
Moral Outrage Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"It's astonishing to witness such immoral acts, especially for something as trivial as a drink."
"It crossed a lot of lines for me. When you kill innocent children, innocent babies -- babies, little babies -- with a chemical gas that is so lethal -- people were shocked to hear what gas it was -- that crosses many, many lines, beyond a red line. Many, many lines."
"The most chilling thing about this story has to be the cruelty that some are willing to afflict on the innocent."
"It's the method of vicious attack, moral outrage overriding speech, and ignoring evidence that reeks of religious fervor."
"He killed six people, drove down a parade route in my hometown... can we stop acting like shocking him will be the end of the world."
"These are incidents that should fill us with absolute rage and disgust."
"Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and cause my people to error, that's right, how can a man, a woman lie on the Most High right in your face, amen?"
"When harm is done to children it hits differently. There's something almost inhuman about it because it's so unnatural, so avoidable."
"There's nobody reasonable in America that would look at that six-year-old bringing the gun and killing their teacher and say that's all right."
"It really makes my stomach turn to think that someone could have done this to any other human being."
"It's absolutely disgusting I can't I can't be the only one who thinks this."
"Isn't that the most disgusting part of this too, that they're actually profiting off of somebody else's complete horror?"
"I'm angry, I'm angry. I don't like murder and I don't like thievery."
"It goes beyond all possible bounds of decency and is regarded as shocking, atrocious, and utterly intolerable in a civilized community."
"It's evil it's evil and this fentanyl garbage it's killing society."
"To attack children is to attack life and civilization itself."
"To have a loved one go missing is an awful experience and to think some people would take advantage of such tragedies in order to gain a profit is awful."
"Don't lose your outrage. This is worthy of outrage."
"People who claim to follow the teachings of Jesus are fuming that there might not be razor wire at the border to slice up children."
"I can never imagine like going to these extents right to knowingly mislead people for so long is just not only unacceptable but it's just it's unbelievable that people have the ability mentally to do that."
"Democrats are more morally outraged but less willing to take action, while Republicans are less angry but more motivated to engage in change."
"Our existence is unacceptable to the people you are dealing with. The fact that this was not enough to act is shocking."
"The mere fact that people have the audacity to speak in public discourse about sexualizing children is a complete abnegation of the concept that children are deemed morally incapable of giving consent."
"He was engaged in sexual trafficking of minors, which is about as bad as it gets. Everyone involved with him should go to jail for extraordinary periods of time because this is horrifying in every way."
"She was a little girl come on, grown ass man."
"Nothing justifies 15 people stomping out to death a high school student... that puts this far beyond justification in my mind."
"If it doesn't outrage you, then there's something wrong with your sense of honesty."
"This isn't drama. This is unethical, immoral, and potentially illegal activity."
"This is absolutely a violation of human rights law."
"I remember the anger that I felt for such an injustice, an anger of righteousness."
"It would be instinctive for anyone to react with horror to any allegation of killing or harming a child."
"I find it outrageous that American citizens would do what you did."
"Enough is enough. It's disgusting, it needs sorting out."
"It is disgusting and it is vile on a pure human level."
"If that's true, and I don't know if it is, I'm at a loss for words at the depravity of Michael Stauffer, at the absolute and utter depravity of someone doing something like that."
"It's insane what's happening here, and it's going to go down in history as one of the biggest moral corruptions and tragedies that's ever happened in human history."
"Ain't no reason why she should have got shot at all, ain't no way to slice that [ __ ] it ain't cool in any type of way."
"This is just spitting in the face of the efforts of all these men and women who actively fought against fascism."
"One of the most brazen murder/assisted suicides I've ever seen."
"This case is certainly disturbing, the video shocks the conscience of anyone."
"Who gave him the right to snatch somebody's honor with his punk ass? Who gave him the right?"
"My position on this is not that complicated. If you are accused, indicted, and convicted of sexual assault against a minor, you should never leave a prison. You're done for the rest of your life."
"It is outrageous, it is wrong, it's despicable, and they should be ashamed of it."
"This is wickedness. This is not about inclusion." - John Breanna
"Stabbing your own child to death certainly meets that category no matter what mitigating factors you're dealing with."
"Listen guys, I'm not gonna lie... it's fucking criminal."
"I cannot see how they can live with themselves knowing that they sent an innocent woman to jail the rest of her life for something that she didn't do."
"It's sickening and it's a disgrace to this father, to this country."
"I cannot stand injustice and unfairness. I hate hearing about people who've gotten away with terrible things and haven't gotten what they deserve."
"This is a sub human this person is a monster how could you kill a beautiful defenseless six-year-old child on christmas day."
"How do you look each other in the eye knowing that you have read this filth? I'm scandalized, good God."
"This is presented without comment. Why? It's disgusting. That's pedophilic behavior."
"Whipping your shaking your [ __ ] in front of a kid is the lowest form of degeneracy."
"These images are shared not because China wants it to be so, but because moral hearts feel compelled to share them as part of an appeal to make it stop."
"...I can't imagine what an absurd piece of absolute trash you have to be to do something like this... just makes you one of the worst people on Earth."
"It is devastating to face something we all know to be so obviously wrong."
"He deserves it. I cannot fathom how much Polo has on his side. It pisses me off so much."
"Retribution was an appropriate use of the criminal justice system, and that moral outrage towards criminals makes sense, but honestly, I suspect I've been wrong about that for the last 25 years."
"Moral outrage porn involves using your moral outrage for the sake of immediate gratification while avoiding the demands of actually good action."
"Moral outrage is the ancient lifeblood of human storytelling."
"There is nothing that I hate more than a false Shepherd and a compromised Church."
"Abducting people is wrong, it's immoral, it's against the law."