
Revision Quotes

There are 423 quotes

"Take a 10-minute break and come back and look at it... I always find little mistakes or typos."
"Revision is a vital part of taking something good and making it great."
"If you find new evidence to support or disprove some facets of current historical knowledge, excellent, revise history."
"History is being revised all the time as we gather new data or gain new insights."
"America... is also itself a work in progress and founded on certain documents... subject to revision."
"I personally believe it's a hundred percent chance that sharp should get revisited."
"Nothing you write is gold, nothing you write is sacred. Get in the habit of sometimes just going, 'I'm going to rewrite that all because I hate it.'"
"Take advantage of the fact that you can write it, read it again, check it, erase it, edit it and rewrite it."
"Just start making stuff; you can fix it later."
"Mercury retrograde says, revise, change, maybe use a different platform."
"An incredible amount of work... redraw and redraw and redraw."
"It's just things that the reader felt, things that they want to highlight, that you may want to have a second look at, stuff like that."
"In this revised timeline, Marvel no longer uses an Ant-Man sequel to introduce Kang the Conqueror."
"I've never written anything that I didn't wish I could have back and write again."
"A scientific theory must be tentative and always subject to revision or abandonment."
"You're never too far in your design to reel things back."
"Science isn't claiming certainty or pronouncing truth. It's tentative, probabilistic, subject to revision."
"Honestly, since that season came out, I have been rewriting it in my head, and after mulling it over for uh 4 years, I want to share how I would rewrite it."
"When I write, I write very messily... then I'll do a neat copy."
"Wouldn't be a bad idea to retract the prequels and the sequel trilogy from canon."
"Make your revision notes while the content is fresh."
"Living Season One had a ton covered, a lot of it had to just be cut though."
"Every previous theory has to be tossed out the window."
"Iterate and revise: the first thing you make is rarely the final product."
"Science is tentative in its models and revisable."
"The Snyder Cut wasn't ready to go, but now it exists and it's good."
"Keep a 'coulda shoulda woulda' list while writing your first draft of the ideas you have for edits and changes in your second draft."
"It sounds like she's revised that plan to two hundred billion dollars... something we can vet and scrutinize and debate..."
"Current ideas surrounding the capabilities of neutron stars need to be reconsidered and reworked."
"Here's a lesson kids: maybe you shouldn't go back and adjust stuff."
"Early forecasts from the International Monetary Fund that the Russian economy would contract by 8.5 in 2022 have since been revised."
"They did this to make the chapter a more enjoyable experience as well as to cut down on how tedious it ended up being for the player."
"By the time you show it to people, you've gone through three or four drafts of something."
"Original estimates for how many RVs will be shipped and sold this year have been kind of revised."
"Good books aren't written, they're rewritten."
"Forget everything you thought you knew about the Marvel Universe, yep, there's your quote."
"The joint chiefs of staff are rethinking the United States war fighting concepts after failing miserably in quotes in a war game."
"When you erase or correct or revise you have to realize it's your brain telling you to do these things."
"It's looking increasingly likely that the history of South America will have to be rewritten."
"Developing project schedule is akin to process revising and maintaining a realistic schedule, and it continues throughout the project as the work progresses."
"Even when you think you have a theory of everything, you should always be open to some revision."
"There are actually 13 months in a year."
"History books have to be rewritten."
"Don't ever be afraid to redo something if you don't like the way it turned out."
"We literally scrapped it and started again from scratch."
"The changes I made to episode 2's coming out scene was done to highlight this moment as being a turning point for Barney's character."
"Inductive reasoning provides the best understanding given the current evidence and must always be revised given new evidence."
"You move on to Annie and also when you when you think about it when you go into different rewire you're going to be revising that page more than you would if you were just going through halves."
"If there's a question that you do particularly bad on, you want to highlight that question so you know to come back to it the most."
"Mediocre writers write good writers rewrite."
"The whole point of revision is for it to be active."
"When you're revising, make sure you're not doing stuff that you already know."
"Revision is the secret in writing. The first draft of anything is terrible."
"Don't focus on using these very fixed methods such as P-E-E because these are not effective in getting you a good grade."
