
Mortgage Quotes

There are 267 quotes

"If you can actually buy a home and pay two and a half percent mortgage interest for the next 30 years, that's a pretty good idea."
"90% of American homebuyers finance their home purchase with a thirty-year fixed rate mortgage."
"Two thousand dollars would mean I wouldn't have to worry about making my mortgage payment this month and that I could get my medication."
"Paying off your mortgage solves a lot of problems. It's a great goal."
"When you pass 45, you really should try and have your mortgage paid off because you have to be in the gathering mode."
"This mortgage loan does not have a credit score requirement and this loan does not require you to come up with closing costs."
"If you're watching this and you got a three percent mortgage and you have no plans to move for the next decade plus, I wouldn't sweat it too much."
"We're trying to teach people how to better evaluate the products that they have in their house, like their home equity line of credit or their mortgage or their car loan."
"Smart to pay off your house as soon as possible."
"The faster you can get out of paying your mortgage the faster you can build wealth."
"Myth: I'll take out a 30-year mortgage and I promise to pay it like a 15."
"You don't have to make a shitload of money to qualify for a one million dollar mortgage if you making eight hundred thousand dollars a year you can qualify for a million dollar mortgage."
"Refinancing your mortgage can save you tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars over the life of your mortgage."
"If you see interest rates drop one percent or more then it will make sense and will be profitable for you to refinance your mortgage."
"This mortgage crisis could be a hundred times worse than the 2008 financial crisis."
"Rocket Mortgage describes itself in this way: if you don't have the patience for banks and want a fast, convenient way to see your mortgage options, you should give Rocket Mortgage a try."
"I'm gonna show you today how you can legally, morally, and ethically pay off all of your debt, even a 30-year mortgage, in a fraction of the time."
"There really isn't a worst magic investment."
"I paid off the 30-year mortgage in 13 or 14 years."
"I ask you something when we see rates being artificially lowered to the point where a 30-year fixed rate mortgage was available at 2.74% that's like free money never been seen before right."
"Blueprint to pay off your mortgage in 5 years."
"What I want to do in this video is explain what a mortgage is."
"The monthly mortgage payment that it takes to buy a typical home in the United States is now up by 55 percent compared from the start of last year."
"So essentially by putting this 180,000 pounds into the mortgage through a down payment you're getting a 10 rate of return every year."
"Cash out refinance: unlocking profit without the taxman's grasp."
"The people of America under this constitution will no longer be debt slaves, you will be able to pay off your mortgage in 10 or 15 years instead of 30."
"If you want to lock in mortgage rates sooner rather than later, my one piece of advice is just make sure you shop around."
"Mortgage rates, car loan, people did a lot of refinancing because rates were so low."
"People are not going to be able to afford the down payments that are necessary to get the cheap money moving forward."
"It's actually fraud right and the reason why people do that is because they want to get past that down payment portion."
"Literally you are becoming wealthier every time you pay down the mortgage."
"What are they complaining about? If they've been paying off their mortgage, it's not like they're getting negative equity, is it?"
"When you buy and you put the house on a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage, you basically have a forced savings plan."
"Good news day, I paid off my mortgage today."
"The faster you overpay your mortgage, the sooner you will become debt-free, and that is a feeling that is hard to put a value on."
"The government wants you to shop for a mortgage; that's how you're going to save the most money moving forward."
"A life without mortgage stress is an attractive prospect."
"Paying off the mortgage is now looking more attractive as a choice."
"The trick is going to be, if some of these rules change, we'll have to shrink our mortgages on balance sheet."
"TILA disclosures: BRAWL-CCT: Balloon Notes, Right to Rescission, ARM Disclosure, When Your Home is on the Line, Loan Estimate, CHARM Booklets, Closing Disclosure, and Transfer of Mortgage."
"Bi-weekly mortgage payments mean you're making two extra payments a year."
"High price mortgage loan requirements: APR exceeds the APOR by more than 1.5 for regular loans, 3.5 for jumbo or subordinate loans."
"So, don't think that if I get multiple inquiries for something like a mortgage that every single one is going to chip away at your credit report or your credit score because it will not do that."
"Having a mortgage lender that can walk you through and give you some really solid mortgage advice not just now but in the future will be worth paying just a little bit more."
"VA is one of the only mainstream loan products that actually takes residual income into account."
"It's just going to be so much better compared to anything else out there especially because you can't probably qualify for a conventional loan without any history."
"When you don't have a home payment, do you know how freaking rich you're going to be?"
"A prepayment penalty clause is just a clause that states that a lender can penalize a borrower if the borrower pays off the mortgage much sooner than usual."
