
HIV Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"The world would still be better if an awful lot more people got tested. The numbers of people walking around untested with HIV is frightening."
"There's still a lot of work to be done, but now you look at the time when HIV could possibly be eradicated and think, wow, we lived through that."
"Even though they have an undetectable viral load, it doesn't mean that they're cured from HIV or their blood's free from it, just means that it's very low where we can't detect it."
"HIV positive patients, that became HIV negative."
"The first woman cured of HIV thanks to stem cells from newborns."
"Some people can be repeatedly exposed to the HIV virus and never become infected." - Dr. Robyn Chutkin
"Scientists believe that the human immunodeficiency virus commonly known as HIV and the condition it causes AIDS originated as far back as the 1920s when HIV crossed over from primates to humans."
"HIV does not make people dangerous to know."
"HIV... is still happening right now."
"You better be careful he can block me, I can't get I can't get a hold to that [__] might have HIV he might."
"HIV came into the human population independently several times."
"My HIV results came back positive. I'm clean. Yeah, when your results are positive, it means you should have a positive outlook on life, and that you are definitely Gucci."
"It's mental. It's very much mind over matter. And dealing with stigma and dealing with, you know, how people treat people who are HIV positive, you can really put one down."
"People at risk can now take a special therapy called PrEP, which eliminates the threat of contracting HIV."
"And the U=U, or undetectable equals untransmittable, movement has given many positive individuals freedom to live and love without worry."
"People with HIV in New York City get housing, food stamps, benefits, health care."
"Early testing for HIV allows for early intervention, reducing human suffering and costs."
"Come out with let people know you have HIV before it gets broke the way you don't want to happen."
"Living with HIV is something that comes with a lot of responsibility. It comes with a lot of stigma on the outside but most of the stigma starts from inside."
"I got tested for HIV just in case, but it was negative."
"Science medicine in the industry converted HIV you know back in the 80s from a death sentence to a life sentence of taking antiretroviral therapy to suppress the virus."
"We had an HIV issue here two weeks ago, and it became negative here."
"HIV was so much less of a death sentence."
"HIV is just a piece of who we are."
"And we're currently working on a campaign for the HIV action plan so we're pushing everybody to email the chancellor to fund the HIV action plan which is to stop new cases by 2030 which is medically possible scientifically possible."
"HIV is a story of hope, the progress has been extraordinary."
"A cure isn't necessarily imminent but this anniversary is a reminder of how critical that scientific work is."
"HIV is as much a story of solidarity and community as it is of the tragedy and difficulty of the last 40 years."
"HIV is now easier to manage than living with diabetes."
"When government has a huge campaign and they aim to test millions of people it should be something that's part of the social fiber of communities of going for regular HIV testing needs to become part of that social fiber."
"But also in the broader Cold War context, it's useful to think about what else made HIV a global disease. And in this case, we should think about Cuba and its role in the Angolan Civil War and the fight for independence."
"The capacity of HIV to live inside resting memory T cells for decades has made eradicating HIV almost impossible."
"Types of HIV isolates: M-tropic, T-tropic, and their implications for vaccine design."
"Undetectable is basically the same as untransmittable."
"Lots of people can live happy, successful, fruitful lives while also being HIV positive."
"Scientists cure a female HIV patient for the first time using stem cell technology."
"She's the first confirmed cured HIV patient."
"Because while there isn't a cure, it is still possible to live a healthy life with HIV."
"I wanted folks to understand that I'm good, I'm living, and I want people to understand that HIV does not have a look."
"I think we need to talk about it, because the more comfortable we black get talking about this, the more we can eradicate stigma. If you eradicate stigma, we can eradicate HIV."
"Are we really interested in having a conversation about HIV and disclosure, or are we only interested in furthering HIV stigma?"
"The sole responsibility of disclosure should not be left to people who are living with HIV."
"Nobody gave me HIV; I contracted the virus that I am maintaining every day."
"HIV stigma is so pervasive that even porn stars who are living with HIV are terrified of sharing their status."
"This was an exciting result, that these two anti-HIV drugs actually bind quite tightly to this protein and the ones that have thought not to bind, they don't."
"...trying to develop a cure for HIV."
"Dr. Fauci's leadership made HIV treatable and potentially curable."
"Mostly remarkable is that it's been 40 years; there's still no vaccine for HIV but in less than two years we now have multiple vaccines for SARS-CoV-2."
"When we start the HIV medications soon after diagnosing and treating these opportunistic infections we give patients a mortality benefit."
"People with HIV can also get everything else that anybody else can get - so the same illnesses that cause disease in HIV uninfected can also cause disease in HIV infected people."
"This is one of the new frontiers of HIV."
"One of the cornerstones here is treating the HIV so the immune system can turn around and do its job to take care of these other infections."
"As a result of a safe and effective vaccine and curative therapy, in the year 2000 and blank, HIV was eliminated from 90 percent of the countries on earth with the promise of eradication not too far behind."
"Our work in HIV AIDS transformed this disease from a death sentence into a chronic condition."
"The day that HIV stops us from loving each other is the day that we are through as a human race."
"Despite optimal therapy, HIV may decrease life expectancy and increase many chronic diseases of aging."
"HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus."
"We've changed HIV from a death sentence into a chronic condition."
"Studies show that HIV may have jumped from chimpanzees to humans as far back as the late 1800s."
"Telling someone that they're now living with HIV is devastating."
"The great thing about the newer generation assay is it can detect HIV infection much earlier than the previous assay."
"There has never been a case of HIV transmitted by gamma globulin."
"We know that condom use can decrease the risk for HIV by 80 percent."
"People living with HIV deserve pleasure."
"The stigma surrounding HIV is so nuanced... it's more about the judgment around people's decisions in life."
