it now? It's still funny."
"We don't take ourselves very seriously, this is entertainment, this is for fun."
"That's super cute, come on, you can't deny that."
"Gender envy for real LOL it's a very light-hearted anime."
"I think this is gonna be a really fun one 'cause often we do quite heavy intense readings on the channel, so this is a little bit more lighthearted in comparison to some of the others."
"You're moving into a much lighter vibration, happier, more carefree."
"Trust yourself, have fun right now, okay? Don't take life too seriously."
"Don't take yourself too seriously, have some fun."
"Sometimes I just like to have fun, there's no hard feelings."
"That was my first thing, to like do something stupid to make someone laugh."
"This is garbage, magic 8 ball says Dan is funnier than Adam. I don't know, come on, Magic 8 ball says a lot of things."
"There are some dark moments but overall it's way lighter."
"Everybody would just always feel like or say like 'yo it feels like we're in a sitcom in here' just everybody just the jokes you know even me I had to."
"This is all for entertainment... Don't take it too seriously."
"Don't take anything too seriously and have a really good sense of humor."
"I'm going to be going for a much lighter and sillier tone around here."
"Yeah, man, sometimes you just can't not laugh."
"I'm not gonna apologize for it but that is the reason for light-hearted jokes."
"His persona was meticulously curated to the public as a great dad and good husband who kept a goofy lighthearted demeanor even during serious conversations."
"I'm in a very light mood. Thomas Burton has made me buoyant."
"This is starting to get too much, like, sorry, it's like here's you and here's the bench, like, I like the bench more now. I'm just kidding."
"I love when people do stuff like this that's just fun and light-hearted."
"It's a joke freely, Jesus dude, it's a joke."
"That's what you get for calling Finkleberry."
"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, it's not chops, thankfully."
"Let's try to keep it entertaining and laughable because really the whole thing is very laughable."
"Twitter can get too serious... let's have a bit of fun."
"You don't need to take it all so seriously. The universe responds to high vibration, playfulness, fun just for the hell of it."
"Shenanigans can also mean like silly stuff you do with your friends."
"Dog wins the challenge and he gets fresh milk as a prize."
"We would do everything like, I'd be doing her hair, we'd be baking pies, do a hand game, playing double dutch. 'Girl, whatchu talking 'bout? Michelle? Just drinking Chardonnay.'"
"Mr. Gox, the crypto trading hamster, brought joy to people all across the globe and reminded us not to take life too seriously."
"Taking things lightly is the most spiritually advanced thing you could do."
"You guys are going through spiritual transformation, so let's leave you guys with two more pieces of advice: keep your sense of humor and don't take things so seriously."
"Life is not meant to be lived so seriously, remember to have fun, to play, to enjoy things."
"Some of you need to lighten up. Y'all need to take the stick out your ass."
"Oh, don't be mad, Pear, it's just a fun little challenge video."
"I'm gonna say nice shirt to everybody who has one." - Light-hearted comment about a common apparel choice.
"Life experience is not meant to be heavy all the time. It's important to have fun and embrace life."
"Why do Angels fly? Because they take themselves lightly."
"Call it petty, call it a little childish, who cares? It's just fun on social media."
"The scales of Ollie are like that: Ollie in, Ollie out, Ollie shake it all about."
"It takes pens, a pineapple, and an Apple to make the world smile."
"Sometimes it's nice to have something silly those moments of brevity breaks the tension"
"Luck opportunities through work and career... Something good is happening through work and reputation spaces for you."
"Let go of the seriousness... approach it with joy and playfulness."
"It's bombast and its penchant for not taking itself too seriously."
"New Breed, huh? I think I'll keep this one as a pet."
"Loving you was super easy, barely an inconvenience."
"All it takes is one little poot, everybody. One little poot."
"It's always nice to have a laugh tal especially on a Monday."
"Not everything has to be about a real-world issue, people are allowed to have 15 minutes of [__] fun, you know."
"Our feelings for you, they were ever so brightly, our bonds still run away, so don't take them so lightly."
"Overall, it's a show that knows it doesn't take itself seriously and just provides a lot of mindless fun."
"Would you like children for more than one reason? Like, do they taste-test the apple juice?"
"I thought you'd be nude no sorry I didn't want to overwhelm Our Guest on his first night he's nice isn't he."
"Is it a bit novelty? Sure. But that's not a bad thing, it's fun."
"Life is not serious and this is gonna be your best teacher."
"Cruise you lose, that's good and by you cruise I mean you."
"It's so fun, yeah, you just have a mad case of the giggles."
"Have a fantastic day and I'll see you laters alligators."
"Long live the doofus! Ah, we all have some dork in us, don't we? Revel in it, just dig in and enjoy. That's what brings a little humor, right?"
"Socialize, don't take life too seriously, good times ahead."
"You can pick your friends but you can't pick your boogers."
"Five dots, you know what's funnier than three periods?"
"Wouldn't it be better just to laugh and be humorous about the gym?"
"Technically all boobs are fun-sized because all boobs are fun."
"What am I bitching about? Let's have some fun."
"We might as well have some fun with these witches."
"Never too late to try anything, I'll say anything for 20 quid, Rich, you know that."
"Don't take everything too seriously... it's just a game."
"I was feeling it; it's a nice little game that thankfully doesn't take itself too seriously."
"This is such a silly project, what a silly, stupid dog project."
"Keep it lighthearted and fun, lighthearted and fun."
