
Layers Quotes

There are 475 quotes

"What we're doing is we're doing multiple layers because the more layers we have, the better protection we're going to have in the end to avoid the undesired outcome at the end."
"Layers are awesome, there's so much that you can do with them."
"His story will have multiple layers, outlets that normally wouldn't cover this sport would suddenly be covering it."
"The more layers there are, the more rich and full the experience becomes."
"So there's no reason you can't also have more than one of these per layer."
"Teacher versus student battle, look at this, another layer of the onion."
"There are so many layers to this thing that I had to split this video into layers too."
"There's levels to music, and then there's levels on top of levels."
"And after you apply the case so layer each one also gets a salsa layer 60 grams."
"This whole style of painting is just all about kind of layers."
"I just love how a story like that always has to have layers."
"That's the miraculous thing about lasagna, it has layers."
"You are uncovering many layers for yourself and as you're doing that for yourself, people are mesmerized by you."
"It is not about one instance... it's multiple layered problems that come together."
"Layered window treatments... have blinds, they have roller shades, they have blackouts, they have sheers, there's layers to the windows."
"There's no longer an emptiness, just layers of experience, good or bad."
"You're always changing and there's these beautiful layers that this person continues to pull back."
"Ogres have layers, onions have layers, you get it?"
"I always like movies that have multiple layers."
"That's what's going to make an end product that you're really going to be happy with."
"When you're working with layers, you're always looking from the top down."
"Another solution to this problem would be to combine all of this animation and all of these layers into a single symbol."
"Remember, the network stack is its own layer, and then the transport layer, the TCP, is above that, and that format doesn't change."
"Wear loose clothing and bring a lot of layers."
"The network is comprised of three convolutional layers and two fully connected layers."
"Every layer builds it up, makes it something special."
"It's more than just chocolate, this has got incredible layers that are in abundance."
"...Mulholland Drive is an incredible watch for many reasons and even though to some of you it will seem like a crappy movie at first, there are so many layers to Mulholland Drive that can be uncovered..."
"Nothing's ever mixed, nothing's ever buried. It's just layered. It's so simple."
"...but guys, there's a limitation: the maximum number of layers that you can add in Google my maps is limited to 10."
"...the maximum number of layers that you can add in Google my maps is limited to 10."
"...so that's something to keep in mind but I think 10 layers would be quite sufficient for us especially considering what we are going to do and considering what most of you guys potentially might be doing with this free mapping web application."
"Layers upon layers upon layers of stuff."
"There's more that meets the eye, the layers that make us unique and the good that goes underappreciated by our peers ever so often."
"There's an amazing guy underneath all those layers."
"I just added a blend mode to the layer that was below the other layer I just did it to and then we'll just see what does that do."
"Very potent, even though the scene with Viseris is very tender, there is an abusive layer to that as well."
"There's a lot of layers to a character in One Piece, specifically like a major character like the Yonko and the Warlords and everything like that, but he does this with the Admirals too where they're like ogres, they have layers."
"Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security beyond just username and password."
"A computer can be cut into four main layers: hardware, operating system, software, and users. The hardware layer is made up of the physical components of a computer, like laptops, phones, monitors, keyboards, you get the idea."
"The layers of Shunsui's character."
"Unlike Final Cut where you have your main storyline, in Premiere, you still have multiple layers and tracks."
"Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. I mean everybody has layers."
"It somehow really truly looks like my skin but gorgeously blushy."
"It's just so cool that you can see through like so many layers."
"Don't judge a book by its cover, everybody has layers."
"You're always only one layer away from magic."
"He's got layers upon layers upon layers to his character."
"You know ogres are like onions, they have layers."
"There's backstory and then the backstory has backstory."
"The nice and I guess fortunate thing about happiness is that it's multi-layered, meaning there are many elements to happiness and we can enter happiness through different channels, through different elements."
"This place has a lot of layers of history that are really reflective of American history in general."
