
Familial Relationships Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"May Allah Azza wa Jal soften the hearts of parents towards their daughters and daughters towards their parents."
"I love my nan so much, she's a lovely woman, she's great, and she doesn't entirely get it, she doesn't understand that's fine."
"Sibling relationships are complicated, just ask Thor, who has spent just as much time battling Loki as well as standing by his side."
"Always be nice to your brothers and sisters, guys!"
"Guys, I always thought I had daddy issues, but I'm starting to think I have mommy issues."
"It's not what your children do, it's who your children are."
"I wish I could tell my mom how truly sorry I am."
"There's something inside of us like you always want to make your father proud."
"It's actually so disgusting to see how James treats his daughter."
"Malcolm's relationship with his mother is afforded the rare opportunity to grow."
"We think we are a family we're all a close-knit little community here that supports each other."
"We can change the way that we live on the ground among ourselves in our families and with our children."
"Leia was finally able to forgive her father and let go of the hate she contained for him."
"Your calculating personality aside, you're a valuable asset with a great work ethic. That's why you're my uncle."
"Hold on to your loved ones, tell them you love them, and just try to spread more love in this world."
"Cyborg's origin, relationship with his father, and emotional journey are probably the strongest material in the film."
"I'm proud of your behavior and your brother's, too"
"We are so grateful for the relationship we have now."
"It proves that his power is misunderstood how unfair and untrue the treatment from his family has been."
"Daddy issues as you like to call them are the product of the father not the child, so do better or shut the [__] up."
"You know they're always telling you what to do what not to do and it's not conducive to a creative atmosphere just don't get it mom still trying to change me dead usually they're just trying to protect you because they love you."
"David, I want you to know that no matter what, I'll always feel it, you're my boy."
"If you find a guy who hates his mother, it's gonna be hard for you."
"I've always wanted his approval, I always wanted him to support me."
"Daddy, I'm about to prove you wrong right now."
"Behind his intimidating exterior, Kimbo was known as a very friendly, humble, and kind family man."
"A family that plays together stays together."
"Every man has a mother, has an aunt, has a sister, has a cousin, has a female in his life that should want them to be treated equally."
"I loved her first as a song about the struggle of a father to hand off his daughter to her new husband at their wedding."
"You can't respect your moms because like really and truly, for the majority of your life, they've done everything in their best ability to take care."
"They'll never tell you they're proud of you to your face but they'll let the rest of the world know."
"If there were if this guy was always a sunset you wouldn't appreciate as much or if my dad was always around I wouldn't appreciate him as much..."
"No, you're not giving up anything by taking on another father; you're actually enhancing and deepening those previous relationships."
"I spent my whole adult life trying to identify in opposition with my mom."
"Lexie is not a daughter-in-law, she is my daughter."
"I think it's really great that you're questioning and you're having the courage to confront this even in the face of all the emotional connections that you have to your religion and your god, especially as they tie in with your family."
"You're going to see echoes of your father or your mother, your sister, your brother. You have the opportunity to have with that person the best relationship with anyone you've ever had in your life."
"Ariel is traumatized into over-sheltering and even lying to her daughter Melody."
"You are not the idiot. Your dad may have turned it around now but it seems that he wasn't a good dad to you and that's a hurt that goes way deep."
"That was the very last time I ever sent a text to my dad... I still wish I would have said 'I love you.'"
"Tony sees Peter in many ways like his own father."
"He harbored resentment towards the Empire, but he was also curious to learn about what his father had been up to these past six years."
"It represents how very much like James Harry is and his constant desire to have that father figure in his life."
"King Cold did care a little bit, even though he acted like he didn't around Trunks."
"I'm emancipated from my family, Bricky, will you adopt me?"
"Some things you can't explain, man. I do believe in some type of connection with family in the sense that we can pick our friends, we can even, but like, I didn't pick my daughter. My parents were picked for me by some higher power."
"Sam's relationship with his sister is one of the coolest things about this show."
