
Critical Moment Quotes

There are 512 quotes

"We've got to be very honest about where we are in our country right now because we are at a crossroads, and the future our children will inherit depends on how we respond."
"Oh my goodness, what a shot and what a time to come with a shot like that."
"It was now or never in terms of stopping this beast from doing any further damage to the entire Fortnite universe."
"It's really the hour of truth for the awakening of political Europe."
"They saw their hard-won freedom eroding away and this was a watershed moment. I hope they win."
"Oh my god nico's coming with this just and just just enough."
"The orange punch! Drake is wobbly, he's just hanging on by a thread."
"Wow, Bamford hit the post, oh my god, believe it, oh my god that was the moment for Patrick Bamford to win the game for Leeds United."
"We are experiencing what I'm calling the authoritarian moment."
"It's gonna pinpoint you towards this particular adjustment that you need to make in your life. This is very, very important time for you."
"A Monumental day... at the core of it is a question will the American democratic system the rule of law persist."
"It really does seem like we're on the verge of some kind of breaking apart."
"He grips the stack of files with sweaty, trembling hands as he considers the weight of this moment."
"That's the moment that happened right. It was that collection of all of the month of research before that."
"This could have been the moment where I gave up."
"I think 2024 is going to be a Breaking Point."
"How did we arrive at a moment of such peril?"
"This is the Avengers in their most desperate hour."
"One HP escape can completely catalyze a team to just charge to that finish line, the emotion, the momentum, that drive, that passion."
"Joker tells her about how easy it is for one bad day to push someone over the edge."
"Did you overstep? On is still around, chompers come in, there's the kill for Huni."
"You are watching a team mature before your eyes in the most important match of their lives."
"What happens over the next few days could alter Ukraine’s political trajectory forever."
"Will you fight for your freedom? This may be the most important fight in America."
"They will lose control of this whole conversation, I don't think they realize, they're this close right now."
"It's a fabulous finish, killer instinct right there."
"But I understand him trying to defend his wife I just wish that it would have been a moment."
"We are at an absolutely crucial juncture in terms of deciding how humanity does or doesn't progress from this point."
"It was immediately after Mr. Mortimer Tregennis had left the room. That is a very important point."
"This is the moment when the whole freaking house goes on fire."
"This is the moment of reckoning. This is the logical culmination of what Trumpism is."
"The pressure was high, I had to get it right."
"This is the moment where we've got to get everything right."
"I did it, I did it, it actually happened at a do or die moment!"
"That is the moment where Empire, if they were gonna rally back, it was with this hard point."
"Red flag and crucially Hamilton got that lap back."
"You have an opportunity to stop, and you didn't."
"At a certain point during the filming of the third season of Chappelle's Show, Dave had a moment."
"The difference between being alive or dead was a single breath."
"This is the moment that we need to do a huge transformation and change."
"Penny Hardaway got a chance to tie it up one more chance."
"The time is now. If he gets injured again or he's inconsistent again I think it's over."
"We are at an inflection point. I agree with him on that one. We certainly are."
"So let us seize this moment. It is a critical time, I feel it so deeply."
"What a reversal for Basic Becca coming in clutch when it mattered most."
"This is the most intense week of our lives."
"At the moment we needed it the most, it needed to have happened. There is no more important moment than this."
"We must find the fortitude to hang in there for just a little bit longer. We are at a critical point in this pandemic." - Dr. Rochelle Walensky
"He saved us, he saved the date there's no other way to look at it he's the savior."
"Lifeline let's lift it now unbelievable what go Sanchez with the error he tries to pass into Midfield to Gallagher rice is on it look at that."
"What a crucial intersection, Firmino restores Liverpool's lead directly after United's goal - it's 2-1, we are not giving up."
"This splendid regiment, as by a providence we may well call divine, saved us all in that moment of threatened doom."
"Lovely finish by Philippe Coutinho and we find the equalizing goal. 1-1 just before the break. We needed that one-two punch."
"This is your one opportunity to establish your side."
"It's slipping away. So this next serve has to be in."
"The next goal is gonna be absolutely crucial in this one."
"Facing elimination, LeBron scores or assists on 16 of 17 points in the fourth quarter, turning a 10-point deficit into a Heat lead."
"I'm embarrassed as an Arsenal fan... if it's not stopped, it's a very sad day for football."
"The scene was set up well, and you get that feeling that this is a point of no return."
"You need to recognize this is a pivotal moment for AMC and it's a pivotal moment for the movement."
"Now's the Time, we're at an inflection point and we need to reinforce the support for those people."
"That critical hit just won us the entire damn challenge."
"This showcase is probably the biggest case of make-it or break-it that I've ever seen."
"We have to get this right now. This is a very dangerous moment."
"The moment you can look in the mirror and be happy with what you see is the moment you're sunk."