"It's to pay off your mortgage, Dad."
"Mortgage brokers have access to multiple lenders."
"PITI stands for principal, interest, tax, and insurance."
"What are you kidding me? So do you have any idea what the mortgage is? It's two thousand five hundred dollars a month!"
"Never buy a house on more than a 15-year mortgage."
"What happens to your mortgage if you put an extra $1,000 a month?"
"Whenever you see a video that says, 'Hey, here's a secret, with this much money, you can have your house paid off in 15 years,' yeah that's true, you could do that."
"Is it better to pay off a mortgage or invest your money instead?"
"Just because you're not 9 to 5 doesn't mean you cannot get a mortgage."
"What security devices do and what the mortgage allows a lender to do is say okay well once you default on the loan it's not the end of the world for me."
"...for those people 760 and up, no, don't wait to increase your credit to go buy a house, like you already qualify for the best mortgage that the industry provides."
"A 30-year fix is always the safest route because your interest rate will never change and your payment will never change."
"The equitable right of redemption allows the mortgagor in default to pay the entire balance due and keep the property from being foreclosed."
"Fannie Mae's main purpose is to buy mortgages and notes from primary lenders so money remains in circulation."
"Paying off your mortgage early, you may be eliminating tens of thousands of dollars, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars that you would be paying the bank in interest."
"Christian is the miracle-maker. We call him the mortgage messiah."
"...so in essence what's happening is whoever your loan officer is is creating the loan package and then delivering that to the person who's gonna fund it."
"An adjustable rate mortgage frees lenders from being locked into fixed interest rates for the entire life of the loan."
"Nearly 90 percent of homeowners out there on the market have an interest rate below five percent."
"Lenders want your DTI, including your mortgage payment, to be below 43."
"If you are receiving child support each month, that is an income source and can be used for qualifying for a mortgage."
"Now, most of the time the lender isn't going to make that public to the buyers. But if you ask your loan officer and just say, hey, how long do you think this is going to be in underwriting for."
"If you can make more money and owe less money, you can be approved to buy more house."
"So imagine $100,000 that you're paying off every eight to 10 months how fast your mortgage is going to be gone."
"It's possible in many situations where you can obtain a loan that's still a 30-year fixed loan that has a higher interest rate but because it has no monthly mortgage insurance, your monthly payment will actually be lower."
"Having a mortgage is a bit different from regular consumer debt because through that house purchase, you actually have the possibility to build equity in your home."
"...James just reminded me that I can't be 55 60 years old still with a mortgage payment..."
"I'm paying off my mortgage, investing in the stock market, and other businesses."
"Buying a home is one of the biggest decisions of your life. You need a partner like Churchill Mortgage."
"With this monthly mortgage payment because it accrues monthly you don't gain anything by paying on the first of every month as opposed to paying on the 10th of the month or the fifteenth of the month it actually doesn't make a difference."
"If you do this, you will knock nine years off your mortgage and save $232,000 in interest."
"We don't just hand you off to a lender and say good luck, hope it closes. I mean, we are part of the process until the very end."
"...if you're watching this video right now and you're in a 30-year loan, man, you're overpaying your single biggest bill, and you may not even realize it."
"This construction loan is not cheap and I need to finish it to roll it into a mortgage so that it'll be affordable, you know?"
"'If you're buying in 2024, you need to understand how rate locking works. This is a question you need to ask. You need to ask what happens if rates go down because we're in a time that rates are going down.'"
"If the house is selling for $200,000 and you qualify for $275,000, the lender will only lend you $200,000 for that house."
"The reality is that it provides you with access to capital that you wouldn't have otherwise with a mortgage, absolutely."
"What would it be like to have no mortgage payment in our early 30s? What kind of options would that give us? What kind of life would that give us down 10, 20 years from now?"
"A mortgage does not care about you. A 401k does not care about emotions. Placement is everything."
"Literally, that mortgage, that was like a, it was mad because two friends, close friends, said to me when I did it, they congratulated me for that."
"...you're already paying for your mortgage or your rent and this gives you an opportunity to take another deduction without spending more money."
"When you get to my age and your mortgage is paid you can free yourself up a bit."
"It was clear to me that I needed to get out before I had a mortgage, before I had commitments."
"If you can find a Side Hustle that makes you a £1,000 a month and you committed that money towards overpaying on your mortgage... it would liberate that person. It would save 14 years or rather, give them back 14 years of their lives without a mortgage!!"
"The truth about whether you should pay off your mortgage or not is really down to you."
"Mortgages keep us trapped in that kind of ever commuting to work."
