
Overcoming Limitations Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"You need to heal your scarcity mindset. Being in scarcity is one of the things that holds a lot of us back."
"Your ability to transcend your limiting beliefs and transform yourself into who you know you can be is admirable."
"Your value vetoes your education, your cultural background, any limitation. I don't care what it is."
"Amelia prepares to meet them on the field," she's no longer a caged bird.
"Take a leap of faith to come out of your limitations to get essentially what it is you want."
"Talent has no walls, you coming from a small town are building groundbreaking technologies."
"Being fearless is a powerful state of mind where you refuse to be constrained by the boundaries of your limitations, focusing on the joys of winning rather than the fear of losing." - Herbert Wigu
"Once someone sees that it's possible... they remove this self-imposed limitation that they put on themselves."
"Don't be married to this whole cannot thing when we really just live in a world of haven't."
"Holding ourselves back by imagining we can't transcend our weaknesses isn't going to get us very far."
"Finally get rid of limitations. And what I mean by limitations, get rid of limitations in your hat."
"The generic look can be overcome with creativity."
"I wanted to surpass everything that was being told to me that would be my limitations."
"I see opportunities to get better, in my opinion, a limitation is largely an excuse."
"I know you don't have legs, but that doesn't matter."
"Limitation can propel creativity to a whole new level."
"You deserve better than them—don't let old programming keep you small."
"Be the dreamer today and allow yourself to move past a limiting thought."
"In the name of Jesus, I take the hammer of the Lord and I smash the spirit of smallness that has come around your life."
"You're choosing to free yourself from something that may have been holding you back."
"Prepare yourself for a season of blessings and miracles. This season isn't limited by your circumstances, past failures, or any limitations."
"He could hurt Kaido using his hardened Gear Third, whereas he previously could not even while using Gear Fourth."
"Your physical condition doesn't need to hold you back."
"We must give in to the part of us that does not recognize limitations and finds a way to accomplish what it is we desire."
"All we have to do to really understand the power of choosing favor over fear, favor over facts, is to put whatever limits us right there"
"Never allow your inability to do everything to undermine your determination to do something."
"Challenging self-limiting beliefs will open doors for you."
"The antidote to smallness is exposure to greatness."
"Even with no powers when he was beaten down and couldn't use his quirk he still fought Overhaul for five full minutes."
"I had won it through determination, my grandmother's hunger."
"Never limit your future vision for you and your family based on your past or your current circumstances."
"Don't hold yourself back from something that could be better for you."
"Stop playing small, stop thinking small, and don't let anybody tell you you should be small."
"The inside of me was always trying to be bigger than what people say I was."
"Don't allow a scarcity mindset to limit your success; take chances, your angels will catch you."
"It's okay, PowerPoint, you can do anything, even if it's stupid."
"Helping people realize that like things aren't impossible that you can do stuff."
"You're no longer letting yourself or other people hold you back from your growth, from your potential."
"If you don't believe this is possible then I suggest that you take that self-limiting belief, you put that in a box and you bury that next to all your embarrassing." - Liver King
"Embrace your emotional and physical self... heal yourself from doubt and restriction."
"Go beyond existing or previous limits imposed upon you."
"Having short legs doesn't mean that you can't reach the top shelves in the supermarket for cats."
"The Light is holding you back. It’s time to forge your own path."
"Whatever your feet cannot do, your wings will do."
"We need to stop buying into the reality of what we can't achieve and create a vision."
"It will always be very very difficult to expand your life when you don't evolve out of limited thinking."
"Never let what you cannot do interfere with what you can." - John Wooden
"So that's what's, I guess, on the other side of limiting beliefs. If you can push through, it's been beautiful."
"We don't need to accept our bodies' shortcomings, we can engineer our way past them."
"You're definitely moving on from a place or from a limiting belief set of mind."
"Rey Mysterio Jr. quickly climbed the cruiserweight ladder, proving that size means nothing."
"I'm not gonna let what I can't do stop me from doing what I can do."
"Spreading your wings... Don't hold yourself back, don't let others hold you back."
"You just really have to become your intention... you have to make sure that you let go of limiting beliefs." - Nate
"Even relatively weak quirks didn't stop some from aiming for their dreams of becoming heroes."
"You are being liberated from things that have been limiting you."
"Do not accept the humiliating bondage of circumstances."
"Sookie finds power in herself using her telepathy which she'd always considered a disability before to save her own life and stop the killer."
"In God's presence, our limitations are shattered, and we find a wellspring of unwavering strength."
"You can discover something that you're really passionate about but in order to do it you got to get out of the story of what you can't do and you've got to put yourself on the line."
"Push past your limits and push past your boundaries."
"You don't need a shell because you're too big for the shell."
"Remove the disconnects, limiting beliefs, interpretations, and assumptions to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be."
"Whatever he lacked physically, he more than made up for with intensity, intelligence, and sheer hard work."
"The days of barrenness are over; the days of being barren, the days of being limited, the days of being buried in certain areas of your life are over and done with."
"All the pain is is your awareness expanding it's literally you leaving I am an unworthy small separate piece of self that is always a failure and everything my parents said it's you leaving that and being here."
"Are you willing to rise above your wounds and your discomforts and your limitations and see them all as possibility?"
"You can overcome genetic limitations with enough work."
"Move your life into your spirit, and limitations will be out of the way."
"It's the whole basis of humanity, our flaws, it's our limitations and going beyond that that makes the hero."
"We're all on this journey of discovery that I believe will take us beyond every barrier, every restriction, every limitation to limitlessness."
"When you know and you've taken some accountability that this is for me, this is for us, then there's no limitation of what you would do."
"Estelle has shown us that our limitations are only in our minds."
"I think that's where the difficulty comes but that's also where the gold comes. Yes, we can confront the limitations inside our mind. We can sit next to them, turn their lid into gold. And who wouldn't want that? Everyone."
"You're growing out of a situation that had been keeping you limited."
"Come out from that tent of your limitations."
"If it's people that created these limiting beliefs created this anxiety created this fear created this thing about us where we forget our greatness if it's people who did this to us it's people who are going to help us get out of it."
"Don't let your mind limit you and you can do it."
"I will not be held back by littleness anymore."
"Get out of that box, get out of that narrow-mindedness, get out of that defeated mentality."
"Overcome your limitations on guitar and express your emotions freely."
"Everybody has limitations and negative stuff, but you should look at it and say they are there for a very positive reason and something amazing will come out of it."
"I love George coming out of Georgia and I thought this was a classic case of focusing on a player's limitations rather than what a player is good at."
"If you find yourself saying 'I can't do something,' then you must do it immediately and do it with no hesitancy."
"Master Roshi overcame his own limitations and pressed on."
"They don't need to be limited by other people's limited understanding of who can do what."
"In the process of interpreting, you can actually turn those limitations into very strong tools that work for you."
"Dreams can happen overnight; you will be able to make magic happen by letting go of those self-limiting beliefs."