"There's so many layers that can be unraveled in these short horror stories."
"Built on these three layers: personal, cultural, and archetypal."
"Bad guy builds interest through the use of layers."
"Layers on top of layers, that's how you make a perfect sauce."
"...pick a purpose that can have more fulfillment and multiple layers to it."
"This is definitely a trail that if you're doing this in the fall you're going to want to bring layers."
"I like understanding many layers below the level I'm working at."
"I wonder how much has been layered on top of a fundamental law which is neediness is unattractive."
"This heart-shaped flower is also the color purple, which is red and blue together, because you should never settle for one layer of obvious symbolism when you can beat the audience over the head with two."
"All the distinct layers, you can see."
"That dessert got layers, it's one of the world's wonders."
"Ogres are like onions. They stink? Yes. No. Oh, they make you cry? No. Oh, you leave them out in the sun, they get all brown, start sproutin' little white hairs? No. Layers. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. Onions have layers. You get it? We both have layers."
"You are an onion. That's the moral of the story."
"There's three different layers really that you can work through, depending which particular species you want."
"You want to make sure you're flavoring every layer."
"To have a long successful career, you need layers."
"It's like the leak is like an onion."
"Each layer has a different type of products in it, and so we're going to see all the new things that we can find."
"There's so many layers to you, you know, it's like pulling out a thread from a ball of yarn or peeling an onion, where there's so many layers to you."
"Any other questions? So, how many layers do you typically do? It depends on what I'm painting."
"Peel back one layer of fantasy, and you found another layer of self-deception. It was layers all the way down."
"It's a layered casserole of sweet plantains picadillo beef topped with a Dom cheese."
"This Japanese omelet... it's kind of like that with an egg how many layers there are."
"Do you remember like Spy Kids? Peel back the layers, I can take it to off the onion."
"Dream within a dream. Dream within a dream. I see, they're going to have to plant an idea instead of steal one."
"It takes what was like such a great original beautifully animated film and then adds so many layers up on top of it."
"Adding layers to your outfit can update your look and make you look stylish."
"It's like how many layers of paint is this? 14-layer paint."
"Makeup is layers. Those makeup looks you're seeing have layers of product."
"To quote Shrek, they're like an onion, and onions have layers."
"There's layers and layers and layers."
"The trick is just to not overdo it; you go through this process and you build these layers so you can have this dimension to it."
"I want to give depth, so let's think about this set as layers."
"Layers and depth, that's the key word."
"It's like an onion or an ogre, I guess."
"Deep learning, it's called deep learning because you can stack the layers of a neural network much, much deeper and still get good results out of it."
"The Divine Comedy was so layered with meaning that early print editions included lengthy explanatory texts."
"Music can have so many multiple layers of meaning. It can be dark and light at the same time. It can hold contradictions in itself if that makes sense."
"A router is a layer 3 device because IP addresses are at the layer 3 of The OSI model."
"You've just got so many layers that you're going to have a nice smooth surface."
"It's a bit like inception, a dream within a dream."
"That's really nice. Oh, there's so many layers to that."
"Just look at the layers of the mountains."
"You have many layers of truth to discover. This connection goes extremely deep."
"Even hardcore underground Satanism, if you know about it, it's a surface level. But there's three different layers into that, and they correspond to three demonic levels as well."
"Oh my god, look at the layers, yeah, wow."
"You know what layers are. How do we have some more dynamic control? Well, let's start with some basic materials."
"Great use of subtle layers coming in that just take everything and bring it up and then another layer comes in and it's just adding to this buildup and that bass tone chugging underneath is what's really the foundation of it all."
"I love the bake, the bake is like a nice fluffy bread, lots of layers."
"Security is like an onion, there's multiple layers and crowdsec definitely gives us a really awesome layer to benefit from and I highly recommend that you make it part of your security toolbox."
"The sudden and mysterious dismissal of her brother's tutor added layers to an already convoluted puzzle."