"This is probably the crucial turn, whoever gets this turn right probably wins the game."
"It's one dude left, inside the house. I'm gonna first aid, okay? Think about this, Bolin. He just walked up the stairs to the second level."
"Oh my god saved last second blows up the other to a neutral creep."
"Everyone has a decision to make. We are at a dividing point."
"We're at an incredible turning point right now."
"An incredibly necessary play it couldn't have happened any other way for shazam there."
"She knew he could wake up at any moment and that would be the end."
"This is it, guys. It's either make epic gamer plays and turn this battle around or not lose."
"Climate change is deadly serious. We are sort of at a break glass moment."
"This is a pivotal moment in the season. We need to make sure 100%."
"Gaethje was one strike away from putting Khabib in peril."
"Akoli with a real chance to end this now. Yuzuki's in very bad shape."
"Supporting Ukraine is in our national interest, but it's a critical moment."
"Trust yourself, trust yourself, trust you. This is an important moment in time."
"Last push, guys. Last push because it's over if I can't win here with this."
"One shot can change the course of the fight."
"Biden's slow-footed response on abortion was just the latest example of a failure to meet the moment."
"It's time to change the parenting paradigm, the moment is now."
"Strength in your final hours, a light bulb moment of realization."
"SKT is in a position where they can force a fifth game, but if they falter once, they would be out of Worlds right here."
"Five minutes left... This is the biggest five minutes of your life."
"Every moment counts, Mr. Brighton. Now you must tell me what happened the night of your wife's death."
"Truman sharply tells him that Hiroshima isn't about him."
"Fish comes away with the defuse, an absolute must-have."
"That's a moment of clarity from Stefan curry big-time shot from a big-time player."
"Halo Infinite could be the make it or break it for the series."
"We're at an existential moment in which we're at this fork in the road."
"We are at a breaking point in our culture, a breaking point in our country."
"This is the most dangerous moment in human history."
"Everything rests on the edge of a knife. This is the moment I've been waiting for, Your Honor."
"The butter boys just choked their possibility at winning here."
"The stake has never been higher as the fate of the world itself and the future of each faction are to be decided on the battlefield."
"Your wound... it's bleeding. I've been waiting for this very moment."
"A bullet piercing the smoke changed absolutely everything."
"Suddenly the voice reveals that she can give him power but only once; Ariel the wind spirit enhances his body and gives him enough energy to face off the enemies."
"This goes beyond Hunter Biden they've already allowed critical to expire now for Hunter Biden this is obviously a chilling moment."
"Ray Allen hits the three, is it a three? Take a look."
"Armin confronts Annie, questioning her suspicious actions."
"The stakes for America's future couldn't be higher."
"I was frozen in fear. I snapped out of it when I heard my friend whisper to me."
"We are at a moment... that we are laying the groundwork for potentially... irreversible transformation."
"We are at a very do or die time. Either we wake up or we're going to continue to suffer."
"Joel just walking in and just not even caring and being like, 'Oh, so they're dead.' That just showcases again how he is in such a survival mode."
"This is the moment in any chop where the illumination, the panic - urgency sets in... and then that moment of relief when you realize you came off just one swing ahead of the other guy."
"The closer threat is much worse. This is an Oppenheimer moment."
"Whatever is decided in this moment will ricochet throughout the rest of your future."
"We take down all the barbarians with that fireball. That was clutch."
"This is not good, gonna break the wall. Sonic Fox is in a lot of trouble, Hotashi on the verge of being our EVO Online champion."
"Democracy is fragile. This is the moment, the fulcrum, the turning point."
"XRP either further solves this problem at scale and explodes or fades away into oblivion."
"A critical stage because the pacemakers now will be wondering when they should drop out."
"Let us get back to the main topic here: Ever Stoke 2024. It's do or die. It's make or break."
"I had no weapon, but I never paused for that."
"We need to find the energy, muster the courage, to step out and risk everything right now, right here because the country faces a moral reckoning."
"One of the best Pokemon of all time carries us through this match in such a critical moment."
"Why did she leave the boat? What prompted her specifically to leave the boat at this point?"
"If they hesitated for even a split second there, maybe there's a chance for Dom One."
"This is such an important moment in the match."
"If we lose this, we have to say goodbye to Ten Hag. This game sums up United for the last five years."
"Let's win the championship man, let's do it. It's now or never."
"The tipping point is about to happen; this is where things are beginning to turn, where the justice system is turning on the administration."
"This was a very crucial moment in this race."
"This is the moment of truth, to push it onto the thermal compound and basically press it in."
"This would be her last chance to tell the truth."
"Oh yes, Trent! Oh my days, Trent! I mean, it was a two-on-one, Alan! And the chance is probably gone, yeah, he needed to take it on himself."
