
Life-changing Experiences Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"I was a skeptic, but then I had some experiences that changed everything."
"The most interesting feature is not that these drugs produce these acute effects but that these effects are remembered and become attribution points for which people say, 'I remember that experience every day; my life has changed because of it.'"
"I think that's a beautiful thing, there, was a priest... who gave a little catechesis that was life-changing."
"Come see this experience. It's life-changing. Come try it."
"Being a dad is... it's crazy for me. It's the best experience ever."
"In 1983, I played my first role-playing game and my life was fundamentally changed."
"Facing down the barrel of an illness of this magnitude will do things to you that is impossible to put into words. It's gonna change your entire outlook on life and even you fundamentally as a person."
"Near-death experiences often lead to an existential crisis."
"If I hadn't found that book, none of this would have happened."
"Travel like this, it actually has changed my life."
"That night changed my life... because of that terror and I never felt more in the now."
"The best thing that ever happened to me happened because I opened myself up to the world, and I'm so glad I did."
"I kind of view my life in two major eras: the pre and post-viewing of Ninja Turtles the Next Mutation."
"The gift of therapy... it was a life changer."
"Get ready to be blessed in a major way that will alter the course of your life."
"You're gonna come across an experience that is going to change your life forever."
"I've never really had a desire to do drag, but I found drag and drag has, like, changed my life for the better."
"I think that taking psychedelic has been one of the most significant experiences of my entire life."
"I implore you to try one it will change your life."
"It was almost life-changing because I made huge breakthroughs that I hadn't made for years."
"I never knew how badly I needed this in my life until now."
"Honestly, it changed my whole life completely."
"He noticed something in the night sky that would change his life forever."
"Your socks are knocked off, your hair's blown back, you're like where the heck was this my entire life."
"Once you've had something like that happen, your intuition kicks in high gear for the rest of your life."
"I mean, it's oh, it was a magical time, and it just changed my life forever."
"I've been miserable for a really long time, and it took me almost dying to realize that."
"Seeing it was just like incredible for me and life-changing."
"Once those who are open to transformation goes through the intense process they can never unsee what they now see for the rest of their lives."
"Questioning the system changed my life. We had the most profound 13 days of our life during my mom's final days."
"Take a chance on love. When we start to love, our lives are changed forever."
"Psychedelics can transform your life, they really can; they could be some of the greatest experiences ever."
"Those little moments... they just be changing you."
"It's been honestly one of, if not the best thing to ever happen to me."
"There's complexity in travel and when we step into complexity willfully you might just get your life changed."
"That little girl saved my life and I don't say that lightly."
"It really changed my life and I've just learned so much."
"I could go to bat for any of these games... but this one just had a huge impact on my life."
"This will change your life. This will... truly brings you happiness. This is what truly brings you that purpose that we all seek."
"It's one of those moments that truly changes your perspective in a second."
"One of the greatest things ever man, yeah, like you don't know what love is until you actually have a child."
"There's those moments in life that really change you and shake you to your core."
"Life takes a whole new direction after you meet a soulmate."
"I've been saved by the plant. It's changed my life, man."
"Everybody always says this changed my life, this made me who I am. I can honestly say that none of my experiences, my near-death experiences, changed me from the path I was on."
"I needed something to go to sleep so this night I opened the Bible when I arrived and I said Jesus I need to know why you created me if I have a purpose I need to know and my life never was the same after that night"
"I saw something that changed my life."
"The feeling when you have these customers that call you up and be like man this changed my life."
"What started out as clean fun ended up changing my entire life."
"You guys have literally changed my life and I just want to say thank you guys you guys are literally making my dreams come true."
"Being out in that landscape, being so remote, it honestly is an experience that has changed my life."
"It sure does change your life, doesn't it? Once you see these things, it changes everything."
"Once you give me a life, everything will turn around."
"I met my wife and she turned my life around."
"Going down to New York and working with the BSC did change my life, I grew up."
"Princeton blew my mind, and it was probably the single most life-changing thing I did was come to Princeton because the world just opened up to me."
"There's nothing like actually meeting people in real life. It changes people's lives."
"You know how much it changes your life to where I can get on here and deliver messages like this to you and have the confidence to be able to deliver messages to you and hopefully change everybody else's life so they don’t have to go through what I went through."
"I shot my first buck back on November 16, 1979, and I was 16 years old... My whole life changed."
"So today I want to take you along this really simple autumn day in the kitchen and share with you guys this dish and it just might change your life."
"...if you say yes to all of them, well, this might just be one of the most enjoyable and life-changing endeavors you ever embark upon."
"Being with Ayumi and having kids to discover that has literally changed my life."
"My life was changed by this next one it's what got me and Daddy it's wed me to my truck."
"With Bachelor, it's been like the biggest gift of my life, literally my life changed overnight in so many cool ways."
"Almost all the players who survived that camp recall that time as a fateful passage in their life shaping what they would become in the years ahead."
"This was the Sketchbook that changed my life."
"I started off being really bitter, I didn't like what happened to me. I blamed the world. Throughout the journey, every day people reached out a helping hand, it's really changed my life."
"And a huge change of pace that has changed my life actually. I've met a lot of great people doing this."
"I must know, what's something that's changed your life?"
"Absolutely not. It's been totally life-changing for me."
"I promise you I promise you it changes everything."
"It definitely did change my life and career."
"So that visit, that ORCA visit totally changed my life."
"I'm wondering if anyone else has ever seen anything like this before or had their lives dramatically changed after encountering the other side."
"I think this is going to change my life."
"I want to be able to put on events where it's life-changing for somebody."
"You're gonna touch so many lives by sharing that story."