"Antiretroviral therapy saves lives."
"Pre exposure prophylaxis reduces the risk of sexual transmission by over 90 percent."
"The United States and the World Health Organization have set an ambitious goal of ending HIV as a major threat by 2030."
"Even without a vaccine, we have incredibly effective methods to prevent infection."
"If the level of virus in your blood is undetectable, you virtually cannot transmit it."
"U = U, for 'Undetectable Equals Untransmissible.'"
"It took decades for effective treatment for people living with HIV... and now, of course, people living with HIV can have full, healthy, normal lives."
"She's had HIV now for many years, and she says she has never felt this good."
"HIV is a chronic condition; it's no longer the death sentence that it was."
"I made it a point of mine that if ever I was in the company of somebody who was HIV positive... I would not ostracize them."
"After 900 couples had sex more than 58,000 times, there were zero transmissions of HIV."
"The attempt to understand HIV was like a moon shot that brought us all sorts of benefits."
"We shouldn't think of this as just something for people that have HIV; we should think of this as something for all of society."
"A shocking number of straight Brits believe they can't contract HIV."
"The study underscores the importance of understanding the molecular mechanisms behind accelerated aging in HIV patients."
"The ultimate goal is to see the end of HIV in India."
"The breakthrough highlights the potential for curing HIV in older adults with blood cancers."
"The HIV virus itself targets CD4 T cells, which are particularly responsible for defending the body against atypical bacteria, fungi, and parasites."
"Carrying an undetectable viral load is actually a better protector from opportunistic infections more so than immune reconstitution in many cases."
"U equals U campaign which stands for undetectable equals untransmissible."
"Pre-exposure prophylaxis is a pill... someone who doesn't have HIV can take this to prevent them from contracting the virus."
"Comparison of HIV samples shows that the virus evolved in a very clock-like way."
"The investment into HIV research paved the way for huge advancements in vaccine development."
"We need people who are living with HIV to get these vaccines so we can make sure that it's safe for everybody."
"Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, or PrEP, is gaining widespread acceptance as a critical tool to stop the spread of HIV."
"You cannot cure HIV; you can only prevent the progression of it."
"If you believe me that HIV treatment has gotten so much better... people who are HIV infected... can lead a nearly normal length life."
"Pre-exposure prophylaxis... is this concept of taking a pill... and it prevents you from getting HIV infection."
"The clinical trial data show us that if taken every day as prescribed it's more than 90 percent protective against getting HIV infection."
"Some of the changes that have gone on in the last four years as far as how we manage patients with HIV have been really drastic."
"People are living very very long lives with HIV and not even having necessarily any infections from it."
"Let's celebrate the fact that HIV is not a crime."
"HIV is a life-changing diagnosis, and that's the reason we have to counsel our patients before and after the test to make sure they understand and are aware of their illness."
"There is no permanent cure for HIV, but taking these medications will reduce the virus count in your body to a very, very small number until a point it becomes undetectable."
"If it's undetectable, it cannot be transmitted."
"People aren't dying from HIV and AIDS like this is not a death sentence, especially in 2023."
"Y'all, they got some great HIV medications out here now, no side effects."
"That's when I became an HIV activist."
"With effective medical treatment and care, HIV can at least be controlled."
"We need to tackle HIV and AIDS not just here in our country but around the world."
"You can live a normal, long, healthy life; your life expectancy is still the same."
"We've got all the tools to stop this: condoms, PrEP, treatment as prevention."
"HIV is not a death sentence anymore."
"Universal screening recommendations since 2006 for HIV... test everybody between these ages at least once as a part of routine health care."
"We are going to discuss all these aspects of HIV infection: epidemiology, pathogenesis, and transmission, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention."
"The HIV virus doesn't really affect the neurons; it affects the support cells."
"It's very important to know more about acute HIV and to be able to diagnose acute HIV."
"There's a very strong rationale to treat all persons with acute HIV."
"It's really important to be able to make a diagnosis of acute HIV."
"The rule has allowed for the development of pioneering and life-saving HIV and cancer drugs over the past two decades."
"With antiretrovirals, these patients with HIV can live healthy lives, much better than before."
"The main problem is social stigma of HIV-infected people."
"It's incredible we have people getting transplanted with HIV disease, so things have come that far."
"There is at least one patient whose HIV was completely cured, he is so-called Berlin patient."
"Medications are so effective that the virus becomes virtually undetectable in blood."
"You can live a normal life with it, you can have babies that are HIV negative."
"I feel cured; I don't even feel like I have HIV."
"The purpose of this is to talk about things going on in the HIV cure field."
"When people talk about cure, they sometimes talk about what's called sterilizing cure."
"There's really only been one case of someone who we think has had a sterilizing cure."
"You equals you. Undetectable equals untransmittable."
"Effective treatment was found, and that radically changed our relationship to HIV."
"HIV cannot be treated in a vacuum just with anti-retroviral therapy, and poverty is closely linked to this disease."
"A fifth person is cured of HIV after stem cell transplant."
"Since 2018, he has not needed any HIV medication or treatment and has been continuously tested with no detectable signs of the HIV virus."
"I must say the government does a brilliant job in creating a comfortable environment for people who are living with HIV."
"A person living with HIV cannot transmit the virus to another person."
"We can now take an HIV infected individual... and tell them honestly that they will live likely by actuarial curves an additional 52 years."
"If you treat somebody who's HIV infected and you bring the level of virus to below detectable level in their blood, you decrease by 96% the likelihood that they will transmit their infection."
"Taking care of HIV infected individuals for over a decade... and then all of a sudden having in your hand a pill... you could tell them you can go out and live a normal life for the next 50 years."