
Process Optimization Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"A professional with a Six Sigma black belt first identifies the pain areas in the followed process, then uses different tools and data formats to arrive at an optimum solution, implements the agreed strategy, and, most importantly, monitors the changes."
"The best part is no part or the best process is no process."
"It's not about optimizing a particular trade; it's about optimizing the process. Over the long term, that process yields the results."
"Having a systematic process that's basically repeatable."
"My process is just that, my process. It works well for me, but if you think you have a better way of doing something, feel free to try it out and experiment."
"We need to properly manage sifting and shifting."
"Success is a process of eliminating what does not work, learning what does work, and improving what is already working to work even better."
"It's about going back to these columns. And you continually make it better, gradual improvement."
"Cutting out inefficiencies anywhere is difficult to argue with."
"We're really focusing on trying to make those iteration things less painful."
"I'm simply sharing my journey. There are better designers and engineers out there who you can learn from. Just pick up what you need, leave what you don't, find the process that works for you."
"Templates are the best way to duplicate results in modeling."
"Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut until you can get to the place where there's nothing else that you can remove and still have an awesome product."
"Delete, simplify, accelerate, automate. So don't put those things out of order, don't try to accelerate or automate before you've figured out the other stuff first."
"Buffers absorb the variance between stages and increase throughput and utilization."
"Best part is no part, best process is no process."
"You've made a process of everything that has to get done, and then you can delegate those steps to somebody else."
"Have good equipment, have good ingredients, and fine-tune your process."
"Lean is about streamlining your process, making it better, making it more efficient, and making sure you're not wasting time, resources, or money."
"Stable diffusion gives you the freedom to tweak every part of the process, from inputs to image references."
"I hope it's clear how examining the dross and lag lines can help determine whether to increase or decrease the cut speed."
"Every process should create value and this is a rather critical thing because we have processes that we engage in unfortunately sometimes that don't actually produce much value and we not may not be aware of it."
"We don't have to build the bed of nails, we don't have to write the software, we don't have to. So it takes weeks or a month out of the process, it can save the money for it because those gold-plated contacts cost a lot of money and it's the labor too."
"Continuous improvements help you identify issues, reduce errors, and optimize processes."
"Your data really does tell your story. It is kind of a heartbeat of your operation and if you use the data in the right way you can figure out more about your process than you knew before."
"It's really taking that data from your process equipment in your control system and turning it into information that the business side use to make decisions."
"We can increase the review process speed and still increase the feedback value."
"A Six Sigma process eliminates the root cause of problems and defects."
"So we need to be able to automate every part of the process whether it's the data collection the migration itself reporting and even things like watching whether the processes are finishing on time and reconciliation and so on all of that can be easily automated in clover."
"Not only did it save us money, it also simplified a number of complex processes."
"It's not always about just making it as efficient as possible or as quick as possible."
"The most successful teams always find ways to make the best of every part of the process."
"Are you more interested in process design optimization or the functionality of a product like designing, manufacturing, and assembling a Tesla Model X or iPhone 15?"
"Let's discuss how to optimize your processes and increase efficiency."
"We did this swap in under 20 hours, we have an amazing team, an amazing set of parts, and a well thought through process."
"Process optimization engineer is also another very common one."
"Welcome to Activated Sludge. Today we're going to cover the basics, variables, microorganisms, and some other little tips that will help you on your process better."
"Process mining is going to be a central technology to see life all the processes in an enterprise."
"Thinking about how we streamline a patient experience through sophisticated and complex processes that are engineered for safety."
"The principle of diminishing returns where the first phases of a process are simple and inexpensive and painless and the last phases of the process are complicated, costly, and difficult."
"You have to take a more customer-centric point of view and actually optimize the flow for your end-to-end value stream."
"At X-ray, we help companies streamline their processes with no code and low code workflow automation."
"My only real concern is that I don't want to raise the temperature too quickly."
"We systematized the process for removing a swimming pool."
"FeatureCAM automatically determines the rough and finish operations, selects all of your tools, calculates your feeds and speeds, and determines the step overs and step downs for each tool."
"Make sure you're not duplicating steps, make sure you're not handling the material twice."
"Standardized process for continuous improvement actually means looking at how we do things, there is a better way and a best way."
"Evaporation is required when we need to prepare the feed for next unit operation such as drying and crystallization."
"If I save only half a second for an operation that I'm doing 3,000 times during the day, I'm gonna save almost half an hour of time."
"Keep your processes as light as possible so that the PMO is viewed more as an enabler rather than bureaucratic."
"At the very basis, at least map out your business processes approval processes and how you would want to automate your approvals, and that will save you time and effort."
"You cannot inspect quality into a product; they have to design the whole product production process so that quality happens naturally."
"We took the setup time from 45 minutes to 5 minutes."
"In ten years from now, everything that is a process will be done by an AI."
"We're trying to make sure their process is as smooth as it can be."
"You're trying to find enough data to build the repeatable and scalable sales process."
"If you spend a little bit of time and get this process right, it will really work for you and your customer."
"Continuous improvement is a concept of constantly looking for ways to improve a process and eliminate waste."
"Design the process global first and then localizing them."
"I lost a lot of money until I started to trade this way, and this way for me was to calm down the process into a repeatable rinse and repeat formula."
"If we can put the right systems and processes in place, we can actually break through to the stage that I call 'predictable success'."
"Consumers are more and more demanding, and we need not only to satisfy their requirements but also to ensure that our processes are effective."
"Helps teams simplify complex processes and collaborate in real time."
"The power of design of experiments lies in its ability to identify the limits and constraints of a process, leading to enhanced results."
"It will help in a much more stronger workflow, process flow, and a flow of data between various users."
"The objectives of experimental design are process characterization, process control, process optimization, and robustness check."
"You've got one process running multiple instances which is optimal, that's really where you want to go for that kind of thing."
"This just really shows the benefit of being able to simulate the tool paths and correct them here in the software before we machine our parts, saving us time and material."
"Job scheduling, yeah, like say you have an assembly line and this represents painting the car and this represents putting the engine in."