"The first draft is not going to be perfect."
"You want to reduce the amount where you're happy at the same time you're not missing out on your revision."
"For nine out of 10 subjects, this is the only way to revise in my experience. I didn't do any flash cards and I barely wrote any notes. I just got straight into past papers."
"...start revising as early as possible because it's really important to spread out your revision."
"Chance to revisit those things you thought you wanted to do and rework them."
"Neil Gaiman said, 'The process of creating your second draft is the process of pretending or making it look like you knew what you were doing the entire time.'"
"There's this thing called demoitis, right? So the first draft that you hear, when you hear the master, sometimes you don't like it because you're stuck on the first draft."
"By choosing to revise your day, instead of taking current unwanted circumstances as fact, you shift to your new reality."
"Historians don't simply repeat what they're told. We clarify, we are constantly in a practice of adjusting history, revising history as new evidence is uncovered."
"Kill Your Darlings." Learning how to let go of often fun but weaker ideas is an important skill for a writer to develop.
"Go back to the drawing board and do it again."
"The skeleton of this movie is pretty much broken, so we're gonna have to cut out what feels like 60-75% of this movie and start basically from scratch."
"This would be a huge blow to the standard history that we know."
"Jos Whedon came in and did an almost complete page one rewrite."
"This became, as there is at every film, the bugaboo, the part of the movie that we're desperately trying to get right, that we kept sending back to the drawing board, if you know what I mean. We kept looking at the scenes and looking at shots."
"Writers are made during the revision process."
"Remember you can always come back and adjust it later if necessary."
"And what had happened is that mistakes had got in there and they've been rolled forward from one historian to another, no one saying stop, let's go back to the record, let's identify the gaps and let's see what we find with a fresh eye."
"The last two chapters have to be rewritten. In the past, we were more..."
"This movie was done and in the can and somebody came back and said nope I want to write a twist for this."
"Revision, revision, revision. Revision is always the answer."
"It's really important that you revise for those entrance exams."
"You can always revise and rewrite the beginning as you discover more about your characters and their conflicts."
"I think a really great thing to do as you start to complete and revise novels is to reverse engineer plot structures from your own books because that can give you an idea of how your brain intuitively and naturally structures a book."
"They took what was initially a big plot hole for me and rewrote it to be funny and actually make sense again."
"It's rare that you do a redraft and your conclusion is 'I never should have done that redraft.' Not many people say, 'It just got worse.'"
"The editing process is part of the writing process."
"As long as you pass the next day, and you will because you will do your revision on what you are not comfortable with."
"Step Four was my favorite part of revision: past papers."
"Of all the things I help people with their stories, the most frequent suggestion that I make for revision is you've started your story in the wrong place."
"If you tried Fresco at the very beginning I really encourage you to try it again."
"Continuous review of older material is crucial."
"Effective songwriters do not assume that the way that it came out first must be the best way that it is."
"Peter Jackson's Hobbit trilogy is a story that can absolutely be salvaged in the editing room."
"It really just helps you tackle the revision process without having to do the search function on Microsoft Word or read through your book so many times trying to find specific details that need to be changed."
"Yeah, so what I've done is it was like, it was like a sculpture to me, so I would write a thousand words about my story and then I would go over it again and again and again."
"It is the start of a story. I said it. It needs some finessing anyway so we'll take advantage of the bad weather just to get it into a good place."
"Every piece of writing you do drafts, revisions, many of them, probably most of them, could use more."
"Do you put it aside and come back to it later and see if you still think it's what you intended?"
"Why did you get like a 55? Negrito, maybe like Nick redo this."
"Great songs are not written, they're Rewritten. Rewritten. Rewritten."
"Writing is rewriting and writers who don't rewrite are a liability."
"That is so such a brazen revision of history."
"The Newtonian picture of reality needed to be updated. It was flawed."
"I definitely think that we're going to see aspects of the past that are going to be revealed to be untrue."
"I wouldn't mind taking Myra Breckenridge apart and putting it together the way it should be done."