"The song starts out pretty calm with clean guitars. Just when you think you're safe, bam, bring out the 15 layers of guitars."
"And then we had to differentiate the way people dressed in the urban environment in the city and the way people dressed in the carnival and we used layers. We had people in leather jackets, we had people in denim jackets, we had women in working clothes."
"It's like two layers of rhinestones."
"There's a lot of layers that are happening here but it is all just these guys that have made these layers up together."
"I love the honey, love all the little layers, right?"
"It's the ultimate tutorial on layers in Photoshop."
"Every time you name a layer, a puppy gets a belly scratch."
"Layers are powerful and versatile tools that make digital art highly appealing to both artists and clients."
"Shrek is like an amazing example of something that's clearly made for kids, but there are so many different layers to the things they say and the humor they use that it's so appealing to everybody."
"I'm actually cooking here, but so many layers on right now."
"Channel all of the Chic all of the black all of the Just interesting layers and fun."
"...adding layers you can see we've got a lot lot of layers going on and I love the way this turned out."
"You are like the shiny gold crystal that's how they find you, okay? Shiny and pretty, but they find beautiful things about you in each layer of your personality and your soul."
"The whole concept of two-factor authentication is there's two fences the bad guy needs to cross over in order to actually get into your account."
"It's nice to have some subtle under layers just to take the starkness away."
"Deep learning is a neural network that has three or more hidden layers."
"Data flows down as it flows down, it's called encapsulation."
"It gets de-encapsulated as it goes up and reaches whichever layer it's intended for."
"This is just the base coat and we are going to be painting over it with many other layers."
"That's what you want to see, you want to see all the layers, you want to see that good cinnamon, beautiful."
"Working with Keras, you just add layers on, remember those hidden layers we're talking about?"
"The foundation: understanding the different layers of communication."
"Resilience is something that happens in layers; it's not just in individuals. You also need to look at the team, organizational, and societal dimensions of resilience as well."
"This cake has four delicious layers and three layers of icing, each one a different flavor."
"Oops, I forgot the sunglasses layer. Well, then I do these things with this layer as well."
"To me, Catwoman was layered in this movie. She wasn't just some scarred woman. There were still layers that we could still pull back on Selena Kyle."
"It’s just this endless do loop of not approaching the solution from the base layer, but just kind of building these layers and layers of insanity on top of each other that don’t actually address the root problem."
"Definitely the key to late summer early fall in New Mexico at least in Taos is dress in layers because the days can start in the 50s get up to the 80s and drop back down to the low 50s again."
"I always described you as an onion, lots of layers, so we'll try and peel back a few today, should we?"
"The layers, story within a story within a story within a story within a story."
"I'm just doing two layers, you can absolutely do that, I'm just not doing that for this one."
"...you're creating surface layers."
"The layers flowing throughout the sides to keep that movement going all through the hair and the back blending in great."
"The Friendship Onion, because it's layered, was very good."
"Humans are like ogres who are like onions, we all have layers."
"Every layer of Legend has revealed another layer."
"You can create wild effects with text and other layers by using the same element over and over and stacking it and repositioning it and applying effects to those layers."
"Neural networks have multiple layers which capture interactions between features."
"Perfect layer of caramel and a perfect layer of chocolate ganache."
"I gave myself several layers of security there."
"I tweak some of the grass layers and then proceed by loading in a biome from the Moss buying pack onto the stone wall. This instantly gives me a preset with several layers that I can then tweak."
"Great success! The beer has so many layers in it."
"I like layers upon layers upon layers."
"Second bite, third fourth bite just as good as the first and that wonderful cake over there in all its magnificent layers looks really intriguing and I think we need to find out what exactly those layers are."
"Bring those layers and be prepared for a change of weather."
"It's colorful, it's just fun, it has the action, it's got layers, especially once you get into like Volume 2 and stuff so it's just great. It really is just all right."
"Applying security all layers which is a defense in-depth approach."
