
Time Efficiency Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"The audacious operation took less than 4 and 2 minutes, marking the 11th time the gang has pulled off such heists."
"Jeff Bezos would earn 7 billion in the space of 60 minutes."
"Biden is losing almost every major issue concerning American voters."
"This was really, really easy. It came together really quickly."
"A key feature in word processing that's very valuable to save you time, provide consistency, and enhance your resume as well."
"It is amazing how little time it takes to get to space."
"Low-code solutions are a great time saver when it comes to spinning up complex apps fast."
"Never in my life did I think that the solo record would go down to 20 minutes."
"A bazillion ideas in 5 minutes and 44 seconds."
"And for those of you that stuck around, I thank you very much."
"You don't need to win, just go in full auto, back out right away because there are some days where I only have 10 minutes for a daily activities reset."
"For the amount of time that you save... it is totally worth the money to me."
"Guild Wars 2 is the best MMORPG to play if you're limited on playtime."
"It'd be more productive and much more time efficient to just get at the driving forces behind this massive push in transphobic rhetoric."
"You can't waste any time in football; even though I like Ralph, we've wasted time by not getting the right manager and starting a new plan."
"You take that from four years to two years. That's incredible. Yeah, what progress."
"There's something super appealing about an online multiplayer game that is extremely fulfilling in 30 minutes to an hour."
"I have no problem with the short length of the game, it appreciates and respects your time."
"So, I think that we have now made minesweeper in about 52... Strictly about 50 minutes."
"But there it is, minesweeper in under an hour."
"God can accomplish more in a brief period of time than we can in a lifetime."
"Most of HelloFresh's meals are on the table in about 30 minutes."
"I've probably made three hundred thousand dollars in like three hours."
"I had a super great experience and it saved me a lot of time."
"Epic fantasy is a game for people that don't have a lot of time but still want to feel progression."
"If it's not a Mosin, it's probably faster over time." - Bryce D.
"As soon as the challenge is over only takes ten minutes for sitting afk we receive a nice 21 K now if that wasn't good enough."
"We're gonna be set in basically no time at all."
"Sludge skip is the first real big sequence break in the game. That skips a huge wave fight. It's probably like three to five minutes faster than the casual route."
"HelloFresh cuts back time spent in the kitchen with meals ready in around 30 minutes or less."
"What took us upwards of eight months, Ross just did in four minutes and 43 seconds. I don't care, wow."
"Yeah, the beginning is the best part of the running, so let's save those frames."
"The quick setup, quick playtime, lighter rule set, intense gameplay. This is the game on the list that I would choose if I had a small amount of time and I couldn't leave the game on the table between sessions. So easy to put away."
"We're the ones that's pushing the narrative, we're the ones that's running this mug, and we're proving it in no limit of time."
"At the end of the day, it's all about convenience and time-saving. Owning a private jet allows you to travel on your own schedule, avoiding lengthy layovers and security checks."
"God can do more in a second than we can do in 20 years."
"It's definitely fights that have phases... shave substantial time off for sure."
"This one is super easy because not only is it a short amount of time but also you really don't have to do anything special."
"Building fences takes a lot of time but it's very easy now to get things done."
"Imagine going from New York to LA in under 2 and 1/2 hours; that would be pretty amazing."
"Sometimes the most valuable lessons you can pick up are lessons that you can learn in less than three minutes."
"No matter whether you're a beginner or just a busy lady or gentleman, these 7 simple exercises will take just five minutes of your time."
"Gary V understands what's happening in NFTs and he's not going to waste any time."
"Is there something quickly that's like a minute long?"
"This week's time trial can be done in only a couple minutes and will earn you guys a very nice fifty thousand dollars."
"The magic of video editing, you don't have to wait."
"This isn't going to be one of those networks that are going to take two three years to develop."
"The real inner work doesn't have to take decades."
"If you bring your energies to a certain level of intensity and possibility, what somebody does in 10 years, you may do it in one year."
"Sometimes it's better just to be blunt and say exactly what you want because it saves you a lot of time."
"I like that this didn't cook for you know all day because it kept some texture to the chicken and the onions and peppers."
"I promise you, in nine minutes, you will be sweating so much more than if you went on an elliptical for 45 years."