"It's all about revisions and I'm learning as I go and my feeling on it was I mean that was my Mantra when I was writing it's like it's the worst [ __ ] work of fiction ever just finish it just finish the goddamn thing and we'll see what happens."
"Revising is an inescapable pain. Only out of revision are great things born."
"Never to assume that your first draft is right."
"The biggest thing again is when you're rewriting, you're focusing, you're identifying problems, and you're fixing them."
"It is not only okay, it's both good and necessary that our system is flawed, imperfect, subject to revision."
"Don't add filler. Focus on cuts rather than adding content that will need to be revised later."
"I think he revised them as he changed his own understanding of the Constitution."
"Story editing is often thought of as the final rewrite of a film. For that reason, it's critically important to understand the various ingredients needed to craft an engaging and compelling story."
"In George Orwell's 1984, Winston Smith's terror of rats in Room 101 was only added in the second edition."
"The only kind of writing is rewriting."
"Rewriting is like a battering ram, you hit the wall, you back up, and then you hit it harder."
"Revision has a daunting reality to it. People avoid it because they don't want to admit that the Quran they memorized may not be in their head anymore."
"Whenever you are looking at a flash card on Anki, it should be for revision and reminding yourself of what that topic is as opposed to learning that card or learning that piece of information for the first time."
"...I decided I needed to redo the file and just what the hell just redo the whole thing..."
"Drawing revision notes exist to indicate to the reader that changes have been made and that one must discard all former or older copies of the print."
"I went through my thesis and as I was going through it I was writing notes on how I could improve certain things."
"It's a return back to something. It's revising something. It's revisiting something that you thought was finished."
"the pre-production process is where you discover that oh I wrote a 40 million dollar movie and the painful part is rewriting it and rewriting it down to a five million dollar movie and you have to do it surgically it's death by a thousand cuts"
"If you're at a point where you finish an essay and you have five minutes left, go back and reread it."
"...do past papers. This is the most important element of your revision."
"It's worth coming back later and taking a fresh look."
"Your first draft is not your finished book."
"No one's expecting the story to be perfect; you're going to rewrite it later."
"I just had to rewrite the loam if you want."
"So it turns out he wasn't doing the revision, it was you, beautifully done."
"Make it messy, make it fun, and then go back."
"They went back to the drawing board."
"...kind of redoing plot points but making them bigger and more interesting."
"Don't be afraid to put out a first draft and then fix it later."
"Only later did Western historians and canonists... change their estimation of the course of events."
"Write as much as you can every day about anything that interests you. Revision is critical. The greatest writer is a rewriter."
"Remember if you add too much, it's okay. We can always go back, just paint over it."
"Rothfuss puts a lot of thought into the rhythm of words and phrases which which i'm sure is a result of the fact that he spends years revising his writing."
"There was a draft of the H2O script initially where in the ending...Lori survives by hanging on to a helicopter."
"Eventually, when I make part two, I'm going to reference this one to watch if you want to see why I'm changing some things."
"Revising outdated SOPs ensures they remain current and relevant to organizational changes."
"Plato's view: Knowledge once acquired cannot be subject to revision; it would not have been knowledge."
"So, in this Donner cut, the idea would be to remove a lot of Lester’s jokes."
"Revising the scene is a powerful way to overcome."
"I'm currently re-recording and completely redoing from the ground up every single detail of my publish and Thrive course."
"But after doing this process for a few projects now and finding it like consistent iterably easier and especially less stressful and like the revision in later stages I'm feeling really solid in calling this my current writing process."
"Retconned stands for retroactive continuity and it essentially describes moments that change or contradict established canon."
"Changing or editing the beginning is a lot easier than changing or editing the ending."
"Expect that you might be asked to revise, especially if you are doing YouTuber illustration for not a very long time."
"The church needs to come up with a new narrative."
"Darwin may have been right, but we need to amend his hypothesis."
"He takes away Watson's homophobia, and he changes the ending so that Holmes can save the woman and move on with his life, unlike Holmes in the film who fails and has to live with his regrets."
"Put it back up and redo it from the start."
"...the book comes together in the revision."