"I've been compared with my brother who's said to be The Reincarnation of Taisai."
"You've touched a part of my son that nobody's ever touched before."
"I trusted my dad, so it didn't seem like a big deal."
"Between them, they had a big and loving family."
"It is a father's nature to be the ultimate obstacle to his child."
"Even though you guys don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, they still love you."
"Hey sis, I'm really bored, do you want to come over and hang out for a bit?"
"Levi and Mikasa have the same last name...they're [__] related."
"You really have changed my life, my son looks at me in a different way than he did before."
"Britney probably needs desperately is a sense of safety and a sense of autonomy and a sense of protectedness I guess that goes with safety but not having her dad know all of her business I think will help her feel very safe."
"Harry and Kate have a very warm, affectionate relationship. Harry grew up without a sister and without a mother to a great degree, and Kate gives him a feminine perspective and a feminine touch that he really was lacking."
"Calling him Jenks nephew really does bother him, it really gets under his skin."
"I won't let you down. Normally I let my grandma down or myself, it's you you have to worry about."
"I finally appreciate how much you've done for me."
"Mother's Day is this weekend if you're in the United States, so don't forget to get something for your mom."
"Harry believes Megan is the reincarnation of Diana, whereas William has a more realistic view of their mother."
"For all the years she lived in this house with us, we were always happy with each other."
"I just want her to be cute and honest like before. She's my adorable sister, so I'm worried, but I'd be happy if she actually liked me."
"Tiny little frog has more to say: 'Me and my uncle watch these videos all the time and they bring us closer together. I now view him more as a father than my actual father.'"
"We have a relationship with our Father that's broken, that's altered, right?"
"It's hard and sucks but it's also wonderful to see them."
"Despite our disagreements, I love you like a brother."
"Seriously, that's an amazing mother's day gift especially if you have siblings. Don't put your siblings picture just yours."
"The unshakable bond between parent and child."
"He tells his father the truth. He doesn't tell him a story. He says, 'Father, I sinned.'"
"I cleaned everything for mom so she would be so happy."
"Be nice to your parents please you never know when life can unexpectedly throw you off and just something happen."
"We're all in this together, and we're just brothers and sisters."
"And he treats me better than he treats his own kids in his own family, that's how they described the treatment of the prophets lie Salam and Khadijah radi allahu ta'ala anhu with them."
"I really liked having all the different personalities represented in one family."
"I wish she could see that I'm trying to make amends."
"Ain't nobody wanna ever see your brother succeed, but he succeeded this time, I'll tell you that much."
"He was not just an employee, he was also kind of almost their son."
"Saints aren't always saints to their families."
"If one of your kids says 'I don't want you in my life,' they know you have properties, and it's not worth the money. They want you."
"The Elric brothers are technically uncles to the seven homunculi as they are actually related by blood."
"He may not have his son's courage, but this daddy is a smooth operator."
"We can't let everything go with our dad, but we just ask for your help."
"Would society be improved if we could improve father-son relationships?"
"Very layered, has to do with the wife and child of Dr. Gordon."
"Never underestimate your nana, cause they be some undercover savages."
"It's really about a mother and a son, and their relationship, and their love for one another."
"I think she deserves to have her sister back."
"The thing that I love and appreciate the most about my dad is how he communicated the gospel to me."
"Barry learns to shave because Henry has not been incarcerated."
"I always tell people, they're saying how straight twins are straight."
"He's also selfish, but in a much smaller way. Next up is Hunson Abadeer. Hunson is the father of Marceline and the ruler of the Nightosphere."
"He called me Napoleon because I had a fiery temper."
"If there's anything left unsaid, it's too short, man."
"One of the things that Dad and I have done well is we have screwed up."
"I’m really happy that I’m famous because I’m glad that people like it, I’m glad it makes people happy when they’re sad. I’m also really happy that I still have a dad."
"I've known my dad all my life, and I know when he's lying."