"The minute you can attach the money you get from a side hustle right to some purpose such as becoming mortgage free which then leapfrogs you closer to Financial Independence."
"My mortgage went from 2500 a month for my 5-bedroom house to $7500 in 7 years."
"Reducing the mortgage payment isn't good if people can't afford to maintain the home."
"You don't want to have a mortgage payment that you can't sleep at night thinking about."
"...pay off your mortgage early with your own dang money."
"These days if you're 95 years old and get a 30-year mortgage."
"It's important to keep in mind, however, that refinancing a mortgage, unlike refinancing certain other types of debt, is not free."
"To determine whether or not you should refinance your mortgage, you need to do what's called a break even analysis."
"Having an honest, patient, and knowledgeable mortgage professional is an absolute must."
"If you know you're holding it more than five years, that 10/1 ARM's a good option."
"The neat thing about a reverse mortgage line of credit is when you begin borrowing from it, there is no payment obligation."
"I would probably focus on paying off your mortgage first."
"A callable bond might have been invented for a mortgage when you've got this balloon payment because you might want to dissolve the debt."
"If you hold a mortgage you're going to hold it because maybe you can lend 100 to a bunch of people but actually get a value that's more than 100."
"Mortgage lenders can be known to decline a case if the terms of the lease do not fit their criteria."
"In California, lenders don't make mortgage loans anymore."
"The SAFE Act is basically a law that requires mortgage loan originators to undergo additional education and testing."
"Lord willing, pay off our entire mortgage."
"We paid down our mortgage by 40 percent in six years."
"If you own a home, a great little pro tip can be just to set up your mortgage payments every single month, putting extra money towards the principal."
"The reason why Pace teases me is because my uh all right what do you have what would you call the second job is an iguana Hunter and what he does is he sells he basically sells iguanas as a secondary job it's how he pays his mortgage."
"...it feels really stupid to do that but at the same time like for that 60 seconds like I paid my mortgage that month yeah it's hilarious and it it it really really adds up..."
"Fixed rate mortgage. In a fixed rate mortgage, the lender sets the interest rate at the beginning of the loan term and it remains constant throughout the duration of the loan."
"...my favorite interest rate is zero and that's what I have on my house and that's what you're about to have."
"I'm gonna give you $15,000 to help pay for the mortgage."
"Could you imagine if you were able to pay your mortgage off sooner and what impact that would have on your wealth?"
"Most first-time buyers choose fixed rate mortgages for the security that the monthly payments will not change for a certain amount of time and therefore you can budget accordingly."
"I think something needs to be done for refinancing home loans."
"Your confidence should be in how I can meet this month's mortgage, what if I lose my home."
"Do me a favor, if you found any value at all, hit that thumbs up. And if you want more information on FHA, figuring out whether or not it makes sense, can you qualify, check out this video here. I dive into it in more detail."
"Becoming mortgage free has been a game changer."
"Mortgage freedom is the mental freedom."
"You shouldn't be agreeing to a mortgage loan that's 80% of your monthly income."
"Largest mortgage provider in the United States."
"Be realistic as to which mortgage rate you're going to go with... make sure that you don't cut your cloth a lot bigger than what you can afford."
"I've never had anybody call me back and say they were pissed off because they paid off their house."
"I want to just address the rate lock. And I'm not a mortgage loan officer."
"You have a special rates, you have special incentives, you have no PMI, which is another great plus for this program."
"I also believe that you should buy a home using a fixed-rate 30-year mortgage."
"Paying off your house may sound impossible right now but people that work the baby steps end up paying off their house between seven to ten years early."
"I'm living in a beautiful house that I created, paying a very small mortgage."
"Let's start investing and then any money beyond that we can throw at the mortgage."
"Paid off home mortgage, we gave you the way to get there. It's up to you to walk it out."
"If you're self-employed and looking to get a mortgage, you might be a little fearful because you hear all these horror stories of people not being able to get approved for a mortgage because they're self-employed."
"The information is still going to get sent to the underwriter and then from there they'll just have the final say whether or not you get approved."
"Mortgage insurance is required when you're buying a home and you put less than 20% down on any loan program out there."
"Refinancing and home mortgage is not free."
"Your loan can reset and start over."
"Once you compare all these lenders and you find that lender that you like, let's say you've just picked two of them and you have that APR rate and that closing cost, now you can compare that new loan with your old loan."
"You can get an instant quote for today's rates and also look at the closing costs that this lender is gonna charge you."
"They're still in the house and they're still repaying this first time home buyer credit."
"You're not going to get a cash flow benefit from this till you finish paying off the mortgage though, that is correct."
