
Safety Tips Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"I'm not a confident swimmer, and that's why there are a few key safety tips you have to follow."
"Don't drop your feet. What goes up must come down. When you're coming down from a wheelie, make sure your bars are straight and your front wheel is straight."
"Turn your phone off before cleaning the charging ports."
"Remember, irons can stay hot for a long time even after they've been switched off."
"What to do if you encounter one? Stay calm and act submissive."
"Keep the appearance that someone's inside the house even when it's empty."
"Practice driving in Reverse. It could save your life in unexpected situations."
"There's really no reason to panic, just make sure you have multiple ways to receive alerts and have a tornado action plan in place."
"Keep gas and Battery tanks at least half full throughout the entire season."
"One thing I'd encourage everyone to do though if they're in the area and they're at home and they smell gas, please turn off the gas and call PG&E right away."
"When you prepare for one type of disaster, you prepare for a multitude of disasters."
"Pour the lye solution into water, not the other way around."
"A lot of these life hacks could literally save your life."
"Print offs of your family and friends contact information... having that printed off could literally be a life saver."
"This is policing 101: keep your finger off the trigger."
"What you should do is get to the lowest and most secure point of your house preferably a room without windows and take shelter there."
"What's dangerous? Stay the hell away from it."
"Keep your powder a little bit dry because once it's wet it's uh it's tainted."
"Don't click on random links in emails, and always check URLs before visiting any website."
"Suspects look for vulnerability. Project confidence, and teach children to say no to strangers."
"Take precautions to avoid potential package theft."
"Never keep Electronics in your car for longer periods of time."
"By just being a little bit more cautious, a little bit more calm and collected, you can actually beat the killer in this mind game and just don't move and you will be safe."
"Even in some of the tricky driving maneuvers you'll have to pull, it's possible to slow down really fast."
"We always say, 'Heat doesn't kill, voltage does.'"
"So if you're even a crawl inside a septic tank with enough dirt on top of you which I was doing a video on earlier, that's better than nothing because you got dirt between you and the surface."
"We don't want people getting scammed, so make sure you share this video."
"But biggest thing is one charged phone you know on your person water food all that."
"What should you do if an adult grabs you and tries to take you?"
"Remember, if a stranger offers to buy you a toy or a treat, you have to say no and walk away."
"Never ever put any kind of metal into the microwave, the microwaves can cause fire when they bounce off the metal."
"Hidden cameras can be really sneaky and inconspicuous... check if these objects are facing at a strange angle or if they're positioned to get the best view of your room or bathroom."
"One of the best options though is just your nose, if you smell that garlicky smell, that's an indication."
"So my roommate called up someone that she knew that did house exorcisms... make sure you never have mirrors facing your bed."
"You minimize your risk by not dating online. There is a 99% chance that you are about to get done dirty."
"When crossing an untested bridge, going down one at a time will keep weight to a minimum."
"The most important thing is to keep your center of gravity as low as possible."
"Just don't try to cover a lot of ground when you're by yourself."
"Everyone can learn from Megan McKernan's quick thinking and amazing recall. Leave pieces and parts of whatever you can behind."
"Just make sure you have a good Agent if you're going to spend any amount of time there in Egypt because you're going to need it."
"The best advice my dad ever gave me was: Don't go stupid places, don't hang out with stupid people, don't do stupid stuff."
"It's gonna very open up some cardboard, no prob very pointy blade right there."
"Leaning toward the slope will prevent you from sliding down or falling over."
"If there is oil spill, you kind of don't want it happening in your kitchen."
"If you're just looking at the mirror, you've already got peripheral vision on what's happening in front."
"So when we talk about preparedness for a trip or towing, one thing you should also be prepared for is the unexpected."
"Thanks so much for making all the way to the end of the video. Hopefully, you guys are staying safe out there on your runs and I will see you in the next one."
"Stopping in the middle of the road is stupid and dangerous since we know these zombies are attracted to lights."
"I'm just trying to generate like awareness and just help you guys like stay a little bit safer."
"If your friend does carpet, a wicked trick is to put magma blocks on the floor and cover it with matching carpet."
"You can do this to decrease the risk as much as possible."
"Be mindful, stay vigilant, stay safe, and thanks for watching."
"Better to be safe than sorry. Don't store it in your car during the summertime when it's hot outside because the cans can and will rupture."
"The operator told me to start my car in case he got up."
"Pro tip: be alert, have a plan, know your surroundings."
"You want to make yourself look as big as possible."
"As long as you don’t get lost during the daytime, you’re generally fine."
"The best insurance against an icing encounter is avoidance."
"It’s best to stay calm and still during non-threatening encounters in which the shark bumps or grazes you."
"Stay safe, stay indoors, wear your mask, and practice social distancing when you have to go out. Wash your hands and enjoy this cat video."
"Bottom line: if you have to use a car as cover, get behind the engine compartment."
"Stay cautious, be aware of your surroundings. If you take into account all of these tips, you will be safe."
"Part of me is annoyed at Papa for not explaining this to Kirsten when he was telling her how dangerous bears are like you couldn't have given her a couple tips for the best thing to do if she does encounter one."
"Pyroclastic flows tend to follow valleys and low-lying areas if you're caught in the open during a pyroclastic flow try to crouch low to the ground to minimize exposure to the hot gases and debris."
"What can people do to their own house and car to make themselves safer, to feel safer? Should women carry? They told women to put the keys between their fingers. Ah, that's hand, hand. That's already done. Come on, you're dead."
"In-home self-defense: Darkness is your friend. Don't turn the lights on. Use your light to disorientate attackers."
"That's the end of this week's video with our take on piracy and theft here in the Caribbean."
"If you ever find yourself in an earthquake, drop to your hands and knees so you don't get knocked over."
"I'm going to show you everything you need to stay safe in a hotel on your next adventure."
"If a grizzly attacks you, play dead."
"If you're yelling help, people might not want to come help, but if you yell fire, people will want to come see what's going on."
"Only use your fog lights when visibility is seriously reduced."
"The worst thing is getting stuck underwater between two rocks."
"By following a few simple guidelines and tips, we can minimize that chance of going through a pipe or a cable in a wall and making life generally very unpleasant."
"Make sure you know how to switch the gas off, make sure you know how to switch the water off, and you know where the stopcock is."
"Canadian survival tips: For the bear, walk away slowly. For wolves, be as loud as possible."
"When it's snowy, there's a couple of dos and don'ts."
"Fires can be life-threatening emergencies; knowing what to do in a fire could save the consumer's life or yours."
"Learn safety tips, and then you will be all right."
"I'm just going to be giving you guys tips on how to keep things protected."
"Don't wear earbuds in nature... it can save your life."