
Immigration Reform Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"We have to get, as a country, to a civil, dignified immigration policy that allows people to hold their heads up high, live in sunshine, and not in shadows, and find a way and a pathway to citizenship."
"The immigration bill... includes smarter security, a path to citizenship, and funding to address the root cause."
"President Biden sent an immigration bill to Congress, the U.S. Citizenship Act, modernizes our immigration system."
"The president's priority is to create a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants."
"We must build a better immigration system that reflects our values as Americans, enforces our laws, safeguards public health, and moves away from cycles of irregular migration."
"We've already begun specific actions to both undo the previous administration's policies and to advance a new vision of immigration."
"I support comprehensive immigration reform did in the past, will in the future, but the situation we have on the border today is horrible."
"I think getting more immigration would be a good thing."
"Joe Biden will be sending an immigration bill over to Congress that will include a clear roadmap to citizenship."
"We need to streamline our immigration process. Like, everything else is a waste of [__] time. Everything else is so virtue signaling, so stupid."
"Illegal immigrants need a path to citizenship so that they come in under the tax base. So that we see them under the census and then we move forward with our country."
"If Donald Trump wanted to pass reform on DACA immigrants, they could literally do that right now."
"We need comprehensive immigration reform and a path toward citizenship for the 11 million undocumented people."
"I think it's very important for us to get immigration reform done."
"We need reform in that area, right? To provide status for those who are undocumented, who have earned that residency and citizenship."
"We want a merit-based system for entry. This will improve living conditions for all Americans, both immigrant and U.S. born."
"Now is the time to pass comprehensive immigration reform."
"President Biden has made it clear that one of his top priorities is restoring faith in our immigration system."
"We need a comprehensive and bipartisan solution for immigration... I believe we have to develop a comprehensive and bipartisan solution."
"Our immigration system is built on a carceral framework. It's no accident that challenging how we approach both these issues are considered controversial stances."
"As long as we humanize our immigration process and as long as we allow amnesty for people that are here, we could literally have a larger labor force."
"You have to solve that problem otherwise we're just adding more people to go live in the shadows."
"It's time to bring our legal immigration system into the 21st century."
"A bipartisan bill would be good for America and help fix our broken immigration system."
"We have ended the horrible practice of catch and release."
"Any executive actions I take are replaced if they pass a bill that fixes our immigration system."
"We'll be signing a very powerful immigration act. It'll be great. It'll be merit-based."
"We have more than 11 million undocumented individuals in this country... compelling and urgent need for legislation to fix our broken immigration system."
"Bernie is fighting for humane immigration policy."
"On our first day in office, we will re-establish legal status to the 1.8 million young people and their parents eligible for the DACA program."
"Our plan expedites relief for legitimate asylum seekers by screening out the meritless claims."
"Through the steps we will deliver an immigration system that respects and even strengthens our culture, our traditions, and our values."
"Our plan will transform America's immigration system into the pride of our nation and the envy of the modern world."
"We would have a fighting chance to address this issue... Congress has not passed immigration reform about legal pathways since 1990."
"The border is secure but our immigration system is what's broken."
"Canada needs a total overhaul of our immigration system."
"President Biden has signed more than three times as many executive orders pertaining to immigration in his first 100 days than his republican predecessor."
"The president remains committed to putting in place a Humane and orderly immigration system."
"We really need to create a way for people who have been here for a long time without authorization to become legal residents."
"We need to give them a way to become citizens."
"We need to do something about our American immigration system." - Unknown speaker
"With your help we will elect a Republican Congress to create a safe modern fair and very lawful system of immigration."
"We should be working together in a bipartisan way to modernize our broken immigration system."
"It's pretty amazing to watch virtually everyone in Washington, Republicans and Democrats, repeat precisely the same number on one of the most critical problems that we face, and that number is 11 million."
"I am so happy he's going through with this, it's about time US immigration."
"Switching to a merit-based system will save countless dollars, raise workers' wages, and help struggling families enter the middle class."
"There are actions I have the legal authority to take as president... that will help make our immigration system more fair and more just."
"We need immigration reform that's going to help people, historic immigrants as well as newcomers."
"We are meeting our economic needs, we're remaining true to our humanitarian commitments, and we're developing a stabilizing approach in immigration."
"If we could fix our legal immigration system so that we had enough immigration judges, so that we had enough asylum officers, but most of all so that we actually had legal pathways so people could apply to come here, then I think we would be in a much better position."
"Instead of putting a bandaid on this problem, fix our legal immigration system to provide them with that pathway to legal residency or citizenship."