
Physical Ability Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"It means that he does not need to learn what to do; he just needs to learn how to do it. His body, like yours, can already do this."
"Despite her slender frame, she proves to be a formidable opponent."
"I believe I'm faster and I believe I hit harder."
"He doesn't necessarily have this one punch knockout power; it's more of an accumulation of punches."
"I have worn mail I can run jump do push-ups basically a hinders me in no way."
"Balance, coordination, and a lot of things... were like second nature."
"Senpai described nagatoro as amazing for managing to carry him with such a small body."
"Assuming that because many people can't do this means that nobody should is called the physically feeble fallacy."
"Underwater, Sanji's kicks are strong enough to crack concrete with just one kick, that's it."
"Do I think men are superior to women? No. But I think most men, on average, are stronger and tougher than women."
"The human body is capable of a lot more than we think."
"If we take physical ability out of the equation, what do you think it is that allows somebody to be great at anything?"
"He has great physical attributes and they helped him... But at the same time, the other part of the story is he is a rapid improver."
"He's a versatile player, strong and quick, he's 31 but he hasn't lost any of that strength."
"He's an absolute unit and he's got an absolute boot."
"This dude can outrun a black hole for 37 straight seconds."
"Thanks to his otherworldly reflexes, he was able to dodge at all."
"He's just wall climbing like it's nothing, the upper body strength is unreal."
"That's one of the first keys to getting power and we're all going to get at least a 90 degree turn if not more than that."
"Think about what an anomaly his Reach is, how amazing that Reach is."
"You can't judge a person by their body... clearly his punching power and his smarts were allowed him to win this fight."
"How fantastic is Keanu in his movement? He really looks like he knows martial arts."
"At one point, he was able to bench press 600 pounds. If that's not tough, I don't know what is."
"Acrobatics for sure, he's naturally quite talented at jumping around."
"He looks like a guy that guy could swivel his whole entire waist around, do a whole 180 with his waist, he looks unreal."
"His main attribute now is his aerial ability getting on the end of crosses."
"I physically can't do it guys. I can't do it."
"That's ridiculous, you can have your heel up at all times."
"My right hand is significantly stronger than my left hand because I'm right-handed."
"If I can get up and down from this position in my older years, I think I'd be doing better than somebody who can't get up off the floor."
"If he can climb up that wall he can climb trees."
"Make sure you're working on your physical ability now, don't slack off, don't be late, stay focused."
"Not only did you get some mileage out of these knees, out of these hips, out of this bod..."
"He's got the longest legs, he can jump cities, bro."
"Now at 70, we can have our hand and our arm in here comfortably."
"What I love most about you is yeah people can do stunts they can ride motorcycles and do all that sort of stuff you have the most impressive jaw Flex yeah."
"His joints worked as well as ever."
"I'm not but I can move, that's what I'm saying. Like, you look like you can still move."
"Your body can do so much more than your mind thinks it can."
"Lauren has the strength in her legs."
"She smashed through four logs in a row with the swing of her fist."
"It's better to have the functionality to be able to push yourself up out of the chair than it is to have a bunch of muscle if you're not good at using it."
"...yeah dude that's Incredible strength like incredible to be able to do that like I I can't like most people can't pick up like you know 50 pounds like that you know yeah like most strong people they have to get down like that and pick it up you know."
"that was casual I'm surprised at how much I can climb still."
"Can you twist from your shoulders?"
"I cannot believe my body is capable of moving this way."
"I mean, I can hold my entire body weight with my fingers"
"He's a freak athlete, man. You can't find too many 6'5 wide receivers run a 4-3, jump out the gym."
"McDaniel was heavier than Sorensen and there was no way he could have made it through some of the narrow restrictions that Sorensen was able to travel through."
"You're able to tap into motor recruitment of a muscle superior to everyone."
"Martin Laurello, known as the human owl, can turn his head 180 degrees."
"...he was powerful enough to pull a minivan with only a harness strapped to his body..."
"I felt like I could hop like a foot higher."
"Real strength, man, real strength. Most people can't do this."
"...once a wrestler has dynamic trunk control, now they can move very very effectively and they can be very very explosive on the mat."
"This guy is an athlete no doubt about it."
"Would you rather be able to turn your head like an owl or have a neck that telescopes up to the length of a giraffe's neck?"
"Fitness is improving your physical ability, period."
"It doesn't matter how strong you are physically; it's all about technique."
"The mental and the physical element of any elite sport athlete is so much higher than anyone else."
"Everything we do is to increase and expand what we have: our ability to move, to react, to breathe, to function, to think on our feet, and to have total mastery of our bodies."
"My natural gifts are in my hands, my feet."
"It doesn't matter how tall you are when you got the speed and agility."
"I'm physically able to clean up, I'm able to have this travel lifestyle."
"The players today are more 'athletic', jumping ability, speed, then ever."
"My body shouldn't be able to do that, that is cool though."
"I try to do as much physically as I possibly can for myself."
"Your mind tells your body what you can or can't do. It's very powerful."
"I know I was complaining about my mid-back earlier, but I am still so thankful that my body can do most of what I want it to do in the day."
"Mobility is to be able to do what you want to do with your body."
"They can definitely jump very high; they're known to jump about three meters high, which is 9 feet, and 12 meters long, which is essentially 36 feet."
"Children who grow up barefoot can jump further than kids who grew up wearing shoes."
"If you're fortunate enough to be physically able right now and you want to go do something, just go do it."
"She didn't use her arms for balance, she didn't stumble, she didn't fall, and she had great balance."
"These lifts, although heavy, take something out of most people, but we've seen some of his physical abilities are just out of this world."
"Do you really think because someone simply has a little bit of trouble doing things physically, that makes them automatically stupid?"
"Forget where your body can't do, enjoy what it can do, and progress at your own speed."