"Put the three and a half percent on the principal if you got it."
"A mortgage is not something that I aspire to because being in debt for 30 years is not an achievement for me."
"You cannot be kicked out of your house... as long as you're paying your mortgage."
"Fannie Mae tends to purchase loans that are made to well-qualified borrowers."
"Make sure you're having that conversation with a mortgage Pro to verify the numbers and confirm that you're actually approved before you go out shopping for homes."
"There's a huge difference between when your home loan is paid off versus when it is settled."
"Everything you can do to minimize this interest figure here is going to help you get ahead by then allowing you to have more money to pay down your mortgage."
"None of which involved having to earn any extra money, but you can use all of them or some of them depending on your own personal situation to pay your home mortgage off faster."
"The main benefit being using existing mortgages without having to go to the bank and get a new mortgage."
"Anywhere from 25 to 45% of your net take-home should not be more than what your total mortgage costs are."
"Somebody coming off a fixed rate mortgage is going to be paying an average of £240 more each and every month."
"The bank says I can't afford a $1,200 mortgage, so I pay $2,000 in rent instead."
"We don't have any kind of mortgage or debt."
"This whole five-step process is not just here to help you to turn your mortgage interest into a tax deductible machine; it's actually helping you to pay off your mortgage a lot faster."
"Most mortgage loans are fully amortized; when you make your last payment, you owe nothing."
"Mortgage debt is one of the cheapest amounts of money you will ever be able to lend on."
"If I don't owe as much interest and they didn't lower my payment, what happens with the extra money? It goes toward the principle."
"Potentially you could be mortgage-free much, much earlier."
"The idea of overpaying your mortgage versus investing in the stock market."
"Every mortgage helps you do two key things: it helps to stop your monthly mortgage payments going up as soon as your mortgage deal comes to an end, and it also helps you save a lot of money."
"The best thing I ever did in my life was to pay off my mortgage early."
"You would be surprised when you get with a great mortgage company like Cross-Country Mortgage."
"Once the bank agrees to give you the mortgage, everything is done."
"If you don't save your money towards getting a mortgage, you would spend it on something else."
"One of the beauties of real estate investing: one of your largest expenses, which is your mortgage, stays fixed for 30 years while your income increases over time."
"Someone on a typical mortgage... will be able to save hundreds of pounds."
"The mortgage is definitely less than renting."
"Owning and paying a mortgage was definitely the move for me."
"FHA has the most flexible guidelines out there with regards to qualifying."
"Just making small moves here and there can really and truly bring down the time that it takes to pay off your mortgage."
"Being behind on my mortgage and the thought of them foreclosing on my house, I just couldn't take it."
"Mortgage is the first thing you need to consider when you start working because it's a way to create wealth for yourself."
"For doubling the term from 15 to 30 years, yes, your monthly payment does go down, but you end up paying more than twice the amount in interest."
"Habitat homeowners pay an affordable interest-free mortgage."
"Every time you pay your mortgage, those dollars go back to Habitat for Humanity."
"Paying off your mortgage early... means that you are going to be able to save so much interest on the loan."
"Deciding on whether to pay for your mortgage early is a huge financial decision."
"You will make two million dollars more money by not paying off your house early, I guarantee it."
"By the time your mortgage is paid off, you own the property free and clear."
"Having all of your documents into a mortgage broker is a fantastic way to ensure that when you get into the situation of multiple offers, you can potentially win that offer."
"A Long Island man who only made one mortgage payment has used the courts to stay in the house for 23 years for free."
"If the seller has a great rate of let's say 3 percent on their interest rate, the new buyer gets that rate as well."
"I've kind of talked my wife into letting me... trying to get to the point of like in five years, pay the mortgage off."
"I'm beginning to have considerable doubts as to that mortgage holding in court."
"Refinancing can be a great way to save money on your mortgage if you do it the right way."
"At the beginning of a 30-year term, your principal payments are very tiny at the beginning, and your interest payments are very large."
"Your P and I payment, or your principal and interest payment, stays the same month-to-month throughout the entire length of that loan."
"You're making 24 payments versus 26. It's a good strategy actually to knock your mortgage back a couple of years."
"Getting pre-approved for a mortgage is a crucial step in the home-buying process."
"It's a dream come true, being able to have a mortgage and be paying on your own home."
"It's important to figure out what you'll be making throughout the year so that you can make sure that you can cover your mortgage."
"Your mortgage every month, your payment should be no more than 33% of your monthly income."
"The process of selling a mortgage isn't about giving someone a new mortgage; it's about solving the problems of people."
"A shared appreciation mortgage or commonly known as a SAM."