"It's okay to laugh, it's okay to play, it actually will help you manifest faster."
"It's possible meeting the Grinch has been the highlight of my holidays this year what a treat that was."
"If we give this more thought, Plop with a Bop."
"I think I'm still alive because I'm such a goofball."
"Laughter is the best medicine. That's crazy!"
"Starting the pagan year off on the right foot (chuckles)."
"It brings up these concepts, it's, I'm okay with it being, you know, lighter in tone."
"That's funny guys, you know that's really funny."
"Choosing to be playful and add little bits of joy into your dynamic as a couple can keep things just lighter in general."
"It's not serious, we're just having a good time here."
"Why not have fun and make money? We don't got to be so serious."
"It's all about having fun. Let's take a look at some fun stuff." - Rick Baker
"What is this, a new object? It's a giant cake coffee now."
"They've all had a laugh, let's get back to the jokes later."
"Be of light heart, good nature, good spirit."
"Dare to be superficial. Do fun things and do them often."
"It's all good, we're good, we're alive and well. I think we just got an electromagnetic barrel."
"Many others went on to reply to Elon Musk's tweet, including Dr. Sahai Hawas and Dr. Sarah Parkhack. And I don't think they took it as lighthearted as the minister did."
"It's like, hey! Alright, that's pretty funny, I just can't take this killer seriously, he's too funny, too funny."
"Seriousness is overrated, just be silly sometimes."
"You're playful. You like to keep life light, even though there may be challenges. You have this ability to make jokes and laugh."
"2020 needs a little bit more fun injected into it."
"You know what I heard? I heard Taco Tuesday. Did anybody else hear Taco Tuesday?"
"It's good to make fun of yourself every now and then."
"Hey, it's you again! Business is excellent here, these two fellas bought all my ice cream."
"Nothing else we do today could top that experience, potato, except for a ride on Potato, of course!"
"Jager Meister is great but everyone has been drinking it wrong."
"Get on up, ow, and shake the butt. All right, okay, okay, here we go."
"I just thought of a great pun: 'What did one broken glass window say to the other? Get the pain out of here.'"
"Entire school was laughing so hard... the deputy started laughing his butt off."
"This new thing coming toward you is going to be light and fun."
"None of this matters. Let's not take ourselves too seriously and let's have fun building stuff."
"Don't take things too seriously, make time to play."
"Come on, we need a little spongy in this life."
"I'm just trying to have some fun here, all right?"
"Look at all the dogs, chat. The dogs are barking."
"It's the type of thing where I'm glad that it doesn't take itself super seriously."
"Don't take everything too seriously because once again, I see that you have a lot of beautiful things lined up for you."
"Don't take life too seriously, celebrate your magnificent light."
"As long as the weather's nice, oh my gosh, look at the food here guys! About to make everybody really hungry."
"It's not the end of the world, after all, I make apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow."
"Prompto, whose name translates to 'Quicksilver' in Latin, is the light-hearted cheerbringer of the group."
"Movies are like pizza, even if it's bad still pretty good."
"Thanks for watching everybody and, you know, don't take it too seriously."
"Are we just having geophysics on the side? I'm sure he would love that."
"I just hope that everyone just kind of has fun with it."
"Kirby is an innocent, lovable soul always out to protect Dreamland, but he's also in it to have a bit of fun and maybe a bite to eat here and there."
"Just living life be happy have fun don't take things too seriously."
"Yeah, this was just an absurd movie in a good way. Take it for what it is, have a good time, and that's definitely what we did."
"Good enough to make us briefly forget about, you know what."
"Every time my dad picks me up from the airport, he's like, 'So what are we thinking, Cool Coffee or which Sirius XM radio?'"
"Crop tops aren't a crime, neither is driving up, see?"
"Things don't have to be taken as seriously; you can have fun and have this lightness of spirit."
"Have fun now. It's time to be light, be free, laugh a little. Have fun. It's powerful medicine to be able to laugh, okay? It is."
"Marvel for the most part is fun, you know, they're light-hearted, they make jokes, they keep it upbeat."
"Keep it fun, keep it light, keep it playful."
"As Arataki says, let's go have some fun, have a wonderful, wonderful day. Bye bye!"
"It's okay to be fun, yeah, to be to make the audience kind of giggle and just have them, you know, smiling in their seats."
"What do you call a freshly painted door? Adorable."
"Welcome to the team Rainbow, keep pooping cookies please."
"Life is meant to be enjoyed. Don't be so uptight. Allow yourself the freedom to play, laugh, crack jokes, be silly and spontaneous. Choose to be happy, period."
"Don't take it all too seriously, especially boys."
"The best thing about that character is he can be so much fun and silly."
"Quality Tuesday, okay, that's an inside joke."
"It's all about not taking yourself too seriously, having some fun with it."
"It's called a joke. You should try it sometimes."
"It was kind of funny, it was kind of silly, it was tongue-in-cheek."
"If the worst thing your mother-in-law does is throw exaggerated parties and gift ideas, count yourself lucky."
"Laugh more, focus on the lighter side of life."
"Don't take yourself too seriously; have fun and express freely."
"Just remember to always have fun with it and don't stress over it."
"Laughing's good. He's too strict. He's got a light. There's a reason he's... they're the [ __ ]!"
"You have permission to enjoy this and to be petty."
"We're children at heart... we laugh at things like that because it's funny."
"Let's just get a little bit of fun in here, you know, just a bit of a laugh."
"Life's too short to be too serious, enjoy every day."