"At what point do you have to say okay, there's contact happening here?"
"We are in the moment in history where crypto is either going to thrive or is going to be paralyzed here in the U.S."
"On the biggest stage in the biggest moment, he made the play of the game, that's a foxy."
"It's up to this catapult. I don't know how many times I have to say that, but it's so important."
"This is the most critical time in our human history in our financial shift in our world."
"I'm so close to the title, there is no space for mistake."
"That save by David De Gea tonight, where he claws it back at 1-1, if that goes in, do we win the game?"
"One mistake is all it took, now it's a one-goal game."
"The market right here is at a Tipping Point."
"This market right here is at a Tipping Point."
"I'm going to choose to believe your obvious bullshit because it's the right thing to do in this moment. Or because the alternative is unthinkable."
"It's a defining moment in the investigation."
"A real let off, a swing and a miss at the finish from Marquez there when he was through."
"You gotta make sure you get that last Tetris, life or death, and Huff pulled it off."
"One more flag and they literally just win the day right now."
"The fate of Berlin and the outcome of the Eastern Front hung in the balance, creating a tense and forboding atmosphere on the eve of a significant chapter."
"This is the moment of truth that we have been waiting for."
"This is Joe Biden's moment. If we stand together, this is our moment."
"When you reach the apex of this, it's going to be quick. It's going to be a bit like a bomb actually."
"This is either going to be the craziest clutch ever or the end."
"For the Emperor himself intervened at this crux point."
"The Lakers had a chance to take the series, but they blew it."
"Late one night I was sitting at my desk and look at these, these ekg strips and I'm going through them and I'm looking at them and suddenly it became very obvious."
"Kyrie would also airball the game tying shot down the stretch."
"He was one calf strike away from peril against Justin Gaethje but his response was to finish the fight like that, Rashad, like that right there."
"One mistake to potentially end the game now."
"Welcome to the real world. We cannot afford to lose this rare opportunity to right the wrongs."
"Breathe in, breathe out. Conjure the memory Jones, we won't get another chance."
"It just takes one time, it just takes one time."
"It's the best chance we've ever had. Let's not waste it."
"Oh my God, if you end if you got the Fireball off that draw, I'm just, I just can't."
"I think humankind is standing at a crossroads."
"Andy Reid says, 'No, I don't care that our season's on the line. We need you to win this football game.'"
"This is a pivotal moment in human history. We have neural link, we have genetic engineering, we have AI evolving exponentially, we have globalization, and we have zero growth in wisdom."
"This is the point of no return. Are you sure you want to kick down this door and finish your adventure?"
"America is at a crossroads... cheering on the brink of authoritarianism." - Judge Barl Howell
"This is where Harry has to show his work, this is where he has to show that he is championship material."
"These are the moments that you live for, both fighters have to bite down and find a way to get it done."
"This is for all the stongs, you know what I'm saying? Like this is where [ __ ] either happens or it doesn't happen."
"We've got one last good mix for fuzzy and he's gonna be able to do this, he's got a bar on the board, last chance, last chance."
"This is their chance, their one chance potentially as the game goes on. They got one shot."
"Captain Piche’ has one chance to land this plane. There are no do-overs, there are no go-arounds, this is it."
"This is exactly the moment to think of what a better system would be like."
"With the game on the line, that is an incredible block."
"A huge shot in the match here for Van Boning."
"The season is on the line for the Memphis Tigers."
"He's done it again. Chelsea needed a savior, and no surprise, it's the genius."
"Austin is ruined right now. And I think we're at that precipice where it's make or break."
"This is the moment of break or make, okay?"
"An important third down coming up for Florida."
"There comes a critical time in a man's life where the chorus of his entire Destiny can change in an instant."
"This is an extraordinary moment; the stakes couldn't be higher."
"Everything in life has a tipping point."
"Phenomenal lift here that's a critical moment."
"This was the most critical decision-making moment of the chase."
"She steps up in this moment, in this time, on this field off of Chelsea Wilkinson for a two-run bomb to tie up this game."
"Everything's been cooking, everything looks right, we're gonna add the shrimp now, this is the most critical part of the boil because these guys are super delicate."
"North Carolina with a critical possession here now DH is the only Tar Hill to have scored in the second half"
"The moment I come down is the critical moment of the whole experience."
"The fate of the Galaxy was hanging in the balance."
"...I think that's an inflection point."
"Now the future of the nation hung in the balance."
"We are today in the final weeks before the opening, which is of course a critical moment in the life of a museum."
"Desperate times right at the end for Manchester City."
"This is the pivotal moment of the movie where you are along for the ride or you're not."
"It was just a crazy couple of minutes that decided the game."
"The little magician has produced when they needed it most."
"There's always this moment of truth when it comes to watchmaking, and this is it."
"It's all decided here, and it's all decided now."