"Love always requires work, even with your parents."
"Hohenheim was never great with words, so through these acts of protection and defiance, he’s finally able to be whole through expressing what he feels to his boys."
"The terrible things we can do to the ones we love when we're not ourselves."
"Be good to the ones you love, eat good food, and get outside. Happy Father's Day!"
"I care what God thinks of me, what my wife thinks of me, what my four children think of me, and that's all I care about."
"Narcissistic abuse is very similar whether you've got a mother, a father, a lover, a spouse, a brother, or sister."
"We like family, we f*ck up too, and we're always gonna make up."
"I've played out a million scenarios in my head of how this will go and in every scenario, DM was either sad or angry that it took me so long to be a part of her life."
"He don't really sound like a loving father, he don't really sound like a man that's involved in his son's life at all."
"Wouldn't it be in Wendy's best interest to start facilitating some kind of relationship with her kids?"
"I know he does but he'll always qualify by like good brother."
"Gregor's serious wound from which he suffered for over a month... seemed to have reminded even his father that Gregor was a member of the family."
"There's a new beginning for those of you who want children... a new beginning with your mother or a mother archetype around you."
"Dominic, his son, he's proud of Dominic for the man that he's become."
"What a sudden change of heart, you are the best siblings ever!"
"She torments me unaware of the turmoil in my heart, the sister who has always been with me slipping away."
"I love this moment and find it very powerful considering that all Jimmy has ever wanted was Chuck's love and respect which Chuck can never give."
"Most men will only experience unconditional love from their mothers and some of us don't even get that."
"Shannon Stone was a great man and an even better father."
"He went from that to this to his father. That's a lot. That shows a lot."
"You've got two kinds of family, the family you were born with and the family that chooses you."
"Don't damage your relationship with your son over a camp in the summer."
"Isn't it so weird that we're identical? We literally have the exact same DNA."
"They're in good hands, that low class warrior and his son."
"Sophie's described as very independent, strong-willed, her mother said frustrating even, but she was so loved."
"There's always going to be a consequence. D.K. says coach is right. I'm sick, he says I'm one out of six siblings that had my dad."
"He might have been your father, but he wasn't your daddy."
"It's actually crazy, like every single one of your family, everyone's so nice."
"May have been your father, but he wasn't your daddy."
"I go, 'Yeah, he has a good dad.' It's so crazy, like, considering who his father was, that he turned out this way."
"I look forward to disappointing you like I disappoint my mother."
"This is what Haru really wanted her father to be, a good dad."
"My kitchen is a far more bearable place to be again. The smellish sausage is seeked out somewhat and my mother has scuttled back off to wherever she came from."
"You cannot have a diverse family and not let it feel like family." - Debbie
"No one really wants to inherit anything from people they love because they've lost them."
"Loki had played the long game, acting as the dutiful brother to the brash and boastful Thor, biding his time until the right plan and the right time to worm his way into the throne of Asgard."
"Son of a bitch. Little brother. Been quite a while, wouldn't you say?"
"We can't be a family. We can never be a family."
"When they passed away, all that conflict kind of like fell away and all I remembered were the good times."
"Kids don't need perfect parents, they need happy ones."
"My mom had so much grace towards me when I was in my 20s."
"What I really love about this scene more than anything else is just Superman building his son's confidence."
"Jose's just once though. Jose, such a bastard, he said, 'Thank God, thank God his dad's not Ollie.'"
"Have you ever felt disgusted with your present life and that your parents do not love you and you just want to get out of the house? I have."
"Young love: the only bright side of growing up without a father is that you at least know he never turned you into a CIA Sleeper Agent."
"He came out of my womb an old soul, an 80-year-old man."
"A respected person is someone like your parents or your grandparents, you might have a lot of respect for them."
"You never hate your brother for his sins but only for your own."
"Each secret, each unspoken thing was round and hard and heavy and cold like a stone hung around the necks of both grandmother and girl."