
Safety Net Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"It is the responsibility of its government to make sure that there is a safety net, that there is something for people who work hard and play by the rules. This is not an entitlement, this is an earned benefit."
"Giving people a safety net and helping them achieve their basic needs not only does it relieve hardship...it can also empower people to be more productive and raise their ambitions."
"Valor points could be a safety net accompanying the current RNG gear."
"You cannot just take out a safety net for millions of Americans without a backup plan, especially in the middle of a pandemic, especially when most of your base is relying on said safety net being Obamacare." - Kellie Bostic
"We are finally providing some of those things to give people a soft place to land."
"If you lose your job you would have more of a safety net and a savings buffer."
"The role of the parents is to become that safety net."
"Universal basic income... it should be supplemental on top of our current social safety net programs."
"The welfare system... will be stronger for people to provide as bigger safety net for as many people as is practically possible."
"Insurance is really important. It is the backup to your backup."
"I think leaning on unemployment insurance was just a smart, safe way."
"Do what you can to support the social safety net."
"They have a safety net that perhaps maybe you don't."
"Those dollars are often a safety net to keep you going and to keep you sustainable."
"I think we clearly need something like we need we need something that levels the playing field a little bit and provides a wider safety net to people in general."
"Because you do have this cushion, you do have this safety net, and if you fail or mess up, you have something to catch you instead of hitting rock bottom and basically having nothing."
"My wife and I always try to make it very very clear to our children growing up that they were always welcome to come home and live with us if anything happened."
"Types provide a safety net for program maintenance."
"You represent a safety net to him, while he's still out here trying to find something that really moves him."
"Getting laid off sucks but it helps to know that there's time that you won't get kicked out right away, to not have to worry about health care, to get unemployment benefits, to feel protected by the law."
"Getting laid off sucks but it helps to know that there's a safety net to catch me if I do fall."
"Put up a safety net: invest a big chunk of money and never ever touch it."
"Networking is creating a net to catch you when you fall."
"If you're not as blessed as Dominic Engel, if you ain't got savings, it's worth having that cushion, knowing that if you pay for the policies, something happens to you, you're covered with it."
"Insurance gives your family a safety net that can cover expenses so they won't have to worry about money while getting back on their feet."
"People are in a position where they can take risks and fail because they have a social safety net that is protecting them."
"Life is unpredictable, and the best defense against that unpredictability is by having some sort of a cash safety net to fall back on."
"The idea that there was an organization out there that provided all of these services, every kind of service for everybody in the industry, made me feel like there was a safety net and a world in which we as a community were taking care of other artists."
"I'm just grateful to have that safety net where I can express my feelings, have bad days, and just be a human."
"Brady essentially is it's a safety net or safety valve if you will for innocence."
"Regulated capitalism with a strong safety net is the best system we have based on the systems we actually have evidence on."
"It enriches my life so much, it gives me so much joy, and it makes me feel like I have a safety net that is huge."
"...none of us know what will happen to us or our loved ones, and our social security system should be a safety net."
"Insurance is a safety net woven from the trust between the policyholder and the guarantor."
"As a small rural hospital, Fairview is a safety net for our community."
"There's always been a safety net in the United States, and there should be."
"Diversification is so important, not just about having a safety net but also diversifying your income."
"Always have your safety net or security net in place because worst case scenarios do happen."
"Our welfare system should be a safety net for people when that does happen to you."
"The psychological relief that comes from knowing that you have your own safety net is valuable."
"Will doing this allow those people to follow their passions, find something they're good at, give them a safety net to fall back on, and hopefully create ultimately more productive societies? Most likely, yes."
"You supposed to be a safety net for your kids, not a crutch."
"It's a beautiful safety net that doesn't take a board-certified psychiatrist to do."
"Have an emergency fund, something that's just solidified safe because things happen."
"We need a Social Security system which is a safety net, not a wealth transfer."
"It's really important that you build up that safety net, that emergency fund."
"The underpinning of the safety net of crop insurance — those kind of things — is a big deal for agriculture."
"You can do whatever you want; we'll catch you if you fall."
"Having an emergency fund... in case you do miscalculate."