"Writing the book definitely takes the most time. I would say for me, all revisions are about totally half the length of the original writing time. So I would anticipate spending about six months on a book that took me a year."
"When you get stuck, go back and read your earlier scenes looking for dropped characters or details that you can resurrect as buried guns."
"...more of my years as a writer are always spent rewriting than they are writing first drafts."
"Don't try to be perfect. Write it with all the errors, with all the mistakes. Put down your first draft. Put down all those ideas. Then read and then go back again and correct it and then fine-tune it."
"Use it to make little tweaks and also set it aside for use when you're revising."
"You can always revise your codes, you can always delete some of them, match them, as we will see in the next steps of reflexive thematic analysis."
"It's always worth just redoing it just to make sure it's sitting right."
"There's no harm in revisiting the work you've already done, and that will really help you as you go into A level physics."
"If you've done all of these the next best way to revise is doing past papers."
"Scientific paradigms have been flawed or incomplete plenty of times before."
"Revising the earlier part so it all works together is an obviously necessary part of the process."
"I like this a lot better than the original."
"Every time I get a chance to work on the script it's going to get better."
"It allows you to fix any of the things you weren't happy with, and at that point, you've probably fleshed out the story a lot more than you did when you first started."
"Joseph Smith had a chance to do a do-over on anything he might not have been thrilled with as well, and that's specifically because of the way that he was doing it."
"You have to keep doing it, keep editing it, keep making it better because every time you do, you're making it better."
"This is where my next step comes in which is going back to the very beginning of the book and taking it scene by scene."
"Just got to get back to the drawing board."
"In 2003, they revised the fuel system altogether."
"As an artist, you gotta be willing to erase it if you think you can do better."
"History is a living, organic thing that gets rewritten all the time."
"The definitive version of something will change and be edited over time."
"The first draft is never your best draft."
"I've reread the cards. I've reworked the deck."
"We are going to go back through one more time before this is finalized and torque everything nice and tight."
"Reviewing concepts more than once is literally studying to understand and solidify ideas in your mind."
"We should be open to revising our understanding about reality because the world is kind of a weird place."
"You know, sometimes you're painting, you'll be like, 'Oh, that's a line,' then you come back and, 'Oh, I'm gonna knock it back in some kind of way again.'"
"The King James version has serious defects, and the discovery of many biblical manuscripts more ancient than this on which the King James version was based made it apparent that these defects were so many as to call for revision."
"What if Han shot first and George Lucas never changed anything?"
"Write your first draft not really paying attention to the symbolism. Then go back and see which objects or places have started to gather meaning through their interactions with the main character."
"All these videos here are designed to supplement your revision. They are specifically tuned to the exam board and use the specification to make sure that it's relevant for you."
"His trinitarianism was what was at the root, and he now wanted to edit his book."
"After you've gone through and you've overhauled your resume and tailored it to the position you've done your summary and you've done your cover letter the next step is to walk away from it all for 24 hours and then come back to it and then go through and read it again."
"Never be afraid to redo paintings, I do it all the time."
"The alteration between my provisional reconstruction and what we have now is quite slight."
"If you don't like what it is, let it dry and do another layer."
"Everyday revise the facts of life."
"Impress the subconscious mind with a new feeling of a revised version of your day."
"We don't need to fight, manipulate, or argue with the world. We simply revise the events in question lovingly."
"Revise the day in imagination until it takes on the tones of reality."
"It's important to revise... you have to throw things away a couple of times especially if they're important."
"Dr. Vajin Bom suggests that hypothesizing that the biblical Judges story was somehow written around the time of the Judges is just an outdated model which needs to be reexamined."
"Yes, we need to revise our understanding of the word love."
"Engineers don't make mistakes, they make revisions."
"The strength of my language is largely the result of my capacity for revision. I write terrible first drafts."
"The most important thing is pushing yourself to a terrible draft so that you can revise it later."
"Learning and revising things over a gradually increasing time frame is much much more effective than trying to learn things in one time block."
"When you say you did 30 drafts, what you are telling the person you're talking to is that you're a serious writer."
"Remember, revision changes your inner state, which then changes your future."
"Revision moves you to a new script, to a new timeline."