"We apply security at multiple layers."
"Understanding comes in layers; often, we need multiple points of information before truly grasping something."
"When the layers are there and the layer inside of that and then a joke hits, it makes that scene, it elevates that scene more."
"It allows you to look at security throughout the layers of security, in the layers of security."
"I like building layers of flavor and lasagna is exactly that. Layers of flavor."
"Deep learning is a subset of machine learning, where you use the concept of layers to perform tasks."
"Anything we add to this new layer will only add things within the confines and the shapes of the layer underneath."
"This layer has two sub layers, one's called The Logical layer and the other one's called the Mac layer, the media Access Control layer, and it's linking the physical world with the logical world."
"It's quite the project and it's all about layers, many many layers."
"Once you start to peel back the layers, it's an incredible business, oh unbelievable."
"The layer RGBA node is limited to eight layers in total."
"What I have learned is it's multi-layered, you know, it's like knowing what is true for you."
"It's very tempting to think about what uh High Consciousness would look like something that is able to reflect itself at more layers simultaneously and that sees superpositions of States."
"Transparent paint means that everything underneath will still be showing through."
"Layers are an essential element. Understanding layers will help you achieve your Creative Vision."
"Security and layers the more defenses that we have up... the better off we're probably going to be."
"Layers will help take your creativity to a whole new level."
"Layer masks will take your creativity to a whole new level to help you achieve your Creative Vision."
"Security is about security in layers... the more layers that we have the more defenses that we have up."
"If you're really concerned about security... security and layers."
"I opened that onion and I was like, 'Oh, a layer, and another layer, and another layer.'"
"Let's talk about layers and find out which program handles layers better."
"Those freaking layers, oh my gosh."
"Each layer in the pyramid is equally important. You're leveraging the advantages of one layer to compensate for trade-offs in others to produce a holistic automated testing environment."
"Layers by their most basic definition are transparency stacked on top of one another."
"...a patina paint job for me is all about layers which order you're doing which layer and then different procedures and whatnot so we are always building off the layer that was there before."
"It's really easy, it's approachable but it's still got a lot of flavor layers going on."
"Oh wow, there's layers, man. It feels fresher."
"This project, like everything else, is layered."
"It's like an onion, it'll make you cry."
"Fewer layers on the skin are better."
"Chocolate vanilla strawberry cake in layers just like me."
"It's all about layers. The more layers you got to that onion, the fatter and juicier it looks. And that's what it is, wanna bite you when you take the bite, it's gonna be extra juicy."
"Ogres are like onions, they have layers."
"Look at the layers, lots of layers in your shots, it's gorgeous."
"...a lot of times people give up too early is that they're not painting enough layers, they're not spending enough time on a piece of work to do enough renderings to make it look great."
"I like using the glass bowl because you can see the different layers and you know what kind of salad it is when you look at it."
"Creating lots of layers that kind of is an abstraction perhaps of a landscape."
"...when we paint in layers there's nothing you can't correct, there's nothing you can't change."
"It's important to see that it's about the layers here that create such a beautiful saturated painting."
"It doesn't matter if you did more layers than me. If I were doing this for myself I probably would spend a lot longer on it and just layer after layer after layer. I'm not afraid of a million and a half layers and you shouldn't be either."
"It's one of those things where you may want to purposefully work with very thick layers that way you don't have to go back over it myriad of times."
"If you just keep adding the layers, what happens is eventually the painting just shows up."
"There's layers to this [ __ ] that slap wasn't just because of Jada's hair it wasn't just because of that it was because this man has been disrespecting them and their marriage for years."
"It definitely has a lot of layers to it."
"The more layers I have on here the more vibrant it's going to look."
"Every scene has layers, just like life."
"This is how she came, tons of volume as you can see here, all the layers."
"Dreams within dreams are like nesting dolls of terror, each layer more unsettling than the last."
"Mixing contrast together... creates layers that are very relaxing but very interesting."