"Eating well in 2023 can be time efficient, stress-free, and also pretty dang tasty."
"Dinner is ready in less than 20 minutes."
"For my minimal investment in time, I get a maximum investment in my equipment."
"It only takes 45 minutes to do the whole donation process."
"Building a business organically takes so much time and there is another way."
"Who said you couldn't get a good full body workout in 15 minutes? That is solid."
"This is my favorite thing that I've made in a long time and it only took me like five minutes."
"You can make a ridiculous amount of money in a very short amount of time."
"It's probably less than an hour's worth of work."
"...another benefit to prioritizing the houses first is that the later shows do tend to be less busy..."
"This trap was a major success, a big-time success, a 24-hour success."
"No more wasting time; it's commercial-free."
"The power of a battery is the amount of energy transferred divided by how long it takes to transfer that energy."
"I am very, very excited about how far we've gotten in 30 minutes."
"Indirect bonding is something I think personally all orthodontists should be doing. It saves so much time for you and you don't have to sit in a chair for an hour; it only takes like 15 minutes and you're in and out."
"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, the very next day you took two seconds to build a basket."
"Be meeting smart. Never have a meeting longer than one hour."
"It is time-consuming to solve algebraic problems manually, so we use Microsoft Excel."
"It's something that you could probably make within an hour."
"This channel is all about saving people money, saving people time, and creating beautiful art."
"It looks like a photo and it's taken what, 40 minutes."
"You shouldn't be intimidated by this method; it doesn't add a whole lot of time."
"That's just a real pretty little bright painting, about an hour to do that."
"Time management and inventory management is definitely a big one."
"When you safely operate forklifts, you save time and make your job much easier."
"It's a pretty simple eating plan, but hopefully, it's one that gives enough structure to make sure you're losing or gaining weight whilst at the same time not taking up too much of your time."
"Imagine four and a half hours from Tokyo to Seattle."
"This doesn't require a lot of material, it doesn't require a lot of time, and it comes out really cute but it's also very useful."
"Understanding the data in decision making very quickly actually helps you to save a lot of time."
"The nicest meal you could possibly have takes 15 minutes from start to finish for two people."
"What would it look like if you just gave yourself less time to do the thing?"
"So basically, in a half an hour, 45 minutes probably, you can have a little gift for somebody. Isn't that awesome?"
"So much progress has been made in a short space of time."
"This is a seven-minute full-body workout."
"...helping agents build wildly successful real estate businesses while saving an astronomical amount of time and building it in an efficient way..."
"It's perfect for all levels and it's great if you're short on time."
"It brightens dark circles in as little as three weeks."
"You're not going to miss a [thing], and you can watch the Super Bowl in about two hours and twenty minutes."
"We saw so much in a short amount of time."
"These will be excellent gifts as they only take very short time to make up."
"It only takes 20 minutes a day and it's evidence-based."
"If you've only got a short amount of time to get out on your bike, it is maximum grin for the shortest amount of time."
"I can tie the shoestrings in 3 seconds."
"Just to meet ourselves and to move in our body, it doesn't have to take a long time."
"The time from algorithm to breakthrough is like two decades, but the time from getting a data set that is a shareable, well-architected data set to breakthrough was much, much shorter, was only three years."
"You can learn a lot in 10 minutes."
"In this tutorial, you're going to learn Microsoft Excel in less than 30 minutes."
"Hey, this workout's great when you are pressed for time."
"This in 2 minutes gives you the recovery benefits of a 15-minute massage."
"If you get into trading, you're only working two hours a day and now you have six extra hours a day to do whatever you want."
"We should be challenging ourselves and say, okay, how do we compress time? How do we turn this luxury into commodity faster?"
"It's really easy, it's very fun, you get a very nice professional result in a short amount of time."
"Thirty minutes flew by, I bet you just burned more calories than you did running on a treadmill for an hour, probably without a doubt."
"Wattage is greater when work is done in a short period of time than when the same amount of work is done in a longer period of time."
"I'm making really great time, it is only 6:15. Wow, shout out to me right now."
"Reclaiming glam as something accessible, something that doesn't take a long time."
"It really doesn't take much time at all, and it doesn't take any crazy skill."