
RNA Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"The central dogma of molecular biology is that DNA goes to RNA, RNA goes to protein."
"Recent findings in biochemistry suggest that the generation of RNA requires the presence of water, the right chemicals, all percolating through volcanic glasses."
"The RNA world hypothesis does not represent an example of convergent evolution, rather the potential start of it."
"I think the best example that we were talking about it earlier is this new RNA targeting CRISPR so instead of cutting DNA it targets RNA."
"RNA might have played both roles as a genetic molecule as well as a catalytic molecule."
"This three-stranded structure is a really interesting way that RNAs can diversify the recognition of a central strand."
"TruSeq RNA Pan Cancer targets cancer-related RNA transcripts."
"We like to think that the linked RNA could be a driver of evolutionary innovation in gene regulation."
"RNA turnover: sculpting the transcriptome."
"RNA binding proteins: navigators of mRNA transport."
"She has made several discoveries, including... that the non-coding RNA could actually bind to the DNA and regulate gene expression in a very important gene."
"RNA plays both roles as a genetic molecule and a functional molecule."
"As soon as you have a random sequence of RNA in a growing protocell world, then we've got information and meaning."
"The seven kinds of RNA and this idea that mRNA has to be engaged by host ribosomes can be used to unify all of the viruses on the planet."
"If you keep doing this, and you go through cycle after cycle after cycle of extending primers, after a while what you'll have are oligonucleotides that are basically pure, modern RNA."
"Exist RNA spreads over the entire X chromosome until it essentially covers the entire 166 mega base chromosome."
"These long non-coding RNAs have lots of positive and negative effects on virus reproduction."
"One gene can often be read in many different ways, giving rise to many different strands of RNA."
"RNA, composed of bases (adenine, uracil, guanine, cytosine), sugar molecules, and phosphate molecules, carries genetic information, usually in a single-stranded form, but can fold into a double helix."
"RNA clearly is extremely important in regulating controlling genes that have something to do with development."
"RNA plays important regulatory and catalytic roles in biology, and so it's important to understand its function."
"Positive-sense RNA can be directly translated into protein."
"DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid and RNA stands for ribonucleic acid."
"The current leading hypothesis is that RNA was the first genetic material over DNA."
"RNA carries out genetic instruction for synthesizing proteins."
"We like to think of RNA as just a messenger on the way to protein, but in fact, RNA itself can be extremely complex in its functions."
"RNA velocity is just a measure of the unspliced to spliced reads."
"We can infer time from it; right after transcription, RNA is unspliced, then eventually, after some amount of time, the RNA becomes spliced."
"These particular dots indicate that this gene is expressed -- at least at the RNA level -- within these different tissues."
"As soon as the capsid is made and the RNA is put in it, along with a molecule of reverse transcriptase, these particles begin reverse transcribing."
"Depending on where reverse transcription occurs can determine whether you are a DNA containing virus or an RNA containing virus."
"In transcription, we're going to go from the language of DNA to the language of RNA."
"RNA is ribonucleic acid, and its job is to transfer genetic information from DNA to ribosomes."
"We have made RNA under the conditions of wet-dry cycling in volcanic freshwater pools."
"DNA functions in the information storage and RNA functions as information retrieval."
"All RNAs require capping except tRNA."
"That RNA can actually come back and influence the DNA and tell it what to do."
"It actually serves to regulate the messenger RNA that's going to build a protein."
"The non-coding genome is riddled with RNA."
"RNA is one of the most devious, reclusive molecules there is known; it doesn't follow any rules, it always blows our mind, it does weird things."
"An oligoribonucleotide is a very short chain of RNA, that's it."
"Once we have large enough RNA molecules, that will allow us to develop enzymes."
"The great thing about RNA is, essentially it means you can create a protein, then that protein will essentially float off and do whatever it's got to do."
"The studies we have indicate that RNA was probably what allowed us to get over this enzyme problem."
"RNA is a beautiful fix to our enzyme problem."
"The bigger your piece of RNA is, the bigger the polymer it can produce."
"Natural selection will allow cells with new and more advanced pieces of RNA to become dominant."
"From the discovery of RNA, we have come a long way."
"This RNA has the same base composition as the phage DNA."
"We can extract biologic samples, for example RNAs from healthy individual and cancerous tissue."
"The RNA is translated into protein."
"The only type of RNA that contains genetic info that is translatable to proteins is mRNA."
"The magic of RNA, from CRISPR to coronavirus vaccines."
"RNA was not restricted to being a passive carrier of genetic information but could have an active role in cellular metabolism."
"Perhaps the first self-producing system consisted of RNA alone."
"This discovery of self-splicing RNA provided the first exception to the long-held belief that biological reactions are always catalyzed by proteins."
"RNA is a molecule much used in life, and at the moment famous because of the vaccines being developed for COVID."
"The primary role of RNA is to deliver the genetic information necessary for the building of proteins from the nucleus to the ribosome."
"Ribozymes are RNA molecules with catalytic function."
"We have RNA creating itself, creating DNA, DNA replicating with mutations, generating new information, no place for a god there."
"RNA sequencing... is most powerful in telling you what exons cells are actually using."
"Why do we need RNA?... it's an amplifier since you have just one copy of the DNA but you have 10 or 100 copies of the messenger RNA."
"RNA is made in a cell-free process; it's made enzymatically."
"The end result of transcription is not double stranded DNA, it's single stranded RNA where the RNA that's produced is called messenger RNA."
"RNA molecules are definitely a key part of the gene expression."
"The process of creating a protein from the RNA instructions is called translation."
"DNA and RNA are similar; they have a base, and these bases can vary."
"This was the first demonstration that RNA could be genetic material."
"The RNA can be translated as soon as it gets into the cell."
"The RNA is circularized; it's very interesting."
"These two new medical therapies that I mentioned are based on interfering with the biology of RNA."
"Reverse transcriptase is able to take single stranded messenger RNA and make DNA out of it."
"Assuming the key problem is solved, we still need to understand how RNA was replicated within the first primitive cells."
"The interval... from the time that RNA appears through 6 months after infection has clinical significance."
"RNA was shown to be a genetic material, so that was a big deal."
"RNA is essential to protein synthesis with DNA but RNA by itself is capable of both storing information and acting as a catalyst for protein synthesis."
"The very first biopolymer to emerge on this planet might have been RNA."
"RNA is an amazingly capable molecule."
"Splicing is a process whereby portions of an RNA are removed and the pieces that are left are joined together."
"RNA seems to be that important step for